Stats on People with CF and Carriers having Children with CF?


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Emily.......LOL   I guess this forum is keeping a lot of
people entertained!!!!  It's like a soap opera or never know what will happen next!!!  LOL
 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> 


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Is it really "losing"? If two parents don't know they can have a child with CF and do, I don't think they've lost. If they have the knowledge I don't really think they're losing either. I know you probably don't mean it in a negative way, but it makes CFers sound so unwanted and more like a burden people regret. "Just lost all my money", "damn, just had a kid with CF". I think any parent not prepared to face CF and raise that child as best they can should never take the risk, but if that is what they choose to do, then I don't see them as violating any ethical principle. My partner has CF and she is certainly no loss, I like to think any parent would have been happier to have her with her CF than to have had many of the people in the world that do not have CF.

-Agent X


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>"damn, just had a kid with CF"</end quote></div>

While parents of Cfers love thier kids, I doubt the basic reaction to a diagnosis is "AWESOME! Our kid has a terminal genetic illness! We are sooo lucky!"


New member
I'm confused now too. I keep coming back because I find *some* points of view interesting, even though they differ from mine.

But I have to ask this, can someone clairify Agent X's opinion for me? I've read some of the post but don't quite get the point he/she is attempting to make....

Also, agent X... not that it matters, but what is your relationship to CF? Just curious.

............ still scratching


New member
I just want to say one thing.. (I Forgive me because I am on steroids and still in the hospital) I think people should leave each other the heck alone.. If someone choses to have a child with CF that is their right.... PERIOD.. Other people can have thoughts on it but no one should judge anyone at all. You have no right.. Period..

I have CF, Addison's disease, High Blood Pressure Diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, necrotic joints, glaucoma, cataracts, high blood pressure.I also have fibroids and they want to rip my uterus out from under me... and now I have yet another disease that I have to live with.. that is making my intestines rot away.. and to which I am probably going to have surgery on.. but I am to sick to have surgery now... and though I have all those things wrong with me I still would have chosen to be born.. I would still have wanted my parents to have me and give birth to me.. I am suffering a lot but I am the most blesssed person I know.. I have so much love and support that I can get though a lot of things... anything... really... So my advice is, if you want a baby.. HAVE ONE.... when I was born they didn't even have half the treatments for CF like they do now.. Age expectancy is going up every year.. Treatment plans are getting better...

Any one of us can be born with any disease.. at any time.... People;s kids die of cancer on a regular basis. .Gee maybe they were immature for having a baby when cancer runs in their family....

I am just saying.. and believe me.. I am still in a state of horror because just two weeks ago I held the hand of someone I love dearly as they died a cruel and horrible death related to CF.... and I know that I know that I know that John loved life, loved his life, and I know for a fact he would have wanted to be born,.... CF or NOT.....



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I am only going to post on this thread once, so this may be long and winded - I am just wanting to make sure that I am understood as I don't want to continue the madness to much further. I have read the many comments on here over the past few days with amazement. I also want to add that if something I wrote bothers you please try to finish reading everything before I wrote before responding as it may take away some of the anger.

At first I was pissed that everyone was jumping on Chantel like it was the latest and greatest fad to hit the States. Then I realized that initially not many people were answering her question - they had simply read her post and their mind had been filled with other things not related to her question. That happens all the time here, so I let it go. I realized if people could calm down and REread her post they would see what she was really saying and asking.

Then I kind of laughed I thought oh this is funny all these people getting defensive and wanting to share their view points and so on. Not realizing that seemingly innocent comments when typed can have whole new and different meaning when read by someone that is not the originator. Thus things can be misqouted and misunderstood leading to more chaos.

Then I started seeing the redundancy many of you have admitted to on the last few pages. I started getting aggravated that everyone was getting so aggravated (lol I know kind of misses the point). I kept seeing everyone giving their opinion, but a choice few (I am thinking of Agent X in particular) were continuing to ask the same question or questions over and over again. I saw this as simply adding fuel to the fire. I started to get angry because I see these people that I have come to know on this site - yes many of us are hot heads at times and are very passionate about or view points - but I felt like they were having their buttons pushed by someone intentionally. I felt that the "points" that were being mentioned were simply being presented in order to continue a conflict - I am directing that to Agent X because he kept repeating the same thing over and over basically.

The statistics of having a child with CF:
If both parents are carriers:
25% No CF No Carrier
50% No CF - Yes Carrier
25% YES CF - automatic Carrier

If 1 parent has CF and the other is a Carrier
50% No CF - Yes Carrier
50% YES CF - automatic Carrier

If 1 parent has CF and the other has NO CF and is NOT a Carrier
100% No CF - Yes Carrier

<b>As for the debate as to would you bring a child into the world if you had CF and your partner was a Carrier? </b>
No I wouldn't and I won't. I told my fiance that before we even discussed whether we wanted to have kids or not. I said if we decided to, he would be tested and if he was a carrier it would not occur.

<b>As for the debate of is it morally wrong for someone to have a child when there is a high probability the child will have CF?</b>
I personally do not think it is MORALLY wrong, but I do question what the people were/are thinking. My reasoning for that is because I have lived with this disease for 24 years. I have had the ups and downs I have wanted to die and especially in the last year thought how great it would be if I didn't have to breathe - not that I want to kill myself but to not have to use every ounce of energy in every muscle to breathe at times when I am sick.
People can sit and argue all day that it is not wrong (I am leaving MORALLY out of it because I do not think it applies as my previous paragraph showed my feelings on the MORALLY part of the argument) for a person to have a child naturally even if they KNOW the statistics, but most of the people that would take that chance and argue it is not wrong do NOT have CF. If they do they have mild cases and have not had many hardships with this disease. I feel that way because most every person I know with CF has said they would not have a child if there was even a slight chance the child would have CF. (my opinion if you do not agree or are the exception to the rule I am sorry, but I still feel this way)
I used to feel I would have a child regardless - then I started getting sick more often. Then I started watching my friends die. I started seeing young boys and girls crying because they were so sick that they would never graduate high school or never have a family, or that they were so skinny and were always hooked up to tubes that who would want to date them. It is hard to see. That is when I changed my mind.

<b>As for the argument of is a life not worth living if you have CF?</b>
Life in general is worth living in my opinion. If you take it on the whole - every aspect of my life is what makes it worth living for me. If my life were to be narrowed down to just CF - NO it would not be worth living to me. I would be miserable and I would want to die if my life were ONLY about CF. My life thank God is not just about CF. I have been driven by my parents to do what makes me happy and pursue my interests. I have surrounded myself with things not related to CF and lived my life trying not to think about CF.
That is not to say that it hasn't been hard at times and that I haven't wanted to just give up. It has been hard and I have wanted to give up at times. I will say that there are so many factors that contribute to a person's well being and a person's happiness and so on. It is difficult to speculate in favor of or against whether an as yet non-existant person would have a worthwhile life with or without CF. Just as it is impossible to predict and speculate what the health of any person born with CF will be like. <--- that last comment is not meant to start another debate I am simply using that as an example.
As for the new treatments will be coming out and there will be more hope for people born in future years thought? </b>
That may be true to some extent, but I still see young children with CF that are unable to go to school because they are hooked up to oxygen, on so many meds can barely breath. They were born AFTER the gene that carries CF was discovered and they are still dying too young. AFTER all of the advancements they are STILL getting sick and still not reaching 20.
Sometimes people - especially those without the disease that have not witnessed the many aspects of life with CF forget that just because the AVERAGE life expectancy is 36 it doesn't automatically mean you make it there. There are numerous people that surpass 36 and when I say surpass I mean they WELL surpass 36 - into their 50s and higher. Those people bump that average up a bit also. Yes people are living longer and more is becoming known about this disease, but it does not change that many children are suffering with CF as we sit here and debate this topic. Children are being born that will be diagnosed with CF and some will grow up with minimal problems and others will be plagued with issue after issue. It is the circle of life - as cheesy as that sounds. I just wanted to throw that out there because I hate the argument well people born now are better off because of the advancements - yes there is a bit more hope, but it still stinks for the person with CF.

I know many people that are new to CF may not want to see CF as a "bad" thing and I would hate for anyone to look at CF as a death sentence because I don't think it is healthy for anyone to have that condemned view about their life. I also know that as each person with CF ages the grim reality of what they are fighting sinks in. As each parent watches their child age with this disease they also begin to realize the obstacles their "baby(ies)" face(s). Lovers/Spouses/Partners/Friends of people with CF also start to realize the struggles that CF can bring upon someone with time. Everyone can read and be told what to expect with this disease but it really doesn't prepare you for it when it ACTUALLY happens.

Many of the people that posted on here repeatedly that are members of this site may seem very stubborn and I am sure they are - as most CFers are myself included. I do feel though that they are so passionate because they either live with CF or have seen it ravage the life/body of someone they loved dearly. Yes it is irritating and aggravating to them to read comments that seem to downplay CF and the seriousness with which they view it. It is not from anger and hatred that I feel they are writing/posting. It is more out of frustration because it is too late for someone to the point when they have a child with CF and are able to understand the hardships that were talked about on this thread because they are experiencing them firsthand. They are hoping to get through to people and help them to understand that though life with CF does not have to be bad there will be things about this disease that are scary, painful, terrifying, depressing, anxiety causing and so on. They are also trying to get the people to ask themselves <b>Why? </b> Why would you knowingly take a 50/50 chance of bringing CF and everything that comes with it onto your child and into your life?

Again I am not saying it is morally wrong for someone to know that there is a likely chance of having a child with CF and still pursue parenthood by natural means. I also do not think it is wrong for parents to have a child that ends up having CF if they had no prior knowledge of carrying the gene. I simply don't understand because it is not something I - as a person with this disease - agree with and I would not do it myself.

I hope that wasn't difficult for anyone to read. I tried to be as non aggressive in my writing that as possible, so if you think I am directing anything within my post at you - unless I stated your name - you are under the wrong impression. I just wanted to get my feelings out there because like I said I have been keeping up with this thread the past few days. Initially I did not want to respond, but the same thoughts have been eating away at me for a few days.

Take Care and Have a good day,

If you have ANY problem with something I said feel free to PM me. I WILL reply.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>julie</b></i>

I'm confused now too. I keep coming back because I find *some* points of view interesting, even though they differ from mine.

But I have to ask this, can someone clairify Agent X's opinion for me? I've read some of the post but don't quite get the point he/she is attempting to make....

Also, agent X... not that it matters, but what is your relationship to CF? Just curious.

............ still scratching</end quote></div>

My significant other has CF, that is my relationship to it.

My point is that some couples want to have children naturally. For whatever reason, they don't want to adopt or do IVF. That is a separate debate but I think we need to accept some people just are that way, religious or personal reasons, I'm not sure. What is left? Well, the risk for CF is left, or no child at all. I am saying it's not morally wrong that they choose the risk, it's not cruel or evil. It may not be very reasonable, but still, I don't think it is as bad as those that make it out to be, due to the fact those with CF can have worthwhile and happy lives.

-Agent X


New member
Coltsfan, I don't think it's fair or honest to say I was repeating points to continue conflict. I like to converse and reply to others, rather than ignore them, if four people create posts all addressed to me, I don't assume they all have read everything I have said, or else not all of those people would need to be saying the same things. I'm sure it is easier to villify me since I posted anonymously, but I don't see anywhere where I have been out of line. I also believe that if something is not clear then it needs to be clarified or elaborated on. If I have repeated anything just for conflict, please someone point it out to me. I have visited this forum for over a year and knew people could get angry but never expected them to get so personal. What did I do to anger you?

-Agent X


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Diane</b></i>

Kybert, now you have me so curious, what is the photo of? If you'd rather not say on the board , you can send me an email..........</end quote></div>

its a photo of my brother a month, or maybe even days, before he died at age 14. really puts this disease into persepctive. its not a blessing, it doesnt mean you are lucky, and it is THAT bad.

of course, i would never post the photo out of respect for my brother and family.


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Thanks Amy. I needed a good laugh after reading this exhausting thread!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
This has got to be the saddest forum I have read!!

Some are balking at religion but maybe if you had faith in
God it would make it easier for you to handle your disease. Believing that there is a reason why things happen the way they do.

I have two girls with CF. Did I intentionally set out to get pregnant again - no -but
it did happen. When it did happen - the odds were in my favor 25% that she would have CF -- 75% that she would NOT!!! If someone told me, I had a 75% chance at winning the lottery I would be out there buying my ticket.

I do not regret one minute the decision I made to have my daughter. My girls are
so close and share a special bond that I cannot even explain. CF has made our
family closer than I could have ever imagined. I believe that this disease as bad
as it may be has taught our family the value of life and the beauty in each day.
Something that I didnt appreciate or value when I had my son.

Yes, I have watched people with CF die also. But, it has definitely not made me
bitter (which is how some of you sound). Life throws curves to everyone. CF just
happens to be ours.

If my daughters were to start whining about CF, I would remind them of other people who have to suffer with other diseases. I teach them about other kids who have other illnesses and explain the different symptoms so that they see that everyone has something to deal with.

You are right, I dont know what the future will hold but I know that whatever it is
we will be one family together who has incredible memories and a love & bond that will outlive death!!

Deb<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

Mom to Thomas (15 no CF)
Tara (13 w/CF)
Tina (10 w/CF)


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Some are balking at religion but maybe if you had faith in God it would make it easier for you to handle your disease. Believing that there is a reason why things happen the way they do.
</end quote></div>

I believe in God. Very much so, in fact. It doesn't make it any easier, for me, it just gave me someone to be mad at. I can't imagine a GOOD reason to take my husband so young. There isn't one that springs to my mind. Never will be.

Now, you and I are obviously not going to agree on the percieved morality of having more kids with CF, but I do want to say something about this:

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>If my daughters were to start whining about CF, I would remind them of other people who have to suffer with other diseases. I teach them about other kids who have other illnesses and explain the different symptoms so that they see that everyone has something to deal with.</end quote></div>

Eventualy, all people with CF get ticked off about having it. Rightly so. If you don't let them talk to you about it, they'll end up on forums like this one, saying how they can't tell thier families, because they don't understand.