Mothers of children WITH cf


New member
Leila was breastfed for the first 13 months. We had a rocky start because she didn't come home from the NICU until she was 15 days old. Since she had meconium ileus she didn't eat for awhile and got very used to the pacifier. If I hadn't breastfed another baby, I'm not sure if I'd have been able to get her to nurse, but it didn't take long for her to catch on. One of the things my clinic did was have me supplement her with protein powder since breastmilk is low in protein. So twice a day I pumped a couple ounces and mixed in Promod powder to give her. She did well and was a hefty chunk of a baby. She was never sick until about age 2.


New member
Leila was breastfed for the first 13 months. We had a rocky start because she didn't come home from the NICU until she was 15 days old. Since she had meconium ileus she didn't eat for awhile and got very used to the pacifier. If I hadn't breastfed another baby, I'm not sure if I'd have been able to get her to nurse, but it didn't take long for her to catch on. One of the things my clinic did was have me supplement her with protein powder since breastmilk is low in protein. So twice a day I pumped a couple ounces and mixed in Promod powder to give her. She did well and was a hefty chunk of a baby. She was never sick until about age 2.


New member
Leila was breastfed for the first 13 months. We had a rocky start because she didn't come home from the NICU until she was 15 days old. Since she had meconium ileus she didn't eat for awhile and got very used to the pacifier. If I hadn't breastfed another baby, I'm not sure if I'd have been able to get her to nurse, but it didn't take long for her to catch on. One of the things my clinic did was have me supplement her with protein powder since breastmilk is low in protein. So twice a day I pumped a couple ounces and mixed in Promod powder to give her. She did well and was a hefty chunk of a baby. She was never sick until about age 2.


New member
Leila was breastfed for the first 13 months. We had a rocky start because she didn't come home from the NICU until she was 15 days old. Since she had meconium ileus she didn't eat for awhile and got very used to the pacifier. If I hadn't breastfed another baby, I'm not sure if I'd have been able to get her to nurse, but it didn't take long for her to catch on. One of the things my clinic did was have me supplement her with protein powder since breastmilk is low in protein. So twice a day I pumped a couple ounces and mixed in Promod powder to give her. She did well and was a hefty chunk of a baby. She was never sick until about age 2.


New member
Leila was breastfed for the first 13 months. We had a rocky start because she didn't come home from the NICU until she was 15 days old. Since she had meconium ileus she didn't eat for awhile and got very used to the pacifier. If I hadn't breastfed another baby, I'm not sure if I'd have been able to get her to nurse, but it didn't take long for her to catch on. One of the things my clinic did was have me supplement her with protein powder since breastmilk is low in protein. So twice a day I pumped a couple ounces and mixed in Promod powder to give her. She did well and was a hefty chunk of a baby. She was never sick until about age 2.


New member
I was my mother's fifth baby. She breastfed everyone (1940s-1950s) during a time when breastfeeding was discouraged. HOWEVER in my first few weeks I expressed belly pain and the OB doctor told her to wean me. She always worried that the early weaning caused me to be sick, unlike my siblings - now we know it was the CF. My children and I nursed for 18 months, 26 months and 36 months!


New member
I was my mother's fifth baby. She breastfed everyone (1940s-1950s) during a time when breastfeeding was discouraged. HOWEVER in my first few weeks I expressed belly pain and the OB doctor told her to wean me. She always worried that the early weaning caused me to be sick, unlike my siblings - now we know it was the CF. My children and I nursed for 18 months, 26 months and 36 months!


New member
I was my mother's fifth baby. She breastfed everyone (1940s-1950s) during a time when breastfeeding was discouraged. HOWEVER in my first few weeks I expressed belly pain and the OB doctor told her to wean me. She always worried that the early weaning caused me to be sick, unlike my siblings - now we know it was the CF. My children and I nursed for 18 months, 26 months and 36 months!


New member
I was my mother's fifth baby. She breastfed everyone (1940s-1950s) during a time when breastfeeding was discouraged. HOWEVER in my first few weeks I expressed belly pain and the OB doctor told her to wean me. She always worried that the early weaning caused me to be sick, unlike my siblings - now we know it was the CF. My children and I nursed for 18 months, 26 months and 36 months!


New member
I was my mother's fifth baby. She breastfed everyone (1940s-1950s) during a time when breastfeeding was discouraged. HOWEVER in my first few weeks I expressed belly pain and the OB doctor told her to wean me. She always worried that the early weaning caused me to be sick, unlike my siblings - now we know it was the CF. My children and I nursed for 18 months, 26 months and 36 months!
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New member
I am BF'ing my 10 month old DS w/CF currently. He was EBF until 6.5 months and he actually thrived on it! It wasn't until I tried to start solids that he started to drop percentiles - go figure!

We've been lucky, he hasn't really been sick yet (besides culturing various bacteria, but he hasn't shown symptoms)

I plan to BF as long as he'll take it! I joke that he'll be in college and still BF'ing (not really, but it makes BF'ing past a year seem not so crazy in comparison)

I BF my daughter w/o CF until she self weaned around 14 months.


New member
I am BF'ing my 10 month old DS w/CF currently. He was EBF until 6.5 months and he actually thrived on it! It wasn't until I tried to start solids that he started to drop percentiles - go figure!

We've been lucky, he hasn't really been sick yet (besides culturing various bacteria, but he hasn't shown symptoms)

I plan to BF as long as he'll take it! I joke that he'll be in college and still BF'ing (not really, but it makes BF'ing past a year seem not so crazy in comparison)

I BF my daughter w/o CF until she self weaned around 14 months.


New member
I am BF'ing my 10 month old DS w/CF currently. He was EBF until 6.5 months and he actually thrived on it! It wasn't until I tried to start solids that he started to drop percentiles - go figure!

We've been lucky, he hasn't really been sick yet (besides culturing various bacteria, but he hasn't shown symptoms)

I plan to BF as long as he'll take it! I joke that he'll be in college and still BF'ing (not really, but it makes BF'ing past a year seem not so crazy in comparison)

I BF my daughter w/o CF until she self weaned around 14 months.


New member
I am BF'ing my 10 month old DS w/CF currently. He was EBF until 6.5 months and he actually thrived on it! It wasn't until I tried to start solids that he started to drop percentiles - go figure!

We've been lucky, he hasn't really been sick yet (besides culturing various bacteria, but he hasn't shown symptoms)

I plan to BF as long as he'll take it! I joke that he'll be in college and still BF'ing (not really, but it makes BF'ing past a year seem not so crazy in comparison)

I BF my daughter w/o CF until she self weaned around 14 months.


New member
I am BF'ing my 10 month old DS w/CF currently. He was EBF until 6.5 months and he actually thrived on it! It wasn't until I tried to start solids that he started to drop percentiles - go figure!
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<br />We've been lucky, he hasn't really been sick yet (besides culturing various bacteria, but he hasn't shown symptoms)
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<br />I plan to BF as long as he'll take it! I joke that he'll be in college and still BF'ing (not really, but it makes BF'ing past a year seem not so crazy in comparison)
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<br />I BF my daughter w/o CF until she self weaned around 14 months.