
New member

Jo-thank you for your additional info

lets try and keep this thread on topic without it getting locked out, this is very interesting.

Everyone's opinions are valuable regardless of their stance.

At previous request I better mention I voted Republican in the last election**(gasp<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">) and I work for the worlds largest pharmaceutical company<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">**dies of embaressment and discontinues offering opinions since they must be 'tainted' **<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member

Jo-thank you for your additional info

lets try and keep this thread on topic without it getting locked out, this is very interesting.

Everyone's opinions are valuable regardless of their stance.

At previous request I better mention I voted Republican in the last election**(gasp<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">) and I work for the worlds largest pharmaceutical company<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">**dies of embaressment and discontinues offering opinions since they must be 'tainted' **<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member

Jo-thank you for your additional info

lets try and keep this thread on topic without it getting locked out, this is very interesting.

Everyone's opinions are valuable regardless of their stance.

At previous request I better mention I voted Republican in the last election**(gasp<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">) and I work for the worlds largest pharmaceutical company<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">**dies of embaressment and discontinues offering opinions since they must be 'tainted' **<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member

Jo-thank you for your additional info

lets try and keep this thread on topic without it getting locked out, this is very interesting.

Everyone's opinions are valuable regardless of their stance.

At previous request I better mention I voted Republican in the last election**(gasp<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">) and I work for the worlds largest pharmaceutical company<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">**dies of embaressment and discontinues offering opinions since they must be 'tainted' **<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member

Jo-thank you for your additional info

lets try and keep this thread on topic without it getting locked out, this is very interesting.

Everyone's opinions are valuable regardless of their stance.

At previous request I better mention I voted Republican in the last election**(gasp<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">) and I work for the worlds largest pharmaceutical company<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">**dies of embaressment and discontinues offering opinions since they must be 'tainted' **<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member

Jo-thank you for your additional info

lets try and keep this thread on topic without it getting locked out, this is very interesting.

Everyone's opinions are valuable regardless of their stance.

At previous request I better mention I voted Republican in the last election**(gasp<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">) and I work for the worlds largest pharmaceutical company<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">**dies of embaressment and discontinues offering opinions since they must be 'tainted' **<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member

Peter, I can't believe that YOU ACTUALLY SAID that Amy should come out and say she is employeed by a pharmacy company and declare her political party in order to have a "say" here!!!! So, does that mean that all of us Republicans are so obviously "biased" that we couldn't possibly have anything of any consequence to offer? It's ok for 90% of reporters to contribute to Democrats, does that mean their coverage of poitics is "unbiased". (Of course, we all know that the reporting in this country is unbiased and right down the middle-of-the-road--that's why FOX is so popular!) <b>Wait, what political party is Moore affiliated with, and what does he do for a living? He is the darling of Democrats and he makes MOCKUMENTARIES</b>!
I believe our health care system is broke and needs fixed, but I sure as heck do not want to pay for illegals having babies so that they can be citizens, or for abortions.
I'm glad you voted and spent your $$ electing Democrats--just remember that you didn't have so much of that money before the tax cuts that Reagan put into effect.
Yes, we need a better system--but so far I haven't heard one thing from the Democrats that warrents further review. We need a bi-partisain effort to solve this problem...because it is not going away.


New member

Peter, I can't believe that YOU ACTUALLY SAID that Amy should come out and say she is employeed by a pharmacy company and declare her political party in order to have a "say" here!!!! So, does that mean that all of us Republicans are so obviously "biased" that we couldn't possibly have anything of any consequence to offer? It's ok for 90% of reporters to contribute to Democrats, does that mean their coverage of poitics is "unbiased". (Of course, we all know that the reporting in this country is unbiased and right down the middle-of-the-road--that's why FOX is so popular!) <b>Wait, what political party is Moore affiliated with, and what does he do for a living? He is the darling of Democrats and he makes MOCKUMENTARIES</b>!
I believe our health care system is broke and needs fixed, but I sure as heck do not want to pay for illegals having babies so that they can be citizens, or for abortions.
I'm glad you voted and spent your $$ electing Democrats--just remember that you didn't have so much of that money before the tax cuts that Reagan put into effect.
Yes, we need a better system--but so far I haven't heard one thing from the Democrats that warrents further review. We need a bi-partisain effort to solve this problem...because it is not going away.


New member

Peter, I can't believe that YOU ACTUALLY SAID that Amy should come out and say she is employeed by a pharmacy company and declare her political party in order to have a "say" here!!!! So, does that mean that all of us Republicans are so obviously "biased" that we couldn't possibly have anything of any consequence to offer? It's ok for 90% of reporters to contribute to Democrats, does that mean their coverage of poitics is "unbiased". (Of course, we all know that the reporting in this country is unbiased and right down the middle-of-the-road--that's why FOX is so popular!) <b>Wait, what political party is Moore affiliated with, and what does he do for a living? He is the darling of Democrats and he makes MOCKUMENTARIES</b>!
I believe our health care system is broke and needs fixed, but I sure as heck do not want to pay for illegals having babies so that they can be citizens, or for abortions.
I'm glad you voted and spent your $$ electing Democrats--just remember that you didn't have so much of that money before the tax cuts that Reagan put into effect.
Yes, we need a better system--but so far I haven't heard one thing from the Democrats that warrents further review. We need a bi-partisain effort to solve this problem...because it is not going away.


New member

Peter, I can't believe that YOU ACTUALLY SAID that Amy should come out and say she is employeed by a pharmacy company and declare her political party in order to have a "say" here!!!! So, does that mean that all of us Republicans are so obviously "biased" that we couldn't possibly have anything of any consequence to offer? It's ok for 90% of reporters to contribute to Democrats, does that mean their coverage of poitics is "unbiased". (Of course, we all know that the reporting in this country is unbiased and right down the middle-of-the-road--that's why FOX is so popular!) <b>Wait, what political party is Moore affiliated with, and what does he do for a living? He is the darling of Democrats and he makes MOCKUMENTARIES</b>!
I believe our health care system is broke and needs fixed, but I sure as heck do not want to pay for illegals having babies so that they can be citizens, or for abortions.
I'm glad you voted and spent your $$ electing Democrats--just remember that you didn't have so much of that money before the tax cuts that Reagan put into effect.
Yes, we need a better system--but so far I haven't heard one thing from the Democrats that warrents further review. We need a bi-partisain effort to solve this problem...because it is not going away.


New member

Peter, I can't believe that YOU ACTUALLY SAID that Amy should come out and say she is employeed by a pharmacy company and declare her political party in order to have a "say" here!!!! So, does that mean that all of us Republicans are so obviously "biased" that we couldn't possibly have anything of any consequence to offer? It's ok for 90% of reporters to contribute to Democrats, does that mean their coverage of poitics is "unbiased". (Of course, we all know that the reporting in this country is unbiased and right down the middle-of-the-road--that's why FOX is so popular!) <b>Wait, what political party is Moore affiliated with, and what does he do for a living? He is the darling of Democrats and he makes MOCKUMENTARIES</b>!
I believe our health care system is broke and needs fixed, but I sure as heck do not want to pay for illegals having babies so that they can be citizens, or for abortions.
I'm glad you voted and spent your $$ electing Democrats--just remember that you didn't have so much of that money before the tax cuts that Reagan put into effect.
Yes, we need a better system--but so far I haven't heard one thing from the Democrats that warrents further review. We need a bi-partisain effort to solve this problem...because it is not going away.


New member

Peter, I can't believe that YOU ACTUALLY SAID that Amy should come out and say she is employeed by a pharmacy company and declare her political party in order to have a "say" here!!!! So, does that mean that all of us Republicans are so obviously "biased" that we couldn't possibly have anything of any consequence to offer? It's ok for 90% of reporters to contribute to Democrats, does that mean their coverage of poitics is "unbiased". (Of course, we all know that the reporting in this country is unbiased and right down the middle-of-the-road--that's why FOX is so popular!) <b>Wait, what political party is Moore affiliated with, and what does he do for a living? He is the darling of Democrats and he makes MOCKUMENTARIES</b>!
I believe our health care system is broke and needs fixed, but I sure as heck do not want to pay for illegals having babies so that they can be citizens, or for abortions.
I'm glad you voted and spent your $$ electing Democrats--just remember that you didn't have so much of that money before the tax cuts that Reagan put into effect.
Yes, we need a better system--but so far I haven't heard one thing from the Democrats that warrents further review. We need a bi-partisain effort to solve this problem...because it is not going away.


New member


This is really interesting -- and I was interested to read all the discoveries by Canada. In most of my reading, it has been US based breakthroughs (although, granted I am IN the US so some of my reading could have been biased). And I will give credit to those Australia surfers for hypertonic saline! Of course, that was not a big research and development expense. The ONLY two drugs that have been FDA approved specifically made for Cystic Fibrosis are TOBI and Pulmozyme. Both of which cost TONS of money in R&D and both of which were developed by companies in the US. Currently, AI (Aztreonam for Inhalation) is in the pipeline -- which was begun by a small US biotech company and was just recently bought by Novartis.

I guess my question is if in some of these socialized countries, you have a problem getting expensive drugs. Because if everyone was on a socialized system which would not pay for expensive drugs, pharmaceutical companies would be able to break-even after all the research and development expenses. If the government subsidized them - we'd be paying more in taxes. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

That being said, I'm in the US, and I will probably only work for large corporations my entire life. If I worked for a small company, I'd probably have no choice in my insurance policy and I might get inadequate coverage. Still on a quest for that perfect system... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

25 w/ CF


New member


This is really interesting -- and I was interested to read all the discoveries by Canada. In most of my reading, it has been US based breakthroughs (although, granted I am IN the US so some of my reading could have been biased). And I will give credit to those Australia surfers for hypertonic saline! Of course, that was not a big research and development expense. The ONLY two drugs that have been FDA approved specifically made for Cystic Fibrosis are TOBI and Pulmozyme. Both of which cost TONS of money in R&D and both of which were developed by companies in the US. Currently, AI (Aztreonam for Inhalation) is in the pipeline -- which was begun by a small US biotech company and was just recently bought by Novartis.

I guess my question is if in some of these socialized countries, you have a problem getting expensive drugs. Because if everyone was on a socialized system which would not pay for expensive drugs, pharmaceutical companies would be able to break-even after all the research and development expenses. If the government subsidized them - we'd be paying more in taxes. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

That being said, I'm in the US, and I will probably only work for large corporations my entire life. If I worked for a small company, I'd probably have no choice in my insurance policy and I might get inadequate coverage. Still on a quest for that perfect system... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

25 w/ CF


New member


This is really interesting -- and I was interested to read all the discoveries by Canada. In most of my reading, it has been US based breakthroughs (although, granted I am IN the US so some of my reading could have been biased). And I will give credit to those Australia surfers for hypertonic saline! Of course, that was not a big research and development expense. The ONLY two drugs that have been FDA approved specifically made for Cystic Fibrosis are TOBI and Pulmozyme. Both of which cost TONS of money in R&D and both of which were developed by companies in the US. Currently, AI (Aztreonam for Inhalation) is in the pipeline -- which was begun by a small US biotech company and was just recently bought by Novartis.

I guess my question is if in some of these socialized countries, you have a problem getting expensive drugs. Because if everyone was on a socialized system which would not pay for expensive drugs, pharmaceutical companies would be able to break-even after all the research and development expenses. If the government subsidized them - we'd be paying more in taxes. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

That being said, I'm in the US, and I will probably only work for large corporations my entire life. If I worked for a small company, I'd probably have no choice in my insurance policy and I might get inadequate coverage. Still on a quest for that perfect system... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

25 w/ CF


New member


This is really interesting -- and I was interested to read all the discoveries by Canada. In most of my reading, it has been US based breakthroughs (although, granted I am IN the US so some of my reading could have been biased). And I will give credit to those Australia surfers for hypertonic saline! Of course, that was not a big research and development expense. The ONLY two drugs that have been FDA approved specifically made for Cystic Fibrosis are TOBI and Pulmozyme. Both of which cost TONS of money in R&D and both of which were developed by companies in the US. Currently, AI (Aztreonam for Inhalation) is in the pipeline -- which was begun by a small US biotech company and was just recently bought by Novartis.

I guess my question is if in some of these socialized countries, you have a problem getting expensive drugs. Because if everyone was on a socialized system which would not pay for expensive drugs, pharmaceutical companies would be able to break-even after all the research and development expenses. If the government subsidized them - we'd be paying more in taxes. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

That being said, I'm in the US, and I will probably only work for large corporations my entire life. If I worked for a small company, I'd probably have no choice in my insurance policy and I might get inadequate coverage. Still on a quest for that perfect system... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

25 w/ CF


New member


This is really interesting -- and I was interested to read all the discoveries by Canada. In most of my reading, it has been US based breakthroughs (although, granted I am IN the US so some of my reading could have been biased). And I will give credit to those Australia surfers for hypertonic saline! Of course, that was not a big research and development expense. The ONLY two drugs that have been FDA approved specifically made for Cystic Fibrosis are TOBI and Pulmozyme. Both of which cost TONS of money in R&D and both of which were developed by companies in the US. Currently, AI (Aztreonam for Inhalation) is in the pipeline -- which was begun by a small US biotech company and was just recently bought by Novartis.

I guess my question is if in some of these socialized countries, you have a problem getting expensive drugs. Because if everyone was on a socialized system which would not pay for expensive drugs, pharmaceutical companies would be able to break-even after all the research and development expenses. If the government subsidized them - we'd be paying more in taxes. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

That being said, I'm in the US, and I will probably only work for large corporations my entire life. If I worked for a small company, I'd probably have no choice in my insurance policy and I might get inadequate coverage. Still on a quest for that perfect system... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

25 w/ CF


New member


This is really interesting -- and I was interested to read all the discoveries by Canada. In most of my reading, it has been US based breakthroughs (although, granted I am IN the US so some of my reading could have been biased). And I will give credit to those Australia surfers for hypertonic saline! Of course, that was not a big research and development expense. The ONLY two drugs that have been FDA approved specifically made for Cystic Fibrosis are TOBI and Pulmozyme. Both of which cost TONS of money in R&D and both of which were developed by companies in the US. Currently, AI (Aztreonam for Inhalation) is in the pipeline -- which was begun by a small US biotech company and was just recently bought by Novartis.

I guess my question is if in some of these socialized countries, you have a problem getting expensive drugs. Because if everyone was on a socialized system which would not pay for expensive drugs, pharmaceutical companies would be able to break-even after all the research and development expenses. If the government subsidized them - we'd be paying more in taxes. There's no such thing as a free lunch.

That being said, I'm in the US, and I will probably only work for large corporations my entire life. If I worked for a small company, I'd probably have no choice in my insurance policy and I might get inadequate coverage. Still on a quest for that perfect system... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

25 w/ CF


New member

I think medical research is all funded by companies now its not like how it used to be, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
I do know that here in Scotland there is a lot of research being done with an awful lot of big companies based here.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.mdis.org/TheWorkplace/Industry/
</a>heres a link to what gets done in Scotland, halfway down in Healthcare. Remember that Scotland has a very small population, maybe 5 million, we tend to punch above our weight. LOL


New member

I think medical research is all funded by companies now its not like how it used to be, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
I do know that here in Scotland there is a lot of research being done with an awful lot of big companies based here.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.mdis.org/TheWorkplace/Industry/
</a>heres a link to what gets done in Scotland, halfway down in Healthcare. Remember that Scotland has a very small population, maybe 5 million, we tend to punch above our weight. LOL