Spring Time & Toddlers


New member
Hi there,

I have a couple quetions. Johnny has been enjoying the warmer weather, and can't get enough of outside. I make sure he cleans his hands after he comes back inside, and we avoid puddles. My husband on the other hand has been showing him all the "COOL" stuff rocks, leaves, how fun it is to play in the dirt. Yuck, but they have been having so much fun together. The other night though I wanted to die when I saw little John pick up the big rock and stick in his mouth. My husband stopped him, and told me to calm down and relax. My problem is I can't relax I'm on guard the entire time they are exploring. Did some of you moms and dads let your kids play in the dirt and explore when they were little? Next question...I bought him a little plastic pool for the summer. I kept him out of all pools last year. But, this year he is sooo much more into his water play. I figure since it's so small. I can fill it up when he plays in it and dump and wipe it down when he is done. Any info on water play would be great. Thanks Sarah Mommy to johnny........


New member
Hi there,

I have a couple quetions. Johnny has been enjoying the warmer weather, and can't get enough of outside. I make sure he cleans his hands after he comes back inside, and we avoid puddles. My husband on the other hand has been showing him all the "COOL" stuff rocks, leaves, how fun it is to play in the dirt. Yuck, but they have been having so much fun together. The other night though I wanted to die when I saw little John pick up the big rock and stick in his mouth. My husband stopped him, and told me to calm down and relax. My problem is I can't relax I'm on guard the entire time they are exploring. Did some of you moms and dads let your kids play in the dirt and explore when they were little? Next question...I bought him a little plastic pool for the summer. I kept him out of all pools last year. But, this year he is sooo much more into his water play. I figure since it's so small. I can fill it up when he plays in it and dump and wipe it down when he is done. Any info on water play would be great. Thanks Sarah Mommy to johnny........


New member
Hi there,

I have a couple quetions. Johnny has been enjoying the warmer weather, and can't get enough of outside. I make sure he cleans his hands after he comes back inside, and we avoid puddles. My husband on the other hand has been showing him all the "COOL" stuff rocks, leaves, how fun it is to play in the dirt. Yuck, but they have been having so much fun together. The other night though I wanted to die when I saw little John pick up the big rock and stick in his mouth. My husband stopped him, and told me to calm down and relax. My problem is I can't relax I'm on guard the entire time they are exploring. Did some of you moms and dads let your kids play in the dirt and explore when they were little? Next question...I bought him a little plastic pool for the summer. I kept him out of all pools last year. But, this year he is sooo much more into his water play. I figure since it's so small. I can fill it up when he plays in it and dump and wipe it down when he is done. Any info on water play would be great. Thanks Sarah Mommy to johnny........


New member
Hi there,

I have a couple quetions. Johnny has been enjoying the warmer weather, and can't get enough of outside. I make sure he cleans his hands after he comes back inside, and we avoid puddles. My husband on the other hand has been showing him all the "COOL" stuff rocks, leaves, how fun it is to play in the dirt. Yuck, but they have been having so much fun together. The other night though I wanted to die when I saw little John pick up the big rock and stick in his mouth. My husband stopped him, and told me to calm down and relax. My problem is I can't relax I'm on guard the entire time they are exploring. Did some of you moms and dads let your kids play in the dirt and explore when they were little? Next question...I bought him a little plastic pool for the summer. I kept him out of all pools last year. But, this year he is sooo much more into his water play. I figure since it's so small. I can fill it up when he plays in it and dump and wipe it down when he is done. Any info on water play would be great. Thanks Sarah Mommy to johnny........


New member
Hi there,
<br />
<br />I have a couple quetions. Johnny has been enjoying the warmer weather, and can't get enough of outside. I make sure he cleans his hands after he comes back inside, and we avoid puddles. My husband on the other hand has been showing him all the "COOL" stuff rocks, leaves, how fun it is to play in the dirt. Yuck, but they have been having so much fun together. The other night though I wanted to die when I saw little John pick up the big rock and stick in his mouth. My husband stopped him, and told me to calm down and relax. My problem is I can't relax I'm on guard the entire time they are exploring. Did some of you moms and dads let your kids play in the dirt and explore when they were little? Next question...I bought him a little plastic pool for the summer. I kept him out of all pools last year. But, this year he is sooo much more into his water play. I figure since it's so small. I can fill it up when he plays in it and dump and wipe it down when he is done. Any info on water play would be great. Thanks Sarah Mommy to johnny........


New member
This is something that you & your hubby have to get on the same page about.

Its always a ?? for parents of young CFers. I wasnt diagnosed until I was 7 & by then I was colonized with PA. I played in mud, dirt, swam in rivers, lakes, touched snakes & fish......would I change it if I knew that I DID get it from those times....NO WAY!

I loved my childhood. I realize that its easy for me to say since I was already colonized with the bug that has done a number on my lungs rather then someone who hasnt traveled that road yet.....

You need to find a balance & there will be lots of input from others on this site. Ultimately tho it comes down to what you & your husband agree on and the recommendations of the doctor that is treating your son!



New member
This is something that you & your hubby have to get on the same page about.

Its always a ?? for parents of young CFers. I wasnt diagnosed until I was 7 & by then I was colonized with PA. I played in mud, dirt, swam in rivers, lakes, touched snakes & fish......would I change it if I knew that I DID get it from those times....NO WAY!

I loved my childhood. I realize that its easy for me to say since I was already colonized with the bug that has done a number on my lungs rather then someone who hasnt traveled that road yet.....

You need to find a balance & there will be lots of input from others on this site. Ultimately tho it comes down to what you & your husband agree on and the recommendations of the doctor that is treating your son!



New member
This is something that you & your hubby have to get on the same page about.

Its always a ?? for parents of young CFers. I wasnt diagnosed until I was 7 & by then I was colonized with PA. I played in mud, dirt, swam in rivers, lakes, touched snakes & fish......would I change it if I knew that I DID get it from those times....NO WAY!

I loved my childhood. I realize that its easy for me to say since I was already colonized with the bug that has done a number on my lungs rather then someone who hasnt traveled that road yet.....

You need to find a balance & there will be lots of input from others on this site. Ultimately tho it comes down to what you & your husband agree on and the recommendations of the doctor that is treating your son!



New member
This is something that you & your hubby have to get on the same page about.

Its always a ?? for parents of young CFers. I wasnt diagnosed until I was 7 & by then I was colonized with PA. I played in mud, dirt, swam in rivers, lakes, touched snakes & fish......would I change it if I knew that I DID get it from those times....NO WAY!

I loved my childhood. I realize that its easy for me to say since I was already colonized with the bug that has done a number on my lungs rather then someone who hasnt traveled that road yet.....

You need to find a balance & there will be lots of input from others on this site. Ultimately tho it comes down to what you & your husband agree on and the recommendations of the doctor that is treating your son!



New member
This is something that you & your hubby have to get on the same page about.
<br />
<br />Its always a ?? for parents of young CFers. I wasnt diagnosed until I was 7 & by then I was colonized with PA. I played in mud, dirt, swam in rivers, lakes, touched snakes & fish......would I change it if I knew that I DID get it from those times....NO WAY!
<br />
<br />I loved my childhood. I realize that its easy for me to say since I was already colonized with the bug that has done a number on my lungs rather then someone who hasnt traveled that road yet.....
<br />
<br />You need to find a balance & there will be lots of input from others on this site. Ultimately tho it comes down to what you & your husband agree on and the recommendations of the doctor that is treating your son!
<br />
<br />HUGS


New member
IMO you and your husband should be on the same page about this i agree with the previous post. also it never hurts to be cautious. you will learn for "yourself" as more time goes and with the exploring stage, what not to get so frantic about. i tell you i was the same way with aidan who is 3 now when he had just turned 1, ughh all he ever did was want to put things in his mouth, and it always seemed like he would find the nastiest stuff where ever we went to touch. now i will admit aidan was the same way with putting rocks in his mouth and it made me shudder, honestly not because i was worried about his CF but because it must have tasted nasty and gritty and i didnt want him to choke on them. he never "caught" anything from it though. i learned in my own ways that there are things i will never let aidan play on. like those play areas @ mcdonalds, no way, and chucky cheese just scares me half to death, the thought of that place, but on the other hand i take to him to this indoor inflatable play place, and he hasnt caught anything from there. which surprises me cause there are some kids in that place sometimes that have the snot running down their face and everytime i hear a kid cough i watch him the whole time to make sure aidan isnt playing with them. and naturally i clean his hands repeatdly when were there and before we get into the car. i feel like its a lot of trial and error sometimes, but you should always do what "you" think is best for your child and their CF team. hope this helps good luck
mama to Aidan 3 w/CF


New member
IMO you and your husband should be on the same page about this i agree with the previous post. also it never hurts to be cautious. you will learn for "yourself" as more time goes and with the exploring stage, what not to get so frantic about. i tell you i was the same way with aidan who is 3 now when he had just turned 1, ughh all he ever did was want to put things in his mouth, and it always seemed like he would find the nastiest stuff where ever we went to touch. now i will admit aidan was the same way with putting rocks in his mouth and it made me shudder, honestly not because i was worried about his CF but because it must have tasted nasty and gritty and i didnt want him to choke on them. he never "caught" anything from it though. i learned in my own ways that there are things i will never let aidan play on. like those play areas @ mcdonalds, no way, and chucky cheese just scares me half to death, the thought of that place, but on the other hand i take to him to this indoor inflatable play place, and he hasnt caught anything from there. which surprises me cause there are some kids in that place sometimes that have the snot running down their face and everytime i hear a kid cough i watch him the whole time to make sure aidan isnt playing with them. and naturally i clean his hands repeatdly when were there and before we get into the car. i feel like its a lot of trial and error sometimes, but you should always do what "you" think is best for your child and their CF team. hope this helps good luck
mama to Aidan 3 w/CF


New member
IMO you and your husband should be on the same page about this i agree with the previous post. also it never hurts to be cautious. you will learn for "yourself" as more time goes and with the exploring stage, what not to get so frantic about. i tell you i was the same way with aidan who is 3 now when he had just turned 1, ughh all he ever did was want to put things in his mouth, and it always seemed like he would find the nastiest stuff where ever we went to touch. now i will admit aidan was the same way with putting rocks in his mouth and it made me shudder, honestly not because i was worried about his CF but because it must have tasted nasty and gritty and i didnt want him to choke on them. he never "caught" anything from it though. i learned in my own ways that there are things i will never let aidan play on. like those play areas @ mcdonalds, no way, and chucky cheese just scares me half to death, the thought of that place, but on the other hand i take to him to this indoor inflatable play place, and he hasnt caught anything from there. which surprises me cause there are some kids in that place sometimes that have the snot running down their face and everytime i hear a kid cough i watch him the whole time to make sure aidan isnt playing with them. and naturally i clean his hands repeatdly when were there and before we get into the car. i feel like its a lot of trial and error sometimes, but you should always do what "you" think is best for your child and their CF team. hope this helps good luck
mama to Aidan 3 w/CF


New member
IMO you and your husband should be on the same page about this i agree with the previous post. also it never hurts to be cautious. you will learn for "yourself" as more time goes and with the exploring stage, what not to get so frantic about. i tell you i was the same way with aidan who is 3 now when he had just turned 1, ughh all he ever did was want to put things in his mouth, and it always seemed like he would find the nastiest stuff where ever we went to touch. now i will admit aidan was the same way with putting rocks in his mouth and it made me shudder, honestly not because i was worried about his CF but because it must have tasted nasty and gritty and i didnt want him to choke on them. he never "caught" anything from it though. i learned in my own ways that there are things i will never let aidan play on. like those play areas @ mcdonalds, no way, and chucky cheese just scares me half to death, the thought of that place, but on the other hand i take to him to this indoor inflatable play place, and he hasnt caught anything from there. which surprises me cause there are some kids in that place sometimes that have the snot running down their face and everytime i hear a kid cough i watch him the whole time to make sure aidan isnt playing with them. and naturally i clean his hands repeatdly when were there and before we get into the car. i feel like its a lot of trial and error sometimes, but you should always do what "you" think is best for your child and their CF team. hope this helps good luck
mama to Aidan 3 w/CF


New member
IMO you and your husband should be on the same page about this i agree with the previous post. also it never hurts to be cautious. you will learn for "yourself" as more time goes and with the exploring stage, what not to get so frantic about. i tell you i was the same way with aidan who is 3 now when he had just turned 1, ughh all he ever did was want to put things in his mouth, and it always seemed like he would find the nastiest stuff where ever we went to touch. now i will admit aidan was the same way with putting rocks in his mouth and it made me shudder, honestly not because i was worried about his CF but because it must have tasted nasty and gritty and i didnt want him to choke on them. he never "caught" anything from it though. i learned in my own ways that there are things i will never let aidan play on. like those play areas @ mcdonalds, no way, and chucky cheese just scares me half to death, the thought of that place, but on the other hand i take to him to this indoor inflatable play place, and he hasnt caught anything from there. which surprises me cause there are some kids in that place sometimes that have the snot running down their face and everytime i hear a kid cough i watch him the whole time to make sure aidan isnt playing with them. and naturally i clean his hands repeatdly when were there and before we get into the car. i feel like its a lot of trial and error sometimes, but you should always do what "you" think is best for your child and their CF team. hope this helps good luck
<br />----------------------------------------
<br />Elizabeth
<br />mama to Aidan 3 w/CF


New member
i have a 15 month old and am going thru the same thing...she cultured pseudomonas (PA) in january and her doctor said that it is found everywhere, but is VERY common in standing water, even bathtub water if it sits long enough. my only advice would be with the pool...i would scrub it down after each use and ensure it dries throughly....but other than that i dont know!! its been a real struggle as my daughter gets older, but i would rather be cautious than sorry! God bless.


New member
i have a 15 month old and am going thru the same thing...she cultured pseudomonas (PA) in january and her doctor said that it is found everywhere, but is VERY common in standing water, even bathtub water if it sits long enough. my only advice would be with the pool...i would scrub it down after each use and ensure it dries throughly....but other than that i dont know!! its been a real struggle as my daughter gets older, but i would rather be cautious than sorry! God bless.


New member
i have a 15 month old and am going thru the same thing...she cultured pseudomonas (PA) in january and her doctor said that it is found everywhere, but is VERY common in standing water, even bathtub water if it sits long enough. my only advice would be with the pool...i would scrub it down after each use and ensure it dries throughly....but other than that i dont know!! its been a real struggle as my daughter gets older, but i would rather be cautious than sorry! God bless.


New member
i have a 15 month old and am going thru the same thing...she cultured pseudomonas (PA) in january and her doctor said that it is found everywhere, but is VERY common in standing water, even bathtub water if it sits long enough. my only advice would be with the pool...i would scrub it down after each use and ensure it dries throughly....but other than that i dont know!! its been a real struggle as my daughter gets older, but i would rather be cautious than sorry! God bless.


New member
i have a 15 month old and am going thru the same thing...she cultured pseudomonas (PA) in january and her doctor said that it is found everywhere, but is VERY common in standing water, even bathtub water if it sits long enough. my only advice would be with the pool...i would scrub it down after each use and ensure it dries throughly....but other than that i dont know!! its been a real struggle as my daughter gets older, but i would rather be cautious than sorry! God bless.