OMG, I'm doing it!


New member

Major Congratulations! Keep up the good work and believe in your own bodies ability to do what it needs to when given the right tools (ie;nutrition and exercise). Your definitely an inspiration!

Best Wishes!


New member
<br />
<br />Major Congratulations! Keep up the good work and believe in your own bodies ability to do what it needs to when given the right tools (ie;nutrition and exercise). Your definitely an inspiration!
<br />
<br />Best Wishes!


<P>congratulations mom2two, awesome...!!! </P>
<P> </P>
<P>before starting your excercise way back in the beginning were you using alot of oral, inhaled or iv antibiotics...?</P>
<P>theres alot of inspirational storys on here, especially on excercising...I have had several exaserbations very close together in last few years and am on 3rd set now since this april....</P>
<P>and I usually spring back, but emotionally and physically I just am not springing back like I used to...</P>
<P>I read your story,  Havocs, and each day say tomoro , tomoro , and like they say tomoro never comes....</P>
<P>Im so fatigued, but know I got to start somewhere....and stick to on computer now instead of riding excercise bike, my plan was to do my first week daily at 5 minutes to staart, and then  each week day a few minutes....or walk outside with my terry poo...i walked him a few times last week but very sporatic....</P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>


<P>congratulations mom2two, awesome...!!! </P>
<P>before starting your excercise way back in the beginning were you using alot of oral, inhaled or iv antibiotics...?</P>
<P>theres alot of inspirational storys on here, especially on excercising...I have had several exaserbations very close together in last few years and am on3rd set now since this april....</P>
<P>and I usually spring back, but emotionally and physically I just am not springing back like I used to...</P>
<P>I read your story, Havocs, and each day say tomoro , tomoro , and like they say tomoro never comes....</P>
<P>Im so fatigued, but know I got to start somewhere....and stick to on computer now instead of riding excercise bike, my plan was to do my first week daily at 5 minutes to staart, and then each week day a few minutes....or walk outside with my terry poo...i walked him a few times last week but very sporatic....</P>


<P><BR>congratulations mom2two, awesome...!!! </P>
<P>before starting your excercise way back in the beginning were you using alot of oral, inhaled or iv antibiotics...?</P>
<P>theres alot of inspirational storys on here, especially on excercising...I have had several exaserbations very close together in last few years and am on3rd set now since this april....</P>
<P>and I usually spring back, but emotionally and physically I just am not springing back like I used to...</P>
<P>I read your story, Havocs, and each day say tomoro , tomoro , and like they say tomoro never comes....</P>
<P>Im so fatigued, but know I got to start somewhere....and stick to on computer now instead of riding excercise bike, my plan was to do my first week daily at 5 minutes to staart, and then each week day a few minutes....or walk outside with my terry poo...i walked him a few times last week but very sporatic....</P>


New member
No, I dont respond well to inhaled antibiotics, they all seem to give me severe bronchospasms/asthma. The last time I tried them I think was roughly a decade ago. I tolerate hypertonic well though. I was on oral antibiotics a lot and some IV before the "exercise mania". I had also needed to lose weight, the CFRD, crappy eating habits, and steroids had put on about 30 lbs. I lost the weight in a matter of months, have kept it all off, blood sugar is now fine, have only had one minor attack of gout in the past year, and knock on wood, last winter was the first year in a decade that I have not broken ribs from coughing! Wooo wooo! This board has been such a source of info, inspiration, support, etc. THank you all : )


New member
No, I dont respond well to inhaled antibiotics, they all seem to give me severe bronchospasms/asthma. The last time I tried them I think was roughly a decade ago. I tolerate hypertonic well though. I was on oral antibiotics a lot and some IV before the "exercise mania". I had also needed to lose weight, the CFRD, crappy eating habits, and steroids had put on about 30 lbs. I lost the weight in a matter of months, have kept it all off, blood sugar is now fine, have only had one minor attack of gout in the past year, and knock on wood, last winter was the first year in a decade that I have not broken ribs from coughing! Wooo wooo! This board has been such a source of info, inspiration, support, etc. THank you all : )


New member
No, I dont respond well to inhaled antibiotics, they all seem to give me severe bronchospasms/asthma. The last time I tried them I think was roughly a decade ago. I tolerate hypertonic well though. I was on oral antibiotics a lot and some IV before the "exercise mania". I had also needed to lose weight, the CFRD, crappy eating habits, and steroids had put on about 30 lbs. I lost the weight in a matter of months, have kept it all off, blood sugar is now fine, have only had one minor attack of gout in the past year, and knock on wood, last winter was the first year in a decade that I have not broken ribs from coughing! Wooo wooo! This board has been such a source of info, inspiration, support, etc. THank you all : )


New member
Ok I am going back to the gym! Thanks for the inspiration!
Make sure you are making nutrition a fundamental part of your training. We are very deficient in nutrients make sure your electrolytes and such are replenished. ie sea salt, coconut water and such. One thing to look at if you are running that much is magnesium and Co-Q10
Keep up the good work.


New member
Ok I am going back to the gym! Thanks for the inspiration!
Make sure you are making nutrition a fundamental part of your training. We are very deficient in nutrients make sure your electrolytes and such are replenished. ie sea salt, coconut water and such. One thing to look at if you are running that much is magnesium and Co-Q10
Keep up the good work.


New member
Ok I am going back to the gym! Thanks for the inspiration!
<br />Make sure you are making nutrition a fundamental part of your training. We are very deficient in nutrients make sure your electrolytes and such are replenished. ie sea salt, coconut water and such. One thing to look at if you are running that much is magnesium and Co-Q10
<br />Keep up the good work.
<br />


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Momto2</b></i>

Incomundrox, are you asking me? If so, two years ago during the fall/winter/part of spring, my lungs were the worst they've ever been. Did not have them tested at the time, but it was bad enough that walking up a flight of stairs was exhausting and would leave me breathless and panting. I couldnt sleep for more than 2 hours at a time without doing a nebbie. I decided to get my butt in gear and started walking on the treadmill (very slowly at first) and doing some weight training, and a few months later, I'd built up to some slow jogging. At that point my FEV was about 50% or a little bit lower. I used to puke or get really dizzy after every session or fall off the treadmill I was coughing so hard- it was really difficult for me. After a year of building up my speed and endurance, they went up to 55%. Another 3 months 58%, another 3 months, 65%. That is running at least 3-8 miles every single day, I only take 1-2 days off per month. I'm not going to break any speed records here, but I do the 5K in about 28 minutes and a 10K in under an hour. I added swimming and biking to my workouts and that has only improved everything. I feel so much better and today was running around with my husband and kids playing football and frisbee.....utterly fabulous. I dont know how long it will last, but I am going to enjoy it while it does!</end quote></div><br><br>Thanks for the calcification. I'm really glad you are fighting the good fight! I love stories like yours! The ball is in your court and you are definitely working it!<br>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Momto2</b></i>

Incomundrox, are you asking me? If so, two years ago during the fall/winter/part of spring, my lungs were the worst they've ever been. Did not have them tested at the time, but it was bad enough that walking up a flight of stairs was exhausting and would leave me breathless and panting. I couldnt sleep for more than 2 hours at a time without doing a nebbie. I decided to get my butt in gear and started walking on the treadmill (very slowly at first) and doing some weight training, and a few months later, I'd built up to some slow jogging. At that point my FEV was about 50% or a little bit lower. I used to puke or get really dizzy after every session or fall off the treadmill I was coughing so hard- it was really difficult for me. After a year of building up my speed and endurance, they went up to 55%. Another 3 months 58%, another 3 months, 65%. That is running at least 3-8 miles every single day, I only take 1-2 days off per month. I'm not going to break any speed records here, but I do the 5K in about 28 minutes and a 10K in under an hour. I added swimming and biking to my workouts and that has only improved everything. I feel so much better and today was running around with my husband and kids playing football and frisbee.....utterly fabulous. I dont know how long it will last, but I am going to enjoy it while it does!</end quote><br><br>Thanks for the calcification. I'm really glad you are fighting the good fight! I love stories like yours! The ball is in your court and you are definitely working it!<br>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Momto2</b></i>

Incomundrox, are you asking me? If so, two years ago during the fall/winter/part of spring, my lungs were the worst they've ever been. Did not have them tested at the time, but it was bad enough that walking up a flight of stairs was exhausting and would leave me breathless and panting. I couldnt sleep for more than 2 hours at a time without doing a nebbie. I decided to get my butt in gear and started walking on the treadmill (very slowly at first) and doing some weight training, and a few months later, I'd built up to some slow jogging. At that point my FEV was about 50% or a little bit lower. I used to puke or get really dizzy after every session or fall off the treadmill I was coughing so hard- it was really difficult for me. After a year of building up my speed and endurance, they went up to 55%. Another 3 months 58%, another 3 months, 65%. That is running at least 3-8 miles every single day, I only take 1-2 days off per month. I'm not going to break any speed records here, but I do the 5K in about 28 minutes and a 10K in under an hour. I added swimming and biking to my workouts and that has only improved everything. I feel so much better and today was running around with my husband and kids playing football and frisbee.....utterly fabulous. I dont know how long it will last, but I am going to enjoy it while it does!</end quote><br><br>Thanks for the calcification. I'm really glad you are fighting the good fight! I love stories like yours! The ball is in your court and you are definitely working it!<br>


You are so encouraging! I have recently started a program to learn to run. It's Runners' Worlds "Run Your Butt Off". It's a progressive interval training that is supposed to help you avoid injury. Phase 1. is walk 30 min, 2. walk 4 run 1, 3. walk 4 run 2, 4. walk 3 run 3....repeating each interval 5 times until you get to run 30 minutes. I'm stuck on phase 4. My problem is I run out of breath. However, yesterday I ran indoors on a track and was able to breathe through and keep up with my healthy friend the whole 33 minute session.
My question is: does running indoors on a track or treadmill really prepare you to run outside with the heat and humidity or cold dry air?
I want this so bad and I know how good it would be for my lung health.


You are so encouraging! I have recently started a program to learn to run. It's Runners' Worlds "Run Your Butt Off". It's a progressive interval training that is supposed to help you avoid injury. Phase 1. is walk 30 min, 2. walk 4 run 1, 3. walk 4 run 2, 4. walk 3 run 3....repeating each interval 5 times until you get to run 30 minutes. I'm stuck on phase 4. My problem is I run out of breath. However, yesterday I ran indoors on a track and was able to breathe through and keep up with my healthy friend the whole 33 minute session.
My question is: does running indoors on a track or treadmill really prepare you to run outside with the heat and humidity or cold dry air?
I want this so bad and I know how good it would be for my lung health.


You are so encouraging! I have recently started a program to learn to run. It's Runners' Worlds "Run Your Butt Off". It's a progressive interval training that is supposed to help you avoid injury. Phase 1. is walk 30 min, 2. walk 4 run 1, 3. walk 4 run 2, 4. walk 3 run 3....repeating each interval 5 times until you get to run 30 minutes. I'm stuck on phase 4. My problem is I run out of breath. However, yesterday I ran indoors on a track and was able to breathe through and keep up with my healthy friend the whole 33 minute session.
<br />My question is: does running indoors on a track or treadmill really prepare you to run outside with the heat and humidity or cold dry air?
<br />I want this so bad and I know how good it would be for my lung health.