Need Help with Enzymes and Breastfeeding please!


New member
My daughter was diagnosed at 4 weeks and we started giving her her enzymes in baby applesauce. She also liked to eat when she demanded it, so we kind of just had to wait for her to open up. She got used to it. Also our doctors prefer we give it in fruit, as it doesn't work as well in formula or milk. Has something to do with acids and bases.


New member
My daughter was diagnosed at 4 weeks and we started giving her her enzymes in baby applesauce. She also liked to eat when she demanded it, so we kind of just had to wait for her to open up. She got used to it. Also our doctors prefer we give it in fruit, as it doesn't work as well in formula or milk. Has something to do with acids and bases.


New member
My daughter was diagnosed at 4 weeks and we started giving her her enzymes in baby applesauce. She also liked to eat when she demanded it, so we kind of just had to wait for her to open up. She got used to it. Also our doctors prefer we give it in fruit, as it doesn't work as well in formula or milk. Has something to do with acids and bases.


New member
My daughter was diagnosed at 4 weeks and we started giving her her enzymes in baby applesauce. She also liked to eat when she demanded it, so we kind of just had to wait for her to open up. She got used to it. Also our doctors prefer we give it in fruit, as it doesn't work as well in formula or milk. Has something to do with acids and bases.


New member
My daughter was diagnosed at 4 weeks and we started giving her her enzymes in baby applesauce. She also liked to eat when she demanded it, so we kind of just had to wait for her to open up. She got used to it. Also our doctors prefer we give it in fruit, as it doesn't work as well in formula or milk. Has something to do with acids and bases.


New member
I know I'm probably the exception to the rule - but we never gave DS his enzymes with applesauce or anything and he was in the 80th percentile exclusively breastfeeding!


New member
I know I'm probably the exception to the rule - but we never gave DS his enzymes with applesauce or anything and he was in the 80th percentile exclusively breastfeeding!


New member
I know I'm probably the exception to the rule - but we never gave DS his enzymes with applesauce or anything and he was in the 80th percentile exclusively breastfeeding!


New member
I know I'm probably the exception to the rule - but we never gave DS his enzymes with applesauce or anything and he was in the 80th percentile exclusively breastfeeding!


New member
I know I'm probably the exception to the rule - but we never gave DS his enzymes with applesauce or anything and he was in the 80th percentile exclusively breastfeeding!