New member
This is not a solution to the problem, but perhaps it's better than nothing to find out if he prone to diabetes: He can test his own blood sugars at home using a small machine available from a pharmacy. You don't see the needle as it is contained in a finger-prick pen, you only need one drop of blood and he can use it on himself which in my opinion is a lot better than if someone else does it for you because you are in control of the process. Use the side of finger - it's less sensitive. A good idea would be a fasting reading (i.e. when wake up) and another one an hour after eating something that should raise blood sugars (e.g. cereal/bread/bag of sweets/a sweet drink). He can then give these readings to the doctor. I did this before I went for my official GTT, and the readings were similar. As for the other suggestions, all I can add is if you are going to use emla make sure they put a thick paste of it on, covered with something to keep it in place or it won't really work. Good luck