hey there!
I have to admit, I'm guilty of not checking my sugar as often as I should-by any means. But, to help with the agony of taking shots over and over and over again, I HIGHLY recommend looking into getting an insulin pump. Once I got a pump, I was able to do anything I wanted with out having to worry about shots, insulin bottles, extra syringes, etc. I just tell it how much I'm eating and that's it. My health got A TON better after having it for about a month because it doses more like a pancreas than shots do. It doesn't hurt and it's a poke every three days as opposed to many a day. If you can work a cell phone, you can work an insulin pump.
I know not all insurance companies pay for pumps, at least not fully. But if it's something you can afford, it would cut your diabetes treatment time by MORE than half while making you just as healthy if not more.
Good luck! If you have any curious pump questions, feel free to PM me.