HELP...I don't know what else to do...


New member
I don't really know how they have been able to live without these things. I do know my brother talks about being exhausted all the time. He is really skinny for being 5'9'' and my sister complains of constant headaches and they both cough constantly. It wasn't always this bad but it is pretty much a constant variable now. Well children services must have decided to do something and just wasn't going to tell me about it because my mom called me again this evening to tell me that she thinks what I am doing is wrong and to thank me for the packet she received from childrens services and for telling the kids what was going on. She also let me know she wanted nothing further to do with me and wants me to come get all of my stuff out of her house. Which can't be more than some movies. But anyways it sounded like she grilled the kids about anything i have told them over the last 2 weeks. I still do not understand why childrens services would send someone a packet of information instead of showing up. She also let me know I was forbidden from seeing them anymore. I am totally numb right now. I am trying to do what is right here. I just am in total shock...I guess I gotta just see what happens from here.


New member
I don't really know how they have been able to live without these things. I do know my brother talks about being exhausted all the time. He is really skinny for being 5'9'' and my sister complains of constant headaches and they both cough constantly. It wasn't always this bad but it is pretty much a constant variable now. Well children services must have decided to do something and just wasn't going to tell me about it because my mom called me again this evening to tell me that she thinks what I am doing is wrong and to thank me for the packet she received from childrens services and for telling the kids what was going on. She also let me know she wanted nothing further to do with me and wants me to come get all of my stuff out of her house. Which can't be more than some movies. But anyways it sounded like she grilled the kids about anything i have told them over the last 2 weeks. I still do not understand why childrens services would send someone a packet of information instead of showing up. She also let me know I was forbidden from seeing them anymore. I am totally numb right now. I am trying to do what is right here. I just am in total shock...I guess I gotta just see what happens from here.


New member
I don't really know how they have been able to live without these things. I do know my brother talks about being exhausted all the time. He is really skinny for being 5'9'' and my sister complains of constant headaches and they both cough constantly. It wasn't always this bad but it is pretty much a constant variable now. Well children services must have decided to do something and just wasn't going to tell me about it because my mom called me again this evening to tell me that she thinks what I am doing is wrong and to thank me for the packet she received from childrens services and for telling the kids what was going on. She also let me know she wanted nothing further to do with me and wants me to come get all of my stuff out of her house. Which can't be more than some movies. But anyways it sounded like she grilled the kids about anything i have told them over the last 2 weeks. I still do not understand why childrens services would send someone a packet of information instead of showing up. She also let me know I was forbidden from seeing them anymore. I am totally numb right now. I am trying to do what is right here. I just am in total shock...I guess I gotta just see what happens from here.


New member
I don't really know how they have been able to live without these things. I do know my brother talks about being exhausted all the time. He is really skinny for being 5'9'' and my sister complains of constant headaches and they both cough constantly. It wasn't always this bad but it is pretty much a constant variable now. Well children services must have decided to do something and just wasn't going to tell me about it because my mom called me again this evening to tell me that she thinks what I am doing is wrong and to thank me for the packet she received from childrens services and for telling the kids what was going on. She also let me know she wanted nothing further to do with me and wants me to come get all of my stuff out of her house. Which can't be more than some movies. But anyways it sounded like she grilled the kids about anything i have told them over the last 2 weeks. I still do not understand why childrens services would send someone a packet of information instead of showing up. She also let me know I was forbidden from seeing them anymore. I am totally numb right now. I am trying to do what is right here. I just am in total shock...I guess I gotta just see what happens from here.


New member
Well I am sending the cops to her house right now. I have talked to the kids everyday for years and today they won't answer. I don't know what is going on but I do not think it is a coincidence that my mom calls with that last night and now they won't answer. Something is going on. I am waiting for them to call me back(cops).


New member
Well I am sending the cops to her house right now. I have talked to the kids everyday for years and today they won't answer. I don't know what is going on but I do not think it is a coincidence that my mom calls with that last night and now they won't answer. Something is going on. I am waiting for them to call me back(cops).


New member
Well I am sending the cops to her house right now. I have talked to the kids everyday for years and today they won't answer. I don't know what is going on but I do not think it is a coincidence that my mom calls with that last night and now they won't answer. Something is going on. I am waiting for them to call me back(cops).


New member
Well I am sending the cops to her house right now. I have talked to the kids everyday for years and today they won't answer. I don't know what is going on but I do not think it is a coincidence that my mom calls with that last night and now they won't answer. Something is going on. I am waiting for them to call me back(cops).


New member
Well I am sending the cops to her house right now. I have talked to the kids everyday for years and today they won't answer. I don't know what is going on but I do not think it is a coincidence that my mom calls with that last night and now they won't answer. Something is going on. I am waiting for them to call me back(cops).


New member
Well I am sending the cops to her house right now. I have talked to the kids everyday for years and today they won't answer. I don't know what is going on but I do not think it is a coincidence that my mom calls with that last night and now they won't answer. Something is going on. I am waiting for them to call me back(cops).


New member
Suzie-we are here for you please keep us posted. I disagree withthe fact that 'educating' your mother about the CF meds is going to do any good, by the sounds of the situation that is a small part of her failure to be a parent but only you know for sure.

I think calling the police was the right move.

Here are some thoughts I have:
document everythign in a notebook, if you need leverage to support taking away these children you will have all your steps, times, actions etc documented. So you should document what you told siblings (briefly of course), document when you tried talking to mom, document dates received harassing phone calls, when called case worker etc

Next, depending on how the current situation falls you might try calling the local CF clinic in the area or better perhaps woudl be thier old clinic and explain the situation and get them to talk with CPS to explain this IS LIFE THREATENING ABUSE. I am sure CPS is just too busy to take the time to educate themselves to the dangers and thinking it is no big deal compared to what else they see is logical if they dont know any better.

Get around some info from internet that decribes CF and send it to your mom, maybe she woudl read it??

Dont cave in to these manipulative games your mother is playing, I am sure it is very hard.

Take care of yourself and be easy on yourself in all other parts of your life right now, give yourself some slack you need it.


New member
Suzie-we are here for you please keep us posted. I disagree withthe fact that 'educating' your mother about the CF meds is going to do any good, by the sounds of the situation that is a small part of her failure to be a parent but only you know for sure.

I think calling the police was the right move.

Here are some thoughts I have:
document everythign in a notebook, if you need leverage to support taking away these children you will have all your steps, times, actions etc documented. So you should document what you told siblings (briefly of course), document when you tried talking to mom, document dates received harassing phone calls, when called case worker etc

Next, depending on how the current situation falls you might try calling the local CF clinic in the area or better perhaps woudl be thier old clinic and explain the situation and get them to talk with CPS to explain this IS LIFE THREATENING ABUSE. I am sure CPS is just too busy to take the time to educate themselves to the dangers and thinking it is no big deal compared to what else they see is logical if they dont know any better.

Get around some info from internet that decribes CF and send it to your mom, maybe she woudl read it??

Dont cave in to these manipulative games your mother is playing, I am sure it is very hard.

Take care of yourself and be easy on yourself in all other parts of your life right now, give yourself some slack you need it.


New member
Suzie-we are here for you please keep us posted. I disagree withthe fact that 'educating' your mother about the CF meds is going to do any good, by the sounds of the situation that is a small part of her failure to be a parent but only you know for sure.

I think calling the police was the right move.

Here are some thoughts I have:
document everythign in a notebook, if you need leverage to support taking away these children you will have all your steps, times, actions etc documented. So you should document what you told siblings (briefly of course), document when you tried talking to mom, document dates received harassing phone calls, when called case worker etc

Next, depending on how the current situation falls you might try calling the local CF clinic in the area or better perhaps woudl be thier old clinic and explain the situation and get them to talk with CPS to explain this IS LIFE THREATENING ABUSE. I am sure CPS is just too busy to take the time to educate themselves to the dangers and thinking it is no big deal compared to what else they see is logical if they dont know any better.

Get around some info from internet that decribes CF and send it to your mom, maybe she woudl read it??

Dont cave in to these manipulative games your mother is playing, I am sure it is very hard.

Take care of yourself and be easy on yourself in all other parts of your life right now, give yourself some slack you need it.


New member
Suzie-we are here for you please keep us posted. I disagree withthe fact that 'educating' your mother about the CF meds is going to do any good, by the sounds of the situation that is a small part of her failure to be a parent but only you know for sure.

I think calling the police was the right move.

Here are some thoughts I have:
document everythign in a notebook, if you need leverage to support taking away these children you will have all your steps, times, actions etc documented. So you should document what you told siblings (briefly of course), document when you tried talking to mom, document dates received harassing phone calls, when called case worker etc

Next, depending on how the current situation falls you might try calling the local CF clinic in the area or better perhaps woudl be thier old clinic and explain the situation and get them to talk with CPS to explain this IS LIFE THREATENING ABUSE. I am sure CPS is just too busy to take the time to educate themselves to the dangers and thinking it is no big deal compared to what else they see is logical if they dont know any better.

Get around some info from internet that decribes CF and send it to your mom, maybe she woudl read it??

Dont cave in to these manipulative games your mother is playing, I am sure it is very hard.

Take care of yourself and be easy on yourself in all other parts of your life right now, give yourself some slack you need it.


New member
Suzie-we are here for you please keep us posted. I disagree withthe fact that 'educating' your mother about the CF meds is going to do any good, by the sounds of the situation that is a small part of her failure to be a parent but only you know for sure.

I think calling the police was the right move.

Here are some thoughts I have:
document everythign in a notebook, if you need leverage to support taking away these children you will have all your steps, times, actions etc documented. So you should document what you told siblings (briefly of course), document when you tried talking to mom, document dates received harassing phone calls, when called case worker etc

Next, depending on how the current situation falls you might try calling the local CF clinic in the area or better perhaps woudl be thier old clinic and explain the situation and get them to talk with CPS to explain this IS LIFE THREATENING ABUSE. I am sure CPS is just too busy to take the time to educate themselves to the dangers and thinking it is no big deal compared to what else they see is logical if they dont know any better.

Get around some info from internet that decribes CF and send it to your mom, maybe she woudl read it??

Dont cave in to these manipulative games your mother is playing, I am sure it is very hard.

Take care of yourself and be easy on yourself in all other parts of your life right now, give yourself some slack you need it.


New member
Suzie-we are here for you please keep us posted. I disagree withthe fact that 'educating' your mother about the CF meds is going to do any good, by the sounds of the situation that is a small part of her failure to be a parent but only you know for sure.

I think calling the police was the right move.

Here are some thoughts I have:
document everythign in a notebook, if you need leverage to support taking away these children you will have all your steps, times, actions etc documented. So you should document what you told siblings (briefly of course), document when you tried talking to mom, document dates received harassing phone calls, when called case worker etc

Next, depending on how the current situation falls you might try calling the local CF clinic in the area or better perhaps woudl be thier old clinic and explain the situation and get them to talk with CPS to explain this IS LIFE THREATENING ABUSE. I am sure CPS is just too busy to take the time to educate themselves to the dangers and thinking it is no big deal compared to what else they see is logical if they dont know any better.

Get around some info from internet that decribes CF and send it to your mom, maybe she woudl read it??

Dont cave in to these manipulative games your mother is playing, I am sure it is very hard.

Take care of yourself and be easy on yourself in all other parts of your life right now, give yourself some slack you need it.


New member
Unbelivable! There are women here who have had cps take there children before there kids were dx for neglect and other various accusations. I would remind cps of these facts. Supervisiors will be held accountable tell the jackass you talk to on the phone. It is your right to go threw the chain of command and you wish to speak there supervisior. You are also immediate family to these children and have intentions of caring for them. You tell them with conviction. Its in your heart right. I would be raisen the dead right now. I would be finding cps code of conduct on the internet and calling the damn news if need be. Unbelivable. I know there are mothers here who have had cps take there kids before dx. Share your stories and start reminding cps what there job is. end of my rant. I commend you , and a packet is not good enough. I will belive that this situation is gonna turn around the wrong things will be made right.


New member
Unbelivable! There are women here who have had cps take there children before there kids were dx for neglect and other various accusations. I would remind cps of these facts. Supervisiors will be held accountable tell the jackass you talk to on the phone. It is your right to go threw the chain of command and you wish to speak there supervisior. You are also immediate family to these children and have intentions of caring for them. You tell them with conviction. Its in your heart right. I would be raisen the dead right now. I would be finding cps code of conduct on the internet and calling the damn news if need be. Unbelivable. I know there are mothers here who have had cps take there kids before dx. Share your stories and start reminding cps what there job is. end of my rant. I commend you , and a packet is not good enough. I will belive that this situation is gonna turn around the wrong things will be made right.


New member
Unbelivable! There are women here who have had cps take there children before there kids were dx for neglect and other various accusations. I would remind cps of these facts. Supervisiors will be held accountable tell the jackass you talk to on the phone. It is your right to go threw the chain of command and you wish to speak there supervisior. You are also immediate family to these children and have intentions of caring for them. You tell them with conviction. Its in your heart right. I would be raisen the dead right now. I would be finding cps code of conduct on the internet and calling the damn news if need be. Unbelivable. I know there are mothers here who have had cps take there kids before dx. Share your stories and start reminding cps what there job is. end of my rant. I commend you , and a packet is not good enough. I will belive that this situation is gonna turn around the wrong things will be made right.


New member
Unbelivable! There are women here who have had cps take there children before there kids were dx for neglect and other various accusations. I would remind cps of these facts. Supervisiors will be held accountable tell the jackass you talk to on the phone. It is your right to go threw the chain of command and you wish to speak there supervisior. You are also immediate family to these children and have intentions of caring for them. You tell them with conviction. Its in your heart right. I would be raisen the dead right now. I would be finding cps code of conduct on the internet and calling the damn news if need be. Unbelivable. I know there are mothers here who have had cps take there kids before dx. Share your stories and start reminding cps what there job is. end of my rant. I commend you , and a packet is not good enough. I will belive that this situation is gonna turn around the wrong things will be made right.