Just remember that she's w/you because she loves you. I know my husband must go thru a lot when dealing with me and CF. But that's how it is. I feel it's a give and take, we both came to this relationship w/baggage and we accept eachother for that.
I would suggest therapy. Maybe you are feeling some guilt (maybe not) for the whole CF thing, but she is willing to deal with it, and face it, there is nothing we CF'ers can do to change our situations. Appreciate her for that because not everyone is so great about CF. Believe me, I dated some people who were real jerks, not supportive, etc.
Maybe you have some insecurities (I know I do) and obviously she is still with you for a reason.
Love her back!
Hang in there, relationships are hard. Marriage is hard too. But it's worth it.
f 31 CF