Help me am i making the right decision?


New member
Vampy, I am glad your mom is able to help you get off to a good start. I wish you and baby Lucas the best of luck. I absolutely understand your reasons for not wanting to put your baby up for adoption and i support your decision. YOU love your baby and made sacrifices for him just to be born, in my opinion putting him up for adoption does NOT guarantee him a good life and a happy home ( what if the adoptive parents divorce? or one of them passes away?) I dont think the subject of adoption was meant to be cruel, but i did think it was going a bit overboard myself. There are lots of single parents out there with well adjusted kids.


New member
Vampy, I am glad your mom is able to help you get off to a good start. I wish you and baby Lucas the best of luck. I absolutely understand your reasons for not wanting to put your baby up for adoption and i support your decision. YOU love your baby and made sacrifices for him just to be born, in my opinion putting him up for adoption does NOT guarantee him a good life and a happy home ( what if the adoptive parents divorce? or one of them passes away?) I dont think the subject of adoption was meant to be cruel, but i did think it was going a bit overboard myself. There are lots of single parents out there with well adjusted kids.


New member
Hi Vampy,

I haven't followed previous posts but i wanted to say Happy Mother's day! Also, as a young mom, I want to tell you how incredibly courageous you are for leaving your husband and finding a place of your own. I'm not sure if i would have the strength to do it if i were in your situation. Also, I don't have advice about resources for you but i urge you to start developing a strong suppport system of loving friends, family and other moms. Also take advantage of any finanicial or other state resources you are eligible for.

As i said before, i have not read your other posts, but once you and your husband are seperated/divorced and you have both had some time to cool down, perhaps you could give him a chance to be a part of lucas's life. Your husband will probably grow to be more mature and if given the chance i am sure he will grow as a dad... (we all grow as parents as our child does.) Two months is so young and it is common for dad's to feel unsure about their role as a father with a newborn. fathers who love their childern can be very supportive to single moms. I wouldn't expect you to allow overnight stays for at least a couple years but he could play with lucas or provide childcare for a couple hours provided he is interested and loving towards lucas. Besides even though things have been rough between you, i don't think that in itself means he doesn't deserve a chance as a father (i have not read other posts though so i might be missing vital info). The more people to love lucas the better right??!

Good luck. Again i really admire your strength and courage! You are amazing!


New member
Hi Vampy,

I haven't followed previous posts but i wanted to say Happy Mother's day! Also, as a young mom, I want to tell you how incredibly courageous you are for leaving your husband and finding a place of your own. I'm not sure if i would have the strength to do it if i were in your situation. Also, I don't have advice about resources for you but i urge you to start developing a strong suppport system of loving friends, family and other moms. Also take advantage of any finanicial or other state resources you are eligible for.

As i said before, i have not read your other posts, but once you and your husband are seperated/divorced and you have both had some time to cool down, perhaps you could give him a chance to be a part of lucas's life. Your husband will probably grow to be more mature and if given the chance i am sure he will grow as a dad... (we all grow as parents as our child does.) Two months is so young and it is common for dad's to feel unsure about their role as a father with a newborn. fathers who love their childern can be very supportive to single moms. I wouldn't expect you to allow overnight stays for at least a couple years but he could play with lucas or provide childcare for a couple hours provided he is interested and loving towards lucas. Besides even though things have been rough between you, i don't think that in itself means he doesn't deserve a chance as a father (i have not read other posts though so i might be missing vital info). The more people to love lucas the better right??!

Good luck. Again i really admire your strength and courage! You are amazing!


New member
Hi Vampy,

I haven't followed previous posts but i wanted to say Happy Mother's day! Also, as a young mom, I want to tell you how incredibly courageous you are for leaving your husband and finding a place of your own. I'm not sure if i would have the strength to do it if i were in your situation. Also, I don't have advice about resources for you but i urge you to start developing a strong suppport system of loving friends, family and other moms. Also take advantage of any finanicial or other state resources you are eligible for.

As i said before, i have not read your other posts, but once you and your husband are seperated/divorced and you have both had some time to cool down, perhaps you could give him a chance to be a part of lucas's life. Your husband will probably grow to be more mature and if given the chance i am sure he will grow as a dad... (we all grow as parents as our child does.) Two months is so young and it is common for dad's to feel unsure about their role as a father with a newborn. fathers who love their childern can be very supportive to single moms. I wouldn't expect you to allow overnight stays for at least a couple years but he could play with lucas or provide childcare for a couple hours provided he is interested and loving towards lucas. Besides even though things have been rough between you, i don't think that in itself means he doesn't deserve a chance as a father (i have not read other posts though so i might be missing vital info). The more people to love lucas the better right??!

Good luck. Again i really admire your strength and courage! You are amazing!


New member
well things have just got alot more complicated. im showing signs of being pregnant again. im going tomarrow to get tested. And to anyone who suggests abortion...NO!
no abortion!!!
No adoption!
im a hard headed woman and determined. I will make it through another one and i will be the best mother i can be to both of them. dad or no dad.


New member
well things have just got alot more complicated. im showing signs of being pregnant again. im going tomarrow to get tested. And to anyone who suggests abortion...NO!
no abortion!!!
No adoption!
im a hard headed woman and determined. I will make it through another one and i will be the best mother i can be to both of them. dad or no dad.


New member
well things have just got alot more complicated. im showing signs of being pregnant again. im going tomarrow to get tested. And to anyone who suggests abortion...NO!
no abortion!!!
No adoption!
im a hard headed woman and determined. I will make it through another one and i will be the best mother i can be to both of them. dad or no dad.


New member
you are only two months pp so your body can really really play tricks on you at this point. I truly truly hope that is the case and if it is NOT the case I HIGHLY urge you to move in with your mom as you have a long road ahead and having pregnancies close together like this greatly increases odds of complications and problems with both mother and baby. Assuming that you are not pregnant please pelase please get on birth control.


New member
you are only two months pp so your body can really really play tricks on you at this point. I truly truly hope that is the case and if it is NOT the case I HIGHLY urge you to move in with your mom as you have a long road ahead and having pregnancies close together like this greatly increases odds of complications and problems with both mother and baby. Assuming that you are not pregnant please pelase please get on birth control.


New member
you are only two months pp so your body can really really play tricks on you at this point. I truly truly hope that is the case and if it is NOT the case I HIGHLY urge you to move in with your mom as you have a long road ahead and having pregnancies close together like this greatly increases odds of complications and problems with both mother and baby. Assuming that you are not pregnant please pelase please get on birth control.