Smoking Marijuana


New member
im 16..i just used that username because i couldn't come up with a better one. It's just normal in high school and all my friends are doing it, but thanks for the advice and i plan on just not smoking it anyways. Everyone's right...i shouldn't jepordize my good lung functions for anything. Thanks everyone!


New member
im 16..i just used that username because i couldn't come up with a better one. It's just normal in high school and all my friends are doing it, but thanks for the advice and i plan on just not smoking it anyways. Everyone's right...i shouldn't jepordize my good lung functions for anything. Thanks everyone!


New member
im 16..i just used that username because i couldn't come up with a better one. It's just normal in high school and all my friends are doing it, but thanks for the advice and i plan on just not smoking it anyways. Everyone's right...i shouldn't jepordize my good lung functions for anything. Thanks everyone!


New member
im 16..i just used that username because i couldn't come up with a better one. It's just normal in high school and all my friends are doing it, but thanks for the advice and i plan on just not smoking it anyways. Everyone's right...i shouldn't jepordize my good lung functions for anything. Thanks everyone!


New member
im 16..i just used that username because i couldn't come up with a better one. It's just normal in high school and all my friends are doing it, but thanks for the advice and i plan on just not smoking it anyways. Everyone's right...i shouldn't jepordize my good lung functions for anything. Thanks everyone!


New member
A couple of thinks I'd like to say:

First, welcome to the group! I'm glad you found us and felt comfortable enough to post such a highly charged question. You'll find a lot of varying opinions on the subject of recreational drugs.

Second, I'm glad to hear that you are currently in a mild phasee of CF. Please do your utmost to take care of yourself now, and be diligent and compliant with doctor's orders. It will set the stage for later in life when CF becomes a greater challenge. Enjoy where you're at, and work hard to lay the groundwork with friends who are caring enough to support and encourage you.

On that note, I wanted to address your comment:
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>needingadvice13</b></i>
It's just normal in high school and all my friends are doing it, everyone!</end quote></div>

Actually, it's not normal, and if "all your friends are doing it" and you feel pressured to go along with it...well, that's not the healthiest thing for you physically or emotionally. The advantages to NOT smoking or doing any sort of recreational drug far outweigh the fleeting pleasure of the experience.

I applaud you for stating that you have decided not to smoke it (or anything else.) I truly hope you'll remain firm in that decision. You'll be a better person for it. I'm not saying this to be "preachy" or anything like that, I just feel very strongly about doing what I can to keep teens from getting themselves into a bad situation they can't get out of. As the director of Addiction Overcome, Inc., I've interviewed lots of young people who tried something "just once" for no good reason and are continuing to pay the price for that error in judgment.

Okay...enough of that stuff. Again, welcome to the group. Please don't be afraid to participate in discussions and topics. Chances are you'll be positively impacted by what you learn here and the people you'll meet.

All the best,

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
A couple of thinks I'd like to say:

First, welcome to the group! I'm glad you found us and felt comfortable enough to post such a highly charged question. You'll find a lot of varying opinions on the subject of recreational drugs.

Second, I'm glad to hear that you are currently in a mild phasee of CF. Please do your utmost to take care of yourself now, and be diligent and compliant with doctor's orders. It will set the stage for later in life when CF becomes a greater challenge. Enjoy where you're at, and work hard to lay the groundwork with friends who are caring enough to support and encourage you.

On that note, I wanted to address your comment:
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>needingadvice13</b></i>
It's just normal in high school and all my friends are doing it, everyone!</end quote></div>

Actually, it's not normal, and if "all your friends are doing it" and you feel pressured to go along with it...well, that's not the healthiest thing for you physically or emotionally. The advantages to NOT smoking or doing any sort of recreational drug far outweigh the fleeting pleasure of the experience.

I applaud you for stating that you have decided not to smoke it (or anything else.) I truly hope you'll remain firm in that decision. You'll be a better person for it. I'm not saying this to be "preachy" or anything like that, I just feel very strongly about doing what I can to keep teens from getting themselves into a bad situation they can't get out of. As the director of Addiction Overcome, Inc., I've interviewed lots of young people who tried something "just once" for no good reason and are continuing to pay the price for that error in judgment.

Okay...enough of that stuff. Again, welcome to the group. Please don't be afraid to participate in discussions and topics. Chances are you'll be positively impacted by what you learn here and the people you'll meet.

All the best,

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
A couple of thinks I'd like to say:

First, welcome to the group! I'm glad you found us and felt comfortable enough to post such a highly charged question. You'll find a lot of varying opinions on the subject of recreational drugs.

Second, I'm glad to hear that you are currently in a mild phasee of CF. Please do your utmost to take care of yourself now, and be diligent and compliant with doctor's orders. It will set the stage for later in life when CF becomes a greater challenge. Enjoy where you're at, and work hard to lay the groundwork with friends who are caring enough to support and encourage you.

On that note, I wanted to address your comment:
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>needingadvice13</b></i>
It's just normal in high school and all my friends are doing it, everyone!</end quote></div>

Actually, it's not normal, and if "all your friends are doing it" and you feel pressured to go along with it...well, that's not the healthiest thing for you physically or emotionally. The advantages to NOT smoking or doing any sort of recreational drug far outweigh the fleeting pleasure of the experience.

I applaud you for stating that you have decided not to smoke it (or anything else.) I truly hope you'll remain firm in that decision. You'll be a better person for it. I'm not saying this to be "preachy" or anything like that, I just feel very strongly about doing what I can to keep teens from getting themselves into a bad situation they can't get out of. As the director of Addiction Overcome, Inc., I've interviewed lots of young people who tried something "just once" for no good reason and are continuing to pay the price for that error in judgment.

Okay...enough of that stuff. Again, welcome to the group. Please don't be afraid to participate in discussions and topics. Chances are you'll be positively impacted by what you learn here and the people you'll meet.

All the best,

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
A couple of thinks I'd like to say:

First, welcome to the group! I'm glad you found us and felt comfortable enough to post such a highly charged question. You'll find a lot of varying opinions on the subject of recreational drugs.

Second, I'm glad to hear that you are currently in a mild phasee of CF. Please do your utmost to take care of yourself now, and be diligent and compliant with doctor's orders. It will set the stage for later in life when CF becomes a greater challenge. Enjoy where you're at, and work hard to lay the groundwork with friends who are caring enough to support and encourage you.

On that note, I wanted to address your comment:
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>needingadvice13</b></i>
It's just normal in high school and all my friends are doing it, everyone!</end quote>

Actually, it's not normal, and if "all your friends are doing it" and you feel pressured to go along with it...well, that's not the healthiest thing for you physically or emotionally. The advantages to NOT smoking or doing any sort of recreational drug far outweigh the fleeting pleasure of the experience.

I applaud you for stating that you have decided not to smoke it (or anything else.) I truly hope you'll remain firm in that decision. You'll be a better person for it. I'm not saying this to be "preachy" or anything like that, I just feel very strongly about doing what I can to keep teens from getting themselves into a bad situation they can't get out of. As the director of Addiction Overcome, Inc., I've interviewed lots of young people who tried something "just once" for no good reason and are continuing to pay the price for that error in judgment.

Okay...enough of that stuff. Again, welcome to the group. Please don't be afraid to participate in discussions and topics. Chances are you'll be positively impacted by what you learn here and the people you'll meet.

All the best,

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
A couple of thinks I'd like to say:

First, welcome to the group! I'm glad you found us and felt comfortable enough to post such a highly charged question. You'll find a lot of varying opinions on the subject of recreational drugs.

Second, I'm glad to hear that you are currently in a mild phasee of CF. Please do your utmost to take care of yourself now, and be diligent and compliant with doctor's orders. It will set the stage for later in life when CF becomes a greater challenge. Enjoy where you're at, and work hard to lay the groundwork with friends who are caring enough to support and encourage you.

On that note, I wanted to address your comment:
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>needingadvice13</b></i>
It's just normal in high school and all my friends are doing it, everyone!</end quote>

Actually, it's not normal, and if "all your friends are doing it" and you feel pressured to go along with it...well, that's not the healthiest thing for you physically or emotionally. The advantages to NOT smoking or doing any sort of recreational drug far outweigh the fleeting pleasure of the experience.

I applaud you for stating that you have decided not to smoke it (or anything else.) I truly hope you'll remain firm in that decision. You'll be a better person for it. I'm not saying this to be "preachy" or anything like that, I just feel very strongly about doing what I can to keep teens from getting themselves into a bad situation they can't get out of. As the director of Addiction Overcome, Inc., I've interviewed lots of young people who tried something "just once" for no good reason and are continuing to pay the price for that error in judgment.

Okay...enough of that stuff. Again, welcome to the group. Please don't be afraid to participate in discussions and topics. Chances are you'll be positively impacted by what you learn here and the people you'll meet.

All the best,

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="


New member
Mind you.. if you're just interested because "everyone is doing it" that's a lame reason. I'm not blaming you, because that's how high school is. But it's not worth it for that. If you're going to do it, make sure it's for your own reasons; because <b>you</b> want to. And like we said, try eating it instead. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Mind you.. if you're just interested because "everyone is doing it" that's a lame reason. I'm not blaming you, because that's how high school is. But it's not worth it for that. If you're going to do it, make sure it's for your own reasons; because <b>you</b> want to. And like we said, try eating it instead. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Mind you.. if you're just interested because "everyone is doing it" that's a lame reason. I'm not blaming you, because that's how high school is. But it's not worth it for that. If you're going to do it, make sure it's for your own reasons; because <b>you</b> want to. And like we said, try eating it instead. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Mind you.. if you're just interested because "everyone is doing it" that's a lame reason. I'm not blaming you, because that's how high school is. But it's not worth it for that. If you're going to do it, make sure it's for your own reasons; because <b>you</b> want to. And like we said, try eating it instead. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Mind you.. if you're just interested because "everyone is doing it" that's a lame reason. I'm not blaming you, because that's how high school is. But it's not worth it for that. If you're going to do it, make sure it's for your own reasons; because <b>you</b> want to. And like we said, try eating it instead. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
why does it still amaze me when people ask "is smoking *insert numerous drugs* bad?". the answer is so darn obvious. needingadvice13, you already know smoking is harmful otherwise you wouldnt be asking the question, youd just go and do it anyway. do what others have said and eat it. also if all of your friends regularly smoke, try not to be around them when they are doing it. passive smoking is just as bad.

i am homeland security and i know where you live.


New member
why does it still amaze me when people ask "is smoking *insert numerous drugs* bad?". the answer is so darn obvious. needingadvice13, you already know smoking is harmful otherwise you wouldnt be asking the question, youd just go and do it anyway. do what others have said and eat it. also if all of your friends regularly smoke, try not to be around them when they are doing it. passive smoking is just as bad.

i am homeland security and i know where you live.


New member
why does it still amaze me when people ask "is smoking *insert numerous drugs* bad?". the answer is so darn obvious. needingadvice13, you already know smoking is harmful otherwise you wouldnt be asking the question, youd just go and do it anyway. do what others have said and eat it. also if all of your friends regularly smoke, try not to be around them when they are doing it. passive smoking is just as bad.

i am homeland security and i know where you live.


New member
why does it still amaze me when people ask "is smoking *insert numerous drugs* bad?". the answer is so darn obvious. needingadvice13, you already know smoking is harmful otherwise you wouldnt be asking the question, youd just go and do it anyway. do what others have said and eat it. also if all of your friends regularly smoke, try not to be around them when they are doing it. passive smoking is just as bad.

i am homeland security and i know where you live.


New member
why does it still amaze me when people ask "is smoking *insert numerous drugs* bad?". the answer is so darn obvious. needingadvice13, you already know smoking is harmful otherwise you wouldnt be asking the question, youd just go and do it anyway. do what others have said and eat it. also if all of your friends regularly smoke, try not to be around them when they are doing it. passive smoking is just as bad.

i am homeland security and i know where you live.