How many preggos are out there?


New member
It's been a while but I'm still here and still pregnant!

Were due May 19
First pregnancy

I've had morning/evening sickness that is starting to fade (after 3 months). Recently I've been having nose bleeds, which I haven't had since I was like 10 and have had a couple headaches. Nothing that is really that bad though. Honestly the weird changes are just reminders that we will have a beautiful baby soon!!

We are incredibly excited! We got pregnant on our 4 medicated IUI (after trying naturally for 3.5 years). We've decided to have our little one with a CNM at a birthing center (so long as this continues to be a normal pregnancy), which were hoping to be a great experience.

I do have a question though. At our first apt at 11 weeks I gave a urine sample and my glucose was between 100 and 250. That is on the high side, prior to giving the sample she said both my glucose and protein should be a zero. Anyway, I was told that spilling glucose into their urine can be a sign of Gestational Diabetes but also that women who develop GD may never have high urine/glucose levels.

Does anyone have experience with this? Were your levels high/low and did you end up developing DG?


New member
It's been a while but I'm still here and still pregnant!

Were due May 19
First pregnancy

I've had morning/evening sickness that is starting to fade (after 3 months). Recently I've been having nose bleeds, which I haven't had since I was like 10 and have had a couple headaches. Nothing that is really that bad though. Honestly the weird changes are just reminders that we will have a beautiful baby soon!!

We are incredibly excited! We got pregnant on our 4 medicated IUI (after trying naturally for 3.5 years). We've decided to have our little one with a CNM at a birthing center (so long as this continues to be a normal pregnancy), which were hoping to be a great experience.

I do have a question though. At our first apt at 11 weeks I gave a urine sample and my glucose was between 100 and 250. That is on the high side, prior to giving the sample she said both my glucose and protein should be a zero. Anyway, I was told that spilling glucose into their urine can be a sign of Gestational Diabetes but also that women who develop GD may never have high urine/glucose levels.

Does anyone have experience with this? Were your levels high/low and did you end up developing DG?


New member
It's been a while but I'm still here and still pregnant!

Were due May 19
First pregnancy

I've had morning/evening sickness that is starting to fade (after 3 months). Recently I've been having nose bleeds, which I haven't had since I was like 10 and have had a couple headaches. Nothing that is really that bad though. Honestly the weird changes are just reminders that we will have a beautiful baby soon!!

We are incredibly excited! We got pregnant on our 4 medicated IUI (after trying naturally for 3.5 years). We've decided to have our little one with a CNM at a birthing center (so long as this continues to be a normal pregnancy), which were hoping to be a great experience.

I do have a question though. At our first apt at 11 weeks I gave a urine sample and my glucose was between 100 and 250. That is on the high side, prior to giving the sample she said both my glucose and protein should be a zero. Anyway, I was told that spilling glucose into their urine can be a sign of Gestational Diabetes but also that women who develop GD may never have high urine/glucose levels.

Does anyone have experience with this? Were your levels high/low and did you end up developing DG?


New member
It's been a while but I'm still here and still pregnant!

Were due May 19
First pregnancy

I've had morning/evening sickness that is starting to fade (after 3 months). Recently I've been having nose bleeds, which I haven't had since I was like 10 and have had a couple headaches. Nothing that is really that bad though. Honestly the weird changes are just reminders that we will have a beautiful baby soon!!

We are incredibly excited! We got pregnant on our 4 medicated IUI (after trying naturally for 3.5 years). We've decided to have our little one with a CNM at a birthing center (so long as this continues to be a normal pregnancy), which were hoping to be a great experience.

I do have a question though. At our first apt at 11 weeks I gave a urine sample and my glucose was between 100 and 250. That is on the high side, prior to giving the sample she said both my glucose and protein should be a zero. Anyway, I was told that spilling glucose into their urine can be a sign of Gestational Diabetes but also that women who develop GD may never have high urine/glucose levels.

Does anyone have experience with this? Were your levels high/low and did you end up developing DG?


New member
It's been a while but I'm still here and still pregnant!
<br />
<br />Were due May 19
<br />First pregnancy
<br />
<br />I've had morning/evening sickness that is starting to fade (after 3 months). Recently I've been having nose bleeds, which I haven't had since I was like 10 and have had a couple headaches. Nothing that is really that bad though. Honestly the weird changes are just reminders that we will have a beautiful baby soon!!
<br />
<br />We are incredibly excited! We got pregnant on our 4 medicated IUI (after trying naturally for 3.5 years). We've decided to have our little one with a CNM at a birthing center (so long as this continues to be a normal pregnancy), which were hoping to be a great experience.
<br />
<br />I do have a question though. At our first apt at 11 weeks I gave a urine sample and my glucose was between 100 and 250. That is on the high side, prior to giving the sample she said both my glucose and protein should be a zero. Anyway, I was told that spilling glucose into their urine can be a sign of Gestational Diabetes but also that women who develop GD may never have high urine/glucose levels.
<br />
<br />Does anyone have experience with this? Were your levels high/low and did you end up developing DG?


New member

Congrats on the pregnancy! Hopefully you will be completely over the morning sickness soon. That was the worse part of pregnancy for me.

I never had glucose in my urine, but that is a sign that your sugars are high. Are they going to perform an oral glucose test on you soon? I would think it would need to be addressed soon since sugar is spilling over into your urine.


New member

Congrats on the pregnancy! Hopefully you will be completely over the morning sickness soon. That was the worse part of pregnancy for me.

I never had glucose in my urine, but that is a sign that your sugars are high. Are they going to perform an oral glucose test on you soon? I would think it would need to be addressed soon since sugar is spilling over into your urine.


New member

Congrats on the pregnancy! Hopefully you will be completely over the morning sickness soon. That was the worse part of pregnancy for me.

I never had glucose in my urine, but that is a sign that your sugars are high. Are they going to perform an oral glucose test on you soon? I would think it would need to be addressed soon since sugar is spilling over into your urine.


New member

Congrats on the pregnancy! Hopefully you will be completely over the morning sickness soon. That was the worse part of pregnancy for me.

I never had glucose in my urine, but that is a sign that your sugars are high. Are they going to perform an oral glucose test on you soon? I would think it would need to be addressed soon since sugar is spilling over into your urine.


New member
<br />
<br />Congrats on the pregnancy! Hopefully you will be completely over the morning sickness soon. That was the worse part of pregnancy for me.
<br />
<br />I never had glucose in my urine, but that is a sign that your sugars are high. Are they going to perform an oral glucose test on you soon? I would think it would need to be addressed soon since sugar is spilling over into your urine.



We are due JUNE 18th
First Pregnancy

I havent had any morning sickness. I have been tired, I love to sleep. I'm still working and can hopefully work until May. We are going tomorrow to see my CF doctors, i hope my lungs and everything are doing well! WE are so excited and very lucky we got pregnant naturally after being off birth control for 5 months.

We are so excited!!! WE cant wait to see what SHE/ HE looks like.

WE were told that they might induce me at 36 weeks, to make it easier on me. But i want my baby to be healthy so i want to carry it as long as i am able!!



We are due JUNE 18th
First Pregnancy

I havent had any morning sickness. I have been tired, I love to sleep. I'm still working and can hopefully work until May. We are going tomorrow to see my CF doctors, i hope my lungs and everything are doing well! WE are so excited and very lucky we got pregnant naturally after being off birth control for 5 months.

We are so excited!!! WE cant wait to see what SHE/ HE looks like.

WE were told that they might induce me at 36 weeks, to make it easier on me. But i want my baby to be healthy so i want to carry it as long as i am able!!



We are due JUNE 18th
First Pregnancy

I havent had any morning sickness. I have been tired, I love to sleep. I'm still working and can hopefully work until May. We are going tomorrow to see my CF doctors, i hope my lungs and everything are doing well! WE are so excited and very lucky we got pregnant naturally after being off birth control for 5 months.

We are so excited!!! WE cant wait to see what SHE/ HE looks like.

WE were told that they might induce me at 36 weeks, to make it easier on me. But i want my baby to be healthy so i want to carry it as long as i am able!!



We are due JUNE 18th
First Pregnancy

I havent had any morning sickness. I have been tired, I love to sleep. I'm still working and can hopefully work until May. We are going tomorrow to see my CF doctors, i hope my lungs and everything are doing well! WE are so excited and very lucky we got pregnant naturally after being off birth control for 5 months.

We are so excited!!! WE cant wait to see what SHE/ HE looks like.

WE were told that they might induce me at 36 weeks, to make it easier on me. But i want my baby to be healthy so i want to carry it as long as i am able!!


<br />
<br />We are due JUNE 18th
<br />First Pregnancy
<br />
<br />I havent had any morning sickness. I have been tired, I love to sleep. I'm still working and can hopefully work until May. We are going tomorrow to see my CF doctors, i hope my lungs and everything are doing well! WE are so excited and very lucky we got pregnant naturally after being off birth control for 5 months.
<br />
<br />We are so excited!!! WE cant wait to see what SHE/ HE looks like.
<br />
<br />WE were told that they might induce me at 36 weeks, to make it easier on me. But i want my baby to be healthy so i want to carry it as long as i am able!!


Kortney - Congrats! I don't know anything about urine glucose levels but I wanted to say I think it is great that you're planning on a birth center! If we had one locally I would have had Logan at one. The word from the grapevine in my area is that there are some dedicated women working to get a new birth center here (we had one here like 20 years ago). I hope they are able to. My home birth was honestly one of the best experiences of my life and so gentle.

Teri - COngrats to you too! Do you have a reason why they might want to induce you early (like poor lung function)? or is your OB just being "cautious". If it is the latter that makes me so mad sometimes. I understand wanting to put patient safety first but there is nothing out there saying that someone w/ CF shouldn't be considered capable of carrying to full term w/o risking their health. It is just absurd. I suggest doing some of your own research - you can find the currently published studies online. Sure some people will deliver early or need an early delivery due to their health but starting out healthy shouldn't give an OB reason to tell you THIS SOON that you might need to deliver early. I think the OB is setting you up to fail honestly... ok rant over. I'm just very passionate about all this.


Kortney - Congrats! I don't know anything about urine glucose levels but I wanted to say I think it is great that you're planning on a birth center! If we had one locally I would have had Logan at one. The word from the grapevine in my area is that there are some dedicated women working to get a new birth center here (we had one here like 20 years ago). I hope they are able to. My home birth was honestly one of the best experiences of my life and so gentle.

Teri - COngrats to you too! Do you have a reason why they might want to induce you early (like poor lung function)? or is your OB just being "cautious". If it is the latter that makes me so mad sometimes. I understand wanting to put patient safety first but there is nothing out there saying that someone w/ CF shouldn't be considered capable of carrying to full term w/o risking their health. It is just absurd. I suggest doing some of your own research - you can find the currently published studies online. Sure some people will deliver early or need an early delivery due to their health but starting out healthy shouldn't give an OB reason to tell you THIS SOON that you might need to deliver early. I think the OB is setting you up to fail honestly... ok rant over. I'm just very passionate about all this.


Kortney - Congrats! I don't know anything about urine glucose levels but I wanted to say I think it is great that you're planning on a birth center! If we had one locally I would have had Logan at one. The word from the grapevine in my area is that there are some dedicated women working to get a new birth center here (we had one here like 20 years ago). I hope they are able to. My home birth was honestly one of the best experiences of my life and so gentle.

Teri - COngrats to you too! Do you have a reason why they might want to induce you early (like poor lung function)? or is your OB just being "cautious". If it is the latter that makes me so mad sometimes. I understand wanting to put patient safety first but there is nothing out there saying that someone w/ CF shouldn't be considered capable of carrying to full term w/o risking their health. It is just absurd. I suggest doing some of your own research - you can find the currently published studies online. Sure some people will deliver early or need an early delivery due to their health but starting out healthy shouldn't give an OB reason to tell you THIS SOON that you might need to deliver early. I think the OB is setting you up to fail honestly... ok rant over. I'm just very passionate about all this.


Kortney - Congrats! I don't know anything about urine glucose levels but I wanted to say I think it is great that you're planning on a birth center! If we had one locally I would have had Logan at one. The word from the grapevine in my area is that there are some dedicated women working to get a new birth center here (we had one here like 20 years ago). I hope they are able to. My home birth was honestly one of the best experiences of my life and so gentle.

Teri - COngrats to you too! Do you have a reason why they might want to induce you early (like poor lung function)? or is your OB just being "cautious". If it is the latter that makes me so mad sometimes. I understand wanting to put patient safety first but there is nothing out there saying that someone w/ CF shouldn't be considered capable of carrying to full term w/o risking their health. It is just absurd. I suggest doing some of your own research - you can find the currently published studies online. Sure some people will deliver early or need an early delivery due to their health but starting out healthy shouldn't give an OB reason to tell you THIS SOON that you might need to deliver early. I think the OB is setting you up to fail honestly... ok rant over. I'm just very passionate about all this.


Kortney - Congrats! I don't know anything about urine glucose levels but I wanted to say I think it is great that you're planning on a birth center! If we had one locally I would have had Logan at one. The word from the grapevine in my area is that there are some dedicated women working to get a new birth center here (we had one here like 20 years ago). I hope they are able to. My home birth was honestly one of the best experiences of my life and so gentle.
<br />
<br />Teri - COngrats to you too! Do you have a reason why they might want to induce you early (like poor lung function)? or is your OB just being "cautious". If it is the latter that makes me so mad sometimes. I understand wanting to put patient safety first but there is nothing out there saying that someone w/ CF shouldn't be considered capable of carrying to full term w/o risking their health. It is just absurd. I suggest doing some of your own research - you can find the currently published studies online. Sure some people will deliver early or need an early delivery due to their health but starting out healthy shouldn't give an OB reason to tell you THIS SOON that you might need to deliver early. I think the OB is setting you up to fail honestly... ok rant over. I'm just very passionate about all this.