HELP...I don't know what else to do...


New member
I want to know how have they lived 8 years with no enzymes..... I was just thinking here is all.....My son is a severe insuffient pancreatic individual. My son can not live with out these enzymes and the treatments. How have they done this for 8 yrs around smokers?


New member
I want to know how have they lived 8 years with no enzymes..... I was just thinking here is all.....My son is a severe insuffient pancreatic individual. My son can not live with out these enzymes and the treatments. How have they done this for 8 yrs around smokers?


New member
I want to know how have they lived 8 years with no enzymes..... I was just thinking here is all.....My son is a severe insuffient pancreatic individual. My son can not live with out these enzymes and the treatments. How have they done this for 8 yrs around smokers?


New member
I want to know how have they lived 8 years with no enzymes..... I was just thinking here is all.....My son is a severe insuffient pancreatic individual. My son can not live with out these enzymes and the treatments. How have they done this for 8 yrs around smokers?


New member
I want to know how have they lived 8 years with no enzymes..... I was just thinking here is all.....My son is a severe insuffient pancreatic individual. My son can not live with out these enzymes and the treatments. How have they done this for 8 yrs around smokers?


New member
I want to know how have they lived 8 years with no enzymes..... I was just thinking here is all.....My son is a severe insuffient pancreatic individual. My son can not live with out these enzymes and the treatments. How have they done this for 8 yrs around smokers?


New member
Maybe we should all bombard them (CPS) with mass e-mail/phone calls and let these idiots know what exactly CF is............this pisses me off!

I live in KY, so I would really like to know where in the hell my tax dollars are going? These children need help......immediate medical care!


New member
Maybe we should all bombard them (CPS) with mass e-mail/phone calls and let these idiots know what exactly CF is............this pisses me off!

I live in KY, so I would really like to know where in the hell my tax dollars are going? These children need help......immediate medical care!


New member
Maybe we should all bombard them (CPS) with mass e-mail/phone calls and let these idiots know what exactly CF is............this pisses me off!

I live in KY, so I would really like to know where in the hell my tax dollars are going? These children need help......immediate medical care!


New member
Maybe we should all bombard them (CPS) with mass e-mail/phone calls and let these idiots know what exactly CF is............this pisses me off!

I live in KY, so I would really like to know where in the hell my tax dollars are going? These children need help......immediate medical care!


New member
Maybe we should all bombard them (CPS) with mass e-mail/phone calls and let these idiots know what exactly CF is............this pisses me off!

I live in KY, so I would really like to know where in the hell my tax dollars are going? These children need help......immediate medical care!


New member
Maybe we should all bombard them (CPS) with mass e-mail/phone calls and let these idiots know what exactly CF is............this pisses me off!

I live in KY, so I would really like to know where in the hell my tax dollars are going? These children need help......immediate medical care!


New member
I know this probably won't help but your mom is probably saying those horrible things out of fear and anger. She is probably attempting to defend herself by taking you down. It is possible but i think it is unlikely that she has really felt that way about you for the past 8 years. You have every right to be angry though. Under no circumstances should a mother say those things about her childern. Just because she is afraid and angry does not justify her taking it out on you. It must be so hurtful to hear those things though. I am so sorry. Maybe someday she will understand that you were only acting out of love and concern for your brother and sister and that you never meant to attack her but i imagine it will be very long time before/if she ever realizes that.

It sounds like your mother is incredibly frightened by addiction and that she is afraid your brother and sister will become addicted to medications. Maybe there is someone, a doctor or a soical worker, who she could talk with who would validate that fear for her but explain that it is not an issue with the medications that CFers use. They are not addictive drugs. maybe they could explain that treatments might cause more coughing but that increased coughing is sometimes a good thing (because it means mucus is being cleared) and then she won't feel so afraid of the medications and worry that they are harming her childern. I really don't know but it seems like someone who is educated about CF has to be able to talk to her! I think they will have a better chance at getting through if they are compassionate and try to address her fears!

This sounds so incredibly difficult and sad for you. Please try not to be too hurt by what your mother says about you. You are a wonderful, loyal daughter and sister.


New member
I know this probably won't help but your mom is probably saying those horrible things out of fear and anger. She is probably attempting to defend herself by taking you down. It is possible but i think it is unlikely that she has really felt that way about you for the past 8 years. You have every right to be angry though. Under no circumstances should a mother say those things about her childern. Just because she is afraid and angry does not justify her taking it out on you. It must be so hurtful to hear those things though. I am so sorry. Maybe someday she will understand that you were only acting out of love and concern for your brother and sister and that you never meant to attack her but i imagine it will be very long time before/if she ever realizes that.

It sounds like your mother is incredibly frightened by addiction and that she is afraid your brother and sister will become addicted to medications. Maybe there is someone, a doctor or a soical worker, who she could talk with who would validate that fear for her but explain that it is not an issue with the medications that CFers use. They are not addictive drugs. maybe they could explain that treatments might cause more coughing but that increased coughing is sometimes a good thing (because it means mucus is being cleared) and then she won't feel so afraid of the medications and worry that they are harming her childern. I really don't know but it seems like someone who is educated about CF has to be able to talk to her! I think they will have a better chance at getting through if they are compassionate and try to address her fears!

This sounds so incredibly difficult and sad for you. Please try not to be too hurt by what your mother says about you. You are a wonderful, loyal daughter and sister.


New member
I know this probably won't help but your mom is probably saying those horrible things out of fear and anger. She is probably attempting to defend herself by taking you down. It is possible but i think it is unlikely that she has really felt that way about you for the past 8 years. You have every right to be angry though. Under no circumstances should a mother say those things about her childern. Just because she is afraid and angry does not justify her taking it out on you. It must be so hurtful to hear those things though. I am so sorry. Maybe someday she will understand that you were only acting out of love and concern for your brother and sister and that you never meant to attack her but i imagine it will be very long time before/if she ever realizes that.

It sounds like your mother is incredibly frightened by addiction and that she is afraid your brother and sister will become addicted to medications. Maybe there is someone, a doctor or a soical worker, who she could talk with who would validate that fear for her but explain that it is not an issue with the medications that CFers use. They are not addictive drugs. maybe they could explain that treatments might cause more coughing but that increased coughing is sometimes a good thing (because it means mucus is being cleared) and then she won't feel so afraid of the medications and worry that they are harming her childern. I really don't know but it seems like someone who is educated about CF has to be able to talk to her! I think they will have a better chance at getting through if they are compassionate and try to address her fears!

This sounds so incredibly difficult and sad for you. Please try not to be too hurt by what your mother says about you. You are a wonderful, loyal daughter and sister.


New member
I know this probably won't help but your mom is probably saying those horrible things out of fear and anger. She is probably attempting to defend herself by taking you down. It is possible but i think it is unlikely that she has really felt that way about you for the past 8 years. You have every right to be angry though. Under no circumstances should a mother say those things about her childern. Just because she is afraid and angry does not justify her taking it out on you. It must be so hurtful to hear those things though. I am so sorry. Maybe someday she will understand that you were only acting out of love and concern for your brother and sister and that you never meant to attack her but i imagine it will be very long time before/if she ever realizes that.

It sounds like your mother is incredibly frightened by addiction and that she is afraid your brother and sister will become addicted to medications. Maybe there is someone, a doctor or a soical worker, who she could talk with who would validate that fear for her but explain that it is not an issue with the medications that CFers use. They are not addictive drugs. maybe they could explain that treatments might cause more coughing but that increased coughing is sometimes a good thing (because it means mucus is being cleared) and then she won't feel so afraid of the medications and worry that they are harming her childern. I really don't know but it seems like someone who is educated about CF has to be able to talk to her! I think they will have a better chance at getting through if they are compassionate and try to address her fears!

This sounds so incredibly difficult and sad for you. Please try not to be too hurt by what your mother says about you. You are a wonderful, loyal daughter and sister.


New member
I know this probably won't help but your mom is probably saying those horrible things out of fear and anger. She is probably attempting to defend herself by taking you down. It is possible but i think it is unlikely that she has really felt that way about you for the past 8 years. You have every right to be angry though. Under no circumstances should a mother say those things about her childern. Just because she is afraid and angry does not justify her taking it out on you. It must be so hurtful to hear those things though. I am so sorry. Maybe someday she will understand that you were only acting out of love and concern for your brother and sister and that you never meant to attack her but i imagine it will be very long time before/if she ever realizes that.

It sounds like your mother is incredibly frightened by addiction and that she is afraid your brother and sister will become addicted to medications. Maybe there is someone, a doctor or a soical worker, who she could talk with who would validate that fear for her but explain that it is not an issue with the medications that CFers use. They are not addictive drugs. maybe they could explain that treatments might cause more coughing but that increased coughing is sometimes a good thing (because it means mucus is being cleared) and then she won't feel so afraid of the medications and worry that they are harming her childern. I really don't know but it seems like someone who is educated about CF has to be able to talk to her! I think they will have a better chance at getting through if they are compassionate and try to address her fears!

This sounds so incredibly difficult and sad for you. Please try not to be too hurt by what your mother says about you. You are a wonderful, loyal daughter and sister.


New member
I know this probably won't help but your mom is probably saying those horrible things out of fear and anger. She is probably attempting to defend herself by taking you down. It is possible but i think it is unlikely that she has really felt that way about you for the past 8 years. You have every right to be angry though. Under no circumstances should a mother say those things about her childern. Just because she is afraid and angry does not justify her taking it out on you. It must be so hurtful to hear those things though. I am so sorry. Maybe someday she will understand that you were only acting out of love and concern for your brother and sister and that you never meant to attack her but i imagine it will be very long time before/if she ever realizes that.

It sounds like your mother is incredibly frightened by addiction and that she is afraid your brother and sister will become addicted to medications. Maybe there is someone, a doctor or a soical worker, who she could talk with who would validate that fear for her but explain that it is not an issue with the medications that CFers use. They are not addictive drugs. maybe they could explain that treatments might cause more coughing but that increased coughing is sometimes a good thing (because it means mucus is being cleared) and then she won't feel so afraid of the medications and worry that they are harming her childern. I really don't know but it seems like someone who is educated about CF has to be able to talk to her! I think they will have a better chance at getting through if they are compassionate and try to address her fears!

This sounds so incredibly difficult and sad for you. Please try not to be too hurt by what your mother says about you. You are a wonderful, loyal daughter and sister.


New member
I don't really know how they have been able to live without these things. I do know my brother talks about being exhausted all the time. He is really skinny for being 5'9'' and my sister complains of constant headaches and they both cough constantly. It wasn't always this bad but it is pretty much a constant variable now. Well children services must have decided to do something and just wasn't going to tell me about it because my mom called me again this evening to tell me that she thinks what I am doing is wrong and to thank me for the packet she received from childrens services and for telling the kids what was going on. She also let me know she wanted nothing further to do with me and wants me to come get all of my stuff out of her house. Which can't be more than some movies. But anyways it sounded like she grilled the kids about anything i have told them over the last 2 weeks. I still do not understand why childrens services would send someone a packet of information instead of showing up. She also let me know I was forbidden from seeing them anymore. I am totally numb right now. I am trying to do what is right here. I just am in total shock...I guess I gotta just see what happens from here.


New member
I don't really know how they have been able to live without these things. I do know my brother talks about being exhausted all the time. He is really skinny for being 5'9'' and my sister complains of constant headaches and they both cough constantly. It wasn't always this bad but it is pretty much a constant variable now. Well children services must have decided to do something and just wasn't going to tell me about it because my mom called me again this evening to tell me that she thinks what I am doing is wrong and to thank me for the packet she received from childrens services and for telling the kids what was going on. She also let me know she wanted nothing further to do with me and wants me to come get all of my stuff out of her house. Which can't be more than some movies. But anyways it sounded like she grilled the kids about anything i have told them over the last 2 weeks. I still do not understand why childrens services would send someone a packet of information instead of showing up. She also let me know I was forbidden from seeing them anymore. I am totally numb right now. I am trying to do what is right here. I just am in total shock...I guess I gotta just see what happens from here.