Smoking Marijuana


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There can be aspergillus in marijuana, it would be wise not to smoke it. Just because your lungs are good now, doesn't mean they will stay that way.

How old are you?


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There can be aspergillus in marijuana, it would be wise not to smoke it. Just because your lungs are good now, doesn't mean they will stay that way.

How old are you?


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
There can be aspergillus in marijuana, it would be wise not to smoke it. Just because your lungs are good now, doesn't mean they will stay that way.

How old are you?


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
There can be aspergillus in marijuana, it would be wise not to smoke it. Just because your lungs are good now, doesn't mean they will stay that way.

How old are you?


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There can be aspergillus in marijuana, it would be wise not to smoke it. Just because your lungs are good now, doesn't mean they will stay that way.

How old are you?


New member
I have to agree with everyone else...why risk those awesome lungs you have? Bake it. Especially if you are still young and only diagnosed a year ago. Shoot for the stars health-wise. Don't live in a bubble but try not to be a train wreck either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Ok it's early I'm making no sense so basically what I am trying to say is "Don't do it"!


New member
I have to agree with everyone else...why risk those awesome lungs you have? Bake it. Especially if you are still young and only diagnosed a year ago. Shoot for the stars health-wise. Don't live in a bubble but try not to be a train wreck either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Ok it's early I'm making no sense so basically what I am trying to say is "Don't do it"!


New member
I have to agree with everyone else...why risk those awesome lungs you have? Bake it. Especially if you are still young and only diagnosed a year ago. Shoot for the stars health-wise. Don't live in a bubble but try not to be a train wreck either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Ok it's early I'm making no sense so basically what I am trying to say is "Don't do it"!


New member
I have to agree with everyone else...why risk those awesome lungs you have? Bake it. Especially if you are still young and only diagnosed a year ago. Shoot for the stars health-wise. Don't live in a bubble but try not to be a train wreck either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Ok it's early I'm making no sense so basically what I am trying to say is "Don't do it"!


New member
I have to agree with everyone else...why risk those awesome lungs you have? Bake it. Especially if you are still young and only diagnosed a year ago. Shoot for the stars health-wise. Don't live in a bubble but try not to be a train wreck either <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Ok it's early I'm making no sense so basically what I am trying to say is "Don't do it"!


It's ok to talk about marijuanna used generally, but it's not to smart to reveal your use of it in the United States or to promote illegal behavior.

Homeland Security monitors potential funding sources supporting terrorism and drugs is a good place for them to look.

Loose Lips sink ships!
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Our Code of Conduct</a>


It's ok to talk about marijuanna used generally, but it's not to smart to reveal your use of it in the United States or to promote illegal behavior.

Homeland Security monitors potential funding sources supporting terrorism and drugs is a good place for them to look.

Loose Lips sink ships!
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Our Code of Conduct</a>


It's ok to talk about marijuanna used generally, but it's not to smart to reveal your use of it in the United States or to promote illegal behavior.

Homeland Security monitors potential funding sources supporting terrorism and drugs is a good place for them to look.

Loose Lips sink ships!
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Our Code of Conduct</a>


It's ok to talk about marijuanna used generally, but it's not to smart to reveal your use of it in the United States or to promote illegal behavior.

Homeland Security monitors potential funding sources supporting terrorism and drugs is a good place for them to look.

Loose Lips sink ships!
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Our Code of Conduct</a>


It's ok to talk about marijuanna used generally, but it's not to smart to reveal your use of it in the United States or to promote illegal behavior.

Homeland Security monitors potential funding sources supporting terrorism and drugs is a good place for them to look.

Loose Lips sink ships!
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Our Code of Conduct</a>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>needingadvice13</b></i>

hi everyone, i have mild CF (sweat test 43 and 46) and my lung functions are completely normal and my doctors are amazed by my lung function for being diagnosed a year ago with "mild CF". My lung functions are as normal as someone without cystic fibrosis and the only symptom i have is coughing. The coughing is now reduced to a rare cough (around 5 a day) due to my accapella and my nebulizer (saline solution) that i only have to do once a day. Basically i am in amazing health and i should live a competely long and normal life. My doctors said that 90% of what i read on and other websites don't apply to me. I also have completely normal weight and height, so basically, i am an amazing health for having this horrible disease.

I am not trying to make others feel bad, but my main thing is everyone around me is smoking marijuana and i was wondering if it is HORRIBLE for me to do every once and awhile (3 or 4 times a year at most). It's not a "everyone is doing it so why shouldn't i" but i just want to do it once and awhile. Do you think this is really bad for my health? I smoked weed once before i was diagnosed and i coughed a little and this was before i even did treatments because i wasn't diagnosed.

I know i could eat the brownies and stuff like that but it's harder and just easier to smoke the weed. Can someone give me some good advice.

and in case you are wondering, i know that it is not going to benefit my health in any way as some people have stated. So you don't have to worry about that.

i posted this in teenager section, but not many people are responding and i feel like older people with CF have experienced what i am going through and have good advice. So that's why i posted here also.

thanks.</end quote></div>

This was me, too, when I was a teenager. I am now 30 and I am still in pretty great shape - for a CFer - but I most definitelyt have CF. I also smoked A LOT of marijuana in my teens and early twenties. While I can't say it was terribly detrimental to my health, I can't tell you it didn't affect it either. I think you'll find a lot of us "older" (ha ha) Cfers will tell you we wish we would have started taking better care of ourselves when we were younger. That being said, no, I agree with everypne else - a toke here and there will not lead up to the end, but if you've got good lungs now, try hard to keep them that way.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>needingadvice13</b></i>

hi everyone, i have mild CF (sweat test 43 and 46) and my lung functions are completely normal and my doctors are amazed by my lung function for being diagnosed a year ago with "mild CF". My lung functions are as normal as someone without cystic fibrosis and the only symptom i have is coughing. The coughing is now reduced to a rare cough (around 5 a day) due to my accapella and my nebulizer (saline solution) that i only have to do once a day. Basically i am in amazing health and i should live a competely long and normal life. My doctors said that 90% of what i read on and other websites don't apply to me. I also have completely normal weight and height, so basically, i am an amazing health for having this horrible disease.

I am not trying to make others feel bad, but my main thing is everyone around me is smoking marijuana and i was wondering if it is HORRIBLE for me to do every once and awhile (3 or 4 times a year at most). It's not a "everyone is doing it so why shouldn't i" but i just want to do it once and awhile. Do you think this is really bad for my health? I smoked weed once before i was diagnosed and i coughed a little and this was before i even did treatments because i wasn't diagnosed.

I know i could eat the brownies and stuff like that but it's harder and just easier to smoke the weed. Can someone give me some good advice.

and in case you are wondering, i know that it is not going to benefit my health in any way as some people have stated. So you don't have to worry about that.

i posted this in teenager section, but not many people are responding and i feel like older people with CF have experienced what i am going through and have good advice. So that's why i posted here also.

thanks.</end quote></div>

This was me, too, when I was a teenager. I am now 30 and I am still in pretty great shape - for a CFer - but I most definitelyt have CF. I also smoked A LOT of marijuana in my teens and early twenties. While I can't say it was terribly detrimental to my health, I can't tell you it didn't affect it either. I think you'll find a lot of us "older" (ha ha) Cfers will tell you we wish we would have started taking better care of ourselves when we were younger. That being said, no, I agree with everypne else - a toke here and there will not lead up to the end, but if you've got good lungs now, try hard to keep them that way.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>needingadvice13</b></i>

hi everyone, i have mild CF (sweat test 43 and 46) and my lung functions are completely normal and my doctors are amazed by my lung function for being diagnosed a year ago with "mild CF". My lung functions are as normal as someone without cystic fibrosis and the only symptom i have is coughing. The coughing is now reduced to a rare cough (around 5 a day) due to my accapella and my nebulizer (saline solution) that i only have to do once a day. Basically i am in amazing health and i should live a competely long and normal life. My doctors said that 90% of what i read on and other websites don't apply to me. I also have completely normal weight and height, so basically, i am an amazing health for having this horrible disease.

I am not trying to make others feel bad, but my main thing is everyone around me is smoking marijuana and i was wondering if it is HORRIBLE for me to do every once and awhile (3 or 4 times a year at most). It's not a "everyone is doing it so why shouldn't i" but i just want to do it once and awhile. Do you think this is really bad for my health? I smoked weed once before i was diagnosed and i coughed a little and this was before i even did treatments because i wasn't diagnosed.

I know i could eat the brownies and stuff like that but it's harder and just easier to smoke the weed. Can someone give me some good advice.

and in case you are wondering, i know that it is not going to benefit my health in any way as some people have stated. So you don't have to worry about that.

i posted this in teenager section, but not many people are responding and i feel like older people with CF have experienced what i am going through and have good advice. So that's why i posted here also.

thanks.</end quote></div>

This was me, too, when I was a teenager. I am now 30 and I am still in pretty great shape - for a CFer - but I most definitelyt have CF. I also smoked A LOT of marijuana in my teens and early twenties. While I can't say it was terribly detrimental to my health, I can't tell you it didn't affect it either. I think you'll find a lot of us "older" (ha ha) Cfers will tell you we wish we would have started taking better care of ourselves when we were younger. That being said, no, I agree with everypne else - a toke here and there will not lead up to the end, but if you've got good lungs now, try hard to keep them that way.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>needingadvice13</b></i>

hi everyone, i have mild CF (sweat test 43 and 46) and my lung functions are completely normal and my doctors are amazed by my lung function for being diagnosed a year ago with "mild CF". My lung functions are as normal as someone without cystic fibrosis and the only symptom i have is coughing. The coughing is now reduced to a rare cough (around 5 a day) due to my accapella and my nebulizer (saline solution) that i only have to do once a day. Basically i am in amazing health and i should live a competely long and normal life. My doctors said that 90% of what i read on and other websites don't apply to me. I also have completely normal weight and height, so basically, i am an amazing health for having this horrible disease.

I am not trying to make others feel bad, but my main thing is everyone around me is smoking marijuana and i was wondering if it is HORRIBLE for me to do every once and awhile (3 or 4 times a year at most). It's not a "everyone is doing it so why shouldn't i" but i just want to do it once and awhile. Do you think this is really bad for my health? I smoked weed once before i was diagnosed and i coughed a little and this was before i even did treatments because i wasn't diagnosed.

I know i could eat the brownies and stuff like that but it's harder and just easier to smoke the weed. Can someone give me some good advice.

and in case you are wondering, i know that it is not going to benefit my health in any way as some people have stated. So you don't have to worry about that.

i posted this in teenager section, but not many people are responding and i feel like older people with CF have experienced what i am going through and have good advice. So that's why i posted here also.

thanks.</end quote>

This was me, too, when I was a teenager. I am now 30 and I am still in pretty great shape - for a CFer - but I most definitelyt have CF. I also smoked A LOT of marijuana in my teens and early twenties. While I can't say it was terribly detrimental to my health, I can't tell you it didn't affect it either. I think you'll find a lot of us "older" (ha ha) Cfers will tell you we wish we would have started taking better care of ourselves when we were younger. That being said, no, I agree with everypne else - a toke here and there will not lead up to the end, but if you've got good lungs now, try hard to keep them that way.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>needingadvice13</b></i>

hi everyone, i have mild CF (sweat test 43 and 46) and my lung functions are completely normal and my doctors are amazed by my lung function for being diagnosed a year ago with "mild CF". My lung functions are as normal as someone without cystic fibrosis and the only symptom i have is coughing. The coughing is now reduced to a rare cough (around 5 a day) due to my accapella and my nebulizer (saline solution) that i only have to do once a day. Basically i am in amazing health and i should live a competely long and normal life. My doctors said that 90% of what i read on and other websites don't apply to me. I also have completely normal weight and height, so basically, i am an amazing health for having this horrible disease.

I am not trying to make others feel bad, but my main thing is everyone around me is smoking marijuana and i was wondering if it is HORRIBLE for me to do every once and awhile (3 or 4 times a year at most). It's not a "everyone is doing it so why shouldn't i" but i just want to do it once and awhile. Do you think this is really bad for my health? I smoked weed once before i was diagnosed and i coughed a little and this was before i even did treatments because i wasn't diagnosed.

I know i could eat the brownies and stuff like that but it's harder and just easier to smoke the weed. Can someone give me some good advice.

and in case you are wondering, i know that it is not going to benefit my health in any way as some people have stated. So you don't have to worry about that.

i posted this in teenager section, but not many people are responding and i feel like older people with CF have experienced what i am going through and have good advice. So that's why i posted here also.

thanks.</end quote>

This was me, too, when I was a teenager. I am now 30 and I am still in pretty great shape - for a CFer - but I most definitelyt have CF. I also smoked A LOT of marijuana in my teens and early twenties. While I can't say it was terribly detrimental to my health, I can't tell you it didn't affect it either. I think you'll find a lot of us "older" (ha ha) Cfers will tell you we wish we would have started taking better care of ourselves when we were younger. That being said, no, I agree with everypne else - a toke here and there will not lead up to the end, but if you've got good lungs now, try hard to keep them that way.