all of this is so crazy to read. I had mild lung symptoms of CF, dealt more with digestive, in that it was harder to gain weight and dealt with a bowel obstruction. I didnt culture PA until a year or two after seeing my CF doctor, in a CF clinic and started doing more regular medications (though not daily by any means). I either did not listen or did not know that you were supposed to sterilize nebulizers. I had literally, one cup for albuterol, one for pulmozyme and one for TOBI.. which I did not even rinse out in between uses, just put them in a tupperware thing I had. I eventually had to rinse and boil the TOBI ones b/c it would get clogged but just did not realize the microbiology of it all, I was only 13 or 14 then, and just learning about the make-up of germs haha. I often wondered if I go PA from being in a CF environment where as growing up I saw just a pediatrician, although maybe it was from starting my treatments (My mom was instructed I didn't need treatments unless sick as the meds were hard on the heart... so didnt start being proactive about treatments till I saw the Ped CF doc)
As Havoc said, mycobacteriums are showing up increasingly in shower heads and steam (I wonder if its b/c of the chlorine used in the water treatment process b/c NTM is not killed by bleach, so now it has more room to grow w/o other bugs being killed by higher chlorine doses). I am almost positive I got my NTM from the college dorms I lived in which were built in the 1960's I think, where the bathroom didnt even have a fan... le sigh (the things you wish you knew).
I can't really think too much about where I could catch a germ, b/c there is just no way to live. I become obsessive b/c I wish I wouldn't have lived in that dorm, I wouldnt be where I was lung function and CF progression wise w/o the NTM, and it gets too depressing. Of course, I could have gotten the NTM anywhere from the soil to the muddy lake I grew up in as well.
Lastly, I contaminate my sterilized nebulizers everytime I do a treatment when I put the sucker together... I have wondered most about that fact, having to touch the center piece to put it together more than anything.