Well Lindset, this is why many of us find her post absolutely absurd and fully lacking in the reasoning dept: To some of us (especially me), it has zero to do with her basically saying "I don't like these people, they are ruining *MY* playground (notice the highlight on MY)". Why should I care what some chick on a forum that doesn't even share my condition, that endorses something she agrees with, and openly threatens those she does not agree with, thinks about me? She could (and often has) go on for quite a long time about herself, or be friendly to those she likes, but as soon as a couple people with similar senses of humor and personalities that aren't like hers starts to appreciate discussions between themselves, she starts to apparently act like the shunned ugly girl in the school cafeteria.
Read through some of her responses in this thread. Read the one where I shortly directly quoted her, where she was giving her reasoning behind this post. She openly stated points such as "So now Allie knows how it feels to hurt others" (and several other instances where her true nature of vindictiveness and self delusional authoritarian viewpoints and very poor character were coming to the real surface). Not to mention the 2 or 3 times she has directly threatened me with bannings or "Theres more ways than bannings to get back at someone", or "You better watch yourself" comments when she didn't like the content of something that I said, which wasn't venom filled in the first place. Which is against the point. We have another forum user (not a moderator or admin, just a forum member just like everyone else) thinking they have some form of authority over others, and openly making pointed threats to others.
On top of all that (as if that isn't enough, especially the threats), her supposed main stated purpose in publicly whipping out her scorn gun against other forum members, was to "stop the bickering, drama, and mean spirited behavior". Now let me ask you this. If *YOU* wanted to go a step further in fire prevention regarding your house, would you douse it first with gasoline then walk in juggling flaming tiki torches? She 100% did a 180 degree turn from that objective when she posted a thread that publicly calls out others for their bad behavior (in her mind), and in varying forms, asked them to leave the forum because she thinks they should (like her opinion or authority has any more value or power beyond any other regular forum member).
So in one post, she has totally underminded her supposed purpose to post it in the first place (scratch that, in her first 3 sentences of that post, underminded her supposed purpose to post it in the first place). Which can only make a rational logical person come to one of a few possible conclusions as to why she did what she did:
#1 She was lying and what I quoted earlier was her real reason for doing what she did (the "I'll show them what it's like to be hurt", "How do YOU like it" vindictive, coniving, dishonest approach)
#2 Her train of thought is so sporadic, she forgot instantly why she was posting the thread when she started and just went with gut feelings
#3 She was drunk and out of her mind
#4 Her comfy crutch of preggo hormones were at it again
#5 (fill in the blank with anything else or comical here because i'm too bored with beating this extremely played out thread as it is)
I would have normally not responded, but it seems some people are interpretting others feelings towards what she did, as only associated with "Well I agree with julie for sharing her feelings, we all should be able to" aspect. That is the farthest thing from the truth, and what makes it even more ironic. Here is someone that in the same exact post, condemns us for "being mean", and "being like we have one brain" (because we feel similar about several issues, and several of us have similar senses of humor), and "not being kind on here to others", and then, the especially big planet killer sized asteroid chunk of irony in "DON'T BE MEAN TO OTHERS AND STOP THE BICKERING AND DRAMA". If the Irony or Hypocrit police existed on the internet, they would beat her like the L.A. PD with giant "ARE YOU KIDDING ME" sticks.
With the exceotion of Allie who was genuinely hurt over this, that is why the rest of us had our jaws hit the floor when she posted this. If she would have just posted a "I think so and so and such and such and sally sue are all big meany poopy heads and you guys suck" thread, I would have just laughed at her openly like several of us do privately, but when one persons single post is a monumental failure on par with the Hindenburg or Titanic with regards to what they are supposedly posting it for, and it has hypocricy and irony exploding from it with the subtlety of Chernobyl, one has to seriously take time out of their day to stand back and marvel at such a rare, magnificently disastrous masterpiece.
If her stated intentions were sincere (and not what I saw them for immediately, but just to play devils advocate), it was about as sucessful as the Bay of Pigs Invasion.