Question for Spouses


New member
So in other words, we CF people are willingly putting this burden on our significant others? To be with us? Last time I checked, I didn't force my boyfriend to be with me. He WILLINGLY made the choice to be with me regardless of my conditions. That burns me, that this guy would think that we're forcing our partners to be with us. The fact that they are with us was their decision.


New member
So in other words, we CF people are willingly putting this burden on our significant others? To be with us? Last time I checked, I didn't force my boyfriend to be with me. He WILLINGLY made the choice to be with me regardless of my conditions. That burns me, that this guy would think that we're forcing our partners to be with us. The fact that they are with us was their decision.


New member
Emily, Allie, & Miesl....I read the entire post. At one point I referred my hubby to that site for support. Thank GOD he didn't take me up on that.

While on some small and insignificant level, I can sort of understand the "need" to cheat, I really don't get it in the long run. As you said Emily, whatever happened to "in sickness and in health"?

While we didn't know I had CF when we married, we "knew" there was something wrong with me, but he married me anyway.

Some days I wonder why he continues to put up with me, but some days, are reveresed. I thought that was what WS was for. Apparently I was mistaken.

While I can't imagine losing my Gar, I can't imagine the pain of having him cheat on me either. It seems that site gives license to do that...and I feel that is SO wrong!

They all appear to be (at least from that thread) very self righteous...I hope they see that and examine that behaviour in their lives!


New member
Emily, Allie, & Miesl....I read the entire post. At one point I referred my hubby to that site for support. Thank GOD he didn't take me up on that.

While on some small and insignificant level, I can sort of understand the "need" to cheat, I really don't get it in the long run. As you said Emily, whatever happened to "in sickness and in health"?

While we didn't know I had CF when we married, we "knew" there was something wrong with me, but he married me anyway.

Some days I wonder why he continues to put up with me, but some days, are reveresed. I thought that was what WS was for. Apparently I was mistaken.

While I can't imagine losing my Gar, I can't imagine the pain of having him cheat on me either. It seems that site gives license to do that...and I feel that is SO wrong!

They all appear to be (at least from that thread) very self righteous...I hope they see that and examine that behaviour in their lives!


New member

and that folks, is my view on that particular section of the forum.


New member

and that folks, is my view on that particular section of the forum.


New member
I know this will probably be a little late reaching you guys, but I have no where else to post and want to get these feelings off my chest so I can stop thinking about this and sleep:
Ignore it if you wish I promise I will not mention it again after my post <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

WOW is really all I could think when I first started reading the posts on that site. Props to Emily for having the courage to say what bothered her and step into a situation that though you may not have thought would turn for the worse definitely had the ability too.

As I finished reading it I was angry, hurt and am feeling very frustrated. I wanted so badly to post a comment on their remarks about disabled spouses being abusive or not knowing what it is like to be them, but I personally don't have the energy to contend with some of those people the length of time it would require to get them to listen and realize that I am not belittling them. I would just be trying to get them to see that not every "IS" whatever just say spouse - I hate that Ill Spouse vs Well Spouse. I am sorry I know it is technically how it is but how crummy is that - I know I hate having this disease and all the other junk that comes with it do I really need to be labeled for it. Anyway that is beside the point. I just wish they could step back from defending themselves and realize that even though they may have a difficult path set for them in having to care day in and day out for their spouse and never really seeing a change imagine how difficult it would be to take care of themselves if they were their spouse. To get up everyday and know that okay today we are going to do what we are supposed to and hope that come nightfall we don't feel any worse than when we started this morning. Or to wake up everyday and know that no matter what meds you take to feel better you will never really get better. It is just back to base line which is always changing and normally lowering.

I don't think it is justified for anyone regardless of disability or health to be abusive(verbally or physically) and I know I wouldn't stay around for it and feel badly for those that are going through that, but I personally have no patience for that. I just hate that they are grouping a large part of "disabled" society in the category of abusive, unappreciative, and feel they are basically not as good as them base on their spouse alone. I guess that is what happens when a small part of society, regardless of (dis)ability (in this case abusive disabled spouses), has an effect on a group of people that all somehow find each other. I know I am a good person, but just as often as my fiance hurts my feelings I am sure I hurt his - things like that happen in a relationship - even healthy ones.

I don't like it being implied that I haven't had a hard life when I know I haven't had an easy one. I know it could always be worse, but honestly theirs could be alot worse too. I know I would have a hard time taking care of someone everyday - I have always been that way - I would rather be the one taking all the poking and prodding then have to watch a loved one go through that. In some cases the spouses on that site knew what they were getting into when they got married and in my opinion should have been prepared for difficulties down the road. Some didn't have a clue anything would go wrong and that they would be where they are - I hate that but at least they got to spend some time with a happy healthy spouse and had a "normal" life in that respect. Once they reach that point where it is unplanned they have choices they can make - leave before the going gets too rough or stick it out and try to make it work there are other choices to, but if I get into those I really could be here all night. They are most likely NOT forced to live in a situation. They do not have their spouse chained to them for life the way a disabled person has their disability attached to them and are never able to get away from it.

I don't know if I could handle having the love of my life sick for years on end, it would absolutely be a challenge. I do know that I can handle my illness I take it on day by day. I don't know if they could handle that - never really knowing when the struggle will finally be over for themselves not their spouses. My heart breaks at the thought of what my fiance will have to go through in regards to me down the road, but I don't think that having an illness like CF means that I shouldn't have a chance to love someone and have them love me back if even for a short time. There isn't enough love in the world as it is - I am just doing my part to add a little happiness to Earth (hehe).

Thank you for posting that link - it has made me appreciate myself - my life and my relationships (fiance, parents and friends) more than I already did if that is possible.

I will let it go now and thanks to any and all who stuck through my post.

I have a great respect for Emily, Allie and Michelle. You guys did more than many people would have in the situation on that site. From Emily taking a stand and speaking out against something she felt was wrong, to Allie and Michelle stepping in behind her to defend each other and what they felt was right. I hope you guys are feeling okay about the whole thing.

Have a great night.


New member
I know this will probably be a little late reaching you guys, but I have no where else to post and want to get these feelings off my chest so I can stop thinking about this and sleep:
Ignore it if you wish I promise I will not mention it again after my post <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

WOW is really all I could think when I first started reading the posts on that site. Props to Emily for having the courage to say what bothered her and step into a situation that though you may not have thought would turn for the worse definitely had the ability too.

As I finished reading it I was angry, hurt and am feeling very frustrated. I wanted so badly to post a comment on their remarks about disabled spouses being abusive or not knowing what it is like to be them, but I personally don't have the energy to contend with some of those people the length of time it would require to get them to listen and realize that I am not belittling them. I would just be trying to get them to see that not every "IS" whatever just say spouse - I hate that Ill Spouse vs Well Spouse. I am sorry I know it is technically how it is but how crummy is that - I know I hate having this disease and all the other junk that comes with it do I really need to be labeled for it. Anyway that is beside the point. I just wish they could step back from defending themselves and realize that even though they may have a difficult path set for them in having to care day in and day out for their spouse and never really seeing a change imagine how difficult it would be to take care of themselves if they were their spouse. To get up everyday and know that okay today we are going to do what we are supposed to and hope that come nightfall we don't feel any worse than when we started this morning. Or to wake up everyday and know that no matter what meds you take to feel better you will never really get better. It is just back to base line which is always changing and normally lowering.

I don't think it is justified for anyone regardless of disability or health to be abusive(verbally or physically) and I know I wouldn't stay around for it and feel badly for those that are going through that, but I personally have no patience for that. I just hate that they are grouping a large part of "disabled" society in the category of abusive, unappreciative, and feel they are basically not as good as them base on their spouse alone. I guess that is what happens when a small part of society, regardless of (dis)ability (in this case abusive disabled spouses), has an effect on a group of people that all somehow find each other. I know I am a good person, but just as often as my fiance hurts my feelings I am sure I hurt his - things like that happen in a relationship - even healthy ones.

I don't like it being implied that I haven't had a hard life when I know I haven't had an easy one. I know it could always be worse, but honestly theirs could be alot worse too. I know I would have a hard time taking care of someone everyday - I have always been that way - I would rather be the one taking all the poking and prodding then have to watch a loved one go through that. In some cases the spouses on that site knew what they were getting into when they got married and in my opinion should have been prepared for difficulties down the road. Some didn't have a clue anything would go wrong and that they would be where they are - I hate that but at least they got to spend some time with a happy healthy spouse and had a "normal" life in that respect. Once they reach that point where it is unplanned they have choices they can make - leave before the going gets too rough or stick it out and try to make it work there are other choices to, but if I get into those I really could be here all night. They are most likely NOT forced to live in a situation. They do not have their spouse chained to them for life the way a disabled person has their disability attached to them and are never able to get away from it.

I don't know if I could handle having the love of my life sick for years on end, it would absolutely be a challenge. I do know that I can handle my illness I take it on day by day. I don't know if they could handle that - never really knowing when the struggle will finally be over for themselves not their spouses. My heart breaks at the thought of what my fiance will have to go through in regards to me down the road, but I don't think that having an illness like CF means that I shouldn't have a chance to love someone and have them love me back if even for a short time. There isn't enough love in the world as it is - I am just doing my part to add a little happiness to Earth (hehe).

Thank you for posting that link - it has made me appreciate myself - my life and my relationships (fiance, parents and friends) more than I already did if that is possible.

I will let it go now and thanks to any and all who stuck through my post.

I have a great respect for Emily, Allie and Michelle. You guys did more than many people would have in the situation on that site. From Emily taking a stand and speaking out against something she felt was wrong, to Allie and Michelle stepping in behind her to defend each other and what they felt was right. I hope you guys are feeling okay about the whole thing.

Have a great night.


New member
I am seriously beyond a mess over these people. How is it they can have their spouses and I don't? ARG! Oh, I'm just so broken hearted over this whole thing, it's so unfair, so unfair, and I cant' see any of it because they don't appreciate having their love ALIVE. Oh, I've been crying on and off all day over this, and I am just heartsick, I don't even know what else to say.


New member
I am seriously beyond a mess over these people. How is it they can have their spouses and I don't? ARG! Oh, I'm just so broken hearted over this whole thing, it's so unfair, so unfair, and I cant' see any of it because they don't appreciate having their love ALIVE. Oh, I've been crying on and off all day over this, and I am just heartsick, I don't even know what else to say.


New member
I could only handle about reading 2-3 pages of these post. But all I can say about that website is....Wow. These people really are something. True they are WS but they arent even remotely interested in hear the other side of the story (IS point of veiws or WS like Allie). It seems they want only other WSs who think the same way they one else is welcomed.

And as far as the "at least you and him know what you have, you can plan..." (for one, there really is no "real" planning). We all know the general out come of CF, but CF is different for each person. The deterioration can be a very slow but steady process for some, rapid for others, etc. They should realize that.

I believe that karma finds its way back around, and boy, do these people have something coming!

When I get at my worst, I hope my WS does NOT go to these people for support.


New member
I could only handle about reading 2-3 pages of these post. But all I can say about that website is....Wow. These people really are something. True they are WS but they arent even remotely interested in hear the other side of the story (IS point of veiws or WS like Allie). It seems they want only other WSs who think the same way they one else is welcomed.

And as far as the "at least you and him know what you have, you can plan..." (for one, there really is no "real" planning). We all know the general out come of CF, but CF is different for each person. The deterioration can be a very slow but steady process for some, rapid for others, etc. They should realize that.

I believe that karma finds its way back around, and boy, do these people have something coming!

When I get at my worst, I hope my WS does NOT go to these people for support.


New member
Allie I am so sorry. I hate that you are having such a hard time with everything today. I am sure that you know how rare it is that you find someone you love possibly more than yourself and would give your life for, I also hope you realize that I am sure you had that and that I don't think that the people on that sight do. I think they may have married a person they thought they loved that much, but truly deep down do not.
Your true character comes out when you are put to the test. The true feelings you have shine through in trying times, the way they say they feel about their spouses and their situations - though in some cases frustration is understandable - some of their comments were not understandable. It makes them seem resentful of their spouse, God and life for the situation they have been put it. That being said they are not able to enjoy life and the time they have with their spouse because they are too busy bickering over the day to day things they have to do.
Though I do not know you well. I feel you are strong and genuine person. I can tell your love for your husband by your posts. I hope that you are able to find comfort and put yourself at ease tonight. Do not let their lack of appreciation bring you down - find joy in the fact that you have had a love so great it most likely can never be fully expressed in words because that is something that is priceless and highly sought after.

Hope you start feeling better,


New member
Allie I am so sorry. I hate that you are having such a hard time with everything today. I am sure that you know how rare it is that you find someone you love possibly more than yourself and would give your life for, I also hope you realize that I am sure you had that and that I don't think that the people on that sight do. I think they may have married a person they thought they loved that much, but truly deep down do not.
Your true character comes out when you are put to the test. The true feelings you have shine through in trying times, the way they say they feel about their spouses and their situations - though in some cases frustration is understandable - some of their comments were not understandable. It makes them seem resentful of their spouse, God and life for the situation they have been put it. That being said they are not able to enjoy life and the time they have with their spouse because they are too busy bickering over the day to day things they have to do.
Though I do not know you well. I feel you are strong and genuine person. I can tell your love for your husband by your posts. I hope that you are able to find comfort and put yourself at ease tonight. Do not let their lack of appreciation bring you down - find joy in the fact that you have had a love so great it most likely can never be fully expressed in words because that is something that is priceless and highly sought after.

Hope you start feeling better,


New member
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>blindhearted</b></i>

When I get at my worst, I hope my WS does NOT go to these people for support.<hr></blockquote>

I know Mike won't. I've talked with him about this whole thing and read him some of the things those people said... and he's thoroughly disgusted. Everytime I bring any of it up now, he says "Don't listen to f***ing idiots. They're stupid, heartless people. They don't know you, they don't know me, they don't know us." etc etc. It's cute. But yeah Allie is one of their elitest group of WSes and still isn't welcome because she hasn't lowered herself to be an abusive cheating jackass. I'm glad I'm not welcome there. If being welcome there means I have to have a disgusting hateful "look how great I am, I take care of someone sick, feel bad for me while I go and screw other people" attitude, then I'm very very thankful I've been banned. Just says good things for my character.

Thanks to anyone who complimented or stuck up for me, I appreciate it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

Oh and Allie?? HOW DARE YOU be a WS and not see our point of view??? How dare you have had a sick husband and not want to cheat on him and complain about him all the live long day?? What kind of person ARE you?

Edit: *waves to Emichelly*
And Kylie, everytime I read your monkey talk it makes me smirk. I can see and hear it too. Just had to say so. Too funny.


New member
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>blindhearted</b></i>

When I get at my worst, I hope my WS does NOT go to these people for support.<hr></blockquote>

I know Mike won't. I've talked with him about this whole thing and read him some of the things those people said... and he's thoroughly disgusted. Everytime I bring any of it up now, he says "Don't listen to f***ing idiots. They're stupid, heartless people. They don't know you, they don't know me, they don't know us." etc etc. It's cute. But yeah Allie is one of their elitest group of WSes and still isn't welcome because she hasn't lowered herself to be an abusive cheating jackass. I'm glad I'm not welcome there. If being welcome there means I have to have a disgusting hateful "look how great I am, I take care of someone sick, feel bad for me while I go and screw other people" attitude, then I'm very very thankful I've been banned. Just says good things for my character.

Thanks to anyone who complimented or stuck up for me, I appreciate it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

Oh and Allie?? HOW DARE YOU be a WS and not see our point of view??? How dare you have had a sick husband and not want to cheat on him and complain about him all the live long day?? What kind of person ARE you?

Edit: *waves to Emichelly*
And Kylie, everytime I read your monkey talk it makes me smirk. I can see and hear it too. Just had to say so. Too funny.


New member
I'm going to play devils advocate here as I take a very different stance to most on this thread. I agree with the poster who said it doesn't offend her as what people do in their own relationships is their business - it may not be something you agree with, but it's a very personal thing and everybody is different.
I myself thanks to being on anti-depressants and probably partly to do with having CF as well - have virtually no interest in sex anymore. I used to have a very healthy appetite, but for the last year or so, to be honest, i'd rather read a good book than indulge in any chandelier swinging wild sex.
However, my partner is not chronically ill physically, but he does have Bi-Polar disorder. One of the symptoms of this, when he is in manic phase (which is most of the time), is that he has a huge and unstoppable sex drive........hmmm, obviously then this is a big issue for us and I had to find a solution to prevent him getting extremely grumpy and then being horrid to live with.
My answer is, that i've told him he is free to use prostitutes whenever he feels he needs to - but no one night stands with 'whoever' from the pub, and absolutely no emotional involvement with anyone else. As far as I know he hasn't utilised this 'perk' yet, but I'm fully prepared to cope if and when he does.
To me, I have no doubt that he adores me, as I do him, however the reality is we have a huge discrepancy in sex drive and he has a huge need for it, where I don't. The way I see it, a working girl will always make him shower first, will always make him wear a condom and there is virtually no chance an emotional entanglement will be the result. I figure it's the safest way to resolve the issue and not being an overly jealous person, I believe I can tolerate this if it stops him getting grumpy and makes him easier to live with. People think I'm strange, I think i'm just realistic. Sex is a need for most men, mine more than some - but there are rules and boundaries which he must adhere to.

Kat (37 with CF, NZ)


New member
I'm going to play devils advocate here as I take a very different stance to most on this thread. I agree with the poster who said it doesn't offend her as what people do in their own relationships is their business - it may not be something you agree with, but it's a very personal thing and everybody is different.
I myself thanks to being on anti-depressants and probably partly to do with having CF as well - have virtually no interest in sex anymore. I used to have a very healthy appetite, but for the last year or so, to be honest, i'd rather read a good book than indulge in any chandelier swinging wild sex.
However, my partner is not chronically ill physically, but he does have Bi-Polar disorder. One of the symptoms of this, when he is in manic phase (which is most of the time), is that he has a huge and unstoppable sex drive........hmmm, obviously then this is a big issue for us and I had to find a solution to prevent him getting extremely grumpy and then being horrid to live with.
My answer is, that i've told him he is free to use prostitutes whenever he feels he needs to - but no one night stands with 'whoever' from the pub, and absolutely no emotional involvement with anyone else. As far as I know he hasn't utilised this 'perk' yet, but I'm fully prepared to cope if and when he does.
To me, I have no doubt that he adores me, as I do him, however the reality is we have a huge discrepancy in sex drive and he has a huge need for it, where I don't. The way I see it, a working girl will always make him shower first, will always make him wear a condom and there is virtually no chance an emotional entanglement will be the result. I figure it's the safest way to resolve the issue and not being an overly jealous person, I believe I can tolerate this if it stops him getting grumpy and makes him easier to live with. People think I'm strange, I think i'm just realistic. Sex is a need for most men, mine more than some - but there are rules and boundaries which he must adhere to.

Kat (37 with CF, NZ)