transitioning from mask to mouthpiece


New member
I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter with CF. The mask is beginning to irritate her nose and I was thinking of trying to transition to the mouthpiece. Is 3 1/2 too early? Does anyone have any suggestions? Any tips on teaching them to breathe in through their mouth and out through their nose? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much,


New member
I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter with CF. The mask is beginning to irritate her nose and I was thinking of trying to transition to the mouthpiece. Is 3 1/2 too early? Does anyone have any suggestions? Any tips on teaching them to breathe in through their mouth and out through their nose? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much,


New member
I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter with CF. The mask is beginning to irritate her nose and I was thinking of trying to transition to the mouthpiece. Is 3 1/2 too early? Does anyone have any suggestions? Any tips on teaching them to breathe in through their mouth and out through their nose? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much,


New member
I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter with CF. The mask is beginning to irritate her nose and I was thinking of trying to transition to the mouthpiece. Is 3 1/2 too early? Does anyone have any suggestions? Any tips on teaching them to breathe in through their mouth and out through their nose? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much,


New member
I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter with CF. The mask is beginning to irritate her nose and I was thinking of trying to transition to the mouthpiece. Is 3 1/2 too early? Does anyone have any suggestions? Any tips on teaching them to breathe in through their mouth and out through their nose? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated!
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<br />Thank you so much,
<br />-Holly


Staff member
Our first tobi kit came with a nose plug. And DS was probably that age if not younger when we first used it. We helped him to hold it and he actually liked doing it because it was something new. 'Course the novelty did wear off. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> He prefers the mask for hands free video gaming.


Staff member
Our first tobi kit came with a nose plug. And DS was probably that age if not younger when we first used it. We helped him to hold it and he actually liked doing it because it was something new. 'Course the novelty did wear off. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> He prefers the mask for hands free video gaming.


Staff member
Our first tobi kit came with a nose plug. And DS was probably that age if not younger when we first used it. We helped him to hold it and he actually liked doing it because it was something new. 'Course the novelty did wear off. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> He prefers the mask for hands free video gaming.


Staff member
Our first tobi kit came with a nose plug. And DS was probably that age if not younger when we first used it. We helped him to hold it and he actually liked doing it because it was something new. 'Course the novelty did wear off. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> He prefers the mask for hands free video gaming.


Staff member
Our first tobi kit came with a nose plug. And DS was probably that age if not younger when we first used it. We helped him to hold it and he actually liked doing it because it was something new. 'Course the novelty did wear off. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> He prefers the mask for hands free video gaming.
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New member
Thank you! We tried it this morning and she was really into it also I think because of the novelty of something new. I was so overcome with anxiety over whether or not anything was getting into her lungs though, and she did not always keep her mouth sealed around the mouthpiece. I tried to hold one in my mouth with her and I actually kind of gagged.??? Does anyone have a young kid able to use the mouthpiece properly or am I just trying too soon?


New member
Thank you! We tried it this morning and she was really into it also I think because of the novelty of something new. I was so overcome with anxiety over whether or not anything was getting into her lungs though, and she did not always keep her mouth sealed around the mouthpiece. I tried to hold one in my mouth with her and I actually kind of gagged.??? Does anyone have a young kid able to use the mouthpiece properly or am I just trying too soon?


New member
Thank you! We tried it this morning and she was really into it also I think because of the novelty of something new. I was so overcome with anxiety over whether or not anything was getting into her lungs though, and she did not always keep her mouth sealed around the mouthpiece. I tried to hold one in my mouth with her and I actually kind of gagged.??? Does anyone have a young kid able to use the mouthpiece properly or am I just trying too soon?


New member
Thank you! We tried it this morning and she was really into it also I think because of the novelty of something new. I was so overcome with anxiety over whether or not anything was getting into her lungs though, and she did not always keep her mouth sealed around the mouthpiece. I tried to hold one in my mouth with her and I actually kind of gagged.??? Does anyone have a young kid able to use the mouthpiece properly or am I just trying too soon?


New member
Thank you! We tried it this morning and she was really into it also I think because of the novelty of something new. I was so overcome with anxiety over whether or not anything was getting into her lungs though, and she did not always keep her mouth sealed around the mouthpiece. I tried to hold one in my mouth with her and I actually kind of gagged.??? Does anyone have a young kid able to use the mouthpiece properly or am I just trying too soon?
<br />-Holly