Incomundrox, are you asking me? If so, two years ago during the fall/winter/part of spring, my lungs were the worst they've ever been. Did not have them tested at the time, but it was bad enough that walking up a flight of stairs was exhausting and would leave me breathless and panting. I couldnt sleep for more than 2 hours at a time without doing a nebbie. I decided to get my butt in gear and started walking on the treadmill (very slowly at first) and doing some weight training, and a few months later, I'd built up to some slow jogging. At that point my FEV was about 50% or a little bit lower. I used to puke or get really dizzy after every session or fall off the treadmill I was coughing so hard- it was really difficult for me. After a year of building up my speed and endurance, they went up to 55%. Another 3 months 58%, another 3 months, 65%. That is running at least 3-8 miles every single day, I only take 1-2 days off per month. I'm not going to break any speed records here, but I do the 5K in about 28 minutes and a 10K in under an hour. I added swimming and biking to my workouts and that has only improved everything. I feel so much better and today was running around with my husband and kids playing football and frisbee.....utterly fabulous. I dont know how long it will last, but I am going to enjoy it while it does!