safe around children?


New member
its probably not the best for your health, but honestly if you love to do it then you should... When we let CF dictate our lives, and say what we can and can't do then I believe it has won the battle between us...


New member
its probably not the best for your health, but honestly if you love to do it then you should... When we let CF dictate our lives, and say what we can and can't do then I believe it has won the battle between us...


New member
its probably not the best for your health, but honestly if you love to do it then you should... When we let CF dictate our lives, and say what we can and can't do then I believe it has won the battle between us...


New member
its probably not the best for your health, but honestly if you love to do it then you should... When we let CF dictate our lives, and say what we can and can't do then I believe it has won the battle between us...


New member
its probably not the best for your health, but honestly if you love to do it then you should... When we let CF dictate our lives, and say what we can and can't do then I believe it has won the battle between us...


New member
I used to teach Sunday School and help out in the nursery at our church. I had to stop because I kept getting sick.

I also tend to get sick from being around my friends who are teachers of little kids.


New member
I used to teach Sunday School and help out in the nursery at our church. I had to stop because I kept getting sick.

I also tend to get sick from being around my friends who are teachers of little kids.


New member
I used to teach Sunday School and help out in the nursery at our church. I had to stop because I kept getting sick.

I also tend to get sick from being around my friends who are teachers of little kids.


New member
I used to teach Sunday School and help out in the nursery at our church. I had to stop because I kept getting sick.

I also tend to get sick from being around my friends who are teachers of little kids.


New member
I used to teach Sunday School and help out in the nursery at our church. I had to stop because I kept getting sick.
<br />
<br />I also tend to get sick from being around my friends who are teachers of little kids.


New member
Thanks, everyone, for the input. That is kind of what I thought, and he has spoken to four doctors about it and each one said it's a high-risk career for him. He doesn't love it so much that he's willing to make himself sick over it. He's trained to be a high school teacher, which is what he'd rather do. He's probably going to give up this gig.


New member
Thanks, everyone, for the input. That is kind of what I thought, and he has spoken to four doctors about it and each one said it's a high-risk career for him. He doesn't love it so much that he's willing to make himself sick over it. He's trained to be a high school teacher, which is what he'd rather do. He's probably going to give up this gig.


New member
Thanks, everyone, for the input. That is kind of what I thought, and he has spoken to four doctors about it and each one said it's a high-risk career for him. He doesn't love it so much that he's willing to make himself sick over it. He's trained to be a high school teacher, which is what he'd rather do. He's probably going to give up this gig.


New member
Thanks, everyone, for the input. That is kind of what I thought, and he has spoken to four doctors about it and each one said it's a high-risk career for him. He doesn't love it so much that he's willing to make himself sick over it. He's trained to be a high school teacher, which is what he'd rather do. He's probably going to give up this gig.


New member
Thanks, everyone, for the input. That is kind of what I thought, and he has spoken to four doctors about it and each one said it's a high-risk career for him. He doesn't love it so much that he's willing to make himself sick over it. He's trained to be a high school teacher, which is what he'd rather do. He's probably going to give up this gig.