Letting off some steam


New member
I am 14 years old with CF. And I just need to complain...it helps sometimes to let everything out.

"Why are you coughing so much?" "Why do you need to take all those pills?" What I want to know is, why are people so nosy? Who cares if I cough a lot or take a lot of pills...is it any of your buisness? No. Absolutly not. Some people just don't understand.

"Just do your treatments! I don't understand why you don't do them it is such a simple thing to do!"
Yeah? Well how about you try! It's not as easy as it looks. It's hard sometimes. People can't tell me what is easy and what is hard when they have never had to deal with them.

Living a life where people are always talking about how you need to think about the future...what happens when you only have a future revolves around CF? The littlest things, like people talking about, "When I have grandkids..." makes me so angry and upset I can hardly even take it. Why me?? How come I had to be the one with a simple mistake, one microscopic gene defect, that made me different, the odd one out? I want to know what it is like to think about my things in a normal way, like everyone else...instead of basically knowing my fate.

But I know I need to see this as a challenge. Nobody's perfect. It's just hard to deal with sometimes. I know there's not much I can do to help it, and there's no use whining about things you can't help. I just think everyone needs a chance to complain sometimes though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am 14 years old with CF. And I just need to complain...it helps sometimes to let everything out.

"Why are you coughing so much?" "Why do you need to take all those pills?" What I want to know is, why are people so nosy? Who cares if I cough a lot or take a lot of pills...is it any of your buisness? No. Absolutly not. Some people just don't understand.

"Just do your treatments! I don't understand why you don't do them it is such a simple thing to do!"
Yeah? Well how about you try! It's not as easy as it looks. It's hard sometimes. People can't tell me what is easy and what is hard when they have never had to deal with them.

Living a life where people are always talking about how you need to think about the future...what happens when you only have a future revolves around CF? The littlest things, like people talking about, "When I have grandkids..." makes me so angry and upset I can hardly even take it. Why me?? How come I had to be the one with a simple mistake, one microscopic gene defect, that made me different, the odd one out? I want to know what it is like to think about my things in a normal way, like everyone else...instead of basically knowing my fate.

But I know I need to see this as a challenge. Nobody's perfect. It's just hard to deal with sometimes. I know there's not much I can do to help it, and there's no use whining about things you can't help. I just think everyone needs a chance to complain sometimes though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am 14 years old with CF. And I just need to complain...it helps sometimes to let everything out.

"Why are you coughing so much?" "Why do you need to take all those pills?" What I want to know is, why are people so nosy? Who cares if I cough a lot or take a lot of pills...is it any of your buisness? No. Absolutly not. Some people just don't understand.

"Just do your treatments! I don't understand why you don't do them it is such a simple thing to do!"
Yeah? Well how about you try! It's not as easy as it looks. It's hard sometimes. People can't tell me what is easy and what is hard when they have never had to deal with them.

Living a life where people are always talking about how you need to think about the future...what happens when you only have a future revolves around CF? The littlest things, like people talking about, "When I have grandkids..." makes me so angry and upset I can hardly even take it. Why me?? How come I had to be the one with a simple mistake, one microscopic gene defect, that made me different, the odd one out? I want to know what it is like to think about my things in a normal way, like everyone else...instead of basically knowing my fate.

But I know I need to see this as a challenge. Nobody's perfect. It's just hard to deal with sometimes. I know there's not much I can do to help it, and there's no use whining about things you can't help. I just think everyone needs a chance to complain sometimes though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am 14 years old with CF. And I just need to complain...it helps sometimes to let everything out.

"Why are you coughing so much?" "Why do you need to take all those pills?" What I want to know is, why are people so nosy? Who cares if I cough a lot or take a lot of pills...is it any of your buisness? No. Absolutly not. Some people just don't understand.

"Just do your treatments! I don't understand why you don't do them it is such a simple thing to do!"
Yeah? Well how about you try! It's not as easy as it looks. It's hard sometimes. People can't tell me what is easy and what is hard when they have never had to deal with them.

Living a life where people are always talking about how you need to think about the future...what happens when you only have a future revolves around CF? The littlest things, like people talking about, "When I have grandkids..." makes me so angry and upset I can hardly even take it. Why me?? How come I had to be the one with a simple mistake, one microscopic gene defect, that made me different, the odd one out? I want to know what it is like to think about my things in a normal way, like everyone else...instead of basically knowing my fate.

But I know I need to see this as a challenge. Nobody's perfect. It's just hard to deal with sometimes. I know there's not much I can do to help it, and there's no use whining about things you can't help. I just think everyone needs a chance to complain sometimes though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am 14 years old with CF. And I just need to complain...it helps sometimes to let everything out.
<br />
<br />"Why are you coughing so much?" "Why do you need to take all those pills?" What I want to know is, why are people so nosy? Who cares if I cough a lot or take a lot of pills...is it any of your buisness? No. Absolutly not. Some people just don't understand.
<br />
<br />"Just do your treatments! I don't understand why you don't do them it is such a simple thing to do!"
<br />Yeah? Well how about you try! It's not as easy as it looks. It's hard sometimes. People can't tell me what is easy and what is hard when they have never had to deal with them.
<br />
<br />Living a life where people are always talking about how you need to think about the future...what happens when you only have a future revolves around CF? The littlest things, like people talking about, "When I have grandkids..." makes me so angry and upset I can hardly even take it. Why me?? How come I had to be the one with a simple mistake, one microscopic gene defect, that made me different, the odd one out? I want to know what it is like to think about my things in a normal way, like everyone else...instead of basically knowing my fate.
<br />
<br />But I know I need to see this as a challenge. Nobody's perfect. It's just hard to deal with sometimes. I know there's not much I can do to help it, and there's no use whining about things you can't help. I just think everyone needs a chance to complain sometimes though <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi, my name is Autumn and I am 11 years old, I will be 12 November 16, 2008!!! I feel the EXACT SAME way!!! I am always telling my family and friends the same thing and way that you explained on here. I want to take care of myself, and I want to live long, be strong, and live healthy!!! I also have Diabetes for about 2 years now, so its alot of stuff for me to do. I worry every year of the people who are in my class, the teachers that I have, and if they will question me or understand what CF is, or what I have to go through. Sometimes I get told that I feel bad for myself. I usually tell them that I dont, but I do not want to be treated that way...I want to be treated as a normal 11 year old, and not someone who has to do treatments and blood sugars everyday!!! So I try to be positive!!!
So I would love to talk to you sometime about CF and the affects that happen! If you have an AIM mine is: pink2kool
e-mail: autumnlovescats@hotmail.com
e-mail: pink2kool@aim.com


New member
Hi, my name is Autumn and I am 11 years old, I will be 12 November 16, 2008!!! I feel the EXACT SAME way!!! I am always telling my family and friends the same thing and way that you explained on here. I want to take care of myself, and I want to live long, be strong, and live healthy!!! I also have Diabetes for about 2 years now, so its alot of stuff for me to do. I worry every year of the people who are in my class, the teachers that I have, and if they will question me or understand what CF is, or what I have to go through. Sometimes I get told that I feel bad for myself. I usually tell them that I dont, but I do not want to be treated that way...I want to be treated as a normal 11 year old, and not someone who has to do treatments and blood sugars everyday!!! So I try to be positive!!!
So I would love to talk to you sometime about CF and the affects that happen! If you have an AIM mine is: pink2kool
e-mail: autumnlovescats@hotmail.com
e-mail: pink2kool@aim.com


New member
Hi, my name is Autumn and I am 11 years old, I will be 12 November 16, 2008!!! I feel the EXACT SAME way!!! I am always telling my family and friends the same thing and way that you explained on here. I want to take care of myself, and I want to live long, be strong, and live healthy!!! I also have Diabetes for about 2 years now, so its alot of stuff for me to do. I worry every year of the people who are in my class, the teachers that I have, and if they will question me or understand what CF is, or what I have to go through. Sometimes I get told that I feel bad for myself. I usually tell them that I dont, but I do not want to be treated that way...I want to be treated as a normal 11 year old, and not someone who has to do treatments and blood sugars everyday!!! So I try to be positive!!!
So I would love to talk to you sometime about CF and the affects that happen! If you have an AIM mine is: pink2kool
e-mail: autumnlovescats@hotmail.com
e-mail: pink2kool@aim.com


New member
Hi, my name is Autumn and I am 11 years old, I will be 12 November 16, 2008!!! I feel the EXACT SAME way!!! I am always telling my family and friends the same thing and way that you explained on here. I want to take care of myself, and I want to live long, be strong, and live healthy!!! I also have Diabetes for about 2 years now, so its alot of stuff for me to do. I worry every year of the people who are in my class, the teachers that I have, and if they will question me or understand what CF is, or what I have to go through. Sometimes I get told that I feel bad for myself. I usually tell them that I dont, but I do not want to be treated that way...I want to be treated as a normal 11 year old, and not someone who has to do treatments and blood sugars everyday!!! So I try to be positive!!!
So I would love to talk to you sometime about CF and the affects that happen! If you have an AIM mine is: pink2kool
e-mail: autumnlovescats@hotmail.com
e-mail: pink2kool@aim.com


New member
Hi, my name is Autumn and I am 11 years old, I will be 12 November 16, 2008!!! I feel the EXACT SAME way!!! I am always telling my family and friends the same thing and way that you explained on here. I want to take care of myself, and I want to live long, be strong, and live healthy!!! I also have Diabetes for about 2 years now, so its alot of stuff for me to do. I worry every year of the people who are in my class, the teachers that I have, and if they will question me or understand what CF is, or what I have to go through. Sometimes I get told that I feel bad for myself. I usually tell them that I dont, but I do not want to be treated that way...I want to be treated as a normal 11 year old, and not someone who has to do treatments and blood sugars everyday!!! So I try to be positive!!!
<br /> So I would love to talk to you sometime about CF and the affects that happen! If you have an AIM mine is: pink2kool
<br />e-mail: autumnlovescats@hotmail.com
<br />e-mail: pink2kool@aim.com
<br />


you sound EXACTLY like me, im 18 and still deal with those things, they will always bother you, i try to learn how to not let that stuff annoy, i ignore it for the most part, but not always, hang in there, BTW you will live to be as old as you want to be


you sound EXACTLY like me, im 18 and still deal with those things, they will always bother you, i try to learn how to not let that stuff annoy, i ignore it for the most part, but not always, hang in there, BTW you will live to be as old as you want to be


you sound EXACTLY like me, im 18 and still deal with those things, they will always bother you, i try to learn how to not let that stuff annoy, i ignore it for the most part, but not always, hang in there, BTW you will live to be as old as you want to be


you sound EXACTLY like me, im 18 and still deal with those things, they will always bother you, i try to learn how to not let that stuff annoy, i ignore it for the most part, but not always, hang in there, BTW you will live to be as old as you want to be


you sound EXACTLY like me, im 18 and still deal with those things, they will always bother you, i try to learn how to not let that stuff annoy, i ignore it for the most part, but not always, hang in there, BTW you will live to be as old as you want to be


New member
yeah I agree with all you guys as well, im 14 years old and my name is Alexandria...something I hate is when Im doing my vest at my friends house and they are always like, "That looks like so much fun I wish I could do that" and I just look at them and say, "Its not so much fun when you've been doing it for 5 years everyday 3 times a day" then they just say, "I would never get annoyed by it" sometimes I wish people could live in our shoes for a day and REALLY see what its like to live with CF just because they think they know how hard it is. Another thing I hate is when other people get like a cold or something and act like they are dying and say they can't do anything and make everyone feel sorry for them. OR if someone is in the hospital just for one day maybe for testing and then they say they HATE hospitals!!! yeah I know people don't understand what its like having CF and dont realize "what if it was me" and actulley think about things before they say it, but Im sure all of you guys feel the same way as I do.

so thats all I need to say <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
Take Care Everyone,


New member
yeah I agree with all you guys as well, im 14 years old and my name is Alexandria...something I hate is when Im doing my vest at my friends house and they are always like, "That looks like so much fun I wish I could do that" and I just look at them and say, "Its not so much fun when you've been doing it for 5 years everyday 3 times a day" then they just say, "I would never get annoyed by it" sometimes I wish people could live in our shoes for a day and REALLY see what its like to live with CF just because they think they know how hard it is. Another thing I hate is when other people get like a cold or something and act like they are dying and say they can't do anything and make everyone feel sorry for them. OR if someone is in the hospital just for one day maybe for testing and then they say they HATE hospitals!!! yeah I know people don't understand what its like having CF and dont realize "what if it was me" and actulley think about things before they say it, but Im sure all of you guys feel the same way as I do.

so thats all I need to say <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
Take Care Everyone,


New member
yeah I agree with all you guys as well, im 14 years old and my name is Alexandria...something I hate is when Im doing my vest at my friends house and they are always like, "That looks like so much fun I wish I could do that" and I just look at them and say, "Its not so much fun when you've been doing it for 5 years everyday 3 times a day" then they just say, "I would never get annoyed by it" sometimes I wish people could live in our shoes for a day and REALLY see what its like to live with CF just because they think they know how hard it is. Another thing I hate is when other people get like a cold or something and act like they are dying and say they can't do anything and make everyone feel sorry for them. OR if someone is in the hospital just for one day maybe for testing and then they say they HATE hospitals!!! yeah I know people don't understand what its like having CF and dont realize "what if it was me" and actulley think about things before they say it, but Im sure all of you guys feel the same way as I do.

so thats all I need to say <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
Take Care Everyone,


New member
yeah I agree with all you guys as well, im 14 years old and my name is Alexandria...something I hate is when Im doing my vest at my friends house and they are always like, "That looks like so much fun I wish I could do that" and I just look at them and say, "Its not so much fun when you've been doing it for 5 years everyday 3 times a day" then they just say, "I would never get annoyed by it" sometimes I wish people could live in our shoes for a day and REALLY see what its like to live with CF just because they think they know how hard it is. Another thing I hate is when other people get like a cold or something and act like they are dying and say they can't do anything and make everyone feel sorry for them. OR if someone is in the hospital just for one day maybe for testing and then they say they HATE hospitals!!! yeah I know people don't understand what its like having CF and dont realize "what if it was me" and actulley think about things before they say it, but Im sure all of you guys feel the same way as I do.

so thats all I need to say <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
Take Care Everyone,


New member
yeah I agree with all you guys as well, im 14 years old and my name is Alexandria...something I hate is when Im doing my vest at my friends house and they are always like, "That looks like so much fun I wish I could do that" and I just look at them and say, "Its not so much fun when you've been doing it for 5 years everyday 3 times a day" then they just say, "I would never get annoyed by it" sometimes I wish people could live in our shoes for a day and REALLY see what its like to live with CF just because they think they know how hard it is. Another thing I hate is when other people get like a cold or something and act like they are dying and say they can't do anything and make everyone feel sorry for them. OR if someone is in the hospital just for one day maybe for testing and then they say they HATE hospitals!!! yeah I know people don't understand what its like having CF and dont realize "what if it was me" and actulley think about things before they say it, but Im sure all of you guys feel the same way as I do.
<br />
<br />so thats all I need to say <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
<br />Take Care Everyone,
<br />Alexandria