Here's what I've got to say for myself


New member
My goodness. Don't you people have more constructive things to do with your lives than spend 7 hours bickering back and forth and arguing about who is better than the other person? (Yeah, look at the time of the first and last post of this thread, and it's nearly 7 hours). In the time y'all spent sending posts back and forth I went with a group of volunteers to a nursing home and read newspapers to some elderly folks and played cards with some others. Maybe you'd all feel better about yourselves and each other if you got off your computers and quit focusing on your egos and contributed your time and energy to others. My sister thought I might find it interesting to participate in a CF forum, but 7 freaking hours debating who's more worthy? And you call this the "adult" forum? This is just silly.



New member
This is a joke. Really you guys.....

I'll go back to what I posted a few weeks ago - not everyone is going to get along all the time. No matter how much people would like that to be, it never will.

If you don't like the forum, leave.

For the rest of us - check your drama at the door.

There is too much to be gained on this site - support, information, solice - for it to be tainted by drama.


New member
I've been busy and haven't been lurking on the boards for a while, but then I come back and see this...

Insane. Totally insane. Julie, what you did was totally childish and uncalled for. As Emily said, a lot of us don't particularly care for you, either---however, I know personally I've never proclaimed that I don't like you and you should therefore be banned. But since you have no problem making such a bold move, I won't hold back, either. You are not an administrator, and you are no more important than anyone else here on the board. You had no right to single those people out as you did, and if I had been here regularly, I'm sure you would have singled me out to, because I'm another one that likes to speak her mind. And though you didn't name me as one of your targets, you seem to be directing your issues at people who either a) don't sugar-coat their responses or b) say what's on their mind. This is the internet. People will say what they want. Welcome to it.

Along those same lines, if you think what's written on this board is rude, you must be surfing the Happy Rainbow Land version of the internet. You should try looking around the real one sometime, and see how much worse it can really get out there. You'll think this is Heaven.

And another thing: you claimed that those you mentioned are the ones that start trouble. YOU are just as guilty of the same crime, if not more so! People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! I've seen you going after your fair share of meat, too. And now you post 2 threads which you know damn well will get blood boiling. Nice. Way to prove your point. I've always thought your were hypocritical. Now I have a real reason for it.

Long story short, you actually managed to hurt people with your post, namely Allie and Liz, who didn't need your crap in their lives right now. I think that's lowly of you to do. I personally wouldn't have been hurt, because quite frankly it amuses me more than it angers me as to how you think you sit on some mighty throne, barking orders. But you did stab a few people in the heart. Get off the high horse and maybe keep in mind that your opinion isn't law.

You say that some people should watch what they say? Take your own advice.


New member
One more thing Julie. Yes, the timing of all of this regarding Allie is terrible. If you had an ounce of compassion, you would zip it until she is past the anniversary. If you were to lose one of your sweet babies & Allie was annoyed with you that week, I cannot imagine that she would pull a stunt like this. You really should be ashamed. Sometimes-if you have nothing nice to say it's better to say nothing at all.

I am very sad for Allie that this very difficult time has been made that much worse.

Even if she has been a little off lately, it is totally understandable. Same as you flying off the handle recently and then saying it was hormone related to the pregnancy. Cut her some slack.


New member
End of story...

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>if you have nothing nice to say it's better to say nothing at all. </end quote></div>

We should all think of that when we're posting. I think every little drama on this board could have been avoided if we'd taken that advice!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> Same as you flying off the handle recently and then saying it was hormone related to the pregnancy. Cut her some slack.</end quote></div>

Julie never related anything she said today to hormones, from looking back in all the posts, it seems as thats what everyone was saying to her.


New member
I think we relate her thread today to her hormones, because I know for myself, I can't imagine why should would actually point fingers at people in a public thread. I would have thought that she had decency to PM people she had a problem with, and thelling them there, not in a public attack on a forum. I know if I have a problem with someone, I'm going to PM them, not make them feel bad about themselves in public. I was hoping it was her hormones raging.


New member
Yes Julie did say it was hormones recently. I can't find it now but something about "all these hormones flying around me." Not a direct quote, but she said it & I believe it was to SD.

I would never have mentioned it unless she did herself first. I mentioned it to give her a little perspective in relation to what Allie may be going through right now.

To be honest, she was like this before she was pregnant, so I don't think it's her hormones at all. Just her personality in general.


New member
I don't really have much of an opinion in regards to the people that were mentioned on your prior post Julie. Other than to say that there are some on your list that I have been amazed at the harshness of some comments as well. At the same time I steer clear of them and just accept that as how they are. I feel so long as the comments are not directed at me I have no room to take offense ... yes I find it annoying, disrespectful and childish at times but I still really have no room to take offense.

That being said I wanted to say good for you. I know I am in the minority on this feeling but you should say what you feel to whoever you feel like saying it and whenever you feel comfortable saying it. I know this may seem heartless, but people go through hard things. If you are always waiting for the "right moment" to say something you may never get your chance. I have had a similar problem with my soon to be sister in law driving me up a wall and trying to find the right time to confront her about it ... there is never a right time with her because any problem she has she carries on over for centuries - so I just have to come out and say it sometimes.

Something I have been reminded of over and over again when I read these disagreements on the forum is this. We all have hardships - though some may seem great and some small, they are all great to the person that is experiencing them. Just because I may not know what it is like to (for example) lose my spouse to CF doesn't mean my life is any easier right now because I am struggling with an illness and trying to get better rather than go in the hospital. Or failing a test/class may be just as heartbreaking to you as losing a job or breaking up with a girlfriend/boyfriend is to me and so on. The effect of the situation on an individual has alot to do with how you perceive and process the information/situation - and people's lives can be just as difficult but in different ways. Sometimes we all get to the point where we are sick of people giving us s*it and we become obsessed with being totally and brutally honest and sparing no detail or harsh criticism ... and sometimes that is just unnecessary. (this is not directed at your post Julie ... just general) Yes there are times I have read posts people make and want to unload a plethera of inappropriate comments on them for their ignorance - but I don't because it would really serve a purpose other than 5 minutes of me getting it off my chest.

Maybe we should all - like Julie mentioned - try treating people the way we want to be treated. Just because we may be going through hard times doesn't mean we can say whatever we choose and be rude and inconsiderate, it also doesn't mean that we are free from receiving criticism if we choose to criticize others. If I were to unload on someone right now I would expect 75% of the people on the boards to unload on me - I would not be able to use the excuse that I have been going through a really hard time right now and have everyone jump to my defense, so why is it that others are treated this way. Everyone on here goes through hard times we all handle them differently, we are all adults and we should all have some respect for each other so even if we don't like each other we can function on the same forum. This is like High School but not ... you have your cliques you have the people you like, the people you can't stand and so on. The big difference and the GREAT difference you don't HAVE to see these people they type and you don't have to read. You can effectively ignore anyone on here that you do not like.

I hope the situation gets better for everyone involved. I didn't read all the responses to Julies posts, but I read enough to see more often than not people opposing her, and I didn't really feel she did anything wrong. That is why I posted ... not to start anything else just to support her.

Have a good one,


New member
I haven't read anything lately, and I certainly didn't read all 7 pages of this thread (so I don't expect many people to get down to this one) but
I have no idea how this started and I don't care. You try losing someone and then dealing with all the feelings a year later, reliving all the moments... I'm guessing you won't want some jerk suggesting you leave. We should all be supporting Allie. And if you have no heart, how about shutting up and letting her get through this difficult time? I can't IMAGINE how it feels to be her and neither can you. I guess that's the reason this thread is so long, we all need to vent about how cruel this all is.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Julie never related anything she said<u> today </u>to hormones, from looking back in all the posts, it seems as thats what everyone was saying to her.</end quote></div>

So, that last annon maybe correct about other posts. However Julie never stated that these comments stemmed from hormones. Or place blame on her hormones. As far as personalities go, Julie has alot more to offer then need to name names..


New member
I cannot beleive that this is an adult forum either. I come here often to look for advise or ideas about those with CF in my life. I always go through all the forums listed on this site. I'm sure others do as well, meaning the 'teens and young adults'. I hope they don't learn from the poor example that the 'adults' are setting here.


New member
Well Lindset, this is why many of us find her post absolutely absurd and fully lacking in the reasoning dept: To some of us (especially me), it has zero to do with her basically saying "I don't like these people, they are ruining *MY* playground (notice the highlight on MY)". Why should I care what some chick on a forum that doesn't even share my condition, that endorses something she agrees with, and openly threatens those she does not agree with, thinks about me? She could (and often has) go on for quite a long time about herself, or be friendly to those she likes, but as soon as a couple people with similar senses of humor and personalities that aren't like hers starts to appreciate discussions between themselves, she starts to apparently act like the shunned ugly girl in the school cafeteria.

Read through some of her responses in this thread. Read the one where I shortly directly quoted her, where she was giving her reasoning behind this post. She openly stated points such as "So now Allie knows how it feels to hurt others" (and several other instances where her true nature of vindictiveness and self delusional authoritarian viewpoints and very poor character were coming to the real surface). Not to mention the 2 or 3 times she has directly threatened me with bannings or "Theres more ways than bannings to get back at someone", or "You better watch yourself" comments when she didn't like the content of something that I said, which wasn't venom filled in the first place. Which is against the point. We have another forum user (not a moderator or admin, just a forum member just like everyone else) thinking they have some form of authority over others, and openly making pointed threats to others.

On top of all that (as if that isn't enough, especially the threats), her supposed main stated purpose in publicly whipping out her scorn gun against other forum members, was to "stop the bickering, drama, and mean spirited behavior". Now let me ask you this. If *YOU* wanted to go a step further in fire prevention regarding your house, would you douse it first with gasoline then walk in juggling flaming tiki torches? She 100% did a 180 degree turn from that objective when she posted a thread that publicly calls out others for their bad behavior (in her mind), and in varying forms, asked them to leave the forum because she thinks they should (like her opinion or authority has any more value or power beyond any other regular forum member).

So in one post, she has totally underminded her supposed purpose to post it in the first place (scratch that, in her first 3 sentences of that post, underminded her supposed purpose to post it in the first place). Which can only make a rational logical person come to one of a few possible conclusions as to why she did what she did:

#1 She was lying and what I quoted earlier was her real reason for doing what she did (the "I'll show them what it's like to be hurt", "How do YOU like it" vindictive, coniving, dishonest approach)

#2 Her train of thought is so sporadic, she forgot instantly why she was posting the thread when she started and just went with gut feelings

#3 She was drunk and out of her mind

#4 Her comfy crutch of preggo hormones were at it again

#5 (fill in the blank with anything else or comical here because i'm too bored with beating this extremely played out thread as it is)

I would have normally not responded, but it seems some people are interpretting others feelings towards what she did, as only associated with "Well I agree with julie for sharing her feelings, we all should be able to" aspect. That is the farthest thing from the truth, and what makes it even more ironic. Here is someone that in the same exact post, condemns us for "being mean", and "being like we have one brain" (because we feel similar about several issues, and several of us have similar senses of humor), and "not being kind on here to others", and then, the especially big planet killer sized asteroid chunk of irony in "DON'T BE MEAN TO OTHERS AND STOP THE BICKERING AND DRAMA". If the Irony or Hypocrit police existed on the internet, they would beat her like the L.A. PD with giant "ARE YOU KIDDING ME" sticks.

With the exceotion of Allie who was genuinely hurt over this, that is why the rest of us had our jaws hit the floor when she posted this. If she would have just posted a "I think so and so and such and such and sally sue are all big meany poopy heads and you guys suck" thread, I would have just laughed at her openly like several of us do privately, but when one persons single post is a monumental failure on par with the Hindenburg or Titanic with regards to what they are supposedly posting it for, and it has hypocricy and irony exploding from it with the subtlety of Chernobyl, one has to seriously take time out of their day to stand back and marvel at such a rare, magnificently disastrous masterpiece.

If her stated intentions were sincere (and not what I saw them for immediately, but just to play devils advocate), it was about as sucessful as the Bay of Pigs Invasion.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Emily65Roses</b></i>

Well hell. At least we know what to call ourselves now. Attacking Posse. AP. Allie, you teach AP English right? <img src="">

Terrible joke, sorry. Had to.</end quote></div>

As being new to this board and asked a question this is a very good name for the reply I got back


New member
By the way i'm personally way over the whole issue. I only replied with that last long reply to put it in perspective for those who don't want to wade through 6 pages of replies to try and figure out why atleast one side of the situation feels the way they do. Can we just let this thread and issue die please? We could go back and forth for a long time, and it will still end up with one side feeling one way, and the other feeling another way, it's pointless. I know noone will forget the things that were said, but we aren't married so no reason to care.


New member
i didnt read all seven pages either as some on this page have posted so i dont really know what to say or who to say is right or wrong, I just hope no-one leaves. Its hard to fight cf without each other and each others support. Arguments will happen, but i hope this one doesnt go too far. No matter how you look at it, we all really do need each other.