Starting a job


New member
I am dealing with this same thing right about now, I have not change jobs since being dx when I was 29 and everyone at my current job, was there for me when dx, they have been there for me every step of my journey the past few years,

I am about to start another job in the fall, I have not told my current employer just yet... and I am not sure when I am going to, or if I am going to ..

It is hard to know what to do...



New member
I am dealing with this same thing right about now, I have not change jobs since being dx when I was 29 and everyone at my current job, was there for me when dx, they have been there for me every step of my journey the past few years,

I am about to start another job in the fall, I have not told my current employer just yet... and I am not sure when I am going to, or if I am going to ..

It is hard to know what to do...



New member
I am dealing with this same thing right about now, I have not change jobs since being dx when I was 29 and everyone at my current job, was there for me when dx, they have been there for me every step of my journey the past few years,

I am about to start another job in the fall, I have not told my current employer just yet... and I am not sure when I am going to, or if I am going to ..

It is hard to know what to do...



New member
I am dealing with this same thing right about now, I have not change jobs since being dx when I was 29 and everyone at my current job, was there for me when dx, they have been there for me every step of my journey the past few years,

I am about to start another job in the fall, I have not told my current employer just yet... and I am not sure when I am going to, or if I am going to ..

It is hard to know what to do...



New member
I am dealing with this same thing right about now, I have not change jobs since being dx when I was 29 and everyone at my current job, was there for me when dx, they have been there for me every step of my journey the past few years,

I am about to start another job in the fall, I have not told my current employer just yet... and I am not sure when I am going to, or if I am going to ..

It is hard to know what to do...



New member
I am dealing with this same thing right about now, I have not change jobs since being dx when I was 29 and everyone at my current job, was there for me when dx, they have been there for me every step of my journey the past few years,

I am about to start another job in the fall, I have not told my current employer just yet... and I am not sure when I am going to, or if I am going to ..

It is hard to know what to do...



New member
Well I'm coming in a little late here, but I still wanted to share my experience with the whole "to tell or not to tell" issue. For me, I always think of the advice that was given by Beth Sufian, a lawyer with CF, practicing in Texas. She said it was best NOT to disclose your CF during the interview process because if they chose not to hire you, it would be harder to prove discrimination. If you disclose after you're hired, and then they make your life hell or fire you or whatever, you really have some legal ground to stand on. That's the technical side of it. Some of us can hide our CF fairly well and for those folks, it really is a personal choice whether or not to tell. I, on the other hand, cough all the time so, while I can get through an interview without being obvious, I can't hide it through an entire work day. I usually tell my employer after I am hired, on my first day of work - during the whole 'orientation' schpeel. Of course, the kind of job you're applying for may dictate a different course of action. Really, it's all relative and really depends on the situation. I did tell one potential employer about my CF during the interview, simply because I had been in the hospital a lot around that time and felt I needed to disclose that I might not be as "reliable" as I'd like. I was offered the job, but didn't take it simply because I got offered a better one at the same time! One other thing to consider - if you disclose during the interview (or anytime for that matter) and your potential employer has a problem with it, do you really want to work there anyway?


New member
Well I'm coming in a little late here, but I still wanted to share my experience with the whole "to tell or not to tell" issue. For me, I always think of the advice that was given by Beth Sufian, a lawyer with CF, practicing in Texas. She said it was best NOT to disclose your CF during the interview process because if they chose not to hire you, it would be harder to prove discrimination. If you disclose after you're hired, and then they make your life hell or fire you or whatever, you really have some legal ground to stand on. That's the technical side of it. Some of us can hide our CF fairly well and for those folks, it really is a personal choice whether or not to tell. I, on the other hand, cough all the time so, while I can get through an interview without being obvious, I can't hide it through an entire work day. I usually tell my employer after I am hired, on my first day of work - during the whole 'orientation' schpeel. Of course, the kind of job you're applying for may dictate a different course of action. Really, it's all relative and really depends on the situation. I did tell one potential employer about my CF during the interview, simply because I had been in the hospital a lot around that time and felt I needed to disclose that I might not be as "reliable" as I'd like. I was offered the job, but didn't take it simply because I got offered a better one at the same time! One other thing to consider - if you disclose during the interview (or anytime for that matter) and your potential employer has a problem with it, do you really want to work there anyway?


New member
Well I'm coming in a little late here, but I still wanted to share my experience with the whole "to tell or not to tell" issue. For me, I always think of the advice that was given by Beth Sufian, a lawyer with CF, practicing in Texas. She said it was best NOT to disclose your CF during the interview process because if they chose not to hire you, it would be harder to prove discrimination. If you disclose after you're hired, and then they make your life hell or fire you or whatever, you really have some legal ground to stand on. That's the technical side of it. Some of us can hide our CF fairly well and for those folks, it really is a personal choice whether or not to tell. I, on the other hand, cough all the time so, while I can get through an interview without being obvious, I can't hide it through an entire work day. I usually tell my employer after I am hired, on my first day of work - during the whole 'orientation' schpeel. Of course, the kind of job you're applying for may dictate a different course of action. Really, it's all relative and really depends on the situation. I did tell one potential employer about my CF during the interview, simply because I had been in the hospital a lot around that time and felt I needed to disclose that I might not be as "reliable" as I'd like. I was offered the job, but didn't take it simply because I got offered a better one at the same time! One other thing to consider - if you disclose during the interview (or anytime for that matter) and your potential employer has a problem with it, do you really want to work there anyway?


New member
Well I'm coming in a little late here, but I still wanted to share my experience with the whole "to tell or not to tell" issue. For me, I always think of the advice that was given by Beth Sufian, a lawyer with CF, practicing in Texas. She said it was best NOT to disclose your CF during the interview process because if they chose not to hire you, it would be harder to prove discrimination. If you disclose after you're hired, and then they make your life hell or fire you or whatever, you really have some legal ground to stand on. That's the technical side of it. Some of us can hide our CF fairly well and for those folks, it really is a personal choice whether or not to tell. I, on the other hand, cough all the time so, while I can get through an interview without being obvious, I can't hide it through an entire work day. I usually tell my employer after I am hired, on my first day of work - during the whole 'orientation' schpeel. Of course, the kind of job you're applying for may dictate a different course of action. Really, it's all relative and really depends on the situation. I did tell one potential employer about my CF during the interview, simply because I had been in the hospital a lot around that time and felt I needed to disclose that I might not be as "reliable" as I'd like. I was offered the job, but didn't take it simply because I got offered a better one at the same time! One other thing to consider - if you disclose during the interview (or anytime for that matter) and your potential employer has a problem with it, do you really want to work there anyway?


New member
Well I'm coming in a little late here, but I still wanted to share my experience with the whole "to tell or not to tell" issue. For me, I always think of the advice that was given by Beth Sufian, a lawyer with CF, practicing in Texas. She said it was best NOT to disclose your CF during the interview process because if they chose not to hire you, it would be harder to prove discrimination. If you disclose after you're hired, and then they make your life hell or fire you or whatever, you really have some legal ground to stand on. That's the technical side of it. Some of us can hide our CF fairly well and for those folks, it really is a personal choice whether or not to tell. I, on the other hand, cough all the time so, while I can get through an interview without being obvious, I can't hide it through an entire work day. I usually tell my employer after I am hired, on my first day of work - during the whole 'orientation' schpeel. Of course, the kind of job you're applying for may dictate a different course of action. Really, it's all relative and really depends on the situation. I did tell one potential employer about my CF during the interview, simply because I had been in the hospital a lot around that time and felt I needed to disclose that I might not be as "reliable" as I'd like. I was offered the job, but didn't take it simply because I got offered a better one at the same time! One other thing to consider - if you disclose during the interview (or anytime for that matter) and your potential employer has a problem with it, do you really want to work there anyway?


New member
Well I'm coming in a little late here, but I still wanted to share my experience with the whole "to tell or not to tell" issue. For me, I always think of the advice that was given by Beth Sufian, a lawyer with CF, practicing in Texas. She said it was best NOT to disclose your CF during the interview process because if they chose not to hire you, it would be harder to prove discrimination. If you disclose after you're hired, and then they make your life hell or fire you or whatever, you really have some legal ground to stand on. That's the technical side of it. Some of us can hide our CF fairly well and for those folks, it really is a personal choice whether or not to tell. I, on the other hand, cough all the time so, while I can get through an interview without being obvious, I can't hide it through an entire work day. I usually tell my employer after I am hired, on my first day of work - during the whole 'orientation' schpeel. Of course, the kind of job you're applying for may dictate a different course of action. Really, it's all relative and really depends on the situation. I did tell one potential employer about my CF during the interview, simply because I had been in the hospital a lot around that time and felt I needed to disclose that I might not be as "reliable" as I'd like. I was offered the job, but didn't take it simply because I got offered a better one at the same time! One other thing to consider - if you disclose during the interview (or anytime for that matter) and your potential employer has a problem with it, do you really want to work there anyway?


New member
My boss has tried on my Vest.

So have all of my colleagues (one weights 230 and I'm 120...and I think that's hysterical).

I will never dislose during an interview (i wrestled with this while looking for my 1st job), but afterwards, I disclosed.

Besides, what's the point of having a $12,000 machine and not showing it off to everyone? What a waste that would be....


New member
My boss has tried on my Vest.

So have all of my colleagues (one weights 230 and I'm 120...and I think that's hysterical).

I will never dislose during an interview (i wrestled with this while looking for my 1st job), but afterwards, I disclosed.

Besides, what's the point of having a $12,000 machine and not showing it off to everyone? What a waste that would be....