HELP...I don't know what else to do...


New member
What a gorgeous picture of your siblings btw.

May the knowledge that you are doing the right thing get you through all of this. Even if your siblings are upset with you over this for a while they will look back on it and realize YOU were their salvation in a truly desperate situation.

I applaud you for your efforts.

PS since you are seeing a therapist might I mention a zanax during times like these can do wonders! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> I was going through infertility treatments (which I had to postpone) when my parents entered a messy divorce and my grandfather was dying; I can attest they can be a life saver if you really end up in need.


New member
What a gorgeous picture of your siblings btw.

May the knowledge that you are doing the right thing get you through all of this. Even if your siblings are upset with you over this for a while they will look back on it and realize YOU were their salvation in a truly desperate situation.

I applaud you for your efforts.

PS since you are seeing a therapist might I mention a zanax during times like these can do wonders! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> I was going through infertility treatments (which I had to postpone) when my parents entered a messy divorce and my grandfather was dying; I can attest they can be a life saver if you really end up in need.


New member
So I asked the social worker who reported it if she had heard anything and she hadn't so she called there for me this morning. They told her that it was one place that handled 17 countied worth of kids and that it didn't sound hopeful that they were going to do anything. So I called myself and the said that it didn't meet the criteria for an investgation. I am furious. Calling the CF clinic in lexington to see if a doc will call them.


New member
So I asked the social worker who reported it if she had heard anything and she hadn't so she called there for me this morning. They told her that it was one place that handled 17 countied worth of kids and that it didn't sound hopeful that they were going to do anything. So I called myself and the said that it didn't meet the criteria for an investgation. I am furious. Calling the CF clinic in lexington to see if a doc will call them.


New member
So I asked the social worker who reported it if she had heard anything and she hadn't so she called there for me this morning. They told her that it was one place that handled 17 countied worth of kids and that it didn't sound hopeful that they were going to do anything. So I called myself and the said that it didn't meet the criteria for an investgation. I am furious. Calling the CF clinic in lexington to see if a doc will call them.


New member
So I asked the social worker who reported it if she had heard anything and she hadn't so she called there for me this morning. They told her that it was one place that handled 17 countied worth of kids and that it didn't sound hopeful that they were going to do anything. So I called myself and the said that it didn't meet the criteria for an investgation. I am furious. Calling the CF clinic in lexington to see if a doc will call them.


New member
So I asked the social worker who reported it if she had heard anything and she hadn't so she called there for me this morning. They told her that it was one place that handled 17 countied worth of kids and that it didn't sound hopeful that they were going to do anything. So I called myself and the said that it didn't meet the criteria for an investgation. I am furious. Calling the CF clinic in lexington to see if a doc will call them.


New member
So I asked the social worker who reported it if she had heard anything and she hadn't so she called there for me this morning. They told her that it was one place that handled 17 countied worth of kids and that it didn't sound hopeful that they were going to do anything. So I called myself and the said that it didn't meet the criteria for an investgation. I am furious. Calling the CF clinic in lexington to see if a doc will call them.


New member
How infuriating!! I am so sorry to hear this. Did they specify why your sister and brother's case didn't meet the criteria? I was worried that they might not act because it is possible for some religious people to refuse all medical care. Christian scientists, for instance, don't believe in any medical care or medicines. Do you think they are completely ignorant about CF and that is why they don't think it meets criteria?? Did you find out the resources availble to your brother and sister from the soical worker. You can always try to stress to them how important their health is and maybe they will choose to seek medical care independant of your mom's compliance. Maybe you can get insurance info from you mom and take them to clinic appts yourself..?

I am sorry all this is happening. How frustrating.


New member
How infuriating!! I am so sorry to hear this. Did they specify why your sister and brother's case didn't meet the criteria? I was worried that they might not act because it is possible for some religious people to refuse all medical care. Christian scientists, for instance, don't believe in any medical care or medicines. Do you think they are completely ignorant about CF and that is why they don't think it meets criteria?? Did you find out the resources availble to your brother and sister from the soical worker. You can always try to stress to them how important their health is and maybe they will choose to seek medical care independant of your mom's compliance. Maybe you can get insurance info from you mom and take them to clinic appts yourself..?

I am sorry all this is happening. How frustrating.


New member
How infuriating!! I am so sorry to hear this. Did they specify why your sister and brother's case didn't meet the criteria? I was worried that they might not act because it is possible for some religious people to refuse all medical care. Christian scientists, for instance, don't believe in any medical care or medicines. Do you think they are completely ignorant about CF and that is why they don't think it meets criteria?? Did you find out the resources availble to your brother and sister from the soical worker. You can always try to stress to them how important their health is and maybe they will choose to seek medical care independant of your mom's compliance. Maybe you can get insurance info from you mom and take them to clinic appts yourself..?

I am sorry all this is happening. How frustrating.


New member
How infuriating!! I am so sorry to hear this. Did they specify why your sister and brother's case didn't meet the criteria? I was worried that they might not act because it is possible for some religious people to refuse all medical care. Christian scientists, for instance, don't believe in any medical care or medicines. Do you think they are completely ignorant about CF and that is why they don't think it meets criteria?? Did you find out the resources availble to your brother and sister from the soical worker. You can always try to stress to them how important their health is and maybe they will choose to seek medical care independant of your mom's compliance. Maybe you can get insurance info from you mom and take them to clinic appts yourself..?

I am sorry all this is happening. How frustrating.


New member
How infuriating!! I am so sorry to hear this. Did they specify why your sister and brother's case didn't meet the criteria? I was worried that they might not act because it is possible for some religious people to refuse all medical care. Christian scientists, for instance, don't believe in any medical care or medicines. Do you think they are completely ignorant about CF and that is why they don't think it meets criteria?? Did you find out the resources availble to your brother and sister from the soical worker. You can always try to stress to them how important their health is and maybe they will choose to seek medical care independant of your mom's compliance. Maybe you can get insurance info from you mom and take them to clinic appts yourself..?

I am sorry all this is happening. How frustrating.


New member
How infuriating!! I am so sorry to hear this. Did they specify why your sister and brother's case didn't meet the criteria? I was worried that they might not act because it is possible for some religious people to refuse all medical care. Christian scientists, for instance, don't believe in any medical care or medicines. Do you think they are completely ignorant about CF and that is why they don't think it meets criteria?? Did you find out the resources availble to your brother and sister from the soical worker. You can always try to stress to them how important their health is and maybe they will choose to seek medical care independant of your mom's compliance. Maybe you can get insurance info from you mom and take them to clinic appts yourself..?

I am sorry all this is happening. How frustrating.


New member
I think that is what it is. The man I spoke with on the phone who told me what she does with that is none of my business and that it was between her and the kids, he asked me what they had. I told him and he said he had never heard of it. And this man works for the child protective place?!?!?!?!?! I brace myself for this and then they do nothing!!! I can't believe it. So I called lexington clinic and they are going to have the social worker there call me when she gets back in town on thursday. I talked to that man's supervisor and they just didn't sound too concerned at all about the situation. I have never seen my mom go to church since I have been alive so I don't know how she could get away with that. This is sooooo frustrating. then I talk to my little sister today and she tells me mom has been bad mouthing me to them. Saying I never do stuff. telling them all the stff they won't be able to do cause I won't call her. Telling the kids they won't be able to see or talk to me anymore. Telling them they won't be able to go to the movies anymore or go to ky kingdome or kings island. Telling them mass crazy stuff. Then saying things like I never help her. That alone makes me never want to help her again. I have spent the last 8 years of my life driving to hours there and 2 hours back home every other weekend just to take her where she needed to go and a lot of the times just where she wanted to go. I was being used. Now her true colors are showing. I went down there soooo many times when I didn't want to just because she would make me feel guilty if I didn't. I don't know I am just furious. All this and then these dumb people iwht the child agency. Then my mom downing me to the kids. These kids and her have been my whole life for all these years. I do not have a social life outside the man I been with for 7 years cause I don't have time...Why? Cause all I do is spend all my free time with them. I don't regret it for being with the kids but I do regret going out of my way for my mom all this time. OK

/Ends rant.....


New member
I think that is what it is. The man I spoke with on the phone who told me what she does with that is none of my business and that it was between her and the kids, he asked me what they had. I told him and he said he had never heard of it. And this man works for the child protective place?!?!?!?!?! I brace myself for this and then they do nothing!!! I can't believe it. So I called lexington clinic and they are going to have the social worker there call me when she gets back in town on thursday. I talked to that man's supervisor and they just didn't sound too concerned at all about the situation. I have never seen my mom go to church since I have been alive so I don't know how she could get away with that. This is sooooo frustrating. then I talk to my little sister today and she tells me mom has been bad mouthing me to them. Saying I never do stuff. telling them all the stff they won't be able to do cause I won't call her. Telling the kids they won't be able to see or talk to me anymore. Telling them they won't be able to go to the movies anymore or go to ky kingdome or kings island. Telling them mass crazy stuff. Then saying things like I never help her. That alone makes me never want to help her again. I have spent the last 8 years of my life driving to hours there and 2 hours back home every other weekend just to take her where she needed to go and a lot of the times just where she wanted to go. I was being used. Now her true colors are showing. I went down there soooo many times when I didn't want to just because she would make me feel guilty if I didn't. I don't know I am just furious. All this and then these dumb people iwht the child agency. Then my mom downing me to the kids. These kids and her have been my whole life for all these years. I do not have a social life outside the man I been with for 7 years cause I don't have time...Why? Cause all I do is spend all my free time with them. I don't regret it for being with the kids but I do regret going out of my way for my mom all this time. OK

/Ends rant.....


New member
I think that is what it is. The man I spoke with on the phone who told me what she does with that is none of my business and that it was between her and the kids, he asked me what they had. I told him and he said he had never heard of it. And this man works for the child protective place?!?!?!?!?! I brace myself for this and then they do nothing!!! I can't believe it. So I called lexington clinic and they are going to have the social worker there call me when she gets back in town on thursday. I talked to that man's supervisor and they just didn't sound too concerned at all about the situation. I have never seen my mom go to church since I have been alive so I don't know how she could get away with that. This is sooooo frustrating. then I talk to my little sister today and she tells me mom has been bad mouthing me to them. Saying I never do stuff. telling them all the stff they won't be able to do cause I won't call her. Telling the kids they won't be able to see or talk to me anymore. Telling them they won't be able to go to the movies anymore or go to ky kingdome or kings island. Telling them mass crazy stuff. Then saying things like I never help her. That alone makes me never want to help her again. I have spent the last 8 years of my life driving to hours there and 2 hours back home every other weekend just to take her where she needed to go and a lot of the times just where she wanted to go. I was being used. Now her true colors are showing. I went down there soooo many times when I didn't want to just because she would make me feel guilty if I didn't. I don't know I am just furious. All this and then these dumb people iwht the child agency. Then my mom downing me to the kids. These kids and her have been my whole life for all these years. I do not have a social life outside the man I been with for 7 years cause I don't have time...Why? Cause all I do is spend all my free time with them. I don't regret it for being with the kids but I do regret going out of my way for my mom all this time. OK

/Ends rant.....


New member
I think that is what it is. The man I spoke with on the phone who told me what she does with that is none of my business and that it was between her and the kids, he asked me what they had. I told him and he said he had never heard of it. And this man works for the child protective place?!?!?!?!?! I brace myself for this and then they do nothing!!! I can't believe it. So I called lexington clinic and they are going to have the social worker there call me when she gets back in town on thursday. I talked to that man's supervisor and they just didn't sound too concerned at all about the situation. I have never seen my mom go to church since I have been alive so I don't know how she could get away with that. This is sooooo frustrating. then I talk to my little sister today and she tells me mom has been bad mouthing me to them. Saying I never do stuff. telling them all the stff they won't be able to do cause I won't call her. Telling the kids they won't be able to see or talk to me anymore. Telling them they won't be able to go to the movies anymore or go to ky kingdome or kings island. Telling them mass crazy stuff. Then saying things like I never help her. That alone makes me never want to help her again. I have spent the last 8 years of my life driving to hours there and 2 hours back home every other weekend just to take her where she needed to go and a lot of the times just where she wanted to go. I was being used. Now her true colors are showing. I went down there soooo many times when I didn't want to just because she would make me feel guilty if I didn't. I don't know I am just furious. All this and then these dumb people iwht the child agency. Then my mom downing me to the kids. These kids and her have been my whole life for all these years. I do not have a social life outside the man I been with for 7 years cause I don't have time...Why? Cause all I do is spend all my free time with them. I don't regret it for being with the kids but I do regret going out of my way for my mom all this time. OK

/Ends rant.....


New member
I think that is what it is. The man I spoke with on the phone who told me what she does with that is none of my business and that it was between her and the kids, he asked me what they had. I told him and he said he had never heard of it. And this man works for the child protective place?!?!?!?!?! I brace myself for this and then they do nothing!!! I can't believe it. So I called lexington clinic and they are going to have the social worker there call me when she gets back in town on thursday. I talked to that man's supervisor and they just didn't sound too concerned at all about the situation. I have never seen my mom go to church since I have been alive so I don't know how she could get away with that. This is sooooo frustrating. then I talk to my little sister today and she tells me mom has been bad mouthing me to them. Saying I never do stuff. telling them all the stff they won't be able to do cause I won't call her. Telling the kids they won't be able to see or talk to me anymore. Telling them they won't be able to go to the movies anymore or go to ky kingdome or kings island. Telling them mass crazy stuff. Then saying things like I never help her. That alone makes me never want to help her again. I have spent the last 8 years of my life driving to hours there and 2 hours back home every other weekend just to take her where she needed to go and a lot of the times just where she wanted to go. I was being used. Now her true colors are showing. I went down there soooo many times when I didn't want to just because she would make me feel guilty if I didn't. I don't know I am just furious. All this and then these dumb people iwht the child agency. Then my mom downing me to the kids. These kids and her have been my whole life for all these years. I do not have a social life outside the man I been with for 7 years cause I don't have time...Why? Cause all I do is spend all my free time with them. I don't regret it for being with the kids but I do regret going out of my way for my mom all this time. OK

/Ends rant.....


New member
I think that is what it is. The man I spoke with on the phone who told me what she does with that is none of my business and that it was between her and the kids, he asked me what they had. I told him and he said he had never heard of it. And this man works for the child protective place?!?!?!?!?! I brace myself for this and then they do nothing!!! I can't believe it. So I called lexington clinic and they are going to have the social worker there call me when she gets back in town on thursday. I talked to that man's supervisor and they just didn't sound too concerned at all about the situation. I have never seen my mom go to church since I have been alive so I don't know how she could get away with that. This is sooooo frustrating. then I talk to my little sister today and she tells me mom has been bad mouthing me to them. Saying I never do stuff. telling them all the stff they won't be able to do cause I won't call her. Telling the kids they won't be able to see or talk to me anymore. Telling them they won't be able to go to the movies anymore or go to ky kingdome or kings island. Telling them mass crazy stuff. Then saying things like I never help her. That alone makes me never want to help her again. I have spent the last 8 years of my life driving to hours there and 2 hours back home every other weekend just to take her where she needed to go and a lot of the times just where she wanted to go. I was being used. Now her true colors are showing. I went down there soooo many times when I didn't want to just because she would make me feel guilty if I didn't. I don't know I am just furious. All this and then these dumb people iwht the child agency. Then my mom downing me to the kids. These kids and her have been my whole life for all these years. I do not have a social life outside the man I been with for 7 years cause I don't have time...Why? Cause all I do is spend all my free time with them. I don't regret it for being with the kids but I do regret going out of my way for my mom all this time. OK

/Ends rant.....