My oh my......first let me say that the WS forum is just that. The WS forum. What they choose to discuss, promote, encourage etc is not our problems. I feel bad that people like Allie who needed the WS support dont feel comfortable there nor agree with there exchanges of thougts. HOWEVER; since it was brought to our attention & does have the potential of affecting us either now or later let me give my opinion on the topic of infidelity. The love, intimacy or plain old sex that is missing is more than just that if it pushes the WS to cheat. I truly feel that if U are bonded with your mate in heart, mind & spirit that it will hold U even if the physical aspect can no longer be. I also realize that some people just dont have that strength. That does not give them the right to commit adultry. I know when I have had my bad times & cant perform in the bedroom that I feel bad for my hubby, but he loves me & understands & we work around it. I would be HORRIFIED to find out that he has cheated while WITH me because of my inability. Dont U think I would if I could would be my thoughts. I would much rather have him leave me then cheat on me. That is harsh yes, but at least he would be honest with himself & me if he did that. Just as we find the idea repulsive, they find it understandable. All I can suggest is let them live their lives their ways & we live our lives our way!