Question for Spouses



It sounds to me like they have created a place to slap each other on the back and say 'look at me, we're in there for the long haul therefore we're better than our sick spouses, the doctors, the regular people, god, and everybody else who walks this earth. Because of that nobody knows what we go through and only we can justify our own actions.'

I can only hope that Karma bites these people on the *ss.
That or their spouses find out about the site.


It sounds to me like they have created a place to slap each other on the back and say 'look at me, we're in there for the long haul therefore we're better than our sick spouses, the doctors, the regular people, god, and everybody else who walks this earth. Because of that nobody knows what we go through and only we can justify our own actions.'

I can only hope that Karma bites these people on the *ss.
That or their spouses find out about the site.


New member
I truly think these people are the lowest common denominator. I can't even imagine what their spouses go through on a daily basis. This crap completely and totally makes me lose my faith in humanity. The minute the going gets tough, they automatically fall out of 'love' (since I think they never knew real love in the first place) and look for some cheap affection because OMG I NEED TEH SECKS! I've gone without for a long time honey, you can too. These people's wedding vows mean NOTHING. And that makes me sick and makes my heart break.

I can't imagine ever cheating on Ry. I don't care if he was sick as hell and oxygen dependent for 1 year or 20. My love for him did not, and would not change. I can't even put into words how upset this made me. These ungrateful bastards have their husbands and wives for 30 years an they're whining about taking care of them. I'm sitting here literally crying at my computer. Rarr.


New member
I truly think these people are the lowest common denominator. I can't even imagine what their spouses go through on a daily basis. This crap completely and totally makes me lose my faith in humanity. The minute the going gets tough, they automatically fall out of 'love' (since I think they never knew real love in the first place) and look for some cheap affection because OMG I NEED TEH SECKS! I've gone without for a long time honey, you can too. These people's wedding vows mean NOTHING. And that makes me sick and makes my heart break.

I can't imagine ever cheating on Ry. I don't care if he was sick as hell and oxygen dependent for 1 year or 20. My love for him did not, and would not change. I can't even put into words how upset this made me. These ungrateful bastards have their husbands and wives for 30 years an they're whining about taking care of them. I'm sitting here literally crying at my computer. Rarr.


New member
Allie - I wouldn't worry about what a bunch of bitter, angry, burnt out people think.

They have no idea - and never will, since many of them didn't CHOOSE to be a well spouse.


New member
Allie - I wouldn't worry about what a bunch of bitter, angry, burnt out people think.

They have no idea - and never will, since many of them didn't CHOOSE to be a well spouse.


New member
I didn't read the posts written by the cheaters, but one of the things that popped into my head is, "how can the person they're cheating WITH not have any conscience either!!! i mean, wouldn't you feel terrible to know some guy or girl was cheating on their sick spouse with you?!?!" urgh!!! some people!!!!


New member
I didn't read the posts written by the cheaters, but one of the things that popped into my head is, "how can the person they're cheating WITH not have any conscience either!!! i mean, wouldn't you feel terrible to know some guy or girl was cheating on their sick spouse with you?!?!" urgh!!! some people!!!!


New member
Regardless of whether they choose to be well spouses or not, they took vows - 'for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part'. Seems that when things got tough for them, they choose to disregard that part of their vows. I would sooner have my bf or husband leave me, then go behind my back and cheat on me.


New member
Regardless of whether they choose to be well spouses or not, they took vows - 'for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part'. Seems that when things got tough for them, they choose to disregard that part of their vows. I would sooner have my bf or husband leave me, then go behind my back and cheat on me.


New member
Miesl, thank you so much for telling that John dude off for me. I didn't want to argue anymore and seem like a huge pain in the butt. Plus I got annoyed, and didn't want to bother. But boy was he off! I'm going to treat Mike like garbage just because I'm sick?? Yeah, he knows me. I'll complain, but I won't take it out on Mike, there's a difference. Who is he to say that crap?... Really annoyed me. And yeah, I'm sick so I know I can't be criticized. AHAHAHAA he definitely doesn't know me, I get criticism all the time. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> So thanks for telling him... in effect, that he was a jackass.

And no kidding elitist much?? My god. If your spouse dies early after you've taken care of them... you don't count. And trust us, you'd rather have them die than take care of them for 40 years... Wow.. they really don't know what love is. Any of them. Anyway, I'm done now. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Miesl, thank you so much for telling that John dude off for me. I didn't want to argue anymore and seem like a huge pain in the butt. Plus I got annoyed, and didn't want to bother. But boy was he off! I'm going to treat Mike like garbage just because I'm sick?? Yeah, he knows me. I'll complain, but I won't take it out on Mike, there's a difference. Who is he to say that crap?... Really annoyed me. And yeah, I'm sick so I know I can't be criticized. AHAHAHAA he definitely doesn't know me, I get criticism all the time. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> So thanks for telling him... in effect, that he was a jackass.

And no kidding elitist much?? My god. If your spouse dies early after you've taken care of them... you don't count. And trust us, you'd rather have them die than take care of them for 40 years... Wow.. they really don't know what love is. Any of them. Anyway, I'm done now. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Plus, you're me. Isn't that awesome?

I really wanted to crawl through the internet and slap that guy. Holy crapola, batman. I have a masters degree - I'm so awesome that I can psychoanalyze you in 20 seconds or less.


New member
Plus, you're me. Isn't that awesome?

I really wanted to crawl through the internet and slap that guy. Holy crapola, batman. I have a masters degree - I'm so awesome that I can psychoanalyze you in 20 seconds or less.


It's sad and funny in a way.

It seems to be such a competition on there.
Over being on there the longest, sticking with it, putting in your dues. Plus somebody is better than somebody else because of what they've had to put up with with their ill spouse?

And it's funny that these people believe that they are better than anybody else for that. They take pride in it.
Yet people like Allie, who obviously loved Ry so very much, and Emily who definitely loves Mike who have gone through so much already know and have experienced love. They realize what it is about. These people don't seem to, it's clinical to them. Yes, life is hard but it's not a competition.. it's not about who's had it worse off. They don't realize that life isn't like that, I think they cope that way though dealing with something like that without love.

They remind me of a group of gossipy old biddies. Do more harm than good, and the people that come in contact with them end up leaving with a foul taste in their mouth. I can only feel sorry for the spouses.


It's sad and funny in a way.

It seems to be such a competition on there.
Over being on there the longest, sticking with it, putting in your dues. Plus somebody is better than somebody else because of what they've had to put up with with their ill spouse?

And it's funny that these people believe that they are better than anybody else for that. They take pride in it.
Yet people like Allie, who obviously loved Ry so very much, and Emily who definitely loves Mike who have gone through so much already know and have experienced love. They realize what it is about. These people don't seem to, it's clinical to them. Yes, life is hard but it's not a competition.. it's not about who's had it worse off. They don't realize that life isn't like that, I think they cope that way though dealing with something like that without love.

They remind me of a group of gossipy old biddies. Do more harm than good, and the people that come in contact with them end up leaving with a foul taste in their mouth. I can only feel sorry for the spouses.