Spring Time & Toddlers


New member
I just wanted to say thank you to Jamie for your post! Sometimes I feel like the world's worst mother because I DO let Luke go to play places and play in the dirt and go to the lake with us and swim in the pool. But I think I would feel worse to know that he was not able to experience any of those things. And it is especially hard when you have other children who do not have CF. You don't want to deny them and you don't want to spend all of the time doing separate activities. I want us to have memories together as a family. But then I end up feeling like I am not being proactive enough in protecting Luke. It is hard to find the right balance!
Our little pool outside is always so grass filled by the end of a day playing that we have to dump it out every day--if not once while they are still in it! But we do dump it everday and I wipe it down with Clorox wipes. It's a great job to give to the older sibs!


New member
I just wanted to say thank you to Jamie for your post! Sometimes I feel like the world's worst mother because I DO let Luke go to play places and play in the dirt and go to the lake with us and swim in the pool. But I think I would feel worse to know that he was not able to experience any of those things. And it is especially hard when you have other children who do not have CF. You don't want to deny them and you don't want to spend all of the time doing separate activities. I want us to have memories together as a family. But then I end up feeling like I am not being proactive enough in protecting Luke. It is hard to find the right balance!
Our little pool outside is always so grass filled by the end of a day playing that we have to dump it out every day--if not once while they are still in it! But we do dump it everday and I wipe it down with Clorox wipes. It's a great job to give to the older sibs!


New member
I just wanted to say thank you to Jamie for your post! Sometimes I feel like the world's worst mother because I DO let Luke go to play places and play in the dirt and go to the lake with us and swim in the pool. But I think I would feel worse to know that he was not able to experience any of those things. And it is especially hard when you have other children who do not have CF. You don't want to deny them and you don't want to spend all of the time doing separate activities. I want us to have memories together as a family. But then I end up feeling like I am not being proactive enough in protecting Luke. It is hard to find the right balance!
Our little pool outside is always so grass filled by the end of a day playing that we have to dump it out every day--if not once while they are still in it! But we do dump it everday and I wipe it down with Clorox wipes. It's a great job to give to the older sibs!


New member
I just wanted to say thank you to Jamie for your post! Sometimes I feel like the world's worst mother because I DO let Luke go to play places and play in the dirt and go to the lake with us and swim in the pool. But I think I would feel worse to know that he was not able to experience any of those things. And it is especially hard when you have other children who do not have CF. You don't want to deny them and you don't want to spend all of the time doing separate activities. I want us to have memories together as a family. But then I end up feeling like I am not being proactive enough in protecting Luke. It is hard to find the right balance!
Our little pool outside is always so grass filled by the end of a day playing that we have to dump it out every day--if not once while they are still in it! But we do dump it everday and I wipe it down with Clorox wipes. It's a great job to give to the older sibs!


New member
I just wanted to say thank you to Jamie for your post! Sometimes I feel like the world's worst mother because I DO let Luke go to play places and play in the dirt and go to the lake with us and swim in the pool. But I think I would feel worse to know that he was not able to experience any of those things. And it is especially hard when you have other children who do not have CF. You don't want to deny them and you don't want to spend all of the time doing separate activities. I want us to have memories together as a family. But then I end up feeling like I am not being proactive enough in protecting Luke. It is hard to find the right balance!
<br />Our little pool outside is always so grass filled by the end of a day playing that we have to dump it out every day--if not once while they are still in it! But we do dump it everday and I wipe it down with Clorox wipes. It's a great job to give to the older sibs!


New member
I too feel like the worlds worst Mom on a daily basis. Granted my daughter is only 5.5 months old but I refuse to not allow her to live her life. I have read posts on here about doctors recommending no pets, no outdoors in the spring/summer, no carpet, no this no that... I cannot do it. We are a very active family that fishes, hunts, camps, etc and I want her to enjoy those things. I truely feel that when she is grown she will appreciate that we did these things and did not treat her TOO differently then we would have an non-cf child.


New member
I too feel like the worlds worst Mom on a daily basis. Granted my daughter is only 5.5 months old but I refuse to not allow her to live her life. I have read posts on here about doctors recommending no pets, no outdoors in the spring/summer, no carpet, no this no that... I cannot do it. We are a very active family that fishes, hunts, camps, etc and I want her to enjoy those things. I truely feel that when she is grown she will appreciate that we did these things and did not treat her TOO differently then we would have an non-cf child.


New member
I too feel like the worlds worst Mom on a daily basis. Granted my daughter is only 5.5 months old but I refuse to not allow her to live her life. I have read posts on here about doctors recommending no pets, no outdoors in the spring/summer, no carpet, no this no that... I cannot do it. We are a very active family that fishes, hunts, camps, etc and I want her to enjoy those things. I truely feel that when she is grown she will appreciate that we did these things and did not treat her TOO differently then we would have an non-cf child.


New member
I too feel like the worlds worst Mom on a daily basis. Granted my daughter is only 5.5 months old but I refuse to not allow her to live her life. I have read posts on here about doctors recommending no pets, no outdoors in the spring/summer, no carpet, no this no that... I cannot do it. We are a very active family that fishes, hunts, camps, etc and I want her to enjoy those things. I truely feel that when she is grown she will appreciate that we did these things and did not treat her TOO differently then we would have an non-cf child.


New member
I too feel like the worlds worst Mom on a daily basis. Granted my daughter is only 5.5 months old but I refuse to not allow her to live her life. I have read posts on here about doctors recommending no pets, no outdoors in the spring/summer, no carpet, no this no that... I cannot do it. We are a very active family that fishes, hunts, camps, etc and I want her to enjoy those things. I truely feel that when she is grown she will appreciate that we did these things and did not treat her TOO differently then we would have an non-cf child.
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Staff member
DS plays outside -- one of the things I like about his preschool/daycare is that they get the kids outside in the fresh air, playing, going for walks, going to the playground. Even in the winter and he LOVES playing in the snow.

When I take him to the playground or outside, I make sure we wash hands when we get back home. Try to make sure he keeps the nose to mouth contact to a minimum.

We go to a relatives lake home a couple times a year, he's taken swimming lessons, gymnastics, baseball. Sometimes in the summer he comes home absolutely FILTHY -- covered in dirt from the playground or sandbox, sweat and salt. I think it's important for these kids to also be active -- get some exercise.

And yes, DS has thrown me for a loop -- told me once he found gum on the playground, has stuck rocks and leaves up his nose and who knows what else. But he's happy and he's a normal little boy.


Staff member
DS plays outside -- one of the things I like about his preschool/daycare is that they get the kids outside in the fresh air, playing, going for walks, going to the playground. Even in the winter and he LOVES playing in the snow.

When I take him to the playground or outside, I make sure we wash hands when we get back home. Try to make sure he keeps the nose to mouth contact to a minimum.

We go to a relatives lake home a couple times a year, he's taken swimming lessons, gymnastics, baseball. Sometimes in the summer he comes home absolutely FILTHY -- covered in dirt from the playground or sandbox, sweat and salt. I think it's important for these kids to also be active -- get some exercise.

And yes, DS has thrown me for a loop -- told me once he found gum on the playground, has stuck rocks and leaves up his nose and who knows what else. But he's happy and he's a normal little boy.


Staff member
DS plays outside -- one of the things I like about his preschool/daycare is that they get the kids outside in the fresh air, playing, going for walks, going to the playground. Even in the winter and he LOVES playing in the snow.

When I take him to the playground or outside, I make sure we wash hands when we get back home. Try to make sure he keeps the nose to mouth contact to a minimum.

We go to a relatives lake home a couple times a year, he's taken swimming lessons, gymnastics, baseball. Sometimes in the summer he comes home absolutely FILTHY -- covered in dirt from the playground or sandbox, sweat and salt. I think it's important for these kids to also be active -- get some exercise.

And yes, DS has thrown me for a loop -- told me once he found gum on the playground, has stuck rocks and leaves up his nose and who knows what else. But he's happy and he's a normal little boy.


Staff member
DS plays outside -- one of the things I like about his preschool/daycare is that they get the kids outside in the fresh air, playing, going for walks, going to the playground. Even in the winter and he LOVES playing in the snow.

When I take him to the playground or outside, I make sure we wash hands when we get back home. Try to make sure he keeps the nose to mouth contact to a minimum.

We go to a relatives lake home a couple times a year, he's taken swimming lessons, gymnastics, baseball. Sometimes in the summer he comes home absolutely FILTHY -- covered in dirt from the playground or sandbox, sweat and salt. I think it's important for these kids to also be active -- get some exercise.

And yes, DS has thrown me for a loop -- told me once he found gum on the playground, has stuck rocks and leaves up his nose and who knows what else. But he's happy and he's a normal little boy.


Staff member
DS plays outside -- one of the things I like about his preschool/daycare is that they get the kids outside in the fresh air, playing, going for walks, going to the playground. Even in the winter and he LOVES playing in the snow.
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<br />When I take him to the playground or outside, I make sure we wash hands when we get back home. Try to make sure he keeps the nose to mouth contact to a minimum.
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<br />We go to a relatives lake home a couple times a year, he's taken swimming lessons, gymnastics, baseball. Sometimes in the summer he comes home absolutely FILTHY -- covered in dirt from the playground or sandbox, sweat and salt. I think it's important for these kids to also be active -- get some exercise.
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<br />And yes, DS has thrown me for a loop -- told me once he found gum on the playground, has stuck rocks and leaves up his nose and who knows what else. But he's happy and he's a normal little boy.


New member
I have been doing a lot of thinking the last couple days about the whole 'how far can you take things in the interest of keeping things totally safe'...

I think this kind of thing is SO different than the steps we could take in, say, improving the living conditions our kids live in (reducing exposure to allergens & irritants for example), or limiting the exposure our kids get to other sick people. Kids HAVE to be kids and HAVE to experience the things that add joy and quality to their existence... and that add normalcy to their lives. I'm so glad to see the other posts from people who feel this way too (whether it's adults who grew up this way or other parents.)

When I posted what I did initially I was just picturing how my kids would react if I ever tried to take away what they enjoy every summer and they would be heartbroken.

I don't want to come across like I don't care because nothing could be farther from the truth... but I also care about them experiencing a functional childhood, having healthy sibling relationships... so hard sometimes to exactly know how/where to fit CF into the 'big picture'.


New member
I have been doing a lot of thinking the last couple days about the whole 'how far can you take things in the interest of keeping things totally safe'...

I think this kind of thing is SO different than the steps we could take in, say, improving the living conditions our kids live in (reducing exposure to allergens & irritants for example), or limiting the exposure our kids get to other sick people. Kids HAVE to be kids and HAVE to experience the things that add joy and quality to their existence... and that add normalcy to their lives. I'm so glad to see the other posts from people who feel this way too (whether it's adults who grew up this way or other parents.)

When I posted what I did initially I was just picturing how my kids would react if I ever tried to take away what they enjoy every summer and they would be heartbroken.

I don't want to come across like I don't care because nothing could be farther from the truth... but I also care about them experiencing a functional childhood, having healthy sibling relationships... so hard sometimes to exactly know how/where to fit CF into the 'big picture'.


New member
I have been doing a lot of thinking the last couple days about the whole 'how far can you take things in the interest of keeping things totally safe'...

I think this kind of thing is SO different than the steps we could take in, say, improving the living conditions our kids live in (reducing exposure to allergens & irritants for example), or limiting the exposure our kids get to other sick people. Kids HAVE to be kids and HAVE to experience the things that add joy and quality to their existence... and that add normalcy to their lives. I'm so glad to see the other posts from people who feel this way too (whether it's adults who grew up this way or other parents.)

When I posted what I did initially I was just picturing how my kids would react if I ever tried to take away what they enjoy every summer and they would be heartbroken.

I don't want to come across like I don't care because nothing could be farther from the truth... but I also care about them experiencing a functional childhood, having healthy sibling relationships... so hard sometimes to exactly know how/where to fit CF into the 'big picture'.


New member
I have been doing a lot of thinking the last couple days about the whole 'how far can you take things in the interest of keeping things totally safe'...

I think this kind of thing is SO different than the steps we could take in, say, improving the living conditions our kids live in (reducing exposure to allergens & irritants for example), or limiting the exposure our kids get to other sick people. Kids HAVE to be kids and HAVE to experience the things that add joy and quality to their existence... and that add normalcy to their lives. I'm so glad to see the other posts from people who feel this way too (whether it's adults who grew up this way or other parents.)

When I posted what I did initially I was just picturing how my kids would react if I ever tried to take away what they enjoy every summer and they would be heartbroken.

I don't want to come across like I don't care because nothing could be farther from the truth... but I also care about them experiencing a functional childhood, having healthy sibling relationships... so hard sometimes to exactly know how/where to fit CF into the 'big picture'.


New member
I have been doing a lot of thinking the last couple days about the whole 'how far can you take things in the interest of keeping things totally safe'...
<br />
<br />I think this kind of thing is SO different than the steps we could take in, say, improving the living conditions our kids live in (reducing exposure to allergens & irritants for example), or limiting the exposure our kids get to other sick people. Kids HAVE to be kids and HAVE to experience the things that add joy and quality to their existence... and that add normalcy to their lives. I'm so glad to see the other posts from people who feel this way too (whether it's adults who grew up this way or other parents.)
<br />
<br />When I posted what I did initially I was just picturing how my kids would react if I ever tried to take away what they enjoy every summer and they would be heartbroken.
<br />
<br />I don't want to come across like I don't care because nothing could be farther from the truth... but I also care about them experiencing a functional childhood, having healthy sibling relationships... so hard sometimes to exactly know how/where to fit CF into the 'big picture'.