"THE PLAN" (((HUGS))) + MORE (((HUGS)))


New member
Okay, Ladies.

Jake and I went to the "review" yesterday, and overall it went well when I got over the<b> shock</b>...More on that later...

Jake semen analysis was EXCELLENT. As a matter of fact, the doctor and PA had a hard time keeping their smiles hidden. The doctor cracked a joke about how he has the South American sperm. Basically, he could just "look" at a woman and get her pregnant. The doctor even joked about how Jake's sperm count was one of the HIGHEST he's EVER SEEN. So there was no problem in that area.

Next, me...Well, I DON'T have an official diagnosis of PCOS. According to the transvaginal ultrasound, the right ovary was fine. The left ovary had 8 follicles which is slightly high; however, the bloodwork came back "undetermined". Basically if I do have PCOS, it is VERY MILD. He thinks that I ovulate at least 9 times a year, so 9 cycles out of 12.

He then moved on to the uterine ultrasound and informed us that that was "perfectly fine". <b>Then came the tube test...</b>

Well, even though the tubes came up open...he still is <b>positive</b> without a doubt that the burst appendix and 3 feet of colon resection caused permanent damage. He thinks that the egg may be released but never enters the tubes due to scar tissue possibly blocking the entrance to them. He is concerned because I have NEVER EVEN HAD AN ETOPIC PREGNANCY. NO DOCTOR WILL EVEN TOUCH ME WITH A 10 FOOT POLE TO FIND OUT INTERNALLY IF THERE IS SCAR TISSUE.

The OTHER POSSIBLE question is my cervical mucus. HONESTLY, I PRAYING THAT IS THE PROBLEM. He didn't test it, but we have come to a decision...

He suggested to try 2 cycles of Clomid and IUI. If that fails, then we will try IVF. If the scarring is the problem, then IUI most likely won't work. If the cervical mucus is the problem, then IUI + Clomid MIGHT do the trick. We will start with my next cycle due Labor Day weekend.

Please bear with my way of thinking...If CM is the problem, isn't there a possiblity that that is why I haven't had even an etopic pregnancy??? Is there hope or am I just "praying for a miracle" or in complete "denial".

I asked him if he ever worked with a CF women, and he said "no". However, he has worked with CF men and carrier parents. He has over 40 years of experience so I trust him to do fine, but doesn't that put odds more in my favor with the abnormal cervical mucus???

Anyway, he then ordered a Progesterone and Estrogen level. My Estrogen was 105, I think, and my Progesterone was 85. He said that I DID ovulate this month. So was it yesterday or 1 week prior??? How soon could you tell by a bloodtest???


Also, I have the mutations G542X & R553X.

Anyway, I'm still in SHOCK about the surgeries that I had 11 and 13 years ago...There was absolutely nothing that I could have done. NOTHING. Yet tears fill my eyes now with just typing it. How could something from that long ago come back to haunt me years later??? It's NOT fair!!! Didn't I go through enough BS then without it coming back now???

Jake has been more than supportive. My parents will find out later day. They are already somewhat aware. Heck, my father is ready to hunt Dr. Warren down and beat him up. If only he hadn't MISDIAGNOSED me with a VIRAL INFECTION and sent me home of Cipro to nearly die...


New member
Okay, Ladies.

Jake and I went to the "review" yesterday, and overall it went well when I got over the<b> shock</b>...More on that later...

Jake semen analysis was EXCELLENT. As a matter of fact, the doctor and PA had a hard time keeping their smiles hidden. The doctor cracked a joke about how he has the South American sperm. Basically, he could just "look" at a woman and get her pregnant. The doctor even joked about how Jake's sperm count was one of the HIGHEST he's EVER SEEN. So there was no problem in that area.

Next, me...Well, I DON'T have an official diagnosis of PCOS. According to the transvaginal ultrasound, the right ovary was fine. The left ovary had 8 follicles which is slightly high; however, the bloodwork came back "undetermined". Basically if I do have PCOS, it is VERY MILD. He thinks that I ovulate at least 9 times a year, so 9 cycles out of 12.

He then moved on to the uterine ultrasound and informed us that that was "perfectly fine". <b>Then came the tube test...</b>

Well, even though the tubes came up open...he still is <b>positive</b> without a doubt that the burst appendix and 3 feet of colon resection caused permanent damage. He thinks that the egg may be released but never enters the tubes due to scar tissue possibly blocking the entrance to them. He is concerned because I have NEVER EVEN HAD AN ETOPIC PREGNANCY. NO DOCTOR WILL EVEN TOUCH ME WITH A 10 FOOT POLE TO FIND OUT INTERNALLY IF THERE IS SCAR TISSUE.

The OTHER POSSIBLE question is my cervical mucus. HONESTLY, I PRAYING THAT IS THE PROBLEM. He didn't test it, but we have come to a decision...

He suggested to try 2 cycles of Clomid and IUI. If that fails, then we will try IVF. If the scarring is the problem, then IUI most likely won't work. If the cervical mucus is the problem, then IUI + Clomid MIGHT do the trick. We will start with my next cycle due Labor Day weekend.

Please bear with my way of thinking...If CM is the problem, isn't there a possiblity that that is why I haven't had even an etopic pregnancy??? Is there hope or am I just "praying for a miracle" or in complete "denial".

I asked him if he ever worked with a CF women, and he said "no". However, he has worked with CF men and carrier parents. He has over 40 years of experience so I trust him to do fine, but doesn't that put odds more in my favor with the abnormal cervical mucus???

Anyway, he then ordered a Progesterone and Estrogen level. My Estrogen was 105, I think, and my Progesterone was 85. He said that I DID ovulate this month. So was it yesterday or 1 week prior??? How soon could you tell by a bloodtest???


Also, I have the mutations G542X & R553X.

Anyway, I'm still in SHOCK about the surgeries that I had 11 and 13 years ago...There was absolutely nothing that I could have done. NOTHING. Yet tears fill my eyes now with just typing it. How could something from that long ago come back to haunt me years later??? It's NOT fair!!! Didn't I go through enough BS then without it coming back now???

Jake has been more than supportive. My parents will find out later day. They are already somewhat aware. Heck, my father is ready to hunt Dr. Warren down and beat him up. If only he hadn't MISDIAGNOSED me with a VIRAL INFECTION and sent me home of Cipro to nearly die...


New member
Okay, Ladies.

Jake and I went to the "review" yesterday, and overall it went well when I got over the<b> shock</b>...More on that later...

Jake semen analysis was EXCELLENT. As a matter of fact, the doctor and PA had a hard time keeping their smiles hidden. The doctor cracked a joke about how he has the South American sperm. Basically, he could just "look" at a woman and get her pregnant. The doctor even joked about how Jake's sperm count was one of the HIGHEST he's EVER SEEN. So there was no problem in that area.

Next, me...Well, I DON'T have an official diagnosis of PCOS. According to the transvaginal ultrasound, the right ovary was fine. The left ovary had 8 follicles which is slightly high; however, the bloodwork came back "undetermined". Basically if I do have PCOS, it is VERY MILD. He thinks that I ovulate at least 9 times a year, so 9 cycles out of 12.

He then moved on to the uterine ultrasound and informed us that that was "perfectly fine". <b>Then came the tube test...</b>

Well, even though the tubes came up open...he still is <b>positive</b> without a doubt that the burst appendix and 3 feet of colon resection caused permanent damage. He thinks that the egg may be released but never enters the tubes due to scar tissue possibly blocking the entrance to them. He is concerned because I have NEVER EVEN HAD AN ETOPIC PREGNANCY. NO DOCTOR WILL EVEN TOUCH ME WITH A 10 FOOT POLE TO FIND OUT INTERNALLY IF THERE IS SCAR TISSUE.

The OTHER POSSIBLE question is my cervical mucus. HONESTLY, I PRAYING THAT IS THE PROBLEM. He didn't test it, but we have come to a decision...

He suggested to try 2 cycles of Clomid and IUI. If that fails, then we will try IVF. If the scarring is the problem, then IUI most likely won't work. If the cervical mucus is the problem, then IUI + Clomid MIGHT do the trick. We will start with my next cycle due Labor Day weekend.

Please bear with my way of thinking...If CM is the problem, isn't there a possiblity that that is why I haven't had even an etopic pregnancy??? Is there hope or am I just "praying for a miracle" or in complete "denial".

I asked him if he ever worked with a CF women, and he said "no". However, he has worked with CF men and carrier parents. He has over 40 years of experience so I trust him to do fine, but doesn't that put odds more in my favor with the abnormal cervical mucus???

Anyway, he then ordered a Progesterone and Estrogen level. My Estrogen was 105, I think, and my Progesterone was 85. He said that I DID ovulate this month. So was it yesterday or 1 week prior??? How soon could you tell by a bloodtest???


Also, I have the mutations G542X & R553X.

Anyway, I'm still in SHOCK about the surgeries that I had 11 and 13 years ago...There was absolutely nothing that I could have done. NOTHING. Yet tears fill my eyes now with just typing it. How could something from that long ago come back to haunt me years later??? It's NOT fair!!! Didn't I go through enough BS then without it coming back now???

Jake has been more than supportive. My parents will find out later day. They are already somewhat aware. Heck, my father is ready to hunt Dr. Warren down and beat him up. If only he hadn't MISDIAGNOSED me with a VIRAL INFECTION and sent me home of Cipro to nearly die...


New member
Okay, Ladies.

Jake and I went to the "review" yesterday, and overall it went well when I got over the<b> shock</b>...More on that later...

Jake semen analysis was EXCELLENT. As a matter of fact, the doctor and PA had a hard time keeping their smiles hidden. The doctor cracked a joke about how he has the South American sperm. Basically, he could just "look" at a woman and get her pregnant. The doctor even joked about how Jake's sperm count was one of the HIGHEST he's EVER SEEN. So there was no problem in that area.

Next, me...Well, I DON'T have an official diagnosis of PCOS. According to the transvaginal ultrasound, the right ovary was fine. The left ovary had 8 follicles which is slightly high; however, the bloodwork came back "undetermined". Basically if I do have PCOS, it is VERY MILD. He thinks that I ovulate at least 9 times a year, so 9 cycles out of 12.

He then moved on to the uterine ultrasound and informed us that that was "perfectly fine". <b>Then came the tube test...</b>

Well, even though the tubes came up open...he still is <b>positive</b> without a doubt that the burst appendix and 3 feet of colon resection caused permanent damage. He thinks that the egg may be released but never enters the tubes due to scar tissue possibly blocking the entrance to them. He is concerned because I have NEVER EVEN HAD AN ETOPIC PREGNANCY. NO DOCTOR WILL EVEN TOUCH ME WITH A 10 FOOT POLE TO FIND OUT INTERNALLY IF THERE IS SCAR TISSUE.

The OTHER POSSIBLE question is my cervical mucus. HONESTLY, I PRAYING THAT IS THE PROBLEM. He didn't test it, but we have come to a decision...

He suggested to try 2 cycles of Clomid and IUI. If that fails, then we will try IVF. If the scarring is the problem, then IUI most likely won't work. If the cervical mucus is the problem, then IUI + Clomid MIGHT do the trick. We will start with my next cycle due Labor Day weekend.

Please bear with my way of thinking...If CM is the problem, isn't there a possiblity that that is why I haven't had even an etopic pregnancy??? Is there hope or am I just "praying for a miracle" or in complete "denial".

I asked him if he ever worked with a CF women, and he said "no". However, he has worked with CF men and carrier parents. He has over 40 years of experience so I trust him to do fine, but doesn't that put odds more in my favor with the abnormal cervical mucus???

Anyway, he then ordered a Progesterone and Estrogen level. My Estrogen was 105, I think, and my Progesterone was 85. He said that I DID ovulate this month. So was it yesterday or 1 week prior??? How soon could you tell by a bloodtest???


Also, I have the mutations G542X & R553X.

Anyway, I'm still in SHOCK about the surgeries that I had 11 and 13 years ago...There was absolutely nothing that I could have done. NOTHING. Yet tears fill my eyes now with just typing it. How could something from that long ago come back to haunt me years later??? It's NOT fair!!! Didn't I go through enough BS then without it coming back now???

Jake has been more than supportive. My parents will find out later day. They are already somewhat aware. Heck, my father is ready to hunt Dr. Warren down and beat him up. If only he hadn't MISDIAGNOSED me with a VIRAL INFECTION and sent me home of Cipro to nearly die...


New member
Okay, Ladies.

Jake and I went to the "review" yesterday, and overall it went well when I got over the<b> shock</b>...More on that later...

Jake semen analysis was EXCELLENT. As a matter of fact, the doctor and PA had a hard time keeping their smiles hidden. The doctor cracked a joke about how he has the South American sperm. Basically, he could just "look" at a woman and get her pregnant. The doctor even joked about how Jake's sperm count was one of the HIGHEST he's EVER SEEN. So there was no problem in that area.

Next, me...Well, I DON'T have an official diagnosis of PCOS. According to the transvaginal ultrasound, the right ovary was fine. The left ovary had 8 follicles which is slightly high; however, the bloodwork came back "undetermined". Basically if I do have PCOS, it is VERY MILD. He thinks that I ovulate at least 9 times a year, so 9 cycles out of 12.

He then moved on to the uterine ultrasound and informed us that that was "perfectly fine". <b>Then came the tube test...</b>

Well, even though the tubes came up open...he still is <b>positive</b> without a doubt that the burst appendix and 3 feet of colon resection caused permanent damage. He thinks that the egg may be released but never enters the tubes due to scar tissue possibly blocking the entrance to them. He is concerned because I have NEVER EVEN HAD AN ETOPIC PREGNANCY. NO DOCTOR WILL EVEN TOUCH ME WITH A 10 FOOT POLE TO FIND OUT INTERNALLY IF THERE IS SCAR TISSUE.

The OTHER POSSIBLE question is my cervical mucus. HONESTLY, I PRAYING THAT IS THE PROBLEM. He didn't test it, but we have come to a decision...

He suggested to try 2 cycles of Clomid and IUI. If that fails, then we will try IVF. If the scarring is the problem, then IUI most likely won't work. If the cervical mucus is the problem, then IUI + Clomid MIGHT do the trick. We will start with my next cycle due Labor Day weekend.

Please bear with my way of thinking...If CM is the problem, isn't there a possiblity that that is why I haven't had even an etopic pregnancy??? Is there hope or am I just "praying for a miracle" or in complete "denial".

I asked him if he ever worked with a CF women, and he said "no". However, he has worked with CF men and carrier parents. He has over 40 years of experience so I trust him to do fine, but doesn't that put odds more in my favor with the abnormal cervical mucus???

Anyway, he then ordered a Progesterone and Estrogen level. My Estrogen was 105, I think, and my Progesterone was 85. He said that I DID ovulate this month. So was it yesterday or 1 week prior??? How soon could you tell by a bloodtest???


Also, I have the mutations G542X & R553X.

Anyway, I'm still in SHOCK about the surgeries that I had 11 and 13 years ago...There was absolutely nothing that I could have done. NOTHING. Yet tears fill my eyes now with just typing it. How could something from that long ago come back to haunt me years later??? It's NOT fair!!! Didn't I go through enough BS then without it coming back now???

Jake has been more than supportive. My parents will find out later day. They are already somewhat aware. Heck, my father is ready to hunt Dr. Warren down and beat him up. If only he hadn't MISDIAGNOSED me with a VIRAL INFECTION and sent me home of Cipro to nearly die...


New member

best of luck to you and my thoughts are with you. I am with the above I would go IVF because of fear of mutliples being greater with the other. Also isn't it only like 25% sucess rate compared to over 50 % with ivf?


New member

best of luck to you and my thoughts are with you. I am with the above I would go IVF because of fear of mutliples being greater with the other. Also isn't it only like 25% sucess rate compared to over 50 % with ivf?


New member

best of luck to you and my thoughts are with you. I am with the above I would go IVF because of fear of mutliples being greater with the other. Also isn't it only like 25% sucess rate compared to over 50 % with ivf?


New member

best of luck to you and my thoughts are with you. I am with the above I would go IVF because of fear of mutliples being greater with the other. Also isn't it only like 25% sucess rate compared to over 50 % with ivf?


New member

best of luck to you and my thoughts are with you. I am with the above I would go IVF because of fear of mutliples being greater with the other. Also isn't it only like 25% sucess rate compared to over 50 % with ivf?


New member

Actually, that is why they are putting me of Clomid for the IUI. With Clomid, I will ovulate with more than 1 egg which means that I have a 30 - 40% success rate. If I don't take Clomid, I will only have 1 egg with a success rate of 10%! That is the only reason why they are putting me on Clomid. I do ovulate. It's just that you have a HIGHER SUCCESS RATE with IUI when Clomid is added because you release more than 1 egg. We are going to try it. We have the funds to pay for the whole 2 cycles of IUI with straight cash. We even have the funds to pay for the IVF but will most likely wait until early next year to do that. If we jump straight to IVF, there goes 3/4 of our savings. We have been saving for awhile...for the procedures and house.

Yes, the idea of multiples has come up which really wasn't a surprise to me. The chance of twins is 1 in 10. The chance of triplets is 1 in 100. Now we all know the odds I have for unusual stuff to happen, but I banking on no more than twins. Actually if it takes, I'm nearly banking on twins. I have already spoken to my CF doctor about the possibility of twins, and he says that I should be "okay" with that. The chance of triplets wasn't discussed...<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member

Actually, that is why they are putting me of Clomid for the IUI. With Clomid, I will ovulate with more than 1 egg which means that I have a 30 - 40% success rate. If I don't take Clomid, I will only have 1 egg with a success rate of 10%! That is the only reason why they are putting me on Clomid. I do ovulate. It's just that you have a HIGHER SUCCESS RATE with IUI when Clomid is added because you release more than 1 egg. We are going to try it. We have the funds to pay for the whole 2 cycles of IUI with straight cash. We even have the funds to pay for the IVF but will most likely wait until early next year to do that. If we jump straight to IVF, there goes 3/4 of our savings. We have been saving for awhile...for the procedures and house.

Yes, the idea of multiples has come up which really wasn't a surprise to me. The chance of twins is 1 in 10. The chance of triplets is 1 in 100. Now we all know the odds I have for unusual stuff to happen, but I banking on no more than twins. Actually if it takes, I'm nearly banking on twins. I have already spoken to my CF doctor about the possibility of twins, and he says that I should be "okay" with that. The chance of triplets wasn't discussed...<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member

Actually, that is why they are putting me of Clomid for the IUI. With Clomid, I will ovulate with more than 1 egg which means that I have a 30 - 40% success rate. If I don't take Clomid, I will only have 1 egg with a success rate of 10%! That is the only reason why they are putting me on Clomid. I do ovulate. It's just that you have a HIGHER SUCCESS RATE with IUI when Clomid is added because you release more than 1 egg. We are going to try it. We have the funds to pay for the whole 2 cycles of IUI with straight cash. We even have the funds to pay for the IVF but will most likely wait until early next year to do that. If we jump straight to IVF, there goes 3/4 of our savings. We have been saving for awhile...for the procedures and house.

Yes, the idea of multiples has come up which really wasn't a surprise to me. The chance of twins is 1 in 10. The chance of triplets is 1 in 100. Now we all know the odds I have for unusual stuff to happen, but I banking on no more than twins. Actually if it takes, I'm nearly banking on twins. I have already spoken to my CF doctor about the possibility of twins, and he says that I should be "okay" with that. The chance of triplets wasn't discussed...<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member

Actually, that is why they are putting me of Clomid for the IUI. With Clomid, I will ovulate with more than 1 egg which means that I have a 30 - 40% success rate. If I don't take Clomid, I will only have 1 egg with a success rate of 10%! That is the only reason why they are putting me on Clomid. I do ovulate. It's just that you have a HIGHER SUCCESS RATE with IUI when Clomid is added because you release more than 1 egg. We are going to try it. We have the funds to pay for the whole 2 cycles of IUI with straight cash. We even have the funds to pay for the IVF but will most likely wait until early next year to do that. If we jump straight to IVF, there goes 3/4 of our savings. We have been saving for awhile...for the procedures and house.

Yes, the idea of multiples has come up which really wasn't a surprise to me. The chance of twins is 1 in 10. The chance of triplets is 1 in 100. Now we all know the odds I have for unusual stuff to happen, but I banking on no more than twins. Actually if it takes, I'm nearly banking on twins. I have already spoken to my CF doctor about the possibility of twins, and he says that I should be "okay" with that. The chance of triplets wasn't discussed...<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member

Actually, that is why they are putting me of Clomid for the IUI. With Clomid, I will ovulate with more than 1 egg which means that I have a 30 - 40% success rate. If I don't take Clomid, I will only have 1 egg with a success rate of 10%! That is the only reason why they are putting me on Clomid. I do ovulate. It's just that you have a HIGHER SUCCESS RATE with IUI when Clomid is added because you release more than 1 egg. We are going to try it. We have the funds to pay for the whole 2 cycles of IUI with straight cash. We even have the funds to pay for the IVF but will most likely wait until early next year to do that. If we jump straight to IVF, there goes 3/4 of our savings. We have been saving for awhile...for the procedures and house.

Yes, the idea of multiples has come up which really wasn't a surprise to me. The chance of twins is 1 in 10. The chance of triplets is 1 in 100. Now we all know the odds I have for unusual stuff to happen, but I banking on no more than twins. Actually if it takes, I'm nearly banking on twins. I have already spoken to my CF doctor about the possibility of twins, and he says that I should be "okay" with that. The chance of triplets wasn't discussed...<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">