How many preggos are out there?


New member
Mari- Glad things are going good! Too bad about the morning sickness though. I was really nauseas during my first trimester but then it went away and I felt great after that. Hopefully you'll be the same and you'll feel well the rest of the pregnancy. Do you guys have a name picked out yet? Are you buying lots of stuff yet? I bet you're both so excited!

Ashleydog- Isn't it funny how two pregnancies can be totally different? You'll find that out when you have two kids too! My first son was like an angel baby and did everything by the books - he was on a schedule at 1 month old, never cried, etc. My second son...forget it...totally different child! Like I said to Mari, I also had morning sickness and it wasn't very pleasant at all. I lost about 6 lbs in the first trimester because I just didn't want to eat. I was also extremely tired my entire pregnancy; it really takes a lot out of your body to carry a baby. Hang in there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Do you know the sex yet?


New member
Mari- Glad things are going good! Too bad about the morning sickness though. I was really nauseas during my first trimester but then it went away and I felt great after that. Hopefully you'll be the same and you'll feel well the rest of the pregnancy. Do you guys have a name picked out yet? Are you buying lots of stuff yet? I bet you're both so excited!

Ashleydog- Isn't it funny how two pregnancies can be totally different? You'll find that out when you have two kids too! My first son was like an angel baby and did everything by the books - he was on a schedule at 1 month old, never cried, etc. My second son...forget it...totally different child! Like I said to Mari, I also had morning sickness and it wasn't very pleasant at all. I lost about 6 lbs in the first trimester because I just didn't want to eat. I was also extremely tired my entire pregnancy; it really takes a lot out of your body to carry a baby. Hang in there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Do you know the sex yet?


New member
Mari- Glad things are going good! Too bad about the morning sickness though. I was really nauseas during my first trimester but then it went away and I felt great after that. Hopefully you'll be the same and you'll feel well the rest of the pregnancy. Do you guys have a name picked out yet? Are you buying lots of stuff yet? I bet you're both so excited!

Ashleydog- Isn't it funny how two pregnancies can be totally different? You'll find that out when you have two kids too! My first son was like an angel baby and did everything by the books - he was on a schedule at 1 month old, never cried, etc. My second son...forget it...totally different child! Like I said to Mari, I also had morning sickness and it wasn't very pleasant at all. I lost about 6 lbs in the first trimester because I just didn't want to eat. I was also extremely tired my entire pregnancy; it really takes a lot out of your body to carry a baby. Hang in there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Do you know the sex yet?


New member
Mari- Glad things are going good! Too bad about the morning sickness though. I was really nauseas during my first trimester but then it went away and I felt great after that. Hopefully you'll be the same and you'll feel well the rest of the pregnancy. Do you guys have a name picked out yet? Are you buying lots of stuff yet? I bet you're both so excited!

Ashleydog- Isn't it funny how two pregnancies can be totally different? You'll find that out when you have two kids too! My first son was like an angel baby and did everything by the books - he was on a schedule at 1 month old, never cried, etc. My second son...forget it...totally different child! Like I said to Mari, I also had morning sickness and it wasn't very pleasant at all. I lost about 6 lbs in the first trimester because I just didn't want to eat. I was also extremely tired my entire pregnancy; it really takes a lot out of your body to carry a baby. Hang in there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Do you know the sex yet?


New member
Mari- Glad things are going good! Too bad about the morning sickness though. I was really nauseas during my first trimester but then it went away and I felt great after that. Hopefully you'll be the same and you'll feel well the rest of the pregnancy. Do you guys have a name picked out yet? Are you buying lots of stuff yet? I bet you're both so excited!
<br />
<br />Ashleydog- Isn't it funny how two pregnancies can be totally different? You'll find that out when you have two kids too! My first son was like an angel baby and did everything by the books - he was on a schedule at 1 month old, never cried, etc. My second son...forget it...totally different child! Like I said to Mari, I also had morning sickness and it wasn't very pleasant at all. I lost about 6 lbs in the first trimester because I just didn't want to eat. I was also extremely tired my entire pregnancy; it really takes a lot out of your body to carry a baby. Hang in there <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Do you know the sex yet?


New member
Hey all----we have been busy getting her nursery ready! We picked Gabriella for her name. No middle name because my husband and I both do not have a middle name, but we will call her Bella. Gabriella means God is my might and Bella means beautiful. Both meanings we fell in love with! The doctors said we will be happy if I go to 34 weeks and we will celebrate if I make it to 36 weeks. So far no problems, so we don't see why I can't last that long. Did anyone have any problems that made the doctors want to induce??


New member
Hey all----we have been busy getting her nursery ready! We picked Gabriella for her name. No middle name because my husband and I both do not have a middle name, but we will call her Bella. Gabriella means God is my might and Bella means beautiful. Both meanings we fell in love with! The doctors said we will be happy if I go to 34 weeks and we will celebrate if I make it to 36 weeks. So far no problems, so we don't see why I can't last that long. Did anyone have any problems that made the doctors want to induce??


New member
Hey all----we have been busy getting her nursery ready! We picked Gabriella for her name. No middle name because my husband and I both do not have a middle name, but we will call her Bella. Gabriella means God is my might and Bella means beautiful. Both meanings we fell in love with! The doctors said we will be happy if I go to 34 weeks and we will celebrate if I make it to 36 weeks. So far no problems, so we don't see why I can't last that long. Did anyone have any problems that made the doctors want to induce??


New member
Hey all----we have been busy getting her nursery ready! We picked Gabriella for her name. No middle name because my husband and I both do not have a middle name, but we will call her Bella. Gabriella means God is my might and Bella means beautiful. Both meanings we fell in love with! The doctors said we will be happy if I go to 34 weeks and we will celebrate if I make it to 36 weeks. So far no problems, so we don't see why I can't last that long. Did anyone have any problems that made the doctors want to induce??


New member
Hey all----we have been busy getting her nursery ready! We picked Gabriella for her name. No middle name because my husband and I both do not have a middle name, but we will call her Bella. Gabriella means God is my might and Bella means beautiful. Both meanings we fell in love with! The doctors said we will be happy if I go to 34 weeks and we will celebrate if I make it to 36 weeks. So far no problems, so we don't see why I can't last that long. Did anyone have any problems that made the doctors want to induce??


my doctors never said anything like that while i was pregnant. i went into labor when i was 35 weeks on my own. they told me at 35 weeks they wouldn't stop labor and if i progressed on my own we would have a baby. well by about 6cm i think they figured it out lol.


my doctors never said anything like that while i was pregnant. i went into labor when i was 35 weeks on my own. they told me at 35 weeks they wouldn't stop labor and if i progressed on my own we would have a baby. well by about 6cm i think they figured it out lol.


my doctors never said anything like that while i was pregnant. i went into labor when i was 35 weeks on my own. they told me at 35 weeks they wouldn't stop labor and if i progressed on my own we would have a baby. well by about 6cm i think they figured it out lol.


my doctors never said anything like that while i was pregnant. i went into labor when i was 35 weeks on my own. they told me at 35 weeks they wouldn't stop labor and if i progressed on my own we would have a baby. well by about 6cm i think they figured it out lol.


my doctors never said anything like that while i was pregnant. i went into labor when i was 35 weeks on my own. they told me at 35 weeks they wouldn't stop labor and if i progressed on my own we would have a baby. well by about 6cm i think they figured it out lol.



Why are you doctors expecting you to go into labor so early? Are you having a normal pregnancy? If so there is no reason (CF related) that you should be expected to go early as long as your health is remaining stable. None of the published studies (as far as I know) show a relationship between CF and preterm labor/delivery. My advice - don't expect to go early and prepare to go overdue. It will be easier to handle emotionally if you actually get there - otherwise you may end up disappointed if you don't go at 36 weeks - and nobody wants a baby in the NICU if you can help it! I was unnecessarily induced w/ my son at 39 weeks 4 days and went into labor naturally at 39 weeks 4 days with my new daughter.



Why are you doctors expecting you to go into labor so early? Are you having a normal pregnancy? If so there is no reason (CF related) that you should be expected to go early as long as your health is remaining stable. None of the published studies (as far as I know) show a relationship between CF and preterm labor/delivery. My advice - don't expect to go early and prepare to go overdue. It will be easier to handle emotionally if you actually get there - otherwise you may end up disappointed if you don't go at 36 weeks - and nobody wants a baby in the NICU if you can help it! I was unnecessarily induced w/ my son at 39 weeks 4 days and went into labor naturally at 39 weeks 4 days with my new daughter.



Why are you doctors expecting you to go into labor so early? Are you having a normal pregnancy? If so there is no reason (CF related) that you should be expected to go early as long as your health is remaining stable. None of the published studies (as far as I know) show a relationship between CF and preterm labor/delivery. My advice - don't expect to go early and prepare to go overdue. It will be easier to handle emotionally if you actually get there - otherwise you may end up disappointed if you don't go at 36 weeks - and nobody wants a baby in the NICU if you can help it! I was unnecessarily induced w/ my son at 39 weeks 4 days and went into labor naturally at 39 weeks 4 days with my new daughter.



Why are you doctors expecting you to go into labor so early? Are you having a normal pregnancy? If so there is no reason (CF related) that you should be expected to go early as long as your health is remaining stable. None of the published studies (as far as I know) show a relationship between CF and preterm labor/delivery. My advice - don't expect to go early and prepare to go overdue. It will be easier to handle emotionally if you actually get there - otherwise you may end up disappointed if you don't go at 36 weeks - and nobody wants a baby in the NICU if you can help it! I was unnecessarily induced w/ my son at 39 weeks 4 days and went into labor naturally at 39 weeks 4 days with my new daughter.


<br />
<br />Why are you doctors expecting you to go into labor so early? Are you having a normal pregnancy? If so there is no reason (CF related) that you should be expected to go early as long as your health is remaining stable. None of the published studies (as far as I know) show a relationship between CF and preterm labor/delivery. My advice - don't expect to go early and prepare to go overdue. It will be easier to handle emotionally if you actually get there - otherwise you may end up disappointed if you don't go at 36 weeks - and nobody wants a baby in the NICU if you can help it! I was unnecessarily induced w/ my son at 39 weeks 4 days and went into labor naturally at 39 weeks 4 days with my new daughter.