About a year before Parker was born, doctors found two aortic aneurysms and I needed to have two surgeries to remove them. The simple fact that medical technology and skills were able to not only detect this but repair them as well is simply amazing. When Parker was dxed with CF the average expectancy was 30 years. I think back to what was possible 30 years ago with medical care and compare it to now and there are huge leaps of progress. I will sit back and imagine what might be possible in the next 30 years and that gives me hope. I use that hope whenever I am discouraged or scared about Parker and his prognosis. I think I also think that working towards progress makes sense rather than dwelling on what might happen because I can't do anything about what hasn't happened yet. That might be considered denial but that is what helps me persevere. That and the fact that I am not alone...as this site has demonstrated for me.