Liza, if you go back and search the site for 504 or IEP or accomodation plans, I think you'll find a lot of helpful advice.
My boys both have one althought we didn't put one into place until Josh was very sick and missed six weeks of school. Mostly everyone has been accomodating on their own without the need of a contract. However- it doesn't hurt. Most of what we have inplace is useful at the jr high and high school level but I'm sure others will be able to share what they have for kindergarten. Your clinic social worker should be able to help you write one up too. Ours was very helpful
Good luck
My boys both have one althought we didn't put one into place until Josh was very sick and missed six weeks of school. Mostly everyone has been accomodating on their own without the need of a contract. However- it doesn't hurt. Most of what we have inplace is useful at the jr high and high school level but I'm sure others will be able to share what they have for kindergarten. Your clinic social worker should be able to help you write one up too. Ours was very helpful
Good luck