SSDI, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid


New member
They cannot know that you live with them. It is sad that we have to resort to that, but otherwise I would have no insurance at all.


New member
They cannot know that you live with them. It is sad that we have to resort to that, but otherwise I would have no insurance at all.


New member
They cannot know that you live with them. It is sad that we have to resort to that, but otherwise I would have no insurance at all.


New member
They cannot know that you live with them. It is sad that we have to resort to that, but otherwise I would have no insurance at all.


New member
They cannot know that you live with them. It is sad that we have to resort to that, but otherwise I would have no insurance at all.


New member
They cannot know that you live with them. It is sad that we have to resort to that, but otherwise I would have no insurance at all.


New member
They cannot know that you live with them. It is sad that we have to resort to that, but otherwise I would have no insurance at all.


New member
They cannot know that you live with them. It is sad that we have to resort to that, but otherwise I would have no insurance at all.


New member
They cannot know that you live with them. It is sad that we have to resort to that, but otherwise I would have no insurance at all.


New member
They cannot know that you live with them. It is sad that we have to resort to that, but otherwise I would have no insurance at all.


New member

haha, I figured you just got them momentarily mixed up, I know that around here you are kinda the social security "guru" person, and everwhere I read, said what we said about the two gov't insurances.

How do you make sure they dont find out? I would am extremely scared of being caught and being charged federal crimes and/or fines etc...


New member

haha, I figured you just got them momentarily mixed up, I know that around here you are kinda the social security "guru" person, and everwhere I read, said what we said about the two gov't insurances.

How do you make sure they dont find out? I would am extremely scared of being caught and being charged federal crimes and/or fines etc...


New member

haha, I figured you just got them momentarily mixed up, I know that around here you are kinda the social security "guru" person, and everwhere I read, said what we said about the two gov't insurances.

How do you make sure they dont find out? I would am extremely scared of being caught and being charged federal crimes and/or fines etc...


New member

haha, I figured you just got them momentarily mixed up, I know that around here you are kinda the social security "guru" person, and everwhere I read, said what we said about the two gov't insurances.

How do you make sure they dont find out? I would am extremely scared of being caught and being charged federal crimes and/or fines etc...


New member
<br />
<br />haha, I figured you just got them momentarily mixed up, I know that around here you are kinda the social security "guru" person, and everwhere I read, said what we said about the two gov't insurances.
<br />
<br />Regina65:
<br />How do you make sure they dont find out? I would am extremely scared of being caught and being charged federal crimes and/or fines etc...


My advice is to do what Julie suggested - getting married w/o making it legal. That is what we did. We had ceremony and all and the only ones who know it isn't legal are our immediate family. It would cost us over $1600 per month to be married - not small change! To add me to DH's insurance is $500 per month and I would lose the social security I get from my mom (she is retired). I previously had SSI till my mom retired and I could switch. I am covered under my mom's insurance since I am considered disabled. The $1600 is what allows me to stay home with the kids. Unless DH hits the jackpot or pulls in 6 figures we won't get legally married. And even if he did, we probably wouldn't because I can have my mom's insurance for life and that is really important!

We didn't have the religious component that you guys have but my suggestion would be to talk to his pastor/minister/whomever and get their opinion. I bet if the church approved, then his parents would come around. Sounds like they are being really strict. Are they worried about him marrying a "sick" girl? If they won't oblige and you want to be able to keep your insurance (ie not get married) then he is going to have to separate from his parents a bit, like moving out of the house they own. He is a grown man and needs to stand up for himself and you. We live in a house my parents own so I totally understand but if my parents didn't approve we just wouldn't live here.

I went to a catholic high school for 2 years and happened to ask one of the teachers what happens when 2 people can't get married for fear of losing out on important health benefits and she said that the church understands and that a ceremony would be fine w/o the papers. They don't necessarily like it but they understand the situation and just want the couple to commit themselves.

My DH and I have been together since I was 17 but we didn't do the wedding till 2007. Good luck on whatever you decide!


My advice is to do what Julie suggested - getting married w/o making it legal. That is what we did. We had ceremony and all and the only ones who know it isn't legal are our immediate family. It would cost us over $1600 per month to be married - not small change! To add me to DH's insurance is $500 per month and I would lose the social security I get from my mom (she is retired). I previously had SSI till my mom retired and I could switch. I am covered under my mom's insurance since I am considered disabled. The $1600 is what allows me to stay home with the kids. Unless DH hits the jackpot or pulls in 6 figures we won't get legally married. And even if he did, we probably wouldn't because I can have my mom's insurance for life and that is really important!

We didn't have the religious component that you guys have but my suggestion would be to talk to his pastor/minister/whomever and get their opinion. I bet if the church approved, then his parents would come around. Sounds like they are being really strict. Are they worried about him marrying a "sick" girl? If they won't oblige and you want to be able to keep your insurance (ie not get married) then he is going to have to separate from his parents a bit, like moving out of the house they own. He is a grown man and needs to stand up for himself and you. We live in a house my parents own so I totally understand but if my parents didn't approve we just wouldn't live here.

I went to a catholic high school for 2 years and happened to ask one of the teachers what happens when 2 people can't get married for fear of losing out on important health benefits and she said that the church understands and that a ceremony would be fine w/o the papers. They don't necessarily like it but they understand the situation and just want the couple to commit themselves.

My DH and I have been together since I was 17 but we didn't do the wedding till 2007. Good luck on whatever you decide!


My advice is to do what Julie suggested - getting married w/o making it legal. That is what we did. We had ceremony and all and the only ones who know it isn't legal are our immediate family. It would cost us over $1600 per month to be married - not small change! To add me to DH's insurance is $500 per month and I would lose the social security I get from my mom (she is retired). I previously had SSI till my mom retired and I could switch. I am covered under my mom's insurance since I am considered disabled. The $1600 is what allows me to stay home with the kids. Unless DH hits the jackpot or pulls in 6 figures we won't get legally married. And even if he did, we probably wouldn't because I can have my mom's insurance for life and that is really important!

We didn't have the religious component that you guys have but my suggestion would be to talk to his pastor/minister/whomever and get their opinion. I bet if the church approved, then his parents would come around. Sounds like they are being really strict. Are they worried about him marrying a "sick" girl? If they won't oblige and you want to be able to keep your insurance (ie not get married) then he is going to have to separate from his parents a bit, like moving out of the house they own. He is a grown man and needs to stand up for himself and you. We live in a house my parents own so I totally understand but if my parents didn't approve we just wouldn't live here.

I went to a catholic high school for 2 years and happened to ask one of the teachers what happens when 2 people can't get married for fear of losing out on important health benefits and she said that the church understands and that a ceremony would be fine w/o the papers. They don't necessarily like it but they understand the situation and just want the couple to commit themselves.

My DH and I have been together since I was 17 but we didn't do the wedding till 2007. Good luck on whatever you decide!


My advice is to do what Julie suggested - getting married w/o making it legal. That is what we did. We had ceremony and all and the only ones who know it isn't legal are our immediate family. It would cost us over $1600 per month to be married - not small change! To add me to DH's insurance is $500 per month and I would lose the social security I get from my mom (she is retired). I previously had SSI till my mom retired and I could switch. I am covered under my mom's insurance since I am considered disabled. The $1600 is what allows me to stay home with the kids. Unless DH hits the jackpot or pulls in 6 figures we won't get legally married. And even if he did, we probably wouldn't because I can have my mom's insurance for life and that is really important!

We didn't have the religious component that you guys have but my suggestion would be to talk to his pastor/minister/whomever and get their opinion. I bet if the church approved, then his parents would come around. Sounds like they are being really strict. Are they worried about him marrying a "sick" girl? If they won't oblige and you want to be able to keep your insurance (ie not get married) then he is going to have to separate from his parents a bit, like moving out of the house they own. He is a grown man and needs to stand up for himself and you. We live in a house my parents own so I totally understand but if my parents didn't approve we just wouldn't live here.

I went to a catholic high school for 2 years and happened to ask one of the teachers what happens when 2 people can't get married for fear of losing out on important health benefits and she said that the church understands and that a ceremony would be fine w/o the papers. They don't necessarily like it but they understand the situation and just want the couple to commit themselves.

My DH and I have been together since I was 17 but we didn't do the wedding till 2007. Good luck on whatever you decide!


My advice is to do what Julie suggested - getting married w/o making it legal. That is what we did. We had ceremony and all and the only ones who know it isn't legal are our immediate family. It would cost us over $1600 per month to be married - not small change! To add me to DH's insurance is $500 per month and I would lose the social security I get from my mom (she is retired). I previously had SSI till my mom retired and I could switch. I am covered under my mom's insurance since I am considered disabled. The $1600 is what allows me to stay home with the kids. Unless DH hits the jackpot or pulls in 6 figures we won't get legally married. And even if he did, we probably wouldn't because I can have my mom's insurance for life and that is really important!
<br />
<br />We didn't have the religious component that you guys have but my suggestion would be to talk to his pastor/minister/whomever and get their opinion. I bet if the church approved, then his parents would come around. Sounds like they are being really strict. Are they worried about him marrying a "sick" girl? If they won't oblige and you want to be able to keep your insurance (ie not get married) then he is going to have to separate from his parents a bit, like moving out of the house they own. He is a grown man and needs to stand up for himself and you. We live in a house my parents own so I totally understand but if my parents didn't approve we just wouldn't live here.
<br />
<br />I went to a catholic high school for 2 years and happened to ask one of the teachers what happens when 2 people can't get married for fear of losing out on important health benefits and she said that the church understands and that a ceremony would be fine w/o the papers. They don't necessarily like it but they understand the situation and just want the couple to commit themselves.
<br />
<br />My DH and I have been together since I was 17 but we didn't do the wedding till 2007. Good luck on whatever you decide!