HELP...I don't know what else to do...


New member
So I am like fuming right now and I kind of feel really bad because I kind of yelled at my sister on the phone and she started crying. But I wasn't yelling because I was mad at her I yelled because I am mad at mom. Maybe I should have kept it to myself but it is so hard when all I hear is her telling them lies and bad things about me. And not letting the kids have their own feelings about it. Lauren was telling mom that she wished none of this would have ever happened so she could talk to me still and so I could still come around and told mom that she feels extremely depressed on a daily basis now. I guess mom yelled at her when she told her this and said that she doesn't feel sorry for her because she feels terrible every day now living with the fact that she has a daughter who hates her(referring to me). I mean how much more self centered could you be. You kid is just coming to grips with the fact that she has this life threatening disease and is opening up to you and letting you know how she feels and you counter with how bad you are feeling about someone bringing it to your attention and the authorities attention that she wasn't taking care of them and whatever. So I told her that she needed to stand up to mom when she does this ***** and tell her I don't feel sorry for you or that I feel just as bad if not worse than you and tell her why. She won't stand up to mom and she said it's cause she is scared of getting yelled at so I told her that mom yells at them no matter what always has she might as well start saying what she thinks. I mean I know this has to be hard for them but it just made me so mad that this was her reaction to Lauren saying she has been depressed. When I said all this to Lauren I could feel my blood pressure rising and my tone of voice getting louder then I heard her start to cry then I asked what was wrong and she told me how depressed she has been and then I started crying and yeah. I am just really depressed and I am just depressed. thats all I can say. I wish I could take this all away for them. *SIGH*

But the good news is they have their first appointment at the clinic tomorrow. Can't wait to hear how that goes. Oh yeah and I had to email my mom and let her know that she isn't going to get an apology from me. She keeps telling the kids that she won't apologize until I do. But I don't have anything to be sorry for. I didn't do anything wrong. PLUS I don't want an apology the kids deserve one though...Grrrr. Just really needed to vent been off and on the verge of tears since I got off the phone with Lauren...


New member

I understand this is soo difficult for all three of you "kids". I think about your situation all the time and can't wait for things to get better for you and your sis and brother!

Your moms actions and motives won't be able to fly under the radar for much longer. Those two kids your helping out right now will get older, more matured, and really be able to understand more and will get a new perspective....and your mom will get what she deserves. Just trust in that fact and keep yourself certain of that. It will become more and more difficult to keep up the deception when the kids realize everything.

You are also totally able to acknowledge todays phone call and how you feel and just be honest with her about everything. If you feel bad about getting frustrated tell her and try to move forward with her from here. You have nothing but her best interest at heart and that's always what matters.

I hope tomorrows clinics go very well!!! Take care!

Dee Dee


New member

I understand this is soo difficult for all three of you "kids". I think about your situation all the time and can't wait for things to get better for you and your sis and brother!

Your moms actions and motives won't be able to fly under the radar for much longer. Those two kids your helping out right now will get older, more matured, and really be able to understand more and will get a new perspective....and your mom will get what she deserves. Just trust in that fact and keep yourself certain of that. It will become more and more difficult to keep up the deception when the kids realize everything.

You are also totally able to acknowledge todays phone call and how you feel and just be honest with her about everything. If you feel bad about getting frustrated tell her and try to move forward with her from here. You have nothing but her best interest at heart and that's always what matters.

I hope tomorrows clinics go very well!!! Take care!

Dee Dee


New member

I understand this is soo difficult for all three of you "kids". I think about your situation all the time and can't wait for things to get better for you and your sis and brother!

Your moms actions and motives won't be able to fly under the radar for much longer. Those two kids your helping out right now will get older, more matured, and really be able to understand more and will get a new perspective....and your mom will get what she deserves. Just trust in that fact and keep yourself certain of that. It will become more and more difficult to keep up the deception when the kids realize everything.

You are also totally able to acknowledge todays phone call and how you feel and just be honest with her about everything. If you feel bad about getting frustrated tell her and try to move forward with her from here. You have nothing but her best interest at heart and that's always what matters.

I hope tomorrows clinics go very well!!! Take care!

Dee Dee


New member

I understand this is soo difficult for all three of you "kids". I think about your situation all the time and can't wait for things to get better for you and your sis and brother!

Your moms actions and motives won't be able to fly under the radar for much longer. Those two kids your helping out right now will get older, more matured, and really be able to understand more and will get a new perspective....and your mom will get what she deserves. Just trust in that fact and keep yourself certain of that. It will become more and more difficult to keep up the deception when the kids realize everything.

You are also totally able to acknowledge todays phone call and how you feel and just be honest with her about everything. If you feel bad about getting frustrated tell her and try to move forward with her from here. You have nothing but her best interest at heart and that's always what matters.

I hope tomorrows clinics go very well!!! Take care!

Dee Dee


New member

I understand this is soo difficult for all three of you "kids". I think about your situation all the time and can't wait for things to get better for you and your sis and brother!

Your moms actions and motives won't be able to fly under the radar for much longer. Those two kids your helping out right now will get older, more matured, and really be able to understand more and will get a new perspective....and your mom will get what she deserves. Just trust in that fact and keep yourself certain of that. It will become more and more difficult to keep up the deception when the kids realize everything.

You are also totally able to acknowledge todays phone call and how you feel and just be honest with her about everything. If you feel bad about getting frustrated tell her and try to move forward with her from here. You have nothing but her best interest at heart and that's always what matters.

I hope tomorrows clinics go very well!!! Take care!

Dee Dee


New member
I'm sorry honey. It's just not fair at all. I just wish I could give you a big hug and make it all go away because I've been there. Just know that you will get past this. Your sis was feeling weak when you spoke to her, but she understands why you were raising your voice. She will gain strength from you. Just knowing how much you are on her side will give her that strength. She is in a situation where she pretty much has to put up with your mom, but it won't be that way forever.

Is CS still keeping track of the kids? Will they get a report from the docs? I hope your sis shares with CS how your mom is still reacting. How stupid she is to think that she is winning any wars by putting you down to your siblings. She is only making herself seem more and more selfish and ugly.

I am still praying for you all; even your mom. I hope one day (before it's too late) she can look beyond herself and concentrate on you kids. You just keep venting all you need to.



New member
I'm sorry honey. It's just not fair at all. I just wish I could give you a big hug and make it all go away because I've been there. Just know that you will get past this. Your sis was feeling weak when you spoke to her, but she understands why you were raising your voice. She will gain strength from you. Just knowing how much you are on her side will give her that strength. She is in a situation where she pretty much has to put up with your mom, but it won't be that way forever.

Is CS still keeping track of the kids? Will they get a report from the docs? I hope your sis shares with CS how your mom is still reacting. How stupid she is to think that she is winning any wars by putting you down to your siblings. She is only making herself seem more and more selfish and ugly.

I am still praying for you all; even your mom. I hope one day (before it's too late) she can look beyond herself and concentrate on you kids. You just keep venting all you need to.



New member
I'm sorry honey. It's just not fair at all. I just wish I could give you a big hug and make it all go away because I've been there. Just know that you will get past this. Your sis was feeling weak when you spoke to her, but she understands why you were raising your voice. She will gain strength from you. Just knowing how much you are on her side will give her that strength. She is in a situation where she pretty much has to put up with your mom, but it won't be that way forever.

Is CS still keeping track of the kids? Will they get a report from the docs? I hope your sis shares with CS how your mom is still reacting. How stupid she is to think that she is winning any wars by putting you down to your siblings. She is only making herself seem more and more selfish and ugly.

I am still praying for you all; even your mom. I hope one day (before it's too late) she can look beyond herself and concentrate on you kids. You just keep venting all you need to.



New member
I'm sorry honey. It's just not fair at all. I just wish I could give you a big hug and make it all go away because I've been there. Just know that you will get past this. Your sis was feeling weak when you spoke to her, but she understands why you were raising your voice. She will gain strength from you. Just knowing how much you are on her side will give her that strength. She is in a situation where she pretty much has to put up with your mom, but it won't be that way forever.

Is CS still keeping track of the kids? Will they get a report from the docs? I hope your sis shares with CS how your mom is still reacting. How stupid she is to think that she is winning any wars by putting you down to your siblings. She is only making herself seem more and more selfish and ugly.

I am still praying for you all; even your mom. I hope one day (before it's too late) she can look beyond herself and concentrate on you kids. You just keep venting all you need to.



New member
I'm sorry honey. It's just not fair at all. I just wish I could give you a big hug and make it all go away because I've been there. Just know that you will get past this. Your sis was feeling weak when you spoke to her, but she understands why you were raising your voice. She will gain strength from you. Just knowing how much you are on her side will give her that strength. She is in a situation where she pretty much has to put up with your mom, but it won't be that way forever.

Is CS still keeping track of the kids? Will they get a report from the docs? I hope your sis shares with CS how your mom is still reacting. How stupid she is to think that she is winning any wars by putting you down to your siblings. She is only making herself seem more and more selfish and ugly.

I am still praying for you all; even your mom. I hope one day (before it's too late) she can look beyond herself and concentrate on you kids. You just keep venting all you need to.



New member
Thanks you guys. I hope to talk to the kids today and see how it went at the clinic yesterday. I am real worried about Lauren right now with the depression thing. I have depression and anxiety and it was always looked at as not real by my mom. I just hope the same doesn't happen to Lauren. I don't think hers is chemical like mine but I know how it feels to have these things and for them to go untreated. Hers is probably more likely situational. I just don't like her telling me these things are wrong just to hear about one more thing my mom isn't going to take care of. I know she has to put up with mom. I just wish I could like give her a piece of my anger or something so they would start saying things. They just agree with her because they know its easier. I know they don't do it cause they really believe her or even really agree they just don't want to be yelled at. The daggoned thing just makes me soo sad. And then knowing I can't even be there for them in the flesh through this thing is even worse. Well I will update later on after I have had a chance to talk to them. Thanks again!


New member
Thanks you guys. I hope to talk to the kids today and see how it went at the clinic yesterday. I am real worried about Lauren right now with the depression thing. I have depression and anxiety and it was always looked at as not real by my mom. I just hope the same doesn't happen to Lauren. I don't think hers is chemical like mine but I know how it feels to have these things and for them to go untreated. Hers is probably more likely situational. I just don't like her telling me these things are wrong just to hear about one more thing my mom isn't going to take care of. I know she has to put up with mom. I just wish I could like give her a piece of my anger or something so they would start saying things. They just agree with her because they know its easier. I know they don't do it cause they really believe her or even really agree they just don't want to be yelled at. The daggoned thing just makes me soo sad. And then knowing I can't even be there for them in the flesh through this thing is even worse. Well I will update later on after I have had a chance to talk to them. Thanks again!


New member
Thanks you guys. I hope to talk to the kids today and see how it went at the clinic yesterday. I am real worried about Lauren right now with the depression thing. I have depression and anxiety and it was always looked at as not real by my mom. I just hope the same doesn't happen to Lauren. I don't think hers is chemical like mine but I know how it feels to have these things and for them to go untreated. Hers is probably more likely situational. I just don't like her telling me these things are wrong just to hear about one more thing my mom isn't going to take care of. I know she has to put up with mom. I just wish I could like give her a piece of my anger or something so they would start saying things. They just agree with her because they know its easier. I know they don't do it cause they really believe her or even really agree they just don't want to be yelled at. The daggoned thing just makes me soo sad. And then knowing I can't even be there for them in the flesh through this thing is even worse. Well I will update later on after I have had a chance to talk to them. Thanks again!


New member
Thanks you guys. I hope to talk to the kids today and see how it went at the clinic yesterday. I am real worried about Lauren right now with the depression thing. I have depression and anxiety and it was always looked at as not real by my mom. I just hope the same doesn't happen to Lauren. I don't think hers is chemical like mine but I know how it feels to have these things and for them to go untreated. Hers is probably more likely situational. I just don't like her telling me these things are wrong just to hear about one more thing my mom isn't going to take care of. I know she has to put up with mom. I just wish I could like give her a piece of my anger or something so they would start saying things. They just agree with her because they know its easier. I know they don't do it cause they really believe her or even really agree they just don't want to be yelled at. The daggoned thing just makes me soo sad. And then knowing I can't even be there for them in the flesh through this thing is even worse. Well I will update later on after I have had a chance to talk to them. Thanks again!


New member
Thanks you guys. I hope to talk to the kids today and see how it went at the clinic yesterday. I am real worried about Lauren right now with the depression thing. I have depression and anxiety and it was always looked at as not real by my mom. I just hope the same doesn't happen to Lauren. I don't think hers is chemical like mine but I know how it feels to have these things and for them to go untreated. Hers is probably more likely situational. I just don't like her telling me these things are wrong just to hear about one more thing my mom isn't going to take care of. I know she has to put up with mom. I just wish I could like give her a piece of my anger or something so they would start saying things. They just agree with her because they know its easier. I know they don't do it cause they really believe her or even really agree they just don't want to be yelled at. The daggoned thing just makes me soo sad. And then knowing I can't even be there for them in the flesh through this thing is even worse. Well I will update later on after I have had a chance to talk to them. Thanks again!


New member
Suz, please know that there are a bunch of us here who are keeping track of you and the kids situation. We are thinking of you, and want you to know that YOU AER NOT ALONE!! We are here for you...<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Suz, please know that there are a bunch of us here who are keeping track of you and the kids situation. We are thinking of you, and want you to know that YOU AER NOT ALONE!! We are here for you...<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Suz, please know that there are a bunch of us here who are keeping track of you and the kids situation. We are thinking of you, and want you to know that YOU AER NOT ALONE!! We are here for you...<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Suz, please know that there are a bunch of us here who are keeping track of you and the kids situation. We are thinking of you, and want you to know that YOU AER NOT ALONE!! We are here for you...<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">