Mild CF?


New member
I do agree with what everyone is saying dont get me wrong. Somehow I look at Hunter and I dont see CF. I see a ten year old boy. Then he coughs and I say oh yhea thats right. Hunter really has not had any sickness. He had a positive culture at 9 months, but I sware it was not his, I know your thinking god this woman is in deniel but no, the paperwork for him had a differnt name on it that day so when I told the clinic I thought the paper work got mixed up they did another culture after he already had a couple days of tobi, it came back negative. Anyway I think it just makes us feel better to say a mild case, and yes these days i think it may be possiable to be mild till things get progessive. hopefully by that piont there will be a cure and we cann all meet and introduce ou kids. have a good night everyone.


New member
I do agree with what everyone is saying dont get me wrong. Somehow I look at Hunter and I dont see CF. I see a ten year old boy. Then he coughs and I say oh yhea thats right. Hunter really has not had any sickness. He had a positive culture at 9 months, but I sware it was not his, I know your thinking god this woman is in deniel but no, the paperwork for him had a differnt name on it that day so when I told the clinic I thought the paper work got mixed up they did another culture after he already had a couple days of tobi, it came back negative. Anyway I think it just makes us feel better to say a mild case, and yes these days i think it may be possiable to be mild till things get progessive. hopefully by that piont there will be a cure and we cann all meet and introduce ou kids. have a good night everyone.


New member
I do agree with what everyone is saying dont get me wrong. Somehow I look at Hunter and I dont see CF. I see a ten year old boy. Then he coughs and I say oh yhea thats right. Hunter really has not had any sickness. He had a positive culture at 9 months, but I sware it was not his, I know your thinking god this woman is in deniel but no, the paperwork for him had a differnt name on it that day so when I told the clinic I thought the paper work got mixed up they did another culture after he already had a couple days of tobi, it came back negative. Anyway I think it just makes us feel better to say a mild case, and yes these days i think it may be possiable to be mild till things get progessive. hopefully by that piont there will be a cure and we cann all meet and introduce ou kids. have a good night everyone.


New member
I do agree with what everyone is saying dont get me wrong. Somehow I look at Hunter and I dont see CF. I see a ten year old boy. Then he coughs and I say oh yhea thats right. Hunter really has not had any sickness. He had a positive culture at 9 months, but I sware it was not his, I know your thinking god this woman is in deniel but no, the paperwork for him had a differnt name on it that day so when I told the clinic I thought the paper work got mixed up they did another culture after he already had a couple days of tobi, it came back negative. Anyway I think it just makes us feel better to say a mild case, and yes these days i think it may be possiable to be mild till things get progessive. hopefully by that piont there will be a cure and we cann all meet and introduce ou kids. have a good night everyone.


New member
I do agree with what everyone is saying dont get me wrong. Somehow I look at Hunter and I dont see CF. I see a ten year old boy. Then he coughs and I say oh yhea thats right. Hunter really has not had any sickness. He had a positive culture at 9 months, but I sware it was not his, I know your thinking god this woman is in deniel but no, the paperwork for him had a differnt name on it that day so when I told the clinic I thought the paper work got mixed up they did another culture after he already had a couple days of tobi, it came back negative. Anyway I think it just makes us feel better to say a mild case, and yes these days i think it may be possiable to be mild till things get progessive. hopefully by that piont there will be a cure and we cann all meet and introduce ou kids. have a good night everyone.


New member
Just watched Plenary 1 from the NACF conference and it touched on this topic a little, lots on how to preserve "mild" or Accute CF.

Going to watch Plenary 2 tomorrow.


New member
Just watched Plenary 1 from the NACF conference and it touched on this topic a little, lots on how to preserve "mild" or Accute CF.

Going to watch Plenary 2 tomorrow.


New member
Just watched Plenary 1 from the NACF conference and it touched on this topic a little, lots on how to preserve "mild" or Accute CF.

Going to watch Plenary 2 tomorrow.


New member
Just watched Plenary 1 from the NACF conference and it touched on this topic a little, lots on how to preserve "mild" or Accute CF.

Going to watch Plenary 2 tomorrow.


New member
Just watched Plenary 1 from the NACF conference and it touched on this topic a little, lots on how to preserve "mild" or Accute CF.
<br />
<br />Going to watch Plenary 2 tomorrow.


New member
Lyndsey, its pretty much the same with our son (3 1/2) as with your Daughter.
What we do is not be complacent and be proactive, because you never know how things will pan out. Think on it this way, what if you had not done the twice daily vest, meds daily bronchs, etc etc? Do you think that Avery's health would be the same as it is now.
That is how we treat Craig, we give ourselfs a reminder every so often along those lines.



New member
Lyndsey, its pretty much the same with our son (3 1/2) as with your Daughter.
What we do is not be complacent and be proactive, because you never know how things will pan out. Think on it this way, what if you had not done the twice daily vest, meds daily bronchs, etc etc? Do you think that Avery's health would be the same as it is now.
That is how we treat Craig, we give ourselfs a reminder every so often along those lines.



New member
Lyndsey, its pretty much the same with our son (3 1/2) as with your Daughter.
What we do is not be complacent and be proactive, because you never know how things will pan out. Think on it this way, what if you had not done the twice daily vest, meds daily bronchs, etc etc? Do you think that Avery's health would be the same as it is now.
That is how we treat Craig, we give ourselfs a reminder every so often along those lines.



New member
Lyndsey, its pretty much the same with our son (3 1/2) as with your Daughter.
What we do is not be complacent and be proactive, because you never know how things will pan out. Think on it this way, what if you had not done the twice daily vest, meds daily bronchs, etc etc? Do you think that Avery's health would be the same as it is now.
That is how we treat Craig, we give ourselfs a reminder every so often along those lines.



New member
Lyndsey, its pretty much the same with our son (3 1/2) as with your Daughter.
<br />What we do is not be complacent and be proactive, because you never know how things will pan out. Think on it this way, what if you had not done the twice daily vest, meds daily bronchs, etc etc? Do you think that Avery's health would be the same as it is now.
<br />That is how we treat Craig, we give ourselfs a reminder every so often along those lines.
<br />
<br />Craig
my son seems pretty healthy compared to some of the kids i hear about he had lots more problems when he was alot younger. he is 13 now and seems to be doing well at the present time his last clean out was like 3 yrs ago and before that it i think he was like 2 or three. he had a recent clinic visit an was put on antibiotics due to a little wheeze and his lung funtion is down. so you just never know with this cf what is going to happen.
my son seems pretty healthy compared to some of the kids i hear about he had lots more problems when he was alot younger. he is 13 now and seems to be doing well at the present time his last clean out was like 3 yrs ago and before that it i think he was like 2 or three. he had a recent clinic visit an was put on antibiotics due to a little wheeze and his lung funtion is down. so you just never know with this cf what is going to happen.
my son seems pretty healthy compared to some of the kids i hear about he had lots more problems when he was alot younger. he is 13 now and seems to be doing well at the present time his last clean out was like 3 yrs ago and before that it i think he was like 2 or three. he had a recent clinic visit an was put on antibiotics due to a little wheeze and his lung funtion is down. so you just never know with this cf what is going to happen.
my son seems pretty healthy compared to some of the kids i hear about he had lots more problems when he was alot younger. he is 13 now and seems to be doing well at the present time his last clean out was like 3 yrs ago and before that it i think he was like 2 or three. he had a recent clinic visit an was put on antibiotics due to a little wheeze and his lung funtion is down. so you just never know with this cf what is going to happen.
my son seems pretty healthy compared to some of the kids i hear about he had lots more problems when he was alot younger. he is 13 now and seems to be doing well at the present time his last clean out was like 3 yrs ago and before that it i think he was like 2 or three. he had a recent clinic visit an was put on antibiotics due to a little wheeze and his lung funtion is down. so you just never know with this cf what is going to happen.