Just have to post how I am feeling


New member
I also agree that when someone posts OT it obviously gives a heads up that it's not cf related, so DUH, DON'T READ IT IF YOU ONLY WANT TO READ CF STUFF! I haven't seen anything that I would consider trivial when posted OT in the adult section. I truely cannot believe how out of control some people are getting by trying to control this site. The personal remarks are not called for in this topic, or any other topic. I'm not saying Julie is a saint, sometimes I don't agree with her remarks--but we don't need name-calling. This is not an <i>adult</i> way of handling things. The people that complained were doing it out of spite, because of past sins that Julie may have committed, not because they thought it should be in the OT section--no matter what they may say. I also admit that Julie shouln't have posted the additional "I don't care" section--that's probably what got her busted. That was really not appropriate for the Adult section, and definitely to controversial--though I totally agree with her. But her <i>original</i> post was just talking to what she thought was a family of friends. No matter what others may say, few of us cruise the OT section--we barely have time for <i>this</i> section. And yes, I think a blog would have been a better place--I think Julie could have a great site with her journey in producing new lives and her beautiful pictures. A blog is a great place to journal. I hope that at some point people will stop all this whinning and go on to the next post. To the new ones here that are waching all this drama, hang on --at least there's never a dull moment here!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Yah, my guess... IFoundJesusToday=HairyGaryCheese=SeanD

Kelly, MyNewfy</end quote></div>

You will not be winning any games of clue anytime soon Newfy. Remember, there are many more people than SD on here with a whacked sense of humor. I would bet SD has more important things to do with his time than to make different alts. Now I wouldn't put it past him to have a goof here and there, but not be the Jesus alt. but the guy is pretty busy in real life, and doesn't get much sleep as it is.
</end quote></div>

How the heck would you know how much sleep SD gets; you are "new" here.
Seems a little suspicious to me.


New member
I will admit that I didnt read the Iraq post by Julie. Not because I didnt care about her or her friend, but because there was no need for me to know any details. The soldiers are in my prayers everyday & my nephew is on his 3 deployment in Iraq so yes I have a personal investment in the soldiers well being. I saw the topic & it clearly said OT & the idea of what it was so I went past it. What is so hard about that? I still stand behind the fact that the adult section gets the most views so its understandable to want to post there & as long as its labled Off Topic then those that feel it should be in the OT section can pass my it........we are so fortunate to have a forum or the internet in general as a way to communicate with each other safely yet that still isnt good enough.....look at the bigger people everyone! BTW Julie.....as I said in the beginning. You & ALL the soliders as well as their families are always in my thoughts & prayers!


New member
Let me start by saying, I DO NOT have CF. My 2 year old daughter, Hayley, has CF. You do not have to have CF to visit or post on this board.

It's threads like these that make me very sad. Sad because some "ADULTS" here continue to behave like children, so maybe you should post in the Family section.

I am soo tired of bash on Julie threads! So many of you constantly say you don't like her, don't care what she has to say, think she "has over stayed her welcome" Well you know what, don't like it, don't read her posts and threads. You can clearly tell who started each thread and if you don't like Julie, don't care what she has to say then don't read it, plain and simple.

It makes me sad, to think that my daughter, who HAS CF, might some day behave the way that some of you on this board do. I teach her to have sympathy and empathy for all people, not just those they like or those they choose.

Julie is a very important part of this forum for many reason, her info on SSI,, her pregnancy (helps give hope to other male CFers that they can have CF free children with their spouse), but in general because she is supportive of others and truly cares. Yes, she does not have CF, but her husband does. THe love of her life, the father of ther children, the person she lives with day in and day out, through all of his treatmens, meds, hospitalizations ect. She has every right to be here.


New member
Jazzy's Mom wrote:
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>look at the bigger people everyone!</end quote></div>

Sorry, I just thought that was an especially funny typo. =-) That was a typo, right? If it wasn't a typo, then it was a very clever allusion.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mockingbird</b></i>

Jazzy's Mom wrote:

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>look at the bigger people everyone!</end quote></div>

Sorry, I just thought that was an especially funny typo. =-) That was a typo, right? If it wasn't a typo, then it was a very clever allusion.</end quote></div>

LOL It took me a minute to figure out why you quoted this part! I guess I was thinking look at the bigger PICTURE people, but decided otherwise!! Fortunately it was a SMALLer mistake & you got the idea! Thank you!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Yah, my guess... IFoundJesusToday=HairyGaryCheese=SeanD

Kelly, MyNewfy</end quote></div>

You will not be winning any games of clue anytime soon Newfy. Remember, there are many more people than SD on here with a whacked sense of humor. I would bet SD has more important things to do with his time than to make different alts. Now I wouldn't put it past him to have a goof here and there, but not be the Jesus alt. but the guy is pretty busy in real life, and doesn't get much sleep as it is.

</end quote></div>

How the heck would you know how much sleep SD gets; you are "new" here.

Seems a little suspicious to me.</end quote></div>

Cause we are currently dating.


New member
I just have to wonder... "Would all these people be equally as pissed off if a CF related issue was posted in the off topic section?"


New member

As you well know I also get "bashed" by a few select people on this site. I also have had many topics moved although I felt they did not belong in the OT section. I have brought it up to the moderators, but am always giving an excuse why it was moved.

In this last "where is seanD post" in the OT section I had an anony say horrible stuff about and to me. I reported EVERY ONE of the posts and of course the guy was not removed from the forums. I had nothing to do with this thread and was torn apart. I do not understand the moderators at all. I truely feel they have their "favorites" and the rest of us are on our own.

The only advice I want to give you Julie is stop explaining yourself so much. You do not have to explain your feeling to anyone. You have a right to your feelings, and no matter how many times you tell them, there are always going to be the people who want to cause you pain. Just learn to ignore them.

Hugs to you and your family. Hope the babies are doing well!!



New member
Ever see the movie Full Metal Jacket? Just like in Marine basic training, "Gomer Piles" exist on message boards also. No offense, but if people get bashed repeatedly, maybe there are reasons for it. It's like the internet forums version of a blanket party.



New member

This last post from Garyhairycheese, AKA SeanD, is the prefect example!!

I will not respond to him, explain myself to him, or allow him to upset me.

You got to just let it rolled off your shoulders! (Although I understand that can be very difficult to do at times!)



New member
I wasn't singling you out Seana, I was just saying that if several (3+) people on a message board agree on something about something someone else has said, than maybe their is some validy to their shared opinion. This goes for everyone, including SD. No need to play wounded duck, I wasn't solely refering to you.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

I wasn't singling you out Seana, I was just saying that if several (3+) people on a message board agree on something about something someone else has said, than maybe their is some validy to their shared opinion. This goes for everyone, including SD. No need to play wounded duck, I wasn't solely refering to you.

Garyhairycheese</end quote></div>

2723 users are registered to the Cystic Fibrosis forum

A whopping 3+? Sorry, numbers don't create validity. There are more than three people that believe the Earth is flat. I'm sure there are more people that believe your opinion is, plainly put, bogus, so they win. Perhaps you should look in the mirror, and that if several (more than 3+) people on a message board agree you're wrong then their may be validity to that opinion. I'm sure you wouldn't like to turn your logic back on yourself though. Let's grow up here, Julie hasn't done anything wrong except encounter adults that act like children.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

I wasn't singling you out Seana, I was just saying that if several (3+) people on a message board agree on something about something someone else has said, than maybe their is some validy to their shared opinion. This goes for everyone, including SD. No need to play wounded duck, I wasn't solely refering to you.

Garyhairycheese</end quote></div>

2723 users are registered to the Cystic Fibrosis forum

A whopping 3+? Sorry, numbers don't create validity. There are more than three people that believe the Earth is flat. I'm sure there are more people that believe your opinion is, plainly put, bogus, so they win. Perhaps you should look in the mirror, and that if several (more than 3+) people on a message board agree you're wrong then their may be validity to that opinion. I'm sure you wouldn't like to turn your logic back on yourself though. Let's grow up here, Julie hasn't done anything wrong except encounter adults that act like children.</end quote></div>

I would agree that you can turn that logic around, and I already admitted that it pertains to everyone. The number three was just a quick number to represent "Several". Does that value mean anything is an absolute? No. I could just have easily made an analogy like you did using those who are ignorant and believe the earth is flat, and went into "several" thousand, maybe even "several" tens of thousands? Ratios/equivalencies don't matter. The point remains the same, and it doesn't matter what side of the coin you reside on. The end result of this entire discussion has been that she posted something in a forum that "several" (open to debate, just read the thread to see who disagreed with it being there) people who read and post here thought it belonged in the other forum, and felt it didn't pertain to CF. There were others who didn't care at all (I think this also represents several, some could argue a majority). So while there were "several" groups of people, all with different feelings as to if they cared where it went, if it should have an OT next to the title or not, or if it should be in the OT forum or not, those are all segregations of a probable vast majority if not totality that felt the post, in fact, had nothing to do with CF, and her rationale for it pertaining to CF was extremely weak.

For those who make comparisons to anyones detractors as being "children" for pointing out that someone frequently is, or has recently has been a hypocrit in a multitude of ways, so be it. I didn't see anyone saying "nee ner nee ner my daddy can beat up your daddy" anywhere in any thread in recent memory. I don't even recall anyone using profanity in any recent thread with dealing with others. Several of the wounded ducks on here like to take their own personal jabs at others when they see fit. To me as long as the sacred rules aren't broken, I don't see why anyone has to go running to daddy and being the actual "children". Turn about is fair play.


New member
So basically your point is moot, that every argument has several sides to it and can have several supporters to said argument, and since ratios/numbers do not grant validity, you essentially made an empty claim for absolutely no reason. Congratulations. I can find supporters for almost anything, it doesn't mean their criticisms are valid. Her rationale that it pertained to CF was weak, I agree, but I believe it was only weak beacuse she didn't articulate the real point behind the topic belonging here. The topic may not have been directly CF related, yet simultaneously it is directly linked. Why? Because as a partner of someone with CF, she is linked to CF day in and day out. She is a person that is affected by it a great deal, as are many here. This forum isn't merely for exchanging information, it's a support site, and supporting people can involve things beyond CF. I know that may be hard for some to accept, but it's true. Now discussing the NBA Finals here is clearly off-topic, but important aspects of life fall within the realm of being off-topic. That's up for an individual's judgement, but I think it's pretty clear-cut in this scenario.

It's childish to make a big deal out of this thread. It's childish that adults need people to segregate topics for them when it is a painfully easy process. I simply can't fathom why people can't manage various important life topics CFers and CF family are going through on a support site. To be honest, moderators should only be needed to keep those that are childish from cluttering up forums with nonsense and/or insulting material. I don't know how else to explain it. Perhaps young children may find it difficult to avoid topics that are clearly labeled. It's actually amazing that people will click topics then complain about the subject matter and the poster, when both are clearly displayed before they click it. The people that complain know who Julie is. Thus, as adults, should have been able to muster the incredible will power it takes to not click a topic and simply have not done it. That my friend is called responsibility. It's something many get as they age, while others do not. I don't call people childish without ample reason.

As I said earlier, communities are built on sharing life experiences, CFers and their families have lives too. Many people don't even check the off-topic forum, I know I don't. I think having such a segregation of important life topics is essentially pointless in a support site. CF and family of CF obviously seek support to help cope with day to day problems, and if another problem comes up with a CFer or their family member, there is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing it in a community created for that kind of support.

If a CFer was diagnosed with cancer and posted about it in the Adults forum, I can almost guarantee there would be no one suggesting it should be moved to the off-topic forum. It would take a truly sad being to admit they would do so. That in itself proves my case that important life experiences are valid topics in a support site that's for CFers and CF family members, which shouldn't only be limited to topics directly involving CF.


New member
And I think that about sums it up perfectly. There is really nothing more to be added to this sad and long thread. I have only been here since April, but have witnessed at least 3 attack threads--no wonder some people have gone underground! I cannot beieve I'm saying this, but I think it's time to lock this thread!