Need advice on enzymes!


New member
Hi! I'm hoping some moms of CFers can help me on this one. I'm having problems getting enzymes into my 5 week old son. Our nutritionist told me to dip my finger in the applesauce then in the enzymes. It seemed to work at first, but I think he's catching on. I put a little bit in his mouth at a time, but by the time I finish it seems he has spit it all out! I keep pushing them back in, but they come right out again! Sometimes he seems like he's choking a little, too. Is there an easier way? I'm hoping someone who's been there will have some advice or a creative suggestion! Thanks!


New member
Hi! I'm hoping some moms of CFers can help me on this one. I'm having problems getting enzymes into my 5 week old son. Our nutritionist told me to dip my finger in the applesauce then in the enzymes. It seemed to work at first, but I think he's catching on. I put a little bit in his mouth at a time, but by the time I finish it seems he has spit it all out! I keep pushing them back in, but they come right out again! Sometimes he seems like he's choking a little, too. Is there an easier way? I'm hoping someone who's been there will have some advice or a creative suggestion! Thanks!


New member
Hi! I'm hoping some moms of CFers can help me on this one. I'm having problems getting enzymes into my 5 week old son. Our nutritionist told me to dip my finger in the applesauce then in the enzymes. It seemed to work at first, but I think he's catching on. I put a little bit in his mouth at a time, but by the time I finish it seems he has spit it all out! I keep pushing them back in, but they come right out again! Sometimes he seems like he's choking a little, too. Is there an easier way? I'm hoping someone who's been there will have some advice or a creative suggestion! Thanks!


New member
Hi! I'm hoping some moms of CFers can help me on this one. I'm having problems getting enzymes into my 5 week old son. Our nutritionist told me to dip my finger in the applesauce then in the enzymes. It seemed to work at first, but I think he's catching on. I put a little bit in his mouth at a time, but by the time I finish it seems he has spit it all out! I keep pushing them back in, but they come right out again! Sometimes he seems like he's choking a little, too. Is there an easier way? I'm hoping someone who's been there will have some advice or a creative suggestion! Thanks!


New member
Hi! I'm hoping some moms of CFers can help me on this one. I'm having problems getting enzymes into my 5 week old son. Our nutritionist told me to dip my finger in the applesauce then in the enzymes. It seemed to work at first, but I think he's catching on. I put a little bit in his mouth at a time, but by the time I finish it seems he has spit it all out! I keep pushing them back in, but they come right out again! Sometimes he seems like he's choking a little, too. Is there an easier way? I'm hoping someone who's been there will have some advice or a creative suggestion! Thanks!


New member
Hi! I'm hoping some moms of CFers can help me on this one. I'm having problems getting enzymes into my 5 week old son. Our nutritionist told me to dip my finger in the applesauce then in the enzymes. It seemed to work at first, but I think he's catching on. I put a little bit in his mouth at a time, but by the time I finish it seems he has spit it all out! I keep pushing them back in, but they come right out again! Sometimes he seems like he's choking a little, too. Is there an easier way? I'm hoping someone who's been there will have some advice or a creative suggestion! Thanks!


New member
Hi, My son riley who is now 15 months old has been taking creon since he was a week old. I recall making sure the applesauce was very thin, and I used a small baby spoon gave him little amounts at a time. Also we used yogurt and that would work sometimes back then. In addition I tried using one of the medicine syringes
and mixed meds/applesauce gave it in small amounts to side of his mouth which I
find he swallowed fine. On an occasion plugging his nose quick would help. Even now he fights taking his meds the nurtritionalist suggested putting the creaon in jelly. That lasted a short time. Good luck !

******************** Mom of Riley 15 months w/cf
Sara 3 yo wo/cf
Emily 12 yo wo/cf


New member
Hi, My son riley who is now 15 months old has been taking creon since he was a week old. I recall making sure the applesauce was very thin, and I used a small baby spoon gave him little amounts at a time. Also we used yogurt and that would work sometimes back then. In addition I tried using one of the medicine syringes
and mixed meds/applesauce gave it in small amounts to side of his mouth which I
find he swallowed fine. On an occasion plugging his nose quick would help. Even now he fights taking his meds the nurtritionalist suggested putting the creaon in jelly. That lasted a short time. Good luck !

******************** Mom of Riley 15 months w/cf
Sara 3 yo wo/cf
Emily 12 yo wo/cf


New member
Hi, My son riley who is now 15 months old has been taking creon since he was a week old. I recall making sure the applesauce was very thin, and I used a small baby spoon gave him little amounts at a time. Also we used yogurt and that would work sometimes back then. In addition I tried using one of the medicine syringes
and mixed meds/applesauce gave it in small amounts to side of his mouth which I
find he swallowed fine. On an occasion plugging his nose quick would help. Even now he fights taking his meds the nurtritionalist suggested putting the creaon in jelly. That lasted a short time. Good luck !

******************** Mom of Riley 15 months w/cf
Sara 3 yo wo/cf
Emily 12 yo wo/cf


New member
Hi, My son riley who is now 15 months old has been taking creon since he was a week old. I recall making sure the applesauce was very thin, and I used a small baby spoon gave him little amounts at a time. Also we used yogurt and that would work sometimes back then. In addition I tried using one of the medicine syringes
and mixed meds/applesauce gave it in small amounts to side of his mouth which I
find he swallowed fine. On an occasion plugging his nose quick would help. Even now he fights taking his meds the nurtritionalist suggested putting the creaon in jelly. That lasted a short time. Good luck !

******************** Mom of Riley 15 months w/cf
Sara 3 yo wo/cf
Emily 12 yo wo/cf


New member
Hi, My son riley who is now 15 months old has been taking creon since he was a week old. I recall making sure the applesauce was very thin, and I used a small baby spoon gave him little amounts at a time. Also we used yogurt and that would work sometimes back then. In addition I tried using one of the medicine syringes
and mixed meds/applesauce gave it in small amounts to side of his mouth which I
find he swallowed fine. On an occasion plugging his nose quick would help. Even now he fights taking his meds the nurtritionalist suggested putting the creaon in jelly. That lasted a short time. Good luck !

******************** Mom of Riley 15 months w/cf
Sara 3 yo wo/cf
Emily 12 yo wo/cf


New member
Hi, My son riley who is now 15 months old has been taking creon since he was a week old. I recall making sure the applesauce was very thin, and I used a small baby spoon gave him little amounts at a time. Also we used yogurt and that would work sometimes back then. In addition I tried using one of the medicine syringes
and mixed meds/applesauce gave it in small amounts to side of his mouth which I
find he swallowed fine. On an occasion plugging his nose quick would help. Even now he fights taking his meds the nurtritionalist suggested putting the creaon in jelly. That lasted a short time. Good luck !

******************** Mom of Riley 15 months w/cf
Sara 3 yo wo/cf
Emily 12 yo wo/cf


New member
Thanks! I think I'll try the syringe. I'm still getting the hang of this so I'm trying not to get too frustrated!


New member
Thanks! I think I'll try the syringe. I'm still getting the hang of this so I'm trying not to get too frustrated!


New member
Thanks! I think I'll try the syringe. I'm still getting the hang of this so I'm trying not to get too frustrated!


New member
Thanks! I think I'll try the syringe. I'm still getting the hang of this so I'm trying not to get too frustrated!


New member
Thanks! I think I'll try the syringe. I'm still getting the hang of this so I'm trying not to get too frustrated!


New member
Thanks! I think I'll try the syringe. I'm still getting the hang of this so I'm trying not to get too frustrated!


New member
When my son was little we would dip our pinky in the creon beads to pick up a little, then wipe it along the inside of his cheek, then hurry up and put the bottle in his mouth. We'd let him get a few sips, then do it again until we got all the enzymes in. Sometimes I'd dip the nipple right into the beads, then put it in his mouth. Vinny always hated applesauce, so I used baby bananas (still do today!).


New member
When my son was little we would dip our pinky in the creon beads to pick up a little, then wipe it along the inside of his cheek, then hurry up and put the bottle in his mouth. We'd let him get a few sips, then do it again until we got all the enzymes in. Sometimes I'd dip the nipple right into the beads, then put it in his mouth. Vinny always hated applesauce, so I used baby bananas (still do today!).