HELP...I don't know what else to do...


New member
I'm so sorry all this is going on. It sounds really horrible. Often people just can't deal with conflict. Your brother just might not want to awknowledge reality. I wish there was some way you could have done this without pissing everyone off but it sounds as if that might have been impossible.

It sounds like your mom really loves and cares about your brother and sister or is at the least very invested in keeping them. Why did she fail to give them treatments?? If it is because she doesn't care about the health and well being of her childern then ultimately they should be removed from her. If it is because she is afraid of addiction or thinks they are healthy now and that medications will make them unhealthy then this issue needs to be addressed. If it is because of religious reasons maybe a pastor or someone who can validate her religious concerns could covince her that treatment is the right thing to do despite god's will or whatever other mumbo jumbo your mom might be telling herself. The problem is that since your mother is now on the defensive she will not honestly discuss her fears or concerns with anyone. It sounds like she is trying to lie to keep from getting in trouble.

If your mother does love and care for the kids and is sadly miseducated about CF and cf medications then somebody needs to put her off the defensive. She needs to be assured by somebody (not you) that she is not in danger of going to jail or losing her childern but that she NEEDS to address the issue of their cf treatment right away and needs to make peace her issues so that childern can be treated. i would think a doctor or health care professional who can sympthasize with your mother (and not attack or demean her) would be the best person to get results in this case. Perhaps a WELL educated, tolerant CPS worker could do this too.

If, on the other hand, your mother is a heartless, souless selfish person who could care less if her childern die or live then the kids need to be removed and i am sure, if CPS is really investigating the issue, the childern will be removed eventually. It may take quite a while though especially if she is lying and everyone is willing to support her lie. If this is the case though then why would she be resistant to give them up??? i highly doubt the situation is as simple as your mother is the devil. If she is only keeping them for monetary reasons then why is she resistant to offering them medical treatment? the kids are old enough they could do most treaments themselves. You would think that the threat of losing the monetary benfits which come with raising two childern would be enough motivation for her to start treatments. (personally the work of feeding, clothing and caring for two kids i didn't i didn't give a hoot about wouldn't be worth the money in my opinion. I am sure she is not getting that MUCH money for the carring for her childern. Kids are a ton of work! and if it was worth the money taking them two a few doctor's appts and making them do treatments wouldn't be that much extra work.)

So the most likely conclusion i can come too is that your mother honestly believes that the childern don't need treatment or that the treatments will harm them. In this case she needs to reasoned with. She needs to be educated. Unfortunatley you can not usually reason with someone who feels attacked which your mother does. If i were you i would desperatley try to speak with the case worker who is investigating your family. Try to get her/him educate your mother about the necessity of the treatments. Or, if your mother really is just a selfish, uncaring person, to remove the childern.

Sadly it is within your mom's legal rights to refuse her childern from seeing you. I know how angry you are but the only thing i can think of doing is secretely visiting with them or apoligizing to your mom, attempting to explain that you were just really afraid for your brother and sister and never meant to question your mom's parenting. Otherwise your only choice is to wait to find out if the kids get removed.


New member
I'm so sorry all this is going on. It sounds really horrible. Often people just can't deal with conflict. Your brother just might not want to awknowledge reality. I wish there was some way you could have done this without pissing everyone off but it sounds as if that might have been impossible.

It sounds like your mom really loves and cares about your brother and sister or is at the least very invested in keeping them. Why did she fail to give them treatments?? If it is because she doesn't care about the health and well being of her childern then ultimately they should be removed from her. If it is because she is afraid of addiction or thinks they are healthy now and that medications will make them unhealthy then this issue needs to be addressed. If it is because of religious reasons maybe a pastor or someone who can validate her religious concerns could covince her that treatment is the right thing to do despite god's will or whatever other mumbo jumbo your mom might be telling herself. The problem is that since your mother is now on the defensive she will not honestly discuss her fears or concerns with anyone. It sounds like she is trying to lie to keep from getting in trouble.

If your mother does love and care for the kids and is sadly miseducated about CF and cf medications then somebody needs to put her off the defensive. She needs to be assured by somebody (not you) that she is not in danger of going to jail or losing her childern but that she NEEDS to address the issue of their cf treatment right away and needs to make peace her issues so that childern can be treated. i would think a doctor or health care professional who can sympthasize with your mother (and not attack or demean her) would be the best person to get results in this case. Perhaps a WELL educated, tolerant CPS worker could do this too.

If, on the other hand, your mother is a heartless, souless selfish person who could care less if her childern die or live then the kids need to be removed and i am sure, if CPS is really investigating the issue, the childern will be removed eventually. It may take quite a while though especially if she is lying and everyone is willing to support her lie. If this is the case though then why would she be resistant to give them up??? i highly doubt the situation is as simple as your mother is the devil. If she is only keeping them for monetary reasons then why is she resistant to offering them medical treatment? the kids are old enough they could do most treaments themselves. You would think that the threat of losing the monetary benfits which come with raising two childern would be enough motivation for her to start treatments. (personally the work of feeding, clothing and caring for two kids i didn't i didn't give a hoot about wouldn't be worth the money in my opinion. I am sure she is not getting that MUCH money for the carring for her childern. Kids are a ton of work! and if it was worth the money taking them two a few doctor's appts and making them do treatments wouldn't be that much extra work.)

So the most likely conclusion i can come too is that your mother honestly believes that the childern don't need treatment or that the treatments will harm them. In this case she needs to reasoned with. She needs to be educated. Unfortunatley you can not usually reason with someone who feels attacked which your mother does. If i were you i would desperatley try to speak with the case worker who is investigating your family. Try to get her/him educate your mother about the necessity of the treatments. Or, if your mother really is just a selfish, uncaring person, to remove the childern.

Sadly it is within your mom's legal rights to refuse her childern from seeing you. I know how angry you are but the only thing i can think of doing is secretely visiting with them or apoligizing to your mom, attempting to explain that you were just really afraid for your brother and sister and never meant to question your mom's parenting. Otherwise your only choice is to wait to find out if the kids get removed.


New member
I'm so sorry all this is going on. It sounds really horrible. Often people just can't deal with conflict. Your brother just might not want to awknowledge reality. I wish there was some way you could have done this without pissing everyone off but it sounds as if that might have been impossible.

It sounds like your mom really loves and cares about your brother and sister or is at the least very invested in keeping them. Why did she fail to give them treatments?? If it is because she doesn't care about the health and well being of her childern then ultimately they should be removed from her. If it is because she is afraid of addiction or thinks they are healthy now and that medications will make them unhealthy then this issue needs to be addressed. If it is because of religious reasons maybe a pastor or someone who can validate her religious concerns could covince her that treatment is the right thing to do despite god's will or whatever other mumbo jumbo your mom might be telling herself. The problem is that since your mother is now on the defensive she will not honestly discuss her fears or concerns with anyone. It sounds like she is trying to lie to keep from getting in trouble.

If your mother does love and care for the kids and is sadly miseducated about CF and cf medications then somebody needs to put her off the defensive. She needs to be assured by somebody (not you) that she is not in danger of going to jail or losing her childern but that she NEEDS to address the issue of their cf treatment right away and needs to make peace her issues so that childern can be treated. i would think a doctor or health care professional who can sympthasize with your mother (and not attack or demean her) would be the best person to get results in this case. Perhaps a WELL educated, tolerant CPS worker could do this too.

If, on the other hand, your mother is a heartless, souless selfish person who could care less if her childern die or live then the kids need to be removed and i am sure, if CPS is really investigating the issue, the childern will be removed eventually. It may take quite a while though especially if she is lying and everyone is willing to support her lie. If this is the case though then why would she be resistant to give them up??? i highly doubt the situation is as simple as your mother is the devil. If she is only keeping them for monetary reasons then why is she resistant to offering them medical treatment? the kids are old enough they could do most treaments themselves. You would think that the threat of losing the monetary benfits which come with raising two childern would be enough motivation for her to start treatments. (personally the work of feeding, clothing and caring for two kids i didn't i didn't give a hoot about wouldn't be worth the money in my opinion. I am sure she is not getting that MUCH money for the carring for her childern. Kids are a ton of work! and if it was worth the money taking them two a few doctor's appts and making them do treatments wouldn't be that much extra work.)

So the most likely conclusion i can come too is that your mother honestly believes that the childern don't need treatment or that the treatments will harm them. In this case she needs to reasoned with. She needs to be educated. Unfortunatley you can not usually reason with someone who feels attacked which your mother does. If i were you i would desperatley try to speak with the case worker who is investigating your family. Try to get her/him educate your mother about the necessity of the treatments. Or, if your mother really is just a selfish, uncaring person, to remove the childern.

Sadly it is within your mom's legal rights to refuse her childern from seeing you. I know how angry you are but the only thing i can think of doing is secretely visiting with them or apoligizing to your mom, attempting to explain that you were just really afraid for your brother and sister and never meant to question your mom's parenting. Otherwise your only choice is to wait to find out if the kids get removed.


New member
I'm so sorry all this is going on. It sounds really horrible. Often people just can't deal with conflict. Your brother just might not want to awknowledge reality. I wish there was some way you could have done this without pissing everyone off but it sounds as if that might have been impossible.

It sounds like your mom really loves and cares about your brother and sister or is at the least very invested in keeping them. Why did she fail to give them treatments?? If it is because she doesn't care about the health and well being of her childern then ultimately they should be removed from her. If it is because she is afraid of addiction or thinks they are healthy now and that medications will make them unhealthy then this issue needs to be addressed. If it is because of religious reasons maybe a pastor or someone who can validate her religious concerns could covince her that treatment is the right thing to do despite god's will or whatever other mumbo jumbo your mom might be telling herself. The problem is that since your mother is now on the defensive she will not honestly discuss her fears or concerns with anyone. It sounds like she is trying to lie to keep from getting in trouble.

If your mother does love and care for the kids and is sadly miseducated about CF and cf medications then somebody needs to put her off the defensive. She needs to be assured by somebody (not you) that she is not in danger of going to jail or losing her childern but that she NEEDS to address the issue of their cf treatment right away and needs to make peace her issues so that childern can be treated. i would think a doctor or health care professional who can sympthasize with your mother (and not attack or demean her) would be the best person to get results in this case. Perhaps a WELL educated, tolerant CPS worker could do this too.

If, on the other hand, your mother is a heartless, souless selfish person who could care less if her childern die or live then the kids need to be removed and i am sure, if CPS is really investigating the issue, the childern will be removed eventually. It may take quite a while though especially if she is lying and everyone is willing to support her lie. If this is the case though then why would she be resistant to give them up??? i highly doubt the situation is as simple as your mother is the devil. If she is only keeping them for monetary reasons then why is she resistant to offering them medical treatment? the kids are old enough they could do most treaments themselves. You would think that the threat of losing the monetary benfits which come with raising two childern would be enough motivation for her to start treatments. (personally the work of feeding, clothing and caring for two kids i didn't i didn't give a hoot about wouldn't be worth the money in my opinion. I am sure she is not getting that MUCH money for the carring for her childern. Kids are a ton of work! and if it was worth the money taking them two a few doctor's appts and making them do treatments wouldn't be that much extra work.)

So the most likely conclusion i can come too is that your mother honestly believes that the childern don't need treatment or that the treatments will harm them. In this case she needs to reasoned with. She needs to be educated. Unfortunatley you can not usually reason with someone who feels attacked which your mother does. If i were you i would desperatley try to speak with the case worker who is investigating your family. Try to get her/him educate your mother about the necessity of the treatments. Or, if your mother really is just a selfish, uncaring person, to remove the childern.

Sadly it is within your mom's legal rights to refuse her childern from seeing you. I know how angry you are but the only thing i can think of doing is secretely visiting with them or apoligizing to your mom, attempting to explain that you were just really afraid for your brother and sister and never meant to question your mom's parenting. Otherwise your only choice is to wait to find out if the kids get removed.


New member
I'm so sorry all this is going on. It sounds really horrible. Often people just can't deal with conflict. Your brother just might not want to awknowledge reality. I wish there was some way you could have done this without pissing everyone off but it sounds as if that might have been impossible.

It sounds like your mom really loves and cares about your brother and sister or is at the least very invested in keeping them. Why did she fail to give them treatments?? If it is because she doesn't care about the health and well being of her childern then ultimately they should be removed from her. If it is because she is afraid of addiction or thinks they are healthy now and that medications will make them unhealthy then this issue needs to be addressed. If it is because of religious reasons maybe a pastor or someone who can validate her religious concerns could covince her that treatment is the right thing to do despite god's will or whatever other mumbo jumbo your mom might be telling herself. The problem is that since your mother is now on the defensive she will not honestly discuss her fears or concerns with anyone. It sounds like she is trying to lie to keep from getting in trouble.

If your mother does love and care for the kids and is sadly miseducated about CF and cf medications then somebody needs to put her off the defensive. She needs to be assured by somebody (not you) that she is not in danger of going to jail or losing her childern but that she NEEDS to address the issue of their cf treatment right away and needs to make peace her issues so that childern can be treated. i would think a doctor or health care professional who can sympthasize with your mother (and not attack or demean her) would be the best person to get results in this case. Perhaps a WELL educated, tolerant CPS worker could do this too.

If, on the other hand, your mother is a heartless, souless selfish person who could care less if her childern die or live then the kids need to be removed and i am sure, if CPS is really investigating the issue, the childern will be removed eventually. It may take quite a while though especially if she is lying and everyone is willing to support her lie. If this is the case though then why would she be resistant to give them up??? i highly doubt the situation is as simple as your mother is the devil. If she is only keeping them for monetary reasons then why is she resistant to offering them medical treatment? the kids are old enough they could do most treaments themselves. You would think that the threat of losing the monetary benfits which come with raising two childern would be enough motivation for her to start treatments. (personally the work of feeding, clothing and caring for two kids i didn't i didn't give a hoot about wouldn't be worth the money in my opinion. I am sure she is not getting that MUCH money for the carring for her childern. Kids are a ton of work! and if it was worth the money taking them two a few doctor's appts and making them do treatments wouldn't be that much extra work.)

So the most likely conclusion i can come too is that your mother honestly believes that the childern don't need treatment or that the treatments will harm them. In this case she needs to reasoned with. She needs to be educated. Unfortunatley you can not usually reason with someone who feels attacked which your mother does. If i were you i would desperatley try to speak with the case worker who is investigating your family. Try to get her/him educate your mother about the necessity of the treatments. Or, if your mother really is just a selfish, uncaring person, to remove the childern.

Sadly it is within your mom's legal rights to refuse her childern from seeing you. I know how angry you are but the only thing i can think of doing is secretely visiting with them or apoligizing to your mom, attempting to explain that you were just really afraid for your brother and sister and never meant to question your mom's parenting. Otherwise your only choice is to wait to find out if the kids get removed.


New member
I'm so sorry all this is going on. It sounds really horrible. Often people just can't deal with conflict. Your brother just might not want to awknowledge reality. I wish there was some way you could have done this without pissing everyone off but it sounds as if that might have been impossible.

It sounds like your mom really loves and cares about your brother and sister or is at the least very invested in keeping them. Why did she fail to give them treatments?? If it is because she doesn't care about the health and well being of her childern then ultimately they should be removed from her. If it is because she is afraid of addiction or thinks they are healthy now and that medications will make them unhealthy then this issue needs to be addressed. If it is because of religious reasons maybe a pastor or someone who can validate her religious concerns could covince her that treatment is the right thing to do despite god's will or whatever other mumbo jumbo your mom might be telling herself. The problem is that since your mother is now on the defensive she will not honestly discuss her fears or concerns with anyone. It sounds like she is trying to lie to keep from getting in trouble.

If your mother does love and care for the kids and is sadly miseducated about CF and cf medications then somebody needs to put her off the defensive. She needs to be assured by somebody (not you) that she is not in danger of going to jail or losing her childern but that she NEEDS to address the issue of their cf treatment right away and needs to make peace her issues so that childern can be treated. i would think a doctor or health care professional who can sympthasize with your mother (and not attack or demean her) would be the best person to get results in this case. Perhaps a WELL educated, tolerant CPS worker could do this too.

If, on the other hand, your mother is a heartless, souless selfish person who could care less if her childern die or live then the kids need to be removed and i am sure, if CPS is really investigating the issue, the childern will be removed eventually. It may take quite a while though especially if she is lying and everyone is willing to support her lie. If this is the case though then why would she be resistant to give them up??? i highly doubt the situation is as simple as your mother is the devil. If she is only keeping them for monetary reasons then why is she resistant to offering them medical treatment? the kids are old enough they could do most treaments themselves. You would think that the threat of losing the monetary benfits which come with raising two childern would be enough motivation for her to start treatments. (personally the work of feeding, clothing and caring for two kids i didn't i didn't give a hoot about wouldn't be worth the money in my opinion. I am sure she is not getting that MUCH money for the carring for her childern. Kids are a ton of work! and if it was worth the money taking them two a few doctor's appts and making them do treatments wouldn't be that much extra work.)

So the most likely conclusion i can come too is that your mother honestly believes that the childern don't need treatment or that the treatments will harm them. In this case she needs to reasoned with. She needs to be educated. Unfortunatley you can not usually reason with someone who feels attacked which your mother does. If i were you i would desperatley try to speak with the case worker who is investigating your family. Try to get her/him educate your mother about the necessity of the treatments. Or, if your mother really is just a selfish, uncaring person, to remove the childern.

Sadly it is within your mom's legal rights to refuse her childern from seeing you. I know how angry you are but the only thing i can think of doing is secretely visiting with them or apoligizing to your mom, attempting to explain that you were just really afraid for your brother and sister and never meant to question your mom's parenting. Otherwise your only choice is to wait to find out if the kids get removed.


New member
Yeah they did find out that they were OK. The cops found her and the kids at her job. She changed her number and took them with her so they wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore. This is what she told the cop. The social worker I had been workign with was the pulmonary social worker from childrens hospital here that used to be the one who worked with my mom and kids here to get her help when they still lived here. She said that normally when she makes a report she gets a letter stating everything and a number to call to check up on it. They didn't send her anything. When she called them they told her it was out of her hands now. So she got me in touch with the lady in lexington and I am waiting to here back from her. That lady is supposedly going to call CPS and let them know what is up.

My brother was going to go down there but we called the cops one more time and said that we needed them to check again before he drove down. He did and that is when they found them all at my mom's job and in light of changing her number and taking the kids with her I wouldn't have been able to see them. And my mom has never liked my older brother because when she went to jail the first time for trafficking crack cocaine he made that call then and she hasn't been the same to him since. He would have been able to see them if she would have left them at home like she normally does.

I did everything in my power to try and not piss anyone off. That is why it took me this long (7.5 years to finally make the call) I heard all the exciuses I could have heard. And even when I did it this time I made sure it didn't sound liek an attack. The social woker helped me write my letter and I let everyone I know read it befoer I gave it to her. I think the reason everyone is willing to support her lie is that her sister(nurse) and brother in law(doctor) are realizing they are going to be asked why they didn't report it. Since my mom is claiming although it is a lie that he was treating them. Being that in the state of KY they are considered mandatory reporters and the law states they are obligated to do soemthing.

But the social worker said that the fact is regardless of what they are saying that the tests and pharmacy logs will disprove whatever they are claiming unless she somehow decides to tell the truth.


I have had a headache all day. I go to my first therapy session on July 10th and I can't wait!


New member
Yeah they did find out that they were OK. The cops found her and the kids at her job. She changed her number and took them with her so they wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore. This is what she told the cop. The social worker I had been workign with was the pulmonary social worker from childrens hospital here that used to be the one who worked with my mom and kids here to get her help when they still lived here. She said that normally when she makes a report she gets a letter stating everything and a number to call to check up on it. They didn't send her anything. When she called them they told her it was out of her hands now. So she got me in touch with the lady in lexington and I am waiting to here back from her. That lady is supposedly going to call CPS and let them know what is up.

My brother was going to go down there but we called the cops one more time and said that we needed them to check again before he drove down. He did and that is when they found them all at my mom's job and in light of changing her number and taking the kids with her I wouldn't have been able to see them. And my mom has never liked my older brother because when she went to jail the first time for trafficking crack cocaine he made that call then and she hasn't been the same to him since. He would have been able to see them if she would have left them at home like she normally does.

I did everything in my power to try and not piss anyone off. That is why it took me this long (7.5 years to finally make the call) I heard all the exciuses I could have heard. And even when I did it this time I made sure it didn't sound liek an attack. The social woker helped me write my letter and I let everyone I know read it befoer I gave it to her. I think the reason everyone is willing to support her lie is that her sister(nurse) and brother in law(doctor) are realizing they are going to be asked why they didn't report it. Since my mom is claiming although it is a lie that he was treating them. Being that in the state of KY they are considered mandatory reporters and the law states they are obligated to do soemthing.

But the social worker said that the fact is regardless of what they are saying that the tests and pharmacy logs will disprove whatever they are claiming unless she somehow decides to tell the truth.


I have had a headache all day. I go to my first therapy session on July 10th and I can't wait!


New member
Yeah they did find out that they were OK. The cops found her and the kids at her job. She changed her number and took them with her so they wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore. This is what she told the cop. The social worker I had been workign with was the pulmonary social worker from childrens hospital here that used to be the one who worked with my mom and kids here to get her help when they still lived here. She said that normally when she makes a report she gets a letter stating everything and a number to call to check up on it. They didn't send her anything. When she called them they told her it was out of her hands now. So she got me in touch with the lady in lexington and I am waiting to here back from her. That lady is supposedly going to call CPS and let them know what is up.

My brother was going to go down there but we called the cops one more time and said that we needed them to check again before he drove down. He did and that is when they found them all at my mom's job and in light of changing her number and taking the kids with her I wouldn't have been able to see them. And my mom has never liked my older brother because when she went to jail the first time for trafficking crack cocaine he made that call then and she hasn't been the same to him since. He would have been able to see them if she would have left them at home like she normally does.

I did everything in my power to try and not piss anyone off. That is why it took me this long (7.5 years to finally make the call) I heard all the exciuses I could have heard. And even when I did it this time I made sure it didn't sound liek an attack. The social woker helped me write my letter and I let everyone I know read it befoer I gave it to her. I think the reason everyone is willing to support her lie is that her sister(nurse) and brother in law(doctor) are realizing they are going to be asked why they didn't report it. Since my mom is claiming although it is a lie that he was treating them. Being that in the state of KY they are considered mandatory reporters and the law states they are obligated to do soemthing.

But the social worker said that the fact is regardless of what they are saying that the tests and pharmacy logs will disprove whatever they are claiming unless she somehow decides to tell the truth.


I have had a headache all day. I go to my first therapy session on July 10th and I can't wait!


New member
Yeah they did find out that they were OK. The cops found her and the kids at her job. She changed her number and took them with her so they wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore. This is what she told the cop. The social worker I had been workign with was the pulmonary social worker from childrens hospital here that used to be the one who worked with my mom and kids here to get her help when they still lived here. She said that normally when she makes a report she gets a letter stating everything and a number to call to check up on it. They didn't send her anything. When she called them they told her it was out of her hands now. So she got me in touch with the lady in lexington and I am waiting to here back from her. That lady is supposedly going to call CPS and let them know what is up.

My brother was going to go down there but we called the cops one more time and said that we needed them to check again before he drove down. He did and that is when they found them all at my mom's job and in light of changing her number and taking the kids with her I wouldn't have been able to see them. And my mom has never liked my older brother because when she went to jail the first time for trafficking crack cocaine he made that call then and she hasn't been the same to him since. He would have been able to see them if she would have left them at home like she normally does.

I did everything in my power to try and not piss anyone off. That is why it took me this long (7.5 years to finally make the call) I heard all the exciuses I could have heard. And even when I did it this time I made sure it didn't sound liek an attack. The social woker helped me write my letter and I let everyone I know read it befoer I gave it to her. I think the reason everyone is willing to support her lie is that her sister(nurse) and brother in law(doctor) are realizing they are going to be asked why they didn't report it. Since my mom is claiming although it is a lie that he was treating them. Being that in the state of KY they are considered mandatory reporters and the law states they are obligated to do soemthing.

But the social worker said that the fact is regardless of what they are saying that the tests and pharmacy logs will disprove whatever they are claiming unless she somehow decides to tell the truth.


I have had a headache all day. I go to my first therapy session on July 10th and I can't wait!


New member
Yeah they did find out that they were OK. The cops found her and the kids at her job. She changed her number and took them with her so they wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore. This is what she told the cop. The social worker I had been workign with was the pulmonary social worker from childrens hospital here that used to be the one who worked with my mom and kids here to get her help when they still lived here. She said that normally when she makes a report she gets a letter stating everything and a number to call to check up on it. They didn't send her anything. When she called them they told her it was out of her hands now. So she got me in touch with the lady in lexington and I am waiting to here back from her. That lady is supposedly going to call CPS and let them know what is up.

My brother was going to go down there but we called the cops one more time and said that we needed them to check again before he drove down. He did and that is when they found them all at my mom's job and in light of changing her number and taking the kids with her I wouldn't have been able to see them. And my mom has never liked my older brother because when she went to jail the first time for trafficking crack cocaine he made that call then and she hasn't been the same to him since. He would have been able to see them if she would have left them at home like she normally does.

I did everything in my power to try and not piss anyone off. That is why it took me this long (7.5 years to finally make the call) I heard all the exciuses I could have heard. And even when I did it this time I made sure it didn't sound liek an attack. The social woker helped me write my letter and I let everyone I know read it befoer I gave it to her. I think the reason everyone is willing to support her lie is that her sister(nurse) and brother in law(doctor) are realizing they are going to be asked why they didn't report it. Since my mom is claiming although it is a lie that he was treating them. Being that in the state of KY they are considered mandatory reporters and the law states they are obligated to do soemthing.

But the social worker said that the fact is regardless of what they are saying that the tests and pharmacy logs will disprove whatever they are claiming unless she somehow decides to tell the truth.


I have had a headache all day. I go to my first therapy session on July 10th and I can't wait!


New member
Yeah they did find out that they were OK. The cops found her and the kids at her job. She changed her number and took them with her so they wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore. This is what she told the cop. The social worker I had been workign with was the pulmonary social worker from childrens hospital here that used to be the one who worked with my mom and kids here to get her help when they still lived here. She said that normally when she makes a report she gets a letter stating everything and a number to call to check up on it. They didn't send her anything. When she called them they told her it was out of her hands now. So she got me in touch with the lady in lexington and I am waiting to here back from her. That lady is supposedly going to call CPS and let them know what is up.

My brother was going to go down there but we called the cops one more time and said that we needed them to check again before he drove down. He did and that is when they found them all at my mom's job and in light of changing her number and taking the kids with her I wouldn't have been able to see them. And my mom has never liked my older brother because when she went to jail the first time for trafficking crack cocaine he made that call then and she hasn't been the same to him since. He would have been able to see them if she would have left them at home like she normally does.

I did everything in my power to try and not piss anyone off. That is why it took me this long (7.5 years to finally make the call) I heard all the exciuses I could have heard. And even when I did it this time I made sure it didn't sound liek an attack. The social woker helped me write my letter and I let everyone I know read it befoer I gave it to her. I think the reason everyone is willing to support her lie is that her sister(nurse) and brother in law(doctor) are realizing they are going to be asked why they didn't report it. Since my mom is claiming although it is a lie that he was treating them. Being that in the state of KY they are considered mandatory reporters and the law states they are obligated to do soemthing.

But the social worker said that the fact is regardless of what they are saying that the tests and pharmacy logs will disprove whatever they are claiming unless she somehow decides to tell the truth.


I have had a headache all day. I go to my first therapy session on July 10th and I can't wait!


New member
I really didn't mean to make it sound as if you did something wrong. I just meant to say that it sounds like your mom is VERY defensive, blames you and that you probably couldn' t get through to her at all. I agree that you did everything you possibly could.

I CANNOT believe you uncle in law is willing to lie for your mom. Also i agree that the truth will come out. It really is up to your mom what happens. I hope she comes to her senses soon.


New member
I really didn't mean to make it sound as if you did something wrong. I just meant to say that it sounds like your mom is VERY defensive, blames you and that you probably couldn' t get through to her at all. I agree that you did everything you possibly could.

I CANNOT believe you uncle in law is willing to lie for your mom. Also i agree that the truth will come out. It really is up to your mom what happens. I hope she comes to her senses soon.


New member
I really didn't mean to make it sound as if you did something wrong. I just meant to say that it sounds like your mom is VERY defensive, blames you and that you probably couldn' t get through to her at all. I agree that you did everything you possibly could.

I CANNOT believe you uncle in law is willing to lie for your mom. Also i agree that the truth will come out. It really is up to your mom what happens. I hope she comes to her senses soon.


New member
I really didn't mean to make it sound as if you did something wrong. I just meant to say that it sounds like your mom is VERY defensive, blames you and that you probably couldn' t get through to her at all. I agree that you did everything you possibly could.

I CANNOT believe you uncle in law is willing to lie for your mom. Also i agree that the truth will come out. It really is up to your mom what happens. I hope she comes to her senses soon.


New member
I really didn't mean to make it sound as if you did something wrong. I just meant to say that it sounds like your mom is VERY defensive, blames you and that you probably couldn' t get through to her at all. I agree that you did everything you possibly could.

I CANNOT believe you uncle in law is willing to lie for your mom. Also i agree that the truth will come out. It really is up to your mom what happens. I hope she comes to her senses soon.


New member
I really didn't mean to make it sound as if you did something wrong. I just meant to say that it sounds like your mom is VERY defensive, blames you and that you probably couldn' t get through to her at all. I agree that you did everything you possibly could.

I CANNOT believe you uncle in law is willing to lie for your mom. Also i agree that the truth will come out. It really is up to your mom what happens. I hope she comes to her senses soon.


New member
OH I didn't take it like that at all. I just didn't want anyone to think I made an attack. I did it very objectively. I think. I was just stating that I did all I could. And I really didn't think anyone would lie for her is all. And I really didn't think she would take my privileges to see them away. I am just really really upset. I just don't want her to be telling the kids stuff that is not true. I hope she comes to her senses too my grandma and dad both think she will get over it someday and want me around again. I don't know man...just is really a sucky situation it seems like whenever someone tries to do what is right and truthful they get nothing but this kind of thing.



New member
OH I didn't take it like that at all. I just didn't want anyone to think I made an attack. I did it very objectively. I think. I was just stating that I did all I could. And I really didn't think anyone would lie for her is all. And I really didn't think she would take my privileges to see them away. I am just really really upset. I just don't want her to be telling the kids stuff that is not true. I hope she comes to her senses too my grandma and dad both think she will get over it someday and want me around again. I don't know man...just is really a sucky situation it seems like whenever someone tries to do what is right and truthful they get nothing but this kind of thing.
