Judging Hurts


New member
Well I can say that I don't own a pair of baggy jeans!! I hate baggy jeans! I am a skinny jean girl! lol but If thats the cause about the shirts though then I must be gay cause i have a lot of those athletic shirts! partly because i play volleyball and use to play basketball and u get a lot of shirts when u play sports! plus the r comfy!


New member
Well I can say that I don't own a pair of baggy jeans!! I hate baggy jeans! I am a skinny jean girl! lol but If thats the cause about the shirts though then I must be gay cause i have a lot of those athletic shirts! partly because i play volleyball and use to play basketball and u get a lot of shirts when u play sports! plus the r comfy!


New member
I went through the same thing. I did wear slightly baggy clothes in HS because of it hiding my body plus I dont like anything tight. Everyone knew of my health issues, plus I was out a lot due to being sick. Did I get picked on? Yes. Did I have alot of friends? No. I had 2 friends in school and lost one to backstabbing before high school ended. As far as clothes, you dont have to wear really baggy clothes, just one size larger than what you wear normally. Loose but fitted. You can try different jeans on to see what makes your butt look good. I perfer LEI jeans, but honestly my butt didnt show up until after HS. As far as small boobs (join the club), wonderbras are great and so are lightly padded bras. Nothin too padded or over the top. They make some that are padded in the bottom of the cup so when you wear it they push up what you naturally have, looks more natural.

I know things have changed since I've been in school (10yrs now...geez I feel old lol) but regardless kids are mean. Bottom line & they go after who they see as "weak". My advice to you so know who you are as a person & stick to that. Dont do things just to fit in. I know being popular and what not seems like everything now but when you leave high school no one cares. That's right, no one cares who was popular, who was prom king/queen, etc. It doesnt matter after the drama that is high school. Just know who you are as a person, what you believe in, stick to your morals, & keep yourself healthy so you can get through high school & go on to bigger and better things afterwards. Then in 10 yrs you can go to your HS Reunion looking younger than everyone else (thanks to CF) lol!

I hope that helps you.


New member
I went through the same thing. I did wear slightly baggy clothes in HS because of it hiding my body plus I dont like anything tight. Everyone knew of my health issues, plus I was out a lot due to being sick. Did I get picked on? Yes. Did I have alot of friends? No. I had 2 friends in school and lost one to backstabbing before high school ended. As far as clothes, you dont have to wear really baggy clothes, just one size larger than what you wear normally. Loose but fitted. You can try different jeans on to see what makes your butt look good. I perfer LEI jeans, but honestly my butt didnt show up until after HS. As far as small boobs (join the club), wonderbras are great and so are lightly padded bras. Nothin too padded or over the top. They make some that are padded in the bottom of the cup so when you wear it they push up what you naturally have, looks more natural.

I know things have changed since I've been in school (10yrs now...geez I feel old lol) but regardless kids are mean. Bottom line & they go after who they see as "weak". My advice to you so know who you are as a person & stick to that. Dont do things just to fit in. I know being popular and what not seems like everything now but when you leave high school no one cares. That's right, no one cares who was popular, who was prom king/queen, etc. It doesnt matter after the drama that is high school. Just know who you are as a person, what you believe in, stick to your morals, & keep yourself healthy so you can get through high school & go on to bigger and better things afterwards. Then in 10 yrs you can go to your HS Reunion looking younger than everyone else (thanks to CF) lol!

I hope that helps you.


New member
I went through the same thing. I did wear slightly baggy clothes in HS because of it hiding my body plus I dont like anything tight. Everyone knew of my health issues, plus I was out a lot due to being sick. Did I get picked on? Yes. Did I have alot of friends? No. I had 2 friends in school and lost one to backstabbing before high school ended. As far as clothes, you dont have to wear really baggy clothes, just one size larger than what you wear normally. Loose but fitted. You can try different jeans on to see what makes your butt look good. I perfer LEI jeans, but honestly my butt didnt show up until after HS. As far as small boobs (join the club), wonderbras are great and so are lightly padded bras. Nothin too padded or over the top. They make some that are padded in the bottom of the cup so when you wear it they push up what you naturally have, looks more natural.
<br />
<br />I know things have changed since I've been in school (10yrs now...geez I feel old lol) but regardless kids are mean. Bottom line & they go after who they see as "weak". My advice to you so know who you are as a person & stick to that. Dont do things just to fit in. I know being popular and what not seems like everything now but when you leave high school no one cares. That's right, no one cares who was popular, who was prom king/queen, etc. It doesnt matter after the drama that is high school. Just know who you are as a person, what you believe in, stick to your morals, & keep yourself healthy so you can get through high school & go on to bigger and better things afterwards. Then in 10 yrs you can go to your HS Reunion looking younger than everyone else (thanks to CF) lol!
<br />
<br />I hope that helps you.


New member
"That's right, no one cares who was popular, who was prom king/queen, etc."
<br />
<br />amen to that and I am only out 6 years....


New member
That happened to me  highschool, other place even an amusement park.  I remember once in gym class ...These girls were gossiping and looking at me. One girl was like " Are you pregnant and I said,  " No I am not pregnant."   Then her other friend came up to me a few minutes later and asked me that same thing.  I politely but loudly said " She already asked me that...Why dont you talk to her.  I then I told them even if I was, its none of your business.  In highschool I wasnt the popular type ...I wanted to be the loner but I hung out with the popular crowd. My friend at the time new I had CF and know one ever asked me but her.  She said she wouldnt tell anybody.  I was cool with that.  I also didnt want anyone treating me any different.  In Junior high ,  I ate lunch at the handicapped office.  For me I felt comfortable because other kids had disabilities, I didnt feel any different.  I made a lot a friends.  Learned a lot about myself in those 3 years.  It made me see that I wasnt the only one who was different.  It was a great experience for me.  I will always remember that time in my life with fondness.  So even though highschool is rough and not always easy.  Always remember friends accept you for who you are not what you look like or what you have.  The ones that dont accept you are truly not your friends.  Chances are you will never see them again either.  I hope this helps.  By the way Im 31 living with CF and highschool is basically a blurr to me now. 


New member
That happened to me highschool, other place even an amusement park. I remember once in gym class ...These girls were gossiping and looking at me. One girl was like " Are you pregnant and I said, " No I am not pregnant." Then her other friend came up to me a few minutes later and asked me that same thing. I politely but loudly said " She already asked me that...Why dont you talk to her. I then I told them even if I was,its none of your business. In highschool I wasnt the popular type ...I wanted to be the loner but I hung out with the popular crowd. My friend at the time new I had CF and know one ever asked me but her. She said she wouldnt tell anybody. I was cool with that. I also didnt want anyone treating me any different. In Junior high , I ate lunch at the handicapped office. For me I felt comfortable because other kids had disabilities, I didnt feel any different. I made a lot a friends. Learned a lot about myself in those 3 years. It made me see that I wasnt the only one who was different. It was a great experience for me. I will always remember that time in my life with fondness. So even though highschool is rough and not always easy. Always remember friends accept you for who you are not what you look like or what you have. The ones that dont accept you are truly not your friends. Chances are you will never see them again either. I hope this helps. By the way Im 31 living with CF and highschool is basically a blurr to me now.


New member
<p>That happened to me highschool, other place even an amusement park. I remember once in gym class ...These girls were gossiping and looking at me. One girl was like " Are you pregnant and I said, " No I am not pregnant." Then her other friend came up to me a few minutes later and asked me that same thing. I politely but loudly said " She already asked me that...Why dont you talk to her. I then I told them even if I was,its none of your business. In highschool I wasnt the popular type ...I wanted to be the loner but I hung out with the popular crowd. My friend at the time new I had CF and know one ever asked me but her. She said she wouldnt tell anybody. I was cool with that. I also didnt want anyone treating me any different. In Junior high , I ate lunch at the handicapped office. For me I felt comfortable because other kids had disabilities, I didnt feel any different. I made a lot a friends. Learned a lot about myself in those 3 years. It made me see that I wasnt the only one who was different. It was a great experience for me. I will always remember that time in my life with fondness. So even though highschool is rough and not always easy. Always remember friends accept you for who you are not what you look like or what you have. The ones that dont accept you are truly not your friends. Chances are you will never see them again either. I hope this helps. By the way Im 31 living with CF and highschool is basically a blurr to me now.


New member
Yeah, things are getting harder now that the seniors are gone. They were the ones that I hung out with the most even though I'm only a freshman. I have very few freshman friends because our class is not exactly helpful in this field. Luckly, I still have my junior friends are still here.


New member
Yeah, things are getting harder now that the seniors are gone. They were the ones that I hung out with the most even though I'm only a freshman. I have very few freshman friends because our class is not exactly helpful in this field. Luckly, I still have my junior friends are still here.


New member
Yeah, things are getting harder now that the seniors are gone. They were the ones that I hung out with the most even though I'm only a freshman. I have very few freshman friends because our class is not exactly helpful in this field. Luckly, I still have my junior friends are still here.


New member
Wow, I forget how unbelievable horrible young people can be, and I'm going to graduate tomorrow from highscool. Even when I was in public school, and a public highschool for 9th-10th grade I never heard anything as malicious as you are discribing. Maybe it's because they're freshman.... freshman are the worst in my opinion, the little twerps.

Just know that you can get through this hun. As cliche as it is, most of those people who are getting to you have had, or will have before you graduate, something big happen to them, and not in the good way. I've noticed that in highschool ***** hits the fan for EVERYONE, in some way or another. They'll see.

I've always been very open with everyone about my CF. I refuse to hide it and use it as a disability because it's not. We make fun of things we dont understand, so MAKE them understand. If we were given an assignment or presentation on disease or whatever I'd do mine on CF sometimes, especially if it was a presentation. If you just explain, people will be more willing to understand. I even did a presentation on stem cell research and tied it into CF for my bio class and everyone loved it.

stay strong hun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Wow, I forget how unbelievable horrible young people can be, and I'm going to graduate tomorrow from highscool. Even when I was in public school, and a public highschool for 9th-10th grade I never heard anything as malicious as you are discribing. Maybe it's because they're freshman.... freshman are the worst in my opinion, the little twerps.

Just know that you can get through this hun. As cliche as it is, most of those people who are getting to you have had, or will have before you graduate, something big happen to them, and not in the good way. I've noticed that in highschool ***** hits the fan for EVERYONE, in some way or another. They'll see.

I've always been very open with everyone about my CF. I refuse to hide it and use it as a disability because it's not. We make fun of things we dont understand, so MAKE them understand. If we were given an assignment or presentation on disease or whatever I'd do mine on CF sometimes, especially if it was a presentation. If you just explain, people will be more willing to understand. I even did a presentation on stem cell research and tied it into CF for my bio class and everyone loved it.

stay strong hun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Wow, I forget how unbelievable horrible young people can be, and I'm going to graduate tomorrow from highscool. Even when I was in public school, and a public highschool for 9th-10th grade I never heard anything as malicious as you are discribing. Maybe it's because they're freshman.... freshman are the worst in my opinion, the little twerps.
<br />
<br />Just know that you can get through this hun. As cliche as it is, most of those people who are getting to you have had, or will have before you graduate, something big happen to them, and not in the good way. I've noticed that in highschool ***** hits the fan for EVERYONE, in some way or another. They'll see.
<br />
<br />I've always been very open with everyone about my CF. I refuse to hide it and use it as a disability because it's not. We make fun of things we dont understand, so MAKE them understand. If we were given an assignment or presentation on disease or whatever I'd do mine on CF sometimes, especially if it was a presentation. If you just explain, people will be more willing to understand. I even did a presentation on stem cell research and tied it into CF for my bio class and everyone loved it.
<br />
<br />stay strong hun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you. We have a bad freshmen class. I pray that when we get older they will get more understanding and more helpful. I never had to put up with stuff like this before. I mean, when you're young people don't see you as a sick child, they don't understand. Now that I'm older people DO understand what's going on and treat me different because of it. I'm surprised none of you have put up with this before. Is it just because I am a freshman?


New member
Thank you. We have a bad freshmen class. I pray that when we get older they will get more understanding and more helpful. I never had to put up with stuff like this before. I mean, when you're young people don't see you as a sick child, they don't understand. Now that I'm older people DO understand what's going on and treat me different because of it. I'm surprised none of you have put up with this before. Is it just because I am a freshman?


New member
Thank you. We have a bad freshmen class. I pray that when we get older they will get more understanding and more helpful. I never had to put up with stuff like this before. I mean, when you're young people don't see you as a sick child, they don't understand. Now that I'm older people DO understand what's going on and treat me different because of it. I'm surprised none of you have put up with this before. Is it just because I am a freshman?