How many times has your child been in the hospital?


New member
CJ hasn't been diagnosed yet but here goes anyways..
age 2 for asthma (3 days)
age 3 asthma/pneumonia (3 days)
age 5 constipation (2 days)
age 5 again for asthma (2 days)
age 7 umbilical hernia repair surgery (3 days)
age 8 pneumonia/asthma (5 days)
age 11 constipation (3 days)
age 12 constipation (4 days)
age 13 surgery for constipation, he had an appendicostomy (3 days)
age 13 1 week after appendicostomy surgery for dehydration and unexplained fevers (24 hours)


New member
CJ hasn't been diagnosed yet but here goes anyways..
age 2 for asthma (3 days)
age 3 asthma/pneumonia (3 days)
age 5 constipation (2 days)
age 5 again for asthma (2 days)
age 7 umbilical hernia repair surgery (3 days)
age 8 pneumonia/asthma (5 days)
age 11 constipation (3 days)
age 12 constipation (4 days)
age 13 surgery for constipation, he had an appendicostomy (3 days)
age 13 1 week after appendicostomy surgery for dehydration and unexplained fevers (24 hours)


New member
CJ hasn't been diagnosed yet but here goes anyways..
age 2 for asthma (3 days)
age 3 asthma/pneumonia (3 days)
age 5 constipation (2 days)
age 5 again for asthma (2 days)
age 7 umbilical hernia repair surgery (3 days)
age 8 pneumonia/asthma (5 days)
age 11 constipation (3 days)
age 12 constipation (4 days)
age 13 surgery for constipation, he had an appendicostomy (3 days)
age 13 1 week after appendicostomy surgery for dehydration and unexplained fevers (24 hours)


New member
CJ hasn't been diagnosed yet but here goes anyways..
age 2 for asthma (3 days)
age 3 asthma/pneumonia (3 days)
age 5 constipation (2 days)
age 5 again for asthma (2 days)
age 7 umbilical hernia repair surgery (3 days)
age 8 pneumonia/asthma (5 days)
age 11 constipation (3 days)
age 12 constipation (4 days)
age 13 surgery for constipation, he had an appendicostomy (3 days)
age 13 1 week after appendicostomy surgery for dehydration and unexplained fevers (24 hours)


New member
CJ hasn't been diagnosed yet but here goes anyways..
<br />age 2 for asthma (3 days)
<br />age 3 asthma/pneumonia (3 days)
<br />age 5 constipation (2 days)
<br />age 5 again for asthma (2 days)
<br />age 7 umbilical hernia repair surgery (3 days)
<br />age 8 pneumonia/asthma (5 days)
<br />age 11 constipation (3 days)
<br />age 12 constipation (4 days)
<br />age 13 surgery for constipation, he had an appendicostomy (3 days)
<br />age 13 1 week after appendicostomy surgery for dehydration and unexplained fevers (24 hours)


New member
I have been in the hospital 9 times I think. I went once for a few days when i was for becasue i had pnemonia (not sure how to spell it) and it wouldn't go away with regular meds. Then i went in for my first tune up when i was nine. A tune up is basicaly where they put you in the hopsital for about two weeks and you get lots of iv meds and vest and neddie treatment like 4 times a day. i have to go in for a tune up about once a year and sometimes also when i get sick if it wont go away on its own.


New member
I have been in the hospital 9 times I think. I went once for a few days when i was for becasue i had pnemonia (not sure how to spell it) and it wouldn't go away with regular meds. Then i went in for my first tune up when i was nine. A tune up is basicaly where they put you in the hopsital for about two weeks and you get lots of iv meds and vest and neddie treatment like 4 times a day. i have to go in for a tune up about once a year and sometimes also when i get sick if it wont go away on its own.


New member
I have been in the hospital 9 times I think. I went once for a few days when i was for becasue i had pnemonia (not sure how to spell it) and it wouldn't go away with regular meds. Then i went in for my first tune up when i was nine. A tune up is basicaly where they put you in the hopsital for about two weeks and you get lots of iv meds and vest and neddie treatment like 4 times a day. i have to go in for a tune up about once a year and sometimes also when i get sick if it wont go away on its own.


New member
I have been in the hospital 9 times I think. I went once for a few days when i was for becasue i had pnemonia (not sure how to spell it) and it wouldn't go away with regular meds. Then i went in for my first tune up when i was nine. A tune up is basicaly where they put you in the hopsital for about two weeks and you get lots of iv meds and vest and neddie treatment like 4 times a day. i have to go in for a tune up about once a year and sometimes also when i get sick if it wont go away on its own.


New member
I have been in the hospital 9 times I think. I went once for a few days when i was for becasue i had pnemonia (not sure how to spell it) and it wouldn't go away with regular meds. Then i went in for my first tune up when i was nine. A tune up is basicaly where they put you in the hopsital for about two weeks and you get lots of iv meds and vest and neddie treatment like 4 times a day. i have to go in for a tune up about once a year and sometimes also when i get sick if it wont go away on its own.


New member
Okay here goes Miss Ellie,

2 months of age - diagnosis/pneumonia (attempted PICC line)
2 and half months- anemia...blood transfusion
4 months of age - pneumonia
4 and a half months - wheezing/bronchitis/broviac line placed
Month 5 no visit YAY!!! WOOHOO!!! ALRIGHT!!!
Month 6 broviac removal (YAY) er visit for C. Diff (BOO)
Keeping our fingers crossed for month 7

Between visits we have had two bronchs and one endoscopy, several chest x rays.

Dr visit today said she has never sounded so clear<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay here goes Miss Ellie,

2 months of age - diagnosis/pneumonia (attempted PICC line)
2 and half months- anemia...blood transfusion
4 months of age - pneumonia
4 and a half months - wheezing/bronchitis/broviac line placed
Month 5 no visit YAY!!! WOOHOO!!! ALRIGHT!!!
Month 6 broviac removal (YAY) er visit for C. Diff (BOO)
Keeping our fingers crossed for month 7

Between visits we have had two bronchs and one endoscopy, several chest x rays.

Dr visit today said she has never sounded so clear<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay here goes Miss Ellie,

2 months of age - diagnosis/pneumonia (attempted PICC line)
2 and half months- anemia...blood transfusion
4 months of age - pneumonia
4 and a half months - wheezing/bronchitis/broviac line placed
Month 5 no visit YAY!!! WOOHOO!!! ALRIGHT!!!
Month 6 broviac removal (YAY) er visit for C. Diff (BOO)
Keeping our fingers crossed for month 7

Between visits we have had two bronchs and one endoscopy, several chest x rays.

Dr visit today said she has never sounded so clear<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay here goes Miss Ellie,

2 months of age - diagnosis/pneumonia (attempted PICC line)
2 and half months- anemia...blood transfusion
4 months of age - pneumonia
4 and a half months - wheezing/bronchitis/broviac line placed
Month 5 no visit YAY!!! WOOHOO!!! ALRIGHT!!!
Month 6 broviac removal (YAY) er visit for C. Diff (BOO)
Keeping our fingers crossed for month 7

Between visits we have had two bronchs and one endoscopy, several chest x rays.

Dr visit today said she has never sounded so clear<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Okay here goes Miss Ellie,
<br />
<br />2 months of age - diagnosis/pneumonia (attempted PICC line)
<br />2 and half months- anemia...blood transfusion
<br />4 months of age - pneumonia
<br />4 and a half months - wheezing/bronchitis/broviac line placed
<br />Month 5 no visit YAY!!! WOOHOO!!! ALRIGHT!!!
<br />Month 6 broviac removal (YAY) er visit for C. Diff (BOO)
<br />Keeping our fingers crossed for month 7
<br />
<br />Between visits we have had two bronchs and one endoscopy, several chest x rays.
<br />
<br />Dr visit today said she has never sounded so clear<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Jess was diagnosed at 5 months with Failure to Thrive. later confirmed CF. she was in the hospital at that time for about 10 days.
since then only 1 inpatient stay for about 6 days for a tune up when she was 11 1/2. we were able to finish up the IVs at home (hey, there are sick people in the hospital! get us out of there!)
that's it. we are very fortunate that she responds so well to oral abx.
what really really helps is that she started to run track. all that excercise has done wonders!


New member
Jess was diagnosed at 5 months with Failure to Thrive. later confirmed CF. she was in the hospital at that time for about 10 days.
since then only 1 inpatient stay for about 6 days for a tune up when she was 11 1/2. we were able to finish up the IVs at home (hey, there are sick people in the hospital! get us out of there!)
that's it. we are very fortunate that she responds so well to oral abx.
what really really helps is that she started to run track. all that excercise has done wonders!


New member
Jess was diagnosed at 5 months with Failure to Thrive. later confirmed CF. she was in the hospital at that time for about 10 days.
since then only 1 inpatient stay for about 6 days for a tune up when she was 11 1/2. we were able to finish up the IVs at home (hey, there are sick people in the hospital! get us out of there!)
that's it. we are very fortunate that she responds so well to oral abx.
what really really helps is that she started to run track. all that excercise has done wonders!


New member
Jess was diagnosed at 5 months with Failure to Thrive. later confirmed CF. she was in the hospital at that time for about 10 days.
since then only 1 inpatient stay for about 6 days for a tune up when she was 11 1/2. we were able to finish up the IVs at home (hey, there are sick people in the hospital! get us out of there!)
that's it. we are very fortunate that she responds so well to oral abx.
what really really helps is that she started to run track. all that excercise has done wonders!


New member
Jess was diagnosed at 5 months with Failure to Thrive. later confirmed CF. she was in the hospital at that time for about 10 days.
<br />since then only 1 inpatient stay for about 6 days for a tune up when she was 11 1/2. we were able to finish up the IVs at home (hey, there are sick people in the hospital! get us out of there!)
<br />that's it. we are very fortunate that she responds so well to oral abx.
<br />what really really helps is that she started to run track. all that excercise has done wonders!