Also sound advise Eric... It's not going to happen over night, but we can't learn to play the guitar by just picking it up and hitting the strings. Practice just opening yourself up, it may start with a simple Hello, but always look the person you are talking to in the eyes.
When you get a hold of one, don't be too clingy. You are looking for something, but you do not want to seem despirate. Confident yes. "Trapping" No! Trapping leads to protective orders.
When you get one, make her chase you sometimes, it's a game they seem to enjoy.
When you go fishing do you want to catch a blue gill that is simple to real in... or would you like to land a shark, somewhat dangerous, unpredictable, and tough as hell to bring into shore.
I am not saying be a Prick, but leave them guessing a bit...
Being clingy will get your heart broken, quick like.
We shouldn't worry about all that now, just try to get a number.
... and Eric is correct, I have had 20 + friends die in my lifetime, and none have had CF. I was least likely to live and many are far gone. Traffic accients, drowning, drugs, not being cautious, murdered.
Nothing says that we are going to die at any spacific time... we are fighters from birth, and we have some of the strongest will power known to mankind. We don't hang our heads low because we have a "Problem" we tackle our problems head first, because we were born with a disadvantage, yet we learned to adapt and fight as children. We have no reason to hold our heads low my friend. Some people don't endure throughout their whole live what some of us endure in our first 5 years.
Which in my eyes leaves them with the disadvantage, because we are fighters.
Be proud of who you are, my CF is a blessing not a burdon.
-Jason, 34 w/CF