lung functions...


New member
paytons low last was year at low 70's. Three months ago he was had a 98%. Still trying to get in the 100s. Pay is 6 1/2.


New member
paytons low last was year at low 70's. Three months ago he was had a 98%. Still trying to get in the 100s. Pay is 6 1/2.


New member
paytons low last was year at low 70's. Three months ago he was had a 98%. Still trying to get in the 100s. Pay is 6 1/2.


New member
paytons low last was year at low 70's. Three months ago he was had a 98%. Still trying to get in the 100s. Pay is 6 1/2.


New member
paytons low last was year at low 70's. Three months ago he was had a 98%. Still trying to get in the 100s. Pay is 6 1/2.


New member
Last month it was FEV30% but I just finished a rough course of Zosyn and about 4 days of Colisten, after 7 days of Tobra and Ceftaz. I'll be getting another PFT tomorrow...let's hope it's in the mid-upper 30's....I've been in the 30's for about 5 years straight! (Although I hit 40% when I was on a health "kick" over the summer and going to the gym 2x a week)


New member
Last month it was FEV30% but I just finished a rough course of Zosyn and about 4 days of Colisten, after 7 days of Tobra and Ceftaz. I'll be getting another PFT tomorrow...let's hope it's in the mid-upper 30's....I've been in the 30's for about 5 years straight! (Although I hit 40% when I was on a health "kick" over the summer and going to the gym 2x a week)


New member
Last month it was FEV30% but I just finished a rough course of Zosyn and about 4 days of Colisten, after 7 days of Tobra and Ceftaz. I'll be getting another PFT tomorrow...let's hope it's in the mid-upper 30's....I've been in the 30's for about 5 years straight! (Although I hit 40% when I was on a health "kick" over the summer and going to the gym 2x a week)


New member
Last month it was FEV30% but I just finished a rough course of Zosyn and about 4 days of Colisten, after 7 days of Tobra and Ceftaz. I'll be getting another PFT tomorrow...let's hope it's in the mid-upper 30's....I've been in the 30's for about 5 years straight! (Although I hit 40% when I was on a health "kick" over the summer and going to the gym 2x a week)


New member
Last month it was FEV30% but I just finished a rough course of Zosyn and about 4 days of Colisten, after 7 days of Tobra and Ceftaz. I'll be getting another PFT tomorrow...let's hope it's in the mid-upper 30's....I've been in the 30's for about 5 years straight! (Although I hit 40% when I was on a health "kick" over the summer and going to the gym 2x a week)


My worst was probably this past December at about 64%...and I hit that about a year prior to that as well (December is not a good month for me). My highest was either last spring or the spring before and that was 98%. Mine fluctuate ALOT but usually are in the 70's.


My worst was probably this past December at about 64%...and I hit that about a year prior to that as well (December is not a good month for me). My highest was either last spring or the spring before and that was 98%. Mine fluctuate ALOT but usually are in the 70's.


My worst was probably this past December at about 64%...and I hit that about a year prior to that as well (December is not a good month for me). My highest was either last spring or the spring before and that was 98%. Mine fluctuate ALOT but usually are in the 70's.


My worst was probably this past December at about 64%...and I hit that about a year prior to that as well (December is not a good month for me). My highest was either last spring or the spring before and that was 98%. Mine fluctuate ALOT but usually are in the 70's.


My worst was probably this past December at about 64%...and I hit that about a year prior to that as well (December is not a good month for me). My highest was either last spring or the spring before and that was 98%. Mine fluctuate ALOT but usually are in the 70's.


New member
My worst was 27%. I dont know my current. The last time I did a PFT was in September at the time of discharge from the hospital & it was 30% which was down from 33% in April (office visit) the same year.


New member
My worst was 27%. I dont know my current. The last time I did a PFT was in September at the time of discharge from the hospital & it was 30% which was down from 33% in April (office visit) the same year.


New member
My worst was 27%. I dont know my current. The last time I did a PFT was in September at the time of discharge from the hospital & it was 30% which was down from 33% in April (office visit) the same year.


New member
My worst was 27%. I dont know my current. The last time I did a PFT was in September at the time of discharge from the hospital & it was 30% which was down from 33% in April (office visit) the same year.


New member
My worst was 27%. I dont know my current. The last time I did a PFT was in September at the time of discharge from the hospital & it was 30% which was down from 33% in April (office visit) the same year.