How many preggos are out there?



i had iv's three times while i was pregnant. but i wasn't on any anitbiotics at the time. my cf doc's didn't want me on anything inhaled. every cf doc is different. and aj being born at 35 weeks would have come home when i got home, but he couldn't keep his formula down. anyways i just wanted to wish you luck and hope you go to term!


i had iv's three times while i was pregnant. but i wasn't on any anitbiotics at the time. my cf doc's didn't want me on anything inhaled. every cf doc is different. and aj being born at 35 weeks would have come home when i got home, but he couldn't keep his formula down. anyways i just wanted to wish you luck and hope you go to term!


i had iv's three times while i was pregnant. but i wasn't on any anitbiotics at the time. my cf doc's didn't want me on anything inhaled. every cf doc is different. and aj being born at 35 weeks would have come home when i got home, but he couldn't keep his formula down. anyways i just wanted to wish you luck and hope you go to term!


i had iv's three times while i was pregnant. but i wasn't on any anitbiotics at the time. my cf doc's didn't want me on anything inhaled. every cf doc is different. and aj being born at 35 weeks would have come home when i got home, but he couldn't keep his formula down. anyways i just wanted to wish you luck and hope you go to term!


i had iv's three times while i was pregnant. but i wasn't on any anitbiotics at the time. my cf doc's didn't want me on anything inhaled. every cf doc is different. and aj being born at 35 weeks would have come home when i got home, but he couldn't keep his formula down. anyways i just wanted to wish you luck and hope you go to term!


New member
I am a 28 year old female pregnant with my first baby. I am due in June. We did 4 IVF cycles and have a history of one natural miscarriage. So glad to see others in the same boat as me! I have been healthy my whole life with no hospitalizations due to CF..hoping to keep it that way...When are you all due!?


New member
I am a 28 year old female pregnant with my first baby. I am due in June. We did 4 IVF cycles and have a history of one natural miscarriage. So glad to see others in the same boat as me! I have been healthy my whole life with no hospitalizations due to CF..hoping to keep it that way...When are you all due!?


New member
I am a 28 year old female pregnant with my first baby. I am due in June. We did 4 IVF cycles and have a history of one natural miscarriage. So glad to see others in the same boat as me! I have been healthy my whole life with no hospitalizations due to CF..hoping to keep it that way...When are you all due!?


New member
I am a 28 year old female pregnant with my first baby. I am due in June. We did 4 IVF cycles and have a history of one natural miscarriage. So glad to see others in the same boat as me! I have been healthy my whole life with no hospitalizations due to CF..hoping to keep it that way...When are you all due!?


New member
I am a 28 year old female pregnant with my first baby. I am due in June. We did 4 IVF cycles and have a history of one natural miscarriage. So glad to see others in the same boat as me! I have been healthy my whole life with no hospitalizations due to CF..hoping to keep it that way...When are you all due!?


New member
I am 21 weeks pregnant and in the hospital for the second time for lung infections. My doctors anticipate that I will deliver between 34-36 weeks, due to my constant infections. So, even though my due date is March 12, we are anticipating that our baby boy, Alex (James or Joshua for the middle name) will be born between January 29 and February 12. This is my first pregnancy, although I have a wonderful three-year-old boy I adopted when he was two days old. Even though this pregnancy has been rough and seems to be taking a toll on my body, I am very happy to be having a baby. I can feel him kicking now as I'm typing this message, almost like he wants to put in his two cents. Some things that worry me are the effect of the IV drugs I am taking (TOBI for hearing loss), the possible effects on the baby with preterm labor and getting to the hospital in time (I live three driving hours away and will have to be lifeflighted to Anchorage). Overall though, I am just trusting God to keep this precious boy heathly and protected.


New member
I am 21 weeks pregnant and in the hospital for the second time for lung infections. My doctors anticipate that I will deliver between 34-36 weeks, due to my constant infections. So, even though my due date is March 12, we are anticipating that our baby boy, Alex (James or Joshua for the middle name) will be born between January 29 and February 12. This is my first pregnancy, although I have a wonderful three-year-old boy I adopted when he was two days old. Even though this pregnancy has been rough and seems to be taking a toll on my body, I am very happy to be having a baby. I can feel him kicking now as I'm typing this message, almost like he wants to put in his two cents. Some things that worry me are the effect of the IV drugs I am taking (TOBI for hearing loss), the possible effects on the baby with preterm labor and getting to the hospital in time (I live three driving hours away and will have to be lifeflighted to Anchorage). Overall though, I am just trusting God to keep this precious boy heathly and protected.


New member
I am 21 weeks pregnant and in the hospital for the second time for lung infections. My doctors anticipate that I will deliver between 34-36 weeks, due to my constant infections. So, even though my due date is March 12, we are anticipating that our baby boy, Alex (James or Joshua for the middle name) will be born between January 29 and February 12. This is my first pregnancy, although I have a wonderful three-year-old boy I adopted when he was two days old. Even though this pregnancy has been rough and seems to be taking a toll on my body, I am very happy to be having a baby. I can feel him kicking now as I'm typing this message, almost like he wants to put in his two cents. Some things that worry me are the effect of the IV drugs I am taking (TOBI for hearing loss), the possible effects on the baby with preterm labor and getting to the hospital in time (I live three driving hours away and will have to be lifeflighted to Anchorage). Overall though, I am just trusting God to keep this precious boy heathly and protected.


New member
I am 21 weeks pregnant and in the hospital for the second time for lung infections. My doctors anticipate that I will deliver between 34-36 weeks, due to my constant infections. So, even though my due date is March 12, we are anticipating that our baby boy, Alex (James or Joshua for the middle name) will be born between January 29 and February 12. This is my first pregnancy, although I have a wonderful three-year-old boy I adopted when he was two days old. Even though this pregnancy has been rough and seems to be taking a toll on my body, I am very happy to be having a baby. I can feel him kicking now as I'm typing this message, almost like he wants to put in his two cents. Some things that worry me are the effect of the IV drugs I am taking (TOBI for hearing loss), the possible effects on the baby with preterm labor and getting to the hospital in time (I live three driving hours away and will have to be lifeflighted to Anchorage). Overall though, I am just trusting God to keep this precious boy heathly and protected.


New member
<br />I am 21 weeks pregnant and in the hospital for the second time for lung infections. My doctors anticipate that I will deliver between 34-36 weeks, due to my constant infections. So, even though my due date is March 12, we are anticipating that our baby boy, Alex (James or Joshua for the middle name) will be born between January 29 and February 12. This is my first pregnancy, although I have a wonderful three-year-old boy I adopted when he was two days old. Even though this pregnancy has been rough and seems to be taking a toll on my body, I am very happy to be having a baby. I can feel him kicking now as I'm typing this message, almost like he wants to put in his two cents. Some things that worry me are the effect of the IV drugs I am taking (TOBI for hearing loss), the possible effects on the baby with preterm labor and getting to the hospital in time (I live three driving hours away and will have to be lifeflighted to Anchorage). Overall though, I am just trusting God to keep this precious boy heathly and protected.


New member
Oh Jeana,
I am sorry to hear you are back in the hospital again! I hope you start feeling better soon. Feel free to PM as I bet you are bored and lonely being so far from your husband and little boy.

30 yo cf


New member
Oh Jeana,
I am sorry to hear you are back in the hospital again! I hope you start feeling better soon. Feel free to PM as I bet you are bored and lonely being so far from your husband and little boy.

30 yo cf


New member
Oh Jeana,
I am sorry to hear you are back in the hospital again! I hope you start feeling better soon. Feel free to PM as I bet you are bored and lonely being so far from your husband and little boy.

30 yo cf


New member
Oh Jeana,
I am sorry to hear you are back in the hospital again! I hope you start feeling better soon. Feel free to PM as I bet you are bored and lonely being so far from your husband and little boy.

30 yo cf


New member
Oh Jeana,
<br />I am sorry to hear you are back in the hospital again! I hope you start feeling better soon. Feel free to PM as I bet you are bored and lonely being so far from your husband and little boy.
<br />
<br />Jenn
<br />30 yo cf