Relative with MRSA in Lungs


New member
My husband ends up with pneumonia several times a year due to his COPD and nobody else in the house ends up with it around the time he has had it. I still kiss him on the lips and I don't end up with it and since I am a smoker, my lungs are not the best, either. And yes, the residents at work get pneumonia, and up until just a few months ago, I worked closely with them, and never in all the years have I 'caught' pneumonia from one of them.

And before anyone even asks, no, my daughter is NEVER around the smoke. Yes, I cover my shirt with a long sleeve shirt so that it doesn't 'stick' to my shirt. I take all the precautions the doc has told me to take. I smoke out in the open air, not in enclosed places, and all the other things, too, such as washing my hands and brushing my teeth, etc.


New member
My husband ends up with pneumonia several times a year due to his COPD and nobody else in the house ends up with it around the time he has had it. I still kiss him on the lips and I don't end up with it and since I am a smoker, my lungs are not the best, either. And yes, the residents at work get pneumonia, and up until just a few months ago, I worked closely with them, and never in all the years have I 'caught' pneumonia from one of them.

And before anyone even asks, no, my daughter is NEVER around the smoke. Yes, I cover my shirt with a long sleeve shirt so that it doesn't 'stick' to my shirt. I take all the precautions the doc has told me to take. I smoke out in the open air, not in enclosed places, and all the other things, too, such as washing my hands and brushing my teeth, etc.


New member
My husband ends up with pneumonia several times a year due to his COPD and nobody else in the house ends up with it around the time he has had it. I still kiss him on the lips and I don't end up with it and since I am a smoker, my lungs are not the best, either. And yes, the residents at work get pneumonia, and up until just a few months ago, I worked closely with them, and never in all the years have I 'caught' pneumonia from one of them.

And before anyone even asks, no, my daughter is NEVER around the smoke. Yes, I cover my shirt with a long sleeve shirt so that it doesn't 'stick' to my shirt. I take all the precautions the doc has told me to take. I smoke out in the open air, not in enclosed places, and all the other things, too, such as washing my hands and brushing my teeth, etc.


New member
My husband ends up with pneumonia several times a year due to his COPD and nobody else in the house ends up with it around the time he has had it. I still kiss him on the lips and I don't end up with it and since I am a smoker, my lungs are not the best, either. And yes, the residents at work get pneumonia, and up until just a few months ago, I worked closely with them, and never in all the years have I 'caught' pneumonia from one of them.

And before anyone even asks, no, my daughter is NEVER around the smoke. Yes, I cover my shirt with a long sleeve shirt so that it doesn't 'stick' to my shirt. I take all the precautions the doc has told me to take. I smoke out in the open air, not in enclosed places, and all the other things, too, such as washing my hands and brushing my teeth, etc.


New member
My husband ends up with pneumonia several times a year due to his COPD and nobody else in the house ends up with it around the time he has had it. I still kiss him on the lips and I don't end up with it and since I am a smoker, my lungs are not the best, either. And yes, the residents at work get pneumonia, and up until just a few months ago, I worked closely with them, and never in all the years have I 'caught' pneumonia from one of them.
<br />
<br />And before anyone even asks, no, my daughter is NEVER around the smoke. Yes, I cover my shirt with a long sleeve shirt so that it doesn't 'stick' to my shirt. I take all the precautions the doc has told me to take. I smoke out in the open air, not in enclosed places, and all the other things, too, such as washing my hands and brushing my teeth, etc.


New member
So u kiss him on the lips, then u go and kiss your daughter on the lips? Sounds like a vicious cycle or a game of russian roulette.

Maybe i'm wrong to even comment, cause I have no right to judge anyone, I just have never understood how a parent can smoke and fill their lungs with such nasty junk when they see the suffering their innocent childs lungs but endure and they work so hard to keep their child's lungs clear. I realize our kids health come first but we also owe it to them to try and be healthy ourselves, so we are alive to take care of them.


New member
So u kiss him on the lips, then u go and kiss your daughter on the lips? Sounds like a vicious cycle or a game of russian roulette.

Maybe i'm wrong to even comment, cause I have no right to judge anyone, I just have never understood how a parent can smoke and fill their lungs with such nasty junk when they see the suffering their innocent childs lungs but endure and they work so hard to keep their child's lungs clear. I realize our kids health come first but we also owe it to them to try and be healthy ourselves, so we are alive to take care of them.


New member
So u kiss him on the lips, then u go and kiss your daughter on the lips? Sounds like a vicious cycle or a game of russian roulette.

Maybe i'm wrong to even comment, cause I have no right to judge anyone, I just have never understood how a parent can smoke and fill their lungs with such nasty junk when they see the suffering their innocent childs lungs but endure and they work so hard to keep their child's lungs clear. I realize our kids health come first but we also owe it to them to try and be healthy ourselves, so we are alive to take care of them.


New member
So u kiss him on the lips, then u go and kiss your daughter on the lips? Sounds like a vicious cycle or a game of russian roulette.

Maybe i'm wrong to even comment, cause I have no right to judge anyone, I just have never understood how a parent can smoke and fill their lungs with such nasty junk when they see the suffering their innocent childs lungs but endure and they work so hard to keep their child's lungs clear. I realize our kids health come first but we also owe it to them to try and be healthy ourselves, so we are alive to take care of them.


New member
So u kiss him on the lips, then u go and kiss your daughter on the lips? Sounds like a vicious cycle or a game of russian roulette.
<br />
<br />Maybe i'm wrong to even comment, cause I have no right to judge anyone, I just have never understood how a parent can smoke and fill their lungs with such nasty junk when they see the suffering their innocent childs lungs but endure and they work so hard to keep their child's lungs clear. I realize our kids health come first but we also owe it to them to try and be healthy ourselves, so we are alive to take care of them.


New member
Don't judge me because I smoke. It's what <b>I</b> do to <b>MY</b> body. And I sure as hell make sure my daughter is <b>NOT</b> subject to <b>MY</b> bad habit. Unless you have walked in my shoes, please don't criticise me.

Now then, I found this on the internet -

The cold virus that started the cough in the first place is contagious. But the pneumonia part of the illness down in the lungs is far less contagious. People who are exposed to someone with pneumonia may catch the normal cough and cold symptoms of the virus, but usually don't progress to pneumonia. The formation of the pneumonia is not determined by the particular cold virus or bacteria that the person has, but rather by each person's susceptibility in their own lungs.

Therefore, just because someone in your house or school has pneumonia and is on antibiotics, does NOT mean everyone else in the vicinity with a cough has pneumonia. Wait and see how the illness progresses before asking your doctor for antibiotics.

I hope this cleared things up. Pneumonia itself is not contagious.


New member
Don't judge me because I smoke. It's what <b>I</b> do to <b>MY</b> body. And I sure as hell make sure my daughter is <b>NOT</b> subject to <b>MY</b> bad habit. Unless you have walked in my shoes, please don't criticise me.

Now then, I found this on the internet -

The cold virus that started the cough in the first place is contagious. But the pneumonia part of the illness down in the lungs is far less contagious. People who are exposed to someone with pneumonia may catch the normal cough and cold symptoms of the virus, but usually don't progress to pneumonia. The formation of the pneumonia is not determined by the particular cold virus or bacteria that the person has, but rather by each person's susceptibility in their own lungs.

Therefore, just because someone in your house or school has pneumonia and is on antibiotics, does NOT mean everyone else in the vicinity with a cough has pneumonia. Wait and see how the illness progresses before asking your doctor for antibiotics.

I hope this cleared things up. Pneumonia itself is not contagious.


New member
Don't judge me because I smoke. It's what <b>I</b> do to <b>MY</b> body. And I sure as hell make sure my daughter is <b>NOT</b> subject to <b>MY</b> bad habit. Unless you have walked in my shoes, please don't criticise me.

Now then, I found this on the internet -

The cold virus that started the cough in the first place is contagious. But the pneumonia part of the illness down in the lungs is far less contagious. People who are exposed to someone with pneumonia may catch the normal cough and cold symptoms of the virus, but usually don't progress to pneumonia. The formation of the pneumonia is not determined by the particular cold virus or bacteria that the person has, but rather by each person's susceptibility in their own lungs.

Therefore, just because someone in your house or school has pneumonia and is on antibiotics, does NOT mean everyone else in the vicinity with a cough has pneumonia. Wait and see how the illness progresses before asking your doctor for antibiotics.

I hope this cleared things up. Pneumonia itself is not contagious.


New member
Don't judge me because I smoke. It's what <b>I</b> do to <b>MY</b> body. And I sure as hell make sure my daughter is <b>NOT</b> subject to <b>MY</b> bad habit. Unless you have walked in my shoes, please don't criticise me.

Now then, I found this on the internet -

The cold virus that started the cough in the first place is contagious. But the pneumonia part of the illness down in the lungs is far less contagious. People who are exposed to someone with pneumonia may catch the normal cough and cold symptoms of the virus, but usually don't progress to pneumonia. The formation of the pneumonia is not determined by the particular cold virus or bacteria that the person has, but rather by each person's susceptibility in their own lungs.

Therefore, just because someone in your house or school has pneumonia and is on antibiotics, does NOT mean everyone else in the vicinity with a cough has pneumonia. Wait and see how the illness progresses before asking your doctor for antibiotics.

I hope this cleared things up. Pneumonia itself is not contagious.


New member
Don't judge me because I smoke. It's what <b>I</b> do to <b>MY</b> body. And I sure as hell make sure my daughter is <b>NOT</b> subject to <b>MY</b> bad habit. Unless you have walked in my shoes, please don't criticise me.
<br />
<br />Now then, I found this on the internet -
<br />
<br />The cold virus that started the cough in the first place is contagious. But the pneumonia part of the illness down in the lungs is far less contagious. People who are exposed to someone with pneumonia may catch the normal cough and cold symptoms of the virus, but usually don't progress to pneumonia. The formation of the pneumonia is not determined by the particular cold virus or bacteria that the person has, but rather by each person's susceptibility in their own lungs.
<br />
<br />Therefore, just because someone in your house or school has pneumonia and is on antibiotics, does NOT mean everyone else in the vicinity with a cough has pneumonia. Wait and see how the illness progresses before asking your doctor for antibiotics.
<br />
<br />I hope this cleared things up. Pneumonia itself is not contagious.


New member
I don't need things cleared up, I have a clear understanding of the harm Pneumonia can do to a person with CF. Please keep educating yourself. And I'm not judging, I just don't understand, but it u r at peace with it and your daughter understands your need to fill your lungs with such carsonogenics when all she will ever want one day is clear lungs, then that is all that should matter to u, not what some stranger on the internet thinks.


New member
I don't need things cleared up, I have a clear understanding of the harm Pneumonia can do to a person with CF. Please keep educating yourself. And I'm not judging, I just don't understand, but it u r at peace with it and your daughter understands your need to fill your lungs with such carsonogenics when all she will ever want one day is clear lungs, then that is all that should matter to u, not what some stranger on the internet thinks.


New member
I don't need things cleared up, I have a clear understanding of the harm Pneumonia can do to a person with CF. Please keep educating yourself. And I'm not judging, I just don't understand, but it u r at peace with it and your daughter understands your need to fill your lungs with such carsonogenics when all she will ever want one day is clear lungs, then that is all that should matter to u, not what some stranger on the internet thinks.


New member
I don't need things cleared up, I have a clear understanding of the harm Pneumonia can do to a person with CF. Please keep educating yourself. And I'm not judging, I just don't understand, but it u r at peace with it and your daughter understands your need to fill your lungs with such carsonogenics when all she will ever want one day is clear lungs, then that is all that should matter to u, not what some stranger on the internet thinks.


New member
I don't need things cleared up, I have a clear understanding of the harm Pneumonia can do to a person with CF. Please keep educating yourself. And I'm not judging, I just don't understand, but it u r at peace with it and your daughter understands your need to fill your lungs with such carsonogenics when all she will ever want one day is clear lungs, then that is all that should matter to u, not what some stranger on the internet thinks.