Try looking at it the other way. Think about the fact that if you child hadn't been born with cf. You would have missed out on many lessons life will give you with cf. You learn more from things that aren't easy. Since having my sons I've grown and learned so much that I wouldn't have it they were healthy. Thank about if you child hadn't been diagnosed early how it could have caused more problems. Think about how you can look at your child everyday and know just what you have and how much they mean to you. Don't dwell on the parts that can be hard in the future. Life has no promise of being easy or going one way or another. I know the fact that my kids have cf made it easy to deal with the autism and aspergers diag they have. I had already changed my life to fit their health. Changing everything else to help them learn was no big deal. Think I can't change what is. But, know doing your best is all you can do. You can't drive down the road waiting for the next twister to hit cause you will miss the view.