Judging Hurts


New member
Yes, highschoolers suck. They're mean, hurtful and ignorant. But if you can work through them, you can find people that are worth it. You'll find people that love you for who you are, accept you sickness, pills, coughing, being tiny and all. They're called best friends. And best friends are worth it. Even if they are hard work to find.

I'd know. I found my two non-cf best friends after 11 years of being judged and made fun of.

- Gin, Senior of High School.


New member
Yes, highschoolers suck. They're mean, hurtful and ignorant. But if you can work through them, you can find people that are worth it. You'll find people that love you for who you are, accept you sickness, pills, coughing, being tiny and all. They're called best friends. And best friends are worth it. Even if they are hard work to find.

I'd know. I found my two non-cf best friends after 11 years of being judged and made fun of.

- Gin, Senior of High School.


New member
Yes, highschoolers suck. They're mean, hurtful and ignorant. But if you can work through them, you can find people that are worth it. You'll find people that love you for who you are, accept you sickness, pills, coughing, being tiny and all. They're called best friends. And best friends are worth it. Even if they are hard work to find.
<br />
<br />I'd know. I found my two non-cf best friends after 11 years of being judged and made fun of.
<br />
<br />- Gin, Senior of High School.


New member
Thank you very much everyone. I have found a lot of people over the past few weeks that love me. I also found a boyfriend that is caring for me as I'm sick.


New member
Thank you very much everyone. I have found a lot of people over the past few weeks that love me. I also found a boyfriend that is caring for me as I'm sick.


New member
Thank you very much everyone. I have found a lot of people over the past few weeks that love me. I also found a boyfriend that is caring for me as I'm sick.


New member
Thank you very much everyone. I have found a lot of people over the past few weeks that love me. I also found a boyfriend that is caring for me as I'm sick.


New member
Thank you very much everyone. I have found a lot of people over the past few weeks that love me. I also found a boyfriend that is caring for me as I'm sick.


New member
Thank you very much everyone. I have found a lot of people over the past few weeks that love me. I also found a boyfriend that is caring for me as I'm sick.


I put up with this ***** too. For four years in a public HS that shall henceforth be known as Azkaban. I had guidance counselors tell me I should not go to college. (I yelled at him when he said that and said you only snuff potential because you're stuck in this hell hole with a bunch of knuckle-draggers.) I'm going to a very well respected all women's college in a few weeks. I cried when I walked because I'll never have to see these people again. THANK THE LORD! (Did I mention I was officially uninvited from a party that my "friends" were throwing and invited me?)<div><br></div><div>Get the picture?</div><div><br></div><div>so, some advice:</div><div>-Go to the BR during the MIDDLE of the period. And NOT the main bathroom. Even if it's farther from the classroom. I mean, the snickering and looks you get in the BR are enough to make someone want to crawl into a hole and die. So yeah. Or, the nurse's office. Honestly, when you're on antibiotics, sometimes that is the best way to save your dignity. </div><div><br></div><div>-What your bio teacher did. There are a few words for that. One is immoral. The other is illegal. I personally have always been so open with my CF that this was never an issue for me. But a teacher has NO RIGHT whatsoever (legally) to share that information without your consent. (My graduation project was something I'd already done three years prior- giving a presentation about CF to the Anatomy and Physiology classes) Frankly, I'm angry at this teacher for you. </div><div><br></div><div>- Boys. Never having had a boyfriend myself, I don't have too much advice to offer.  </div><div><br></div><div>-As for that particular school. I wouldn't put much faith in what your doctor says in this particular area. Most of the pulmonologists I've seen went to school before the world was in color- when they used slates and slate pencils- when dinosaurs walked the earth (okay not really) but... I might look into it if there is a charter/magnet school you could transfer to. And as for not chasing the teacher...... how much did that teacher pay him to say that? Damn. I've never heard a doctor say to ignore something like that. It's like saying ignore it when you cough up pints of blood. Yeah.</div><div><br></div><div>You'll survive. You'll get through it. I really didn't think I would, but as a member of the class of 2011 I'm proof that miracles do happen. </div><div><br></div><div>So, as one famous newscaster like to put it, </div><div>good night, </div><div>and good luck.</div>


I put up with this ***** too. For four years in a public HS that shall henceforth be known as Azkaban. I had guidance counselors tell me I should not go to college. (I yelled at him when he said that and said you only snuff potential because you're stuck in this hell hole with a bunch of knuckle-draggers.) I'm going to a very well respected all women's college in a few weeks. I cried when I walked because I'll never have to see these people again. THANK THE LORD! (Did I mention I was officially uninvited from a party that my "friends" were throwing and invited me?)<br>Get the picture?<br>so, some advice:-Go to the BR during the MIDDLE of the period. And NOT the main bathroom. Even if it's farther from the classroom. I mean, the snickering and looks you get in the BR are enough to make someone want to crawl into a hole and die. So yeah. Or, the nurse's office. Honestly, when you're on antibiotics, sometimes that is the best way to save your dignity.<br>-What your bio teacher did. There are a few words for that. One is immoral. The other is illegal. I personally have always been so open with my CF that this was never an issue for me. But a teacher has NO RIGHT whatsoever (legally) to share that information without your consent. (My graduation project was something I'd already done three years prior- giving a presentation about CF to the Anatomy and Physiology classes) Frankly, I'm angry at this teacher for you.<br>- Boys. Never having had a boyfriend myself, I don't have too much advice to offer. <br>-As for that particular school. I wouldn't put much faith in what your doctor says in this particular area. Most of the pulmonologists I've seen went to school before the world was in color- when they used slates and slate pencils- when dinosaurs walked the earth (okay not really) but... I might look into it if there is a charter/magnet school you could transfer to. And as for not chasing the teacher...... how much did that teacher pay him to say that? Damn. I've never heard a doctor say to ignore something like that. It's like saying ignore it when you cough up pints of blood. Yeah.<br>You'll survive. You'll get through it. I really didn't think I would, but as a member of the class of 2011 I'm proof that miracles do happen.<br>So, as one famous newscaster like to put it,good night,and good luck.


I put up with this ***** too. For four years in a public HS that shall henceforth be known as Azkaban. I had guidance counselors tell me I should not go to college. (I yelled at him when he said that and said you only snuff potential because you're stuck in this hell hole with a bunch of knuckle-draggers.) I'm going to a very well respected all women's college in a few weeks. I cried when I walked because I'll never have to see these people again. THANK THE LORD! (Did I mention I was officially uninvited from a party that my "friends" were throwing and invited me?)<br>Get the picture?<br>so, some advice:-Go to the BR during the MIDDLE of the period. And NOT the main bathroom. Even if it's farther from the classroom. I mean, the snickering and looks you get in the BR are enough to make someone want to crawl into a hole and die. So yeah. Or, the nurse's office. Honestly, when you're on antibiotics, sometimes that is the best way to save your dignity.<br>-What your bio teacher did. There are a few words for that. One is immoral. The other is illegal. I personally have always been so open with my CF that this was never an issue for me. But a teacher has NO RIGHT whatsoever (legally) to share that information without your consent. (My graduation project was something I'd already done three years prior- giving a presentation about CF to the Anatomy and Physiology classes) Frankly, I'm angry at this teacher for you.<br>- Boys. Never having had a boyfriend myself, I don't have too much advice to offer. <br>-As for that particular school. I wouldn't put much faith in what your doctor says in this particular area. Most of the pulmonologists I've seen went to school before the world was in color- when they used slates and slate pencils- when dinosaurs walked the earth (okay not really) but... I might look into it if there is a charter/magnet school you could transfer to. And as for not chasing the teacher...... how much did that teacher pay him to say that? Damn. I've never heard a doctor say to ignore something like that. It's like saying ignore it when you cough up pints of blood. Yeah.<br>You'll survive. You'll get through it. I really didn't think I would, but as a member of the class of 2011 I'm proof that miracles do happen.<br>So, as one famous newscaster like to put it,good night,and good luck.


New member
Thank you very much Tarheel, that was really good advice. We don't have many private bathrooms and our nurse's station doesn't have one either. We have quite a few bathrooms and the one I trust the most to use is the one by the band room. I go there before band starts because no one is in there. If band members do come in, they ask if I'm okay and ignore the rest. They're the only ones I can trust.

Now with the teacher situation, he said he was sorry and after that, him and I became really good friends. I use his teacher email to send updates on my lama bean plant we got during Biology. Luckily, next year I will be in Honors Marine Biology and will not have to worry about that happening again.

Anyway, thanks again for the advice and I really hope that collage goes well for you!


New member
Thank you very much Tarheel, that was really good advice. We don't have many private bathrooms and our nurse's station doesn't have one either. We have quite a few bathrooms and the one I trust the most to use is the one by the band room. I go there before band starts because no one is in there. If band members do come in, they ask if I'm okay and ignore the rest. They're the only ones I can trust.

Now with the teacher situation, he said he was sorry and after that, him and I became really good friends. I use his teacher email to send updates on my lama bean plant we got during Biology. Luckily, next year I will be in Honors Marine Biology and will not have to worry about that happening again.

Anyway, thanks again for the advice and I really hope that collage goes well for you!


New member
Thank you very much Tarheel, that was really good advice. We don't have many private bathrooms and our nurse's station doesn't have one either. We have quite a few bathrooms and the one I trust the most to use is the one by the band room. I go there before band starts because no one is in there. If band members do come in, they ask if I'm okay and ignore the rest. They're the only ones I can trust.
<br />
<br />Now with the teacher situation, he said he was sorry and after that, him and I became really good friends. I use his teacher email to send updates on my lama bean plant we got during Biology. Luckily, next year I will be in Honors Marine Biology and will not have to worry about that happening again.
<br />
<br />Anyway, thanks again for the advice and I really hope that collage goes well for you!


at first I read lama bean as llama bean. i was like- I MUST GET ONE OF THOSE! but... I don't really like lama beans that much, so.<div><br></div><div>I'm glad it turned out with the teacher. Teachers don't realize that they can either make school so much easier and better or harder and worse for their students sometimes. </div><div><br></div><div>What do you play in band? I play trumpet <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> </div><div>I think band friends are probably the best though. I think most of the people I have any desire to keep in touch with now are band friends. </div>


at first I readlamabean as llama bean. i was like- I MUST GET ONE OF THOSE! but... I don't really likelamabeans that much, so.<br>I'm glad it turned out with the teacher. Teachers don't realize that they can either make school so much easier and better or harder and worse for their students sometimes.<br>What do you play in band? I play trumpet <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">I think band friends are probably the best though. I think most of the people I have any desire to keep in touch with now are band friends.


at first I readlamabean as llama bean. i was like- I MUST GET ONE OF THOSE! but... I don't really likelamabeans that much, so.<br>I'm glad it turned out with the teacher. Teachers don't realize that they can either make school so much easier and better or harder and worse for their students sometimes.<br>What do you play in band? I play trumpet <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">I think band friends are probably the best though. I think most of the people I have any desire to keep in touch with now are band friends.