Memorial Website for Baby Xander


New member
wow, this made me cry. i'm so so so very sorry to hear of your loss, and so touched and inspired by your generosity in donating Xander's organs. what a gift. your son (and your entire family) will truly live on through the light in the eyes of the children he helped. prayers for you and your family.

i also want to thank you for your courage in sharing your story and encouraging other cf parents (and cfers!) to be conscientious of what this disease can do even when the doctors throw around words like "atypical." you are a shining example of grace through difficult times, allowing us all the chance to learn and grow from your loss. thank you, and god bless.


New member
wow, this made me cry. i'm so so so very sorry to hear of your loss, and so touched and inspired by your generosity in donating Xander's organs. what a gift. your son (and your entire family) will truly live on through the light in the eyes of the children he helped. prayers for you and your family.

i also want to thank you for your courage in sharing your story and encouraging other cf parents (and cfers!) to be conscientious of what this disease can do even when the doctors throw around words like "atypical." you are a shining example of grace through difficult times, allowing us all the chance to learn and grow from your loss. thank you, and god bless.


New member
wow, this made me cry. i'm so so so very sorry to hear of your loss, and so touched and inspired by your generosity in donating Xander's organs. what a gift. your son (and your entire family) will truly live on through the light in the eyes of the children he helped. prayers for you and your family.

i also want to thank you for your courage in sharing your story and encouraging other cf parents (and cfers!) to be conscientious of what this disease can do even when the doctors throw around words like "atypical." you are a shining example of grace through difficult times, allowing us all the chance to learn and grow from your loss. thank you, and god bless.


New member
wow, this made me cry. i'm so so so very sorry to hear of your loss, and so touched and inspired by your generosity in donating Xander's organs. what a gift. your son (and your entire family) will truly live on through the light in the eyes of the children he helped. prayers for you and your family.

i also want to thank you for your courage in sharing your story and encouraging other cf parents (and cfers!) to be conscientious of what this disease can do even when the doctors throw around words like "atypical." you are a shining example of grace through difficult times, allowing us all the chance to learn and grow from your loss. thank you, and god bless.


New member
wow, this made me cry. i'm so so so very sorry to hear of your loss, and so touched and inspired by your generosity in donating Xander's organs. what a gift. your son (and your entire family) will truly live on through the light in the eyes of the children he helped. prayers for you and your family.
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<br />i also want to thank you for your courage in sharing your story and encouraging other cf parents (and cfers!) to be conscientious of what this disease can do even when the doctors throw around words like "atypical." you are a shining example of grace through difficult times, allowing us all the chance to learn and grow from your loss. thank you, and god bless.


New member

Thank you for your reply and I made it my goal to warn moms and dads with CF babies to be mindful of their little ones because they can not tell you that they can't breathe right. Xander's mucous plug hit so fast and hard that really there wasn't anything anyone could do for him...sadly. He does live on in our hearts and literally for those who are his recipients.


New member

Thank you for your reply and I made it my goal to warn moms and dads with CF babies to be mindful of their little ones because they can not tell you that they can't breathe right. Xander's mucous plug hit so fast and hard that really there wasn't anything anyone could do for him...sadly. He does live on in our hearts and literally for those who are his recipients.


New member

Thank you for your reply and I made it my goal to warn moms and dads with CF babies to be mindful of their little ones because they can not tell you that they can't breathe right. Xander's mucous plug hit so fast and hard that really there wasn't anything anyone could do for him...sadly. He does live on in our hearts and literally for those who are his recipients.


New member

Thank you for your reply and I made it my goal to warn moms and dads with CF babies to be mindful of their little ones because they can not tell you that they can't breathe right. Xander's mucous plug hit so fast and hard that really there wasn't anything anyone could do for him...sadly. He does live on in our hearts and literally for those who are his recipients.


New member
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<br />Thank you for your reply and I made it my goal to warn moms and dads with CF babies to be mindful of their little ones because they can not tell you that they can't breathe right. Xander's mucous plug hit so fast and hard that really there wasn't anything anyone could do for him...sadly. He does live on in our hearts and literally for those who are his recipients.
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New member
I wanted to join everyone else in saying thankyou for posting your story. My son has been labelled atypical as well so after hearing Xander's story, we are being very careful with Jaxon. Thankyou so much and we will think of Xander everytime we kiss our babies. We will pray for your family.


New member
I wanted to join everyone else in saying thankyou for posting your story. My son has been labelled atypical as well so after hearing Xander's story, we are being very careful with Jaxon. Thankyou so much and we will think of Xander everytime we kiss our babies. We will pray for your family.


New member
I wanted to join everyone else in saying thankyou for posting your story. My son has been labelled atypical as well so after hearing Xander's story, we are being very careful with Jaxon. Thankyou so much and we will think of Xander everytime we kiss our babies. We will pray for your family.


New member
I wanted to join everyone else in saying thankyou for posting your story. My son has been labelled atypical as well so after hearing Xander's story, we are being very careful with Jaxon. Thankyou so much and we will think of Xander everytime we kiss our babies. We will pray for your family.


New member
I wanted to join everyone else in saying thankyou for posting your story. My son has been labelled atypical as well so after hearing Xander's story, we are being very careful with Jaxon. Thankyou so much and we will think of Xander everytime we kiss our babies. We will pray for your family.