How in the world did bush Keep anyone Safe ???
He brags that we have not had an attack on the US soil for 7 years< He thinks this is a
big deal. Well before 9/11 it had been 60 years since Pearl Harbor.
Bush has not kept me you or any one else safe,He is a boob,a flunkie, just admit it
and forget him. He will go down in history as the worst president in out history.
He will also be remembered as a joke.
Do you realize he was not elected twice. Now thats a real shame.
He brags that we have not had an attack on the US soil for 7 years< He thinks this is a
big deal. Well before 9/11 it had been 60 years since Pearl Harbor.
Bush has not kept me you or any one else safe,He is a boob,a flunkie, just admit it
and forget him. He will go down in history as the worst president in out history.
He will also be remembered as a joke.
Do you realize he was not elected twice. Now thats a real shame.