Question burning the top of my head



Thanks Jason! Happy Anniversary to you and your lady!



Thanks Jason! Happy Anniversary to you and your lady!



Thanks Jason! Happy Anniversary to you and your lady!



Thanks Jason! Happy Anniversary to you and your lady!



Thanks Jason! Happy Anniversary to you and your lady!
<br />
<br />-Mike


New member

Your question takes me back about 20 years, when I asked the very same thing, though I was barely able to get the words out between giant sobs. I didn't get a satisfactory answer when I asked, and maybe what I have to say won't be of any use to you, but I'll say it anyway.

Do not presume to reject yourself on behalf of others. By doing so, you've never given them (or yourself) a chance to see if there might be a special connection there.

You are not your disease. You are a human being, and like any human being, there are things a person will love about you, things that are worth sharing with others. Focus on that.

When we look in the mirror, we focus on our own flaws. Don't assume others to, too. Don't constantly try to draw their attention to the things about you that you think of as reasons to reject you.

You are worthy of love as much as anyone else on this planet.


New member

Your question takes me back about 20 years, when I asked the very same thing, though I was barely able to get the words out between giant sobs. I didn't get a satisfactory answer when I asked, and maybe what I have to say won't be of any use to you, but I'll say it anyway.

Do not presume to reject yourself on behalf of others. By doing so, you've never given them (or yourself) a chance to see if there might be a special connection there.

You are not your disease. You are a human being, and like any human being, there are things a person will love about you, things that are worth sharing with others. Focus on that.

When we look in the mirror, we focus on our own flaws. Don't assume others to, too. Don't constantly try to draw their attention to the things about you that you think of as reasons to reject you.

You are worthy of love as much as anyone else on this planet.


New member

Your question takes me back about 20 years, when I asked the very same thing, though I was barely able to get the words out between giant sobs. I didn't get a satisfactory answer when I asked, and maybe what I have to say won't be of any use to you, but I'll say it anyway.

Do not presume to reject yourself on behalf of others. By doing so, you've never given them (or yourself) a chance to see if there might be a special connection there.

You are not your disease. You are a human being, and like any human being, there are things a person will love about you, things that are worth sharing with others. Focus on that.

When we look in the mirror, we focus on our own flaws. Don't assume others to, too. Don't constantly try to draw their attention to the things about you that you think of as reasons to reject you.

You are worthy of love as much as anyone else on this planet.


New member

Your question takes me back about 20 years, when I asked the very same thing, though I was barely able to get the words out between giant sobs. I didn't get a satisfactory answer when I asked, and maybe what I have to say won't be of any use to you, but I'll say it anyway.

Do not presume to reject yourself on behalf of others. By doing so, you've never given them (or yourself) a chance to see if there might be a special connection there.

You are not your disease. You are a human being, and like any human being, there are things a person will love about you, things that are worth sharing with others. Focus on that.

When we look in the mirror, we focus on our own flaws. Don't assume others to, too. Don't constantly try to draw their attention to the things about you that you think of as reasons to reject you.

You are worthy of love as much as anyone else on this planet.


New member
<br />
<br />Your question takes me back about 20 years, when I asked the very same thing, though I was barely able to get the words out between giant sobs. I didn't get a satisfactory answer when I asked, and maybe what I have to say won't be of any use to you, but I'll say it anyway.
<br />
<br />Do not presume to reject yourself on behalf of others. By doing so, you've never given them (or yourself) a chance to see if there might be a special connection there.
<br />
<br />You are not your disease. You are a human being, and like any human being, there are things a person will love about you, things that are worth sharing with others. Focus on that.
<br />
<br />When we look in the mirror, we focus on our own flaws. Don't assume others to, too. Don't constantly try to draw their attention to the things about you that you think of as reasons to reject you.
<br />
<br />You are worthy of love as much as anyone else on this planet.
<br />


New member
Have I mentioned how much I heart you all today???

Your post made me a little sad because I can see you letting CF define you... and like someone else earier said... YOU ARE NOT CF!!! Some of the raddest people I know are Cfers (including moi)... We are incredibly strong, stubborn and compassionate...

I went through the same struggle a few years ago... The boy I was engaged to left me and I know in my heart it was because of my CF... I came home one day and he was on the internet (Devil whe it comes to reading about our disease)... as I got closer I noticed he was crying... he said he didn't want me to die... I explained to him he could use the "widow" line to pick up chicks and he found no humor in it at all... I told him with his hobbies (ultimate fighting, motocross, street bikes) he was WAY MORE likely to die... and I was still willing to date him... lol... He was one of those "all American" guys who wanted the perfect life... and apparently he could not get over the fact/possibility of losing me... I was so upset... but in return I got a FABULOUS BOYFRIEND who loves me and my CF!! He has an awesome point of view about it... he pounds on my back when I am hacking... he makes me eat when I don't want to... and he loves me regardless of how bad I stink sometimes!!! LOL!!! Now that is love...

You will find someone, but you have to find your self worth!!! I am sure you are incredible... and like in the posts before... practice... I heard this quote once... "If you ask you have a 50% chance of them saying no and 50% they say yes... if you don't ask, 100% of NO"...

I wish you the best of luck and will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!



New member
Have I mentioned how much I heart you all today???

Your post made me a little sad because I can see you letting CF define you... and like someone else earier said... YOU ARE NOT CF!!! Some of the raddest people I know are Cfers (including moi)... We are incredibly strong, stubborn and compassionate...

I went through the same struggle a few years ago... The boy I was engaged to left me and I know in my heart it was because of my CF... I came home one day and he was on the internet (Devil whe it comes to reading about our disease)... as I got closer I noticed he was crying... he said he didn't want me to die... I explained to him he could use the "widow" line to pick up chicks and he found no humor in it at all... I told him with his hobbies (ultimate fighting, motocross, street bikes) he was WAY MORE likely to die... and I was still willing to date him... lol... He was one of those "all American" guys who wanted the perfect life... and apparently he could not get over the fact/possibility of losing me... I was so upset... but in return I got a FABULOUS BOYFRIEND who loves me and my CF!! He has an awesome point of view about it... he pounds on my back when I am hacking... he makes me eat when I don't want to... and he loves me regardless of how bad I stink sometimes!!! LOL!!! Now that is love...

You will find someone, but you have to find your self worth!!! I am sure you are incredible... and like in the posts before... practice... I heard this quote once... "If you ask you have a 50% chance of them saying no and 50% they say yes... if you don't ask, 100% of NO"...

I wish you the best of luck and will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!



New member
Have I mentioned how much I heart you all today???

Your post made me a little sad because I can see you letting CF define you... and like someone else earier said... YOU ARE NOT CF!!! Some of the raddest people I know are Cfers (including moi)... We are incredibly strong, stubborn and compassionate...

I went through the same struggle a few years ago... The boy I was engaged to left me and I know in my heart it was because of my CF... I came home one day and he was on the internet (Devil whe it comes to reading about our disease)... as I got closer I noticed he was crying... he said he didn't want me to die... I explained to him he could use the "widow" line to pick up chicks and he found no humor in it at all... I told him with his hobbies (ultimate fighting, motocross, street bikes) he was WAY MORE likely to die... and I was still willing to date him... lol... He was one of those "all American" guys who wanted the perfect life... and apparently he could not get over the fact/possibility of losing me... I was so upset... but in return I got a FABULOUS BOYFRIEND who loves me and my CF!! He has an awesome point of view about it... he pounds on my back when I am hacking... he makes me eat when I don't want to... and he loves me regardless of how bad I stink sometimes!!! LOL!!! Now that is love...

You will find someone, but you have to find your self worth!!! I am sure you are incredible... and like in the posts before... practice... I heard this quote once... "If you ask you have a 50% chance of them saying no and 50% they say yes... if you don't ask, 100% of NO"...

I wish you the best of luck and will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!



New member
Have I mentioned how much I heart you all today???

Your post made me a little sad because I can see you letting CF define you... and like someone else earier said... YOU ARE NOT CF!!! Some of the raddest people I know are Cfers (including moi)... We are incredibly strong, stubborn and compassionate...

I went through the same struggle a few years ago... The boy I was engaged to left me and I know in my heart it was because of my CF... I came home one day and he was on the internet (Devil whe it comes to reading about our disease)... as I got closer I noticed he was crying... he said he didn't want me to die... I explained to him he could use the "widow" line to pick up chicks and he found no humor in it at all... I told him with his hobbies (ultimate fighting, motocross, street bikes) he was WAY MORE likely to die... and I was still willing to date him... lol... He was one of those "all American" guys who wanted the perfect life... and apparently he could not get over the fact/possibility of losing me... I was so upset... but in return I got a FABULOUS BOYFRIEND who loves me and my CF!! He has an awesome point of view about it... he pounds on my back when I am hacking... he makes me eat when I don't want to... and he loves me regardless of how bad I stink sometimes!!! LOL!!! Now that is love...

You will find someone, but you have to find your self worth!!! I am sure you are incredible... and like in the posts before... practice... I heard this quote once... "If you ask you have a 50% chance of them saying no and 50% they say yes... if you don't ask, 100% of NO"...

I wish you the best of luck and will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!



New member
Have I mentioned how much I heart you all today???
<br />
<br />Your post made me a little sad because I can see you letting CF define you... and like someone else earier said... YOU ARE NOT CF!!! Some of the raddest people I know are Cfers (including moi)... We are incredibly strong, stubborn and compassionate...
<br />
<br />I went through the same struggle a few years ago... The boy I was engaged to left me and I know in my heart it was because of my CF... I came home one day and he was on the internet (Devil whe it comes to reading about our disease)... as I got closer I noticed he was crying... he said he didn't want me to die... I explained to him he could use the "widow" line to pick up chicks and he found no humor in it at all... I told him with his hobbies (ultimate fighting, motocross, street bikes) he was WAY MORE likely to die... and I was still willing to date him... lol... He was one of those "all American" guys who wanted the perfect life... and apparently he could not get over the fact/possibility of losing me... I was so upset... but in return I got a FABULOUS BOYFRIEND who loves me and my CF!! He has an awesome point of view about it... he pounds on my back when I am hacking... he makes me eat when I don't want to... and he loves me regardless of how bad I stink sometimes!!! LOL!!! Now that is love...
<br />
<br />You will find someone, but you have to find your self worth!!! I am sure you are incredible... and like in the posts before... practice... I heard this quote once... "If you ask you have a 50% chance of them saying no and 50% they say yes... if you don't ask, 100% of NO"...
<br />
<br />I wish you the best of luck and will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!
<br />
<br />xoxo


Sarah, sound like your old dude was an idiot... does he think that he will never lose anyone?

"it's better to try and lose than never try and miss out."

I also have to say that is the first time I have seen or heard anyone use the word Rad in forever... that took me back.

-Jason 34 w/cf


Sarah, sound like your old dude was an idiot... does he think that he will never lose anyone?

"it's better to try and lose than never try and miss out."

I also have to say that is the first time I have seen or heard anyone use the word Rad in forever... that took me back.

-Jason 34 w/cf


Sarah, sound like your old dude was an idiot... does he think that he will never lose anyone?

"it's better to try and lose than never try and miss out."

I also have to say that is the first time I have seen or heard anyone use the word Rad in forever... that took me back.

-Jason 34 w/cf


Sarah, sound like your old dude was an idiot... does he think that he will never lose anyone?

"it's better to try and lose than never try and miss out."

I also have to say that is the first time I have seen or heard anyone use the word Rad in forever... that took me back.

-Jason 34 w/cf


Sarah, sound like your old dude was an idiot... does he think that he will never lose anyone?
<br />
<br />"it's better to try and lose than never try and miss out."
<br />
<br />I also have to say that is the first time I have seen or heard anyone use the word Rad in forever... that took me back.
<br />
<br />-Jason 34 w/cf