Eh, it's not about being tough. I spent 10 years in EMS and have been through a lot, including being shot at. I have seen more in the last few years than most of you will see in a lifetime.
I do, however, have a very low tolerance for crap, which Julie is dishing out by the shovels full and apparently is unwilling to let it go. I've gotta say that I find it incredulous that she would LOL in response to my deciding not to contribute to the site any longer. It's rare that I encounter someone so bloody spiteful. To continue and insinuate that I am too weak to survive life is just inappropriate and shows her immaturity (especially given that she doesn't even know me). She and I have had our differences before, and I wager that this is more about her opinion of me rather than her concern for you and your question. Sad that she would muck up a post with crap just because she and I have had differences.
If I come across as belittling, then by all means call me out on it, because you're right, it's unintentional. All I ask is that you leave it at that, rather than continuing to harp on an issue (Julie).
I gave you the best answer I could, based on the research I studied. I realize it wasn't exactly what you wanted, but it is still relevant especially considering that in the 1995 study, all 8 boys conceived through ICSI had palpable vas deferens. Very encouraging news, I thought.
I have already sent an email to the powers that be to delete my account. It's not running away, as it might seem. Rather, it's removing myself from the petty BS that comes along with some of these threads. If I could just post and not catch hell and have to defend myself, then things might be different. I just don't have the time or patience to deal with all the personal things I need to do and deal with everyone giving me crap for answering a question in a way that doesn't give everybody warm fuzzies. Frankly, I think many people just have too much time to sit around on the internet and stir crap. I've seen it on Facebook groups for CF as well (which I left for the same reasons).
I do wish you well and if you would like my contact info in the event you have a technical question, feel free to PM me.