Hello Nightwriter...hope you are online tonight!
Anyhow, thanks so much for your concern. It really helps.
We use a PARI PRONEB Ultra machine. It doesn't say a PSI, but it does show the following characteristics: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 1.6A, 98W. Not sure if it's powerful enough, but it's a late model machine, so I'd have to believe that it is.
Very curious about your comment that once the nebulilzer starts sputtering, that the treament is over. I have noticed through the years that when it sputters, that there is still quite a lot of medecine left in the container. Are you sure about this? (of course, I hope you are right! ;-) I would just like to learn more....
Also, we are three days into H.S. treatments, and they definitely run 30 minutes.....booooooo!
Thanks Nightwriter.